
时间:2022-09-16 13:30:24 | 来源:语文通



中秋节快乐日记 篇1快乐的中秋节日记 篇2快乐的中秋节日记 篇3中秋节快乐日记 篇4快乐的中秋节日记 篇5快乐的中秋节日记 篇6快乐的中秋节日记 篇7快乐的中秋节日记 篇8快乐的中秋节日记 篇9中秋节快乐日记 篇10

中秋节快乐日记 篇1

20xx年 xx月 xx日 周x 晴

20xx year xx month xx day week x Qing


In the morning, I just got up and I was very excited.Because today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, not only can you eat a happy reunion meal with the whole family, but also enjoy the moon, eat watermelon, and eat moon cakes ...Thinking of this, I was happy to bloom in my heart, hoping to come at night.


Time is so fast!It's night.A round of golden bright moon rose from the top of the mountain, and it spilled the bright moonlight to the earth.The clouds in the sky are light, the wind is light, and the moonlight is beautiful, forming a beautiful landscape painting.I looked at the moon, as if there were really Chang'e, Jade Rabbit, and Wu Gang, who kept cutting the osmanthus tree.This situation reminds me of many moon stories.


Grandpa, grandma, my grandmother, aunt, and brother group sat in the moonlight, tasting the fragrant moon cakes, sweet watermelon, sour grapes, and "rescue of driving cakes" from Huangshan, Anhui.Although my father and mother were on a business trip in the field and did not rush back to reunite with us, I still felt the warmth of the big family.


Unconsciously, the moon has risen to the sky, and the entire town is shrouded in a glory.I like the happy Mid -Autumn Festival this year, longing for the Mid -Autumn Festival next year.I wonder what kind of happiness will I bring to me next year!

快乐的中秋节日记 篇2


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and a day of reunion.Whenever this festival comes, my father and mother always let me play enough.


I wait, wait, hope, I hope, I finally look forward to this day.Early in the morning, my father and mother took me out to play, but just when I walked out of the door, I seemed to be afraid to see me. She hid in the clouds shyly and was drizzling.I thought: Well, I can't play today.Just as I was unhappy, the sun seemed to see my mind, and quietly came out of the clouds, and the weather became fine again. At this time, my mood was as good as the weather.So I called out happily: "The rain stopped, the rain stopped." Dad and mother heard it and smiled at each other.


When I walked out of the community, I saw many children playing and making trouble on the road. I saw that I ran away and participated in the past. Unconsciously, we walked to the square, which was even more lively and full of laughter.Soon, I pulled my mother's hand to the center of the crowd. My mother asked me what to play. I pointed at the car. My mother saw that I took me into the bumper car. I played with my friends.It's over.


Today is my best and my most memorable day.

快乐的中秋节日记 篇3


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, our family got up early in the morning and was ready for the Mid -Autumn Festival food, including moon cakes, apples, and field snails.....Then, then, then


In the evening, our family has a cousin to eat reunion meals together, including white -cut chicken, chicken feet, and shrimp fried, pig hands, etc.


After dinner, my cousin and I went downstairs to play lanterns and burned wax.We use the lighter to light the candles and put it in the lantern, which can be illuminated and played; then, we also lit the remaining candles and put them together. They are like a torch, bringing light and hope.After a while, my cousin reminded me, "It's not too early, it's time to go home to enjoy the moon." We packed up and went home.


When I got home, my mother had prepared food. There were round moon cakes, joyful stars, and ordinary apples, etc., each with their own meanings.After the Mid -Autumn Festival, of course, the persimmons and snails are indispensable. The most important thing is to enjoy the moon. I ate a moon cake and looked at the full moon elegantly and leisurely."


On this moonlight night, there is something to eat and play. The most important thing is that the family reunion, good health, I like the Mid -Autumn Festival!

中秋节快乐日记 篇4


The Mid -Autumn Festival, as the second important festival in China, its importance is even more self -evident.Every year, the Mid -Autumn Festival eats moon cakes and the moon appreciation. People are too busy.I cola, I like the Mid -Autumn Festival to enjoy the moon.


In the evening, I ate dinner early, moved a chair, and sat at the door of my house to enjoy the moon.After a while, the moon climbed up ashamed, and the dissolved moonlight filled the earth.I shouted, "The moon is coming. The moon is out." Many people seemed to have thousands of miles, hearing my cry, quickly lifted my head, and looked at the mighty sky.moon.


In the cold night sky, the moon -like moon passed through the layers of clouds, revealing the crystal and charming round face, and floated into the sky with a smile.The milky moonlight, the light yarn is generally sprinkled down, reflecting the mountains and rivers villages brighter, and the bright moonlight sprinkle the world like Qingquan flowing water.


