I had dinner and walked to the balcony. Watching the golden glow was filled with the earth, the children rolled on the lawn, sweating, and the child smiled and smiled happily under the embellishment of Xia Guang.
I stood on the balcony and looked up at the sky. The red and Jin Chancan sunset made me see fascinated. Am I dazzling, and there were sheep floating in the sky?I was a little surprised. Looking carefully, it turned out to be clouds!
The clouds like sheep walked in the sky, as if eating grass; a lamb chased her mother in a panic behind, and I was even more surprised. Looking closely, there were a few wolves rushing to the lamb in the back, that oneThe lamb got up and disappeared.Suddenly, there was a lion behind the back, which was exactly the same as the stone lion in front of my house. There were chicks next to the pecking worms, and a kitten rolled under the tree ... Looking at it, these animals were blurred.After a while, these strange animals disappeared.
The beautiful scene was gone, leaving only the gradually black sky.I sighed, walked into the room, looking forward to the sunset tomorrow.
Born my hometown, how many dreamy and colorful memories do you leave me -the campaign stars and fragrant flowers; that look like a crusher crusher.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
Born my hometown, how many dreamy and colorful memories do you leave me -the campaign stars and fragrant flowers; that look like a crusher crusher.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
However, what makes me never forget is the sunset of my hometown.In the summer evening, when you take a walk, you will feel shrouded in a beautiful scenery.When you look at the sky in the west, the rosy cloud block changes the shape in the sky, sometimes like a giant, sometimes like a male lion, sometimes like a variety of color mountains.The orange landscape shot directly through the clouds, as if the sky was opened, and a magnificent dance drama was about to begin.Slowly, the sun was covered by gray -black clouds.The light was dim, as if anyone accidentally overturned the ink bottle, and the sky was stained with a layer of black.
However, what makes me never forget is the sunset of my hometown.In the summer evening, when you take a walk, you will feel shrouded in a beautiful scenery.When you look at the sky in the west, the rosy cloud block changes the shape in the sky, sometimes like a giant, sometimes like a male lion, sometimes like a variety of color mountains.The orange landscape shot directly through the clouds, as if the sky was opened, and a magnificent dance drama was about to begin.Slowly, the sun was covered by gray -black clouds.The light was dim, as if anyone accidentally overturned the ink bottle, and the sky was stained with a layer of black.
Gradually, the black clouds were scattered again.The sun reflects the gentle surplus to the ground, and the light is not dazzling at all. The flowers and trees become orange -red, the golden crops become golden red, the purple mountains become rosewood, and the small villages in the distance have changed.It's colorful!It's so refreshing!I really want to let go of my throat and sing a song, express my unstoppable feelings in my heart, and want to chant a small poem to praise this beautiful scene.
Gradually, the black clouds were scattered again.The sun reflects the gentle surplus to the ground, and the light is not dazzling at all. The flowers and trees become orange -red, the golden crops become golden red, the purple mountains become rosewood, and the small villages in the distance have changed.It's colorful!It's so refreshing!I really want to let go of my throat and sing a song, express my unstoppable feelings in my heart, and want to chant a small poem to praise this beautiful scene.
what!The beautiful and charming scene of the sunset makes a thought in my mind: the teenagers of our lives and the twilight years, like the sun and the sunset in nature. Although they are short, they are all gorgeous and beautiful.
what!The beautiful and charming scene of the sunset makes a thought in my mind: the teenagers of our lives and the twilight years, like the sun and the sunset in nature. Although they are short, they are all gorgeous and beautiful.
I love the sunset in my hometown!
I love the sunset in my hometown!
Born my hometown, how many dreamy and colorful memories do you leave me -the campaign stars and fragrant flowers; that look like a crusher crusher.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
Born my hometown, how many dreamy and colorful memories do you leave me -the campaign stars and fragrant flowers; that look like a crusher crusher.EssenceEssenceEssenceEssenceEssence
However, what makes me never forget is the sunset of my hometown.In the summer evening, when you take a walk, you will feel shrouded in a beautiful scenery.When you look at the sky in the west, the rosy cloud block changes the shape in the sky, sometimes like a giant, sometimes like a male lion, sometimes like a variety of color mountains.The orange landscape shot directly through the clouds, as if the sky was opened, and a magnificent dance drama was about to begin.Slowly, the sun was covered by gray -black clouds.The light was dim, as if anyone accidentally overturned the ink bottle, and the sky was stained with a layer of black.
However, what makes me never forget is the sunset of my hometown.In the summer evening, when you take a walk, you will feel shrouded in a beautiful scenery.When you look at the sky in the west, the rosy cloud block changes the shape in the sky, sometimes like a giant, sometimes like a male lion, sometimes like a variety of color mountains.The orange landscape shot directly through the clouds, as if the sky was opened, and a magnificent dance drama was about to begin.Slowly, the sun was covered by gray -black clouds.The light was dim, as if anyone accidentally overturned the ink bottle, and the sky was stained with a layer of black.
