In the fourth grade, I made a lecture on the stage for the first time. At that time, I was very anxious.
In order to better give this speech, I gradually drafted one week earlier. I changed it ten times during the period. I was still dissatisfied but I was not sure how to set it up. I could only stop it from this.During the draft, I was very worried that I was wrong in my speech.Therefore, a few days before the speech, I was not good at all, I couldn't sleep at night, and I couldn't eat it. My mother suspected that I was sick.I have not started a anxious gas field in my heart.
The speech began. I took the manuscript and looked at it.After the stage on the stage, I laughed a few times without losing civilization and politeness. I have seven or eight in my heart. Do n’t neglect. I encourage myself to take a deep breath and put the manuscript aside.In the past, thousands of novelty started, because of anxiety and anxiety became a rigid programmatic transaction, "Good friends."
Due to anxiety and anxiety, when speaking, I was diligent in seeing my classmates, but my eyes were always afraid of shrinking, and the two feet were ordered to put it down, and then clicked ... I tied my clothes with both hands.I was restless, but I was not reconciled.
The speech was still in the stumble, but I wanted to overcome the stage and abandon this speech, but if I care about the face, I am still talking. Due to anxiety, I am broken in my heart.Emotional is getting worse.
Is it a blessing or a disaster or a disaster?
I took a sigh of breath and expressed coherent language. I was anxious inside, and I had less, but I had such a movement or some.
After that, I ran to the part, sitting down my hips, and I realized that I felt so comfortable when I was sitting on the part!
1、不安:不安读音为bù ān,是指1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。不安 bù ān词典解释:1.不安定;不安宁。 2.不当,不稳妥。 3.不适,指有病。 4.客套话。表示歉意和感激。(1) [unstable;intranquil;unpeaceful]∶不安宁的世界局势动荡不安(2) [uneasy]∶感到烦恼、不宁或不祥之兆的坐立不安(3) [sorry]∶客套话。表达歉意和感激老来麻烦您,真是不安分词解释:不适:1.不往;不至。 2.不合;不调。 3.身体不舒服。 4.指不惬意﹐不愉快。 5.不得,不招致。 6.不敷,不足。 7.同“不啻”,不仅。感激:因对方的好意或帮助而对他产生好感:感激涕零 ㄧ非常感激你给我的帮助。稳妥:1.扎实。 2.稳当﹐妥当。 3.工稳妥贴。客套话:表示客气的话,如 ‘劳驾、借光、慢走、留步’等。...不安怎么造句,用不安造句»
2、焦虑:焦虑读音为jiāo lǜ,是指焦急忧虑:焦虑不安ㄧ万分焦虑。焦虑 jiāo lǜ词语意思:焦急忧虑:焦虑不安ㄧ万分焦虑。分词解释:忧虑:忧愁思虑;忧愁担心。焦急:着急:焦急万分 ㄧ心里焦急。万分:副词。非常;极其:万分惋惜|万分高兴|焦急万分。...焦虑怎么造句,用焦虑造句»
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