Suddenly, the moon was shrouded in a thin layer of fog, hazy, like a naughty child in caught and saved the white earth.After a while, the moon drilled out of the thin fog again.


Looking at the bright moon like the silver hook, there must be many travelers who wander a wandering in a country watching the moon and missing their hometown.Since ancient times, many poets have pinned their thoughts by Mingyue. If the Chinese overseas Chinese far away can return to their hometown, how beautiful and happy this Mid -Autumn Festival night can return to their hometown.Looking at this beautiful bright moon, I was intoxicated by her.


My mother walked to me with the yellow -flavored moon cake of Tao Shan milk and knocked my head with my hand. I shouted, "Oh." Mom said, "What are you doing?This moon cake is taken. "I took the moon cake in my mother's hands and enjoyed the moon while eating.I asked my mother, "Mom, why do you want to eat moon cakes in the Mid -Autumn Festival?" Mom answered me seriously: "It is said, in ..."


Listening to the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival, eating delicious moon cakes, and watching the round moon, this Mid -Autumn Festival is so happy. I like this Mid -Autumn Festival, this happy festival.

快乐的中秋节日记 篇5


August 15th is the Mid -Autumn Festival, a day of every family reunion.


Tiantian is dark, we have just ate reunion dinner, and my mother said, "Let's go out and walk!" I said, "Okay." On the street, every street was very lively.There is a guessing activity everywhere. From a distance, the entire street is a lantern ocean. It is particularly beautiful. My mother and I also play the game of guessing lantern riddles.There is a question called three thousand guests under the gate of the plain, (hitting an idiom). My mother and I thought about it. In the end, I didn't think of it. Finally, I looked at the answer to the mystery.Mom said we are so stupid!


After we went home, I said to my mother, "This is really a happy Mid -Autumn Festival!"

快乐的中秋节日记 篇6


Today is August 15th Mid -Autumn Festival. Mom said that it is also called "Reunion Festival".


In the morning, we drove to the grandma's house with my uncle. When we were almost at noon, the sound of firecrackers sounded everywhere. Grandpa, grandma and mother were busy in the kitchen.It is, we sit around, chatting while drinking drinks, everyone said and laughed.After eating, my uncle proposed to take me with my sister to catch fish by the river.Then I set off with the tools, came to the river, and took a closer look, ah!The river water is clear, and the group of fish swim around happily in the water. My sister and I picked up the fishing net to fish in the river, but these small fish are like catching and seeking us for a while to disappear for a while to disappear.Unconsciously, after two hours, my mother called to urge us to go back, and the last fish was not caught, but we were very happy.


In the evening, we had dinner at my grandmother's house. After a while, my grandmother brought out the moon cake to let us taste it. The delicious moon cakes are like the moon tonight.When I was about to eat, my mother called me and asked me to ask for a wish first. I told my mother that I would be a scientist and went to the moon to explore in person.Everyone smiled happily when I looked at me.

快乐的中秋节日记 篇7


On the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the sky was gray, as if it was going to rain.In the afternoon, the wind was raging, and the cold wind was small.The wind seemed to only be invisible, raised the gray sand, and the smashed people couldn't open their eyes.The nephew of the nephew was crooked, and the station was not straight.My house is facing the street.


The wind rushed in to my house. Dad just closed the door of the store on the side early and stayed.Mom was not affected at all, and a person was so busy in the kitchen, and the aroma came from the kitchen.The aroma was so drooling with my sister.We went straight to the kitchen and drilled, and urged our mother to: "Hurry up! Hurry up!" Mom said with a smile: "I know!"


After a while, the dishes will be served.There is a golden cake that my sister likes the most, my favorite duck wings, fish, red -roasted meat, no matter how much, chickens, ducks, fish, and fish are on the table. After we sit up, my sister and I are dumbfounded. My mother met.I quickly clamped a piece of golden cake for me and my sister. After I tasted my sister and I, I said, "Mom, your cooking skills are delicious than the restaurant in the hotel!" Mom listened, and even smiled and laughed so muchCan't get together.After eating, my mother took out a bag of moon cakes from the refrigerator and two grapefruit, ready to enjoy the moon.Because there is no moon, my mother said to us, "Eat moon cakes now! There are many flavors!" We are doubtful, so I took one, and it was my favorite peach flavor moon cake. My sister and I grabbed it.It's up ... Although there is no moon for the Mid -Autumn Festival this year, our family is still very happy!

快乐的中秋节日记 篇8


The Mid -Autumn Festival on August 15th of the lunar calendar is a traditional festival in my country. Latest loved ones, sitting together to eat moon cakes, watching the Mid -Autumn Festival Gala party, and watching the moon together is a unique custom of the Mid -Autumn Festival in my country.