Gradually, the black clouds were scattered again.The sun reflects the gentle surplus to the ground, and the light is not dazzling at all. The flowers and trees become orange -red, the golden crops become golden red, the purple mountains become rosewood, and the small villages in the distance have changed.It's colorful!It's so refreshing!I really want to let go of my throat and sing a song, express my unstoppable feelings in my heart, and want to chant a small poem to praise this beautiful scene.
Gradually, the black clouds were scattered again.The sun reflects the gentle surplus to the ground, and the light is not dazzling at all. The flowers and trees become orange -red, the golden crops become golden red, the purple mountains become rosewood, and the small villages in the distance have changed.It's colorful!It's so refreshing!I really want to let go of my throat and sing a song, express my unstoppable feelings in my heart, and want to chant a small poem to praise this beautiful scene.
what!The beautiful and charming scene of the sunset makes a thought in my mind: the teenagers of our lives and the twilight years, like the sun and the sunset in nature. Although they are short, they are all gorgeous and beautiful.
what!The beautiful and charming scene of the sunset makes a thought in my mind: the teenagers of our lives and the twilight years, like the sun and the sunset in nature. Although they are short, they are all gorgeous and beautiful.
I love the sunset in my hometown!
I love the sunset in my hometown!
我喜欢看家乡太阳西下时那迷人的晚霞,它不仅五光十色,还能像神奇的魔术师一样千变万化,有趣极了。 你快看,从天边奔跑来一匹骏马,它在广阔的云海李奔驰着。可是一下子的功夫就从你的眼前匆匆掠过,不知又到哪里去了。我心想,它一定是匹千里马,不然怎么可能一转眼就不见了?远处有冲出一头大象,长长的鼻子像上高高翘起,鼻子下面有两颗又大又长的象牙,四肢粗壮的腿支撑着一堵墙似的身体,而那绳儿似的小尾巴卷了一个圈。大象把扇子般大小的耳朵张开了,仿佛要扇动耳朵准备腾空而起。就在这时,有位仙女向着大象走来,粉红的裙子随风飘动。再定睛一看,她手里拿着一根魔杖,在灿烂的笑着。只见她对大象的头轻轻一点,刚刚要腾空而起的大象立即变得和羊儿一样温顺,仙女坐在它的背上飞向远方,留下了一条用五彩缤纷的花儿铺成的道路。他们变化的是那么自然,那么迅速,那么耐人寻味。 晚霞色彩变化极多,一会儿白色,一会儿金黄色,一会儿半紫半黄,又变成粉红色,粉红色又变为了一种我从未见过的颜色——金黄色中透着火红色!一眨眼,又变成了紫檀色……晚霞真是变化无穷啊! 绚丽的晚霞呀,你弥漫了大半天,像铺开的一幅巨大的瑰丽锦缎,而且你是那样的千变万化,怎么能不深深地吸引住我呢?
I like to watch the charming sunset when my hometown is west. It is not only five light and ten colors, but also as ever -changing like a magical magician. Look at it, run a horse from the sky, it is in the vast clouds of the sea. But suddenly the kung fu rushed across your eyes, and I don't know where to go. I thought, it must be a thousand miles, otherwise how could it be disappeared in a blink of an eye? There is an elephant rushing out in the distance. The long nose is raised high in high, and there are two large and long ivory under the nose. The thick legs of the limbs support a wall like a wall, and the rope looks like The small tail rolled a circle. The elephant opened the fan -like ears, as if it was about to fan the ears to prepare to get empty. At this moment, a fairy walked towards the elephant, and the pink skirt fluttered with the wind. Looking at it again, she was holding a wand in her hand and smiled brightly. I saw that she was slightly light about the elephant's head. The elephant who was about to be empty immediately became as docile as sheep. The fairy sat on his back and flew into the distance, leaving a colorful flower shop. The way to become. What they changed was so natural, so fast, so intriguing. The color of the sunset changes a lot, white, golden yellow, half -purple and half -yellow, and then pink, pink becomes a color that I have never seen -golden yellow flourish red! In a blink of an eye, it turned into a rosewood ... The sunset is really endless! Gorgeous sunset, you have been permeated for a long time, like a huge magnificent brilliant satin that is rolling, and you are so ever -changing. How can you not attract me deeply?
1、家乡:家乡读音为jiā xiāng,是指自己的家庭世代居住的地方。 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡家乡 jiā xiāng词语解释:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。[hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡分词解释:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。世代:1.时代;朝代。 2.年代。 3.累世;代代。 4.犹言继承﹑相承。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。...家乡怎么造句,用家乡造句»
2、晚霞:晚霞读音为wǎn xiá,是指日落时出现的云霞。 日落时出现的云霞晚霞 wǎn xiá词语意思:日落时出现的云霞。[afterglow;red sky at night;sunset clouds;sunset glow] 日落时出现的云霞分词解释:日落:太阳西下。出现:1.显露出来;呈现。 2.产生出来。云霞:1.彩霞。 2.借指高空。 3.比喻远离尘世的地方。 4.比喻百花。 5.像彩云一样艳丽的图案纹饰。 6.喻指文采。...晚霞怎么造句,用晚霞造句»
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