
时间:2022-07-26 13:28:21 | 来源:语文通



In our lives, there are many shortcomings of "clothing, food, housing and transportation", and I will tell you about the "travel" in life.Everyone should know that although there are cars, there are often unavoidable traffic jams and car accidents.In the near future, I want to invent a safe speed, what is the speed of the speed? Then look down.


Speed and ordinary cars are average! Its front end is a magical console with several buttons on it. There are large wings on both sides of the speed of the speed.One accelerator, don't underestimate it, it can greatly increase the speed of the speed.If you reach your destination, you may think that it must be landing.Then you are wrong. The speed will send a parachute to each passenger, and it will land slowly like a dandelion.


If you have anything, as long as you call, there will be several robots on the speeding vehicle. Some of them are urban beauty artists, some are waiters, and some are bodyguards ... In short, sweeping, dry, and guarding.


If the speeding car is attacked by unknown missiles, there is no need to press the button. There is an automatic sensor on the speed. Therefore, the speed will automatically give passengers on a double -layer protective cover to protect passengers' safety.


If there are children on the speeding car, in order to avoid children being too boring, you can ask the driver master to press the yellow button. The speed will pull a playground to let the children play freely. Therefore, it is a happy fruit.


Although this is not true, I still hope that it can come true one day.



1、神奇:神奇读音为shén qí,是指神妙奇特。 非常奇妙的拿着这张神奇的纸就可以和我一样通行无阻这一切初听起来过于神奇怪诞,却正反映了人民对屈原的无限怀念之情。——《长江三峡》神奇 shén qí词语意思:神妙奇特。[magic;miraculous;mystic;supernatural] 非常奇妙的拿着这张神奇的纸就可以和我一样通行无阻这一切初听起来过于神奇怪诞,却正反映了人民对屈原的无限怀念之情。——《长江三峡》分词解释:奇特:不寻常﹐特别。神妙:1.亦作“神眇”。 2.神奇巧妙。● 奇 qí ㄑㄧˊ◎ 特殊的,稀罕,不常见的:奇闻。奇迹。奇志。奇观。奇妙。奇巧。奇耻大辱。◎ 出人意料的,令人不测的:奇兵。奇计。奇袭。出奇制胜。◎ 惊异,引以为奇:奇怪。惊奇。不足为奇。● 奇 jī ㄐㄧˉ◎ 数目不成双的,与“偶”相对:奇数(不能被二整除的数,如一、三、五、七、九等,正的奇数亦称“单数”)。◎ 零数:奇零(不满整数的数)。奇羡(赢余,积存的财物)。有奇(如“八分奇奇”即八分多一点)。● 神 shén ㄕㄣˊ◎ 迷信的人称天地万物的创造者和所崇拜的人死后的精灵:神仙。神怪。神主。神社。神农。神甫。神权。鬼使神差。◎ 不可思议的,特别希奇的:神秘。神奇。神异。神话。神机妙算。◎ 不平凡的,特别高超的:神勇。神医。神通。神圣。神速。◎ 心思,心力,注意力:劳神。凝神。神魂颠倒。◎ 表情:神色。神采。神姿。神志。◎ 精神:神清气爽。◎ 姓。...神奇怎么造句,用神奇造句»

2、飞车:飞车读音为fēi chē,是指①骑车或开车飞快地行驶:飞车走壁。②飞快行驶的车:开飞车是造成交通事故的重要原因之一。飞车 fēi chē词语意思:①骑车或开车飞快地行驶:飞车走壁。②飞快行驶的车:开飞车是造成交通事故的重要原因之一。分词解释:飞快:①非常迅速:渔船鼓着白帆,飞快地向远处驶去 ㄧ日子过得飞快,转眼又是一年。②非常锋利:镰刀磨得飞快。飞车走壁:杂技的一种,演员骑着自行车或开着摩托车和特制的小汽车,在口大底小的木制的圆形建筑物内壁上奔驰。开车:①驾驶机动车:路滑,开车要注意安全。②泛指开动机器。...飞车怎么造句,用飞车造句»