中秋节作文片尾 篇1中秋节作文片尾 篇2描写中秋节的作文结尾 篇3中秋节作文片尾 篇1
Tonight the moonlight illuminates the world, also shines in people's hearts, shines on every road, every lost place. Follow the moonlight and you will succeed.
I love the moon of the Mid Autumn Festival tonight, and I also love the moon of the next Mid Autumn Festival. I love every moon of the Mid Autumn Festival, and there will be more light.
中秋节作文片尾 篇2
It was even more funny at the end. When I was enjoying the moon, I grabbed a handful of petals and threw them at my elder sister. After a crash, my elder sister became a petal person. My mother and I laughed loudly.
This is how the Mid Autumn Festival is celebrated. How about everyone? Let's listen, just to share the happiness of the festival.
描写中秋节的作文结尾 篇3
中秋节称 “月夕”,“八月节”,又称“团圆节”。我国人民在古代每逢中秋夜都要举行迎寒和祭月。人们摆上月饼、西瓜、苹果、红枣、李子和葡萄等祭品来进行祭祀。
The Mid Autumn Festival is called "Moon Festival", "August Festival" and "Reunion Festival". In ancient times, Chinese people held cold welcome and moon worship every Mid Autumn night. People offered sacrifices such as moon cakes, watermelons, apples, red dates, plums and grapes.
The night before the Mid Autumn Festival this year, the moon was white and flawless. The clouds brought by the typhoon set off the moon. It was really the so-called colorful clouds chasing the moon! My mother and I bought a roast duck, and we continued to put moon cakes with different flavors on the table, which tasted delicious. At 7 o'clock, we had a banquet, and saw a full moon looming in the sky like a jade plate, embellishing the dark sky.
While I was watching the round moon intently, I chose a moon cake with swans on it to taste. When I chewed the moon cake slowly, I felt the sweet and delicious taste of bean paste. At this time, his father told the story of Chang'e's flight to the moon: "It is said that in ancient times, a man named Hou Yi married a beautiful and kind wife named Chang'e. Hou Yi obtained a bag of immortal pills from the Queen Mother, and was informed by a dishonest Pengmeng that he held a sword to force Chang'e to hand over the immortal pills. Chang'e took out the immortal pills and swallowed them and flew to the nearest moon to become an immortal." I listened to them with great interest.
This Mid Autumn Festival, I not only tasted the crisp taste of moon cakes, but also learned the legend of Chang'e flying to the moon, and felt the atmosphere of family reunion. What an unforgettable and happy Mid Autumn Festival!
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