
时间:2022-07-25 13:22:29 | 来源:语文通



Shen Shixi, I have been on his name for a long time.No, I picked up another book- "Legend of Monkey Monkey" and witnessed the moments of life and death after another.


There are many wonderful stories in this book, but the most touched story is the story of "Monkey Legend".This story tells a lot of torture since childhood, and encountered an unfortunate golden monkey, which was bullied by other monkeys in the monkey group. The reason was that it lost his mother since he was a child.Full hunger.The monkey is called Dabai tooth.When I was young, I saw this, and I couldn't help hate it. I felt that it should be beaten and it was bullied.When I look at it, I have other opinions, and I think it is very pitiful. It has made such a move, after all, it is also for survival.If you live in this environment, you have already abandoned himself, and it won't be long.And it is not like this, it is tenacious to survive, I think it fully proves its tenacity and loves life.


Later, in a chance, it passed by with death, and was watched by the king with its own actions, becoming a monkey (the most brave monkey). When I read this place, I was very relieved and thought that the life of Dabai tooth reached the turning point. But the danger occurred, and the green heads appeared near the monkey group, which specifically prey on the golden monkey. And then two little eagles were born, and the number of golden monkeys daily was more. In order to resolve this crisis, the monkey king took the monkey group to the nest of the Green Parlia, and wanted to kill two little eagles. When the monkey monkey big white teeth killed the little eagle, the big eagle came back. At this moment, the monkey group had retreated. It could not go down from the cliffs. The empty bird's nest was nowhere to hide. When it was caught by the big eagle, it found the princess climbing the monkey group on the rock wall. It thought: If the big eagle is not killed, the princess will be very dangerous. Suddenly, it had confidence, came to power, bit the wings of the big eagle, and exhausted with the big eagle. At this moment, my heart is very moved. A monkey can all sacrifice myself for my companion. At the moment of life, I can make such a strong move, which surprises me. It's as emotional as people. They will also have many places worth learning, not to mention that in real life, some people will sacrifice their companions for their own benefit, not even a monkey!


Therefore, monkeys can give their valuable life for their companions, and people should be the same. They should think about others!



I believe that there must be a lot of people who have read [Bing Monkey Legend], but my favorite is the one about the wolf.Saying here, there may be some people who do not know what the wolf me I said.Who is the wolf?Oh, no no, wolf is not human, so what is the wolf 獾?The marten bear is between the bear and the marten, with a body length of 80 to 100 cm, a weight of 8-14 kg, and a tail length of about 18 cm.The head is large, the back is bent, the limbs are short, the curved claws cannot be retracted, and the tail hair is fluffy.There is a light brown band on both sides of the body, starting from the shoulder wolf 獾 to the tail base, it looks like "crescent", so it is known as the "moon bear".It belongs to the national first -level protection animal.{Here the wolf is called a mink bears}.


At the beginning, I saw that the wolf is called "mountain demon son". I didn't have a good opinion of it, but at the end, I found out that this so -called "mountain demon" was also human, but in the eyes of the hunter"Zhuge Liang", "Cao Cao" is not like this, "Cao Cao" here specifically states that I am not scolding Cao Cao. In fact, even if Cao Cao is a gangster, you must add the two words before.Not to mention this, I run the topic.The hunter always sees the wolf as the highest glory. Once he is caught, he can be famous and become the best hunting god.It should be a smart animal that is more smart than the fox. It can easily get delicious food in the hunter trap, and to let the hunter fall into his own trap.However, it is an animal that knows Entu. The boy saved his family from the rush of the river. The wolf wolf not only helped him find food, but also regarded him as his son, and never regarded him as an outsider.


Animals are also human, you are good to it, and it is nice to you.As the so -called "people do not commit me, I do n’t offend people, if people commit me, I want to destroy it.” I think when the hunter can let go of a bloody knife, protect the animals, start with me.



1、传奇:传奇读音为chuán qí,是指①唐代短篇小说的称谓,如《柳毅传》。②明清时以演唱南曲为主的戏曲形式。由宋元南戏发展而来,也吸收元杂剧的优点。但情节处理更为紧凑,人物刻画更为细腻,脚色分工更为细致,音乐上采用宫调区分曲牌,兼唱北曲或南北合套。明中叶到清中叶最为盛行。今知明清两代传奇作者有七百余人,作品约二千六百种,现存《牡丹亭》、《鸣凤记》、《长生殿》、《桃花扇》等六百余种。③指情节离奇或人物行为不寻常的故事:传奇式。传奇 zhuàn qí词语解释:①唐代短篇小说的称谓,如《柳毅传》。②明清时以演唱南曲为主的戏曲形式。由宋元南戏发展而来,也吸收元杂剧的优点。但情节处理更为紧凑,人物刻画更为细腻,脚色分工更为细致,音乐上采用宫调区分曲牌,兼唱北曲或南北合套。明中叶到清中叶最为盛行。今知明清两代传奇作者有七百余人,作品约二千六百种,现存《牡丹亭》、《鸣凤记》、《长生殿》、《桃花扇》等六百余种。③指情节离奇或人物行为不寻常的故事:传奇式。分词解释:离奇:不平常;出人意料:情节离奇ㄧ离奇古怪ㄧ离奇的故事。北曲:①宋元以来北方诸宫调、散曲、戏曲所用的各种曲调的统称,调子豪壮朴实。②元代流行于北方的戏曲。参看〖杂剧〗。短篇小说:比较简短的小说,人物不多,结构紧凑。发展:①事物由小到大、由简单到复杂、由低级到高级的变化:事态还在发展ㄧ社会发展规律。②扩大(组织、规模等):发展新会员 ㄧ发展轻纺工业。...传奇怎么造句,用传奇造句»