I was idle today, so I observed the snail.
Snail has a pair of telescopic eyes.There is a large vortex "house" on his back.A small mouth, it is said that there are 23,500 teeth in it!
The snail is disgusting! Its body is sticky, and mucus will be left after climbing, and it will become a transparent film like glass after a while.Don't look at the small snail, its strength is great! If it sucks a thing and refuses to move, even if you use the power of five cows and two tigers, you want to move it.
Don't look at the snails usually Mumu. In fact, it is naughty! Once I couldn't find it in the fish tank. So I opened the lid to find it. As soon as I opened the lid, I was frightened. Its soft and disgusting body is being lazy in the lid to play! After a while, I went to see the snail again. But like last time, I still couldn't find it. I thought to myself: You dead snail! I want to come to this trick again! See I have to find you out! So I look for it, where to find it, but there is no shadow of half a snail. I looked around again and finally found it on the curtains above the fish tank. I threw it back into the fish tank in anger. It seemed like a small floating island, drifting on the water. After a while, it secretly stretched out the smooth eyes of the thieves, first looking around, when it was close to the glass, suddenly sucked the glass vigorously, and climbed up at a speed of five millimeters per second! Now, I finally dare not dare to dare Then call the snail to swallow. When it arrived at the fish tank mouth, I only used the last move and closed the fish tank cap. I thought to myself: This time, it is not honest to see you! Do you say that our snails are not naughty?
I have a naughty little snail, which is bought by Dad from the flower and bird market.
My little snail likes to wear a brown hard shell coat. Its body is white and soft, like a large piece of marshmallow, which is sticky on the body because its body will secrete mucus.Its eyes are thin, long, and the eyes are about the same as rice grains.It has a long pair of tentacles, and its mouth looks like a three -petal mouth of a rabbit.
My little snail is very naughty.Once, when I fed it at night, I ate it and suddenly didn't eat it. It didn't come out of how I knocked on its shell.I'm angry and put it on the balcony.The next day, I went to find a little snail to play.When I arrived at the balcony, I found it disappeared.I looked for west to find it east, but I didn't find it.I think it is angry with me.I continued to find it seriously, and finally found it in the bathroom. I said to it, "Don't climb around in the future, okay?" The little snail seemed to nod to me. I said happily: "Great! ""
I like my little snail very much. After a long time, we have become good friends.
Hamsters are a super cute animal, and there is one in my house.It eats feed, nuts, etc.Its eyes are like two black gems, without a long tail like squirrels, only a short, furry tail, which is comfortable to feel.
Hamsters like to play in wood chips, climb up and down, as if playing and hiding games with us.I gave it a small house on the upper and lower floors, 20 cm high, 10 cm per layer.The upper layer is where it sleeps, and the lower level is where it eats and drinks water.The small house is made of wooden board, which is safe and comfortable.During the day, it was playing with me, and it was sleeping at night.It also likes to run, and it takes one to two hours a day.
Hamsters are very alert.Once, when I was sleeping, I accidentally touched it.It immediately raised his head and looked around, as if he was saying, "Who, who? I want to sleep!" The hamster was not like a mountain rat, and it was dormant in winter.It ran up and down every day, jumping around.Sometimes, I put it in a large box, and it runs inside, really happy!In addition, it also knows food storage.Every time I eat it, it will leave a little, put it in the place to sleep, and when we are not at home, when no one gives it to eat, it will move the food out of the food, let it go, okayhappy.
Hamsters will also grind their teeth from time to time.It is not like our child. The teeth are changed to a new teeth, and it is not long to a certain length.It is to avoid infinitely long things by biting harder, so I will regularly give it a section of wood, and it just stabs from time to time.Once, I forgot to give it a "grinding teeth tool", but it bit his house there.I thought to myself: You little guy, worse your house, see where you live?"
This is my little hamster, both naughty and cute!
1、蜗牛:蜗牛读音为wō niú,是指软体动物,腹足纲。壳圆锥形或球形。头部有两对触角,后一对顶端有眼。腹面有扁平宽大的腹足,适于陆上爬行。行走缓慢。雌雄同体。肉可食用,中国已进行人工养殖。 软体动物,头部有两对触角,壳略呈扁圆形或圆锥形,有螺旋纹。吃草本植物的表皮蜗牛 wō niú词语解释:软体动物,腹足纲。壳圆锥形或球形。头部有两对触角,后一对顶端有眼。腹面有扁平宽大的腹足,适于陆上爬行。行走缓慢。雌雄同体。肉可食用,中国已进行人工养殖。[snail] 软体动物,头部有两对触角,壳略呈扁圆形或圆锥形,有螺旋纹。吃草本植物的表皮分词解释:有眼:有眼力。谓有分辨是非好坏的能力。养殖:培育和繁殖(水产动植物)。行走:1.行路;走动。 2.犹言入值办事。清制,凡不属于专设官职,调充某项职役的都用此称。 3.北洋军阀统治时期,以此称额外派充的官。顶端:①最高最上的部分:登上电视塔的顶端。②末尾:我们走到大桥的顶端。...蜗牛怎么造句,用蜗牛造句»
2、调皮:调皮读音为tiáo pí,是指1.戏弄﹔嘲弄。 2.机灵﹐狡黠。 3.不驯顺﹐难对付。 4.耍小聪明﹔耍花招。 5.顽皮。调皮 diào pí词语解释:1.戏弄﹔嘲弄。 2.机灵﹐狡黠。 3.不驯顺﹐难对付。 4.耍小聪明﹔耍花招。 5.顽皮。(1) [naughty;mischievous]∶爱玩爱闹,不听劝导窗户被调皮的孩子们打破了(2) [tricky;unruly]∶狡猾(3) [play trick]∶做事耍小聪明分词解释:小聪明:在小事情上或枝节方面显露出来的聪明。多含贬意。顽皮:1.坚硬的表皮。 2.厚而坚的皮囊。指人的躯壳。 3.形容坚韧。 4.形容人的性情刁顽,无赖。 5.调皮,爱玩闹。 6.指调皮的人。戏弄:捉弄;开玩笑:这样戏弄人可不好|不要再戏弄了。...调皮怎么造句,用调皮造句»
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