I hope that the long Mid -Autumn Festival is finally coming. My mother puts a small table on the balcony. There are many fresh fruits on the table, including titles, pomegranates, pears, apples ...moon cake.


"Wow, so many delicious, I am almost dripping a table." My brother looked at a table of meals and moon cakes, and one hand had been put on the side of one of the moon cakes.


I was afraid that my brother would finish the moon cakes, moved his mind a little, and quickly got rid of his brother's hand and said, "If you want to eat moon cakes, you have to memorize ancient poems. You can eat a moon cake with a poem about the moon." This isEveryone passed my proposal,


My brother grabbed his ears and scratched his cheeks, "Okay, my back, the moon is like moon cakes."


I smiled and laughed: "Wrong, this is not called ancient poems."


Grandma said with a smile, "The monkey fishing the moon." I shook my head and said, "Wrong. This is the name of the story, not the ancient poem."


Mom shook her head and said, "The fifteen moon is sixteen."


"Wrong. This is the title of the song." At this time, my father said proudly, "The moon is born on the sea, and the world is at this time." Suddenly, I found that my father held a book "Ancient Poetry Recitation Handbook".I said, "Dad Lai Pi. This is not count."


I should show my skills: "The moonlight in front of the bed is suspected to be on the ground." "I don't know the moon in the hour, call it as a white jade plate."


I ate a moon cake.Looking at their drooling appearance, they made great compassion and gave one of them.The focus is on.Grandma also praised me as a cultural elementary student.


I looked at the sky, and the moon was getting higher and higher. First of all, I slowly climbed up, like a timid little girl. Then, looking around, a "嗖" sound jumped up.I looked at the moon dull, as if I saw the beautiful Chang'e, the cute jade rabbit.You see, Chang'e laughed at me with Yutu ...


In the joyful laughter, our family has a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.

快乐的中秋节日记 篇9


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. My mother said that this year's Mid -Autumn Festival has come earlier than previous years. I don't know. I am happy anyway.My mother and dad and I went to my grandmother's house with breakfast.Grandma saw us coming, blossoming on his face, and various moon cakes: there are strawberries, pineapples, egg yolks, and ham.The younger brother ran away with a ham -flavored moon cake. I didn't want to take a piece of ham flavor, and ran quickly behind."Oh, my mother! It's so spicy!" I spit it out quickly. The little brother looked at me and laughed when he saw it badly. He also bite a moon cake, "Grandma, grandma, I want water."

他不停地叫着。我哈哈大笑,小样这个月饼不好吃吧,还敢笑我。大家见 了都大声笑起来。房子里充满了笑声和吵闹声。

He kept crying.I laughed, the moon cake is not delicious, dare to laugh at me.Everyone laughed loudly.The house was full of laughter and noise.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival is so happy!

中秋节快乐日记 篇10


"You egg, dare to grab Xian Dan while Houyi is not at home, I will not let you succeed!"


Huh?How is this going?Everyone in the Mid -Autumn Festival is enjoying the moon. How can such words come out?Is time reversed?Oh, no, this is to start from last week.


Last Sunday, my aunt came to my house with my naughty little cousin and my little cousin.As soon as I arrived at home, the house was crazy. We played the game of "cat catching mice" for a while, and then played the game of "Eagle Catch Chicken". When I was excited, I suddenly heard the "Pong" sound.The cousin touched his mother's favorite quilt when he was catching "Chicken".When my aunt wants to punish us, my mother quickly said, "Flowers to the ground, wealthy and prosperous, don't be so angry!" For a moment, he paused and said, "It's better to show us in this Mid -Autumn Festival show!We quickly agreed.


So we decided to play the drama of "Chang'e Running Moon".In the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the drama began.


"You egg, dare to grab Xian Dan while Houyi is not at home, I will not let you succeed!"

The "Houyi" (little cousin) began to appear. I saw that he took the bow and arrow and strode out of the meteor. The "Chang'e" (little cousin) came behind.Because the number of people is not enough, the younger sister is both a fairy and a bad guy. When she is coming to grab the immortal Dan, the little cousin suddenly jumped out: "You egg, dare to grab Xian Dan when he is not at home,I will never let you succeed! "


When I heard this sentence, everyone laughed. I laughed straight and my stomach hurts. Even my father who did not like to laugh and shed tears.But the little cousin ignored us and continued to perform.


Finally, "Chang'e" was about to "fly". When she was going to "take off", the little cousin's feet were tripped and fell.Everyone looked at us in surprise, and I hurried out to play the round field: "Because Chang'e was tripled, the medicine was lost, so Chang'e didn't need to fly!"


"Hahaha" drama ended in laughter.


What a nostalgic Mid -Autumn Festival night!