
时间:2022-09-15 13:28:35 | 来源:语文通



描写我家的小猫作文 篇1写小猫的作文 篇2小猫作文300字 篇3小猫作文300字 篇4小猫作文300字 篇5小猫作文300字 篇6

描写我家的小猫作文 篇1


At first I had only one female cat, and later it brought back a male cat.


The male cat has a pure white hair, and there are some yellow spots on the back. The golden yellow eyes are like the yellow gemstone in the night.IntersectionBecause when I first saw it, it looked at me with cool eyes, as if she was handsome than me.


Compared with "small gray", "Cool Cat" is more dedicated.When the night was quiet, the whole family fell asleep. Only the "Cool Cat" persisted in the post. It squatted in front of the mouse hole to prepare for a preparation posture: straighten his front paw legs, raised his buttocks, and motionless.When the mouse came out for food, he jumped and rushed over in one breath, and the mouse was arrested.


Whenever I return to my hometown, I always go to the convenience store to buy a few packs of small fish to "small gray" and "cool cat" as a reward.As soon as he arrived in his hometown, "Little Gray" and "Cool Cat" would run over to circle around.How about, do you like two kittens in my hometown?

写小猫的作文 篇2


A few years ago, my family had raised a few kittens.It has black and white hair, and it looks like a fluff; four slender; small flat noses; three and a half mouths; the sound is slender and beautiful, and a pair of slippery eyes are very special, each pair of gems.So I named it "Little".


"Little" is very strange to me. As long as I hear a little sound, it runs to the dark, which may be too timid reason.


After several months of menstrual breeding, the "small no" gradually grew up, and I was familiar with me.When I saw me, I rushed to my arms "Meow Meow".


If it is happy, it can be gentle and gentle than anyone else: use your body to pinch your feet, stretch out Boer to scratch you, and "grunt, grunt" to relieve yourself!If it is unhappy, no matter how you ask it, it refuses to call.


Among the countless animals, my favorite is the kitten.In my mind, I can never forget its words: four slender; small flat nose; three and a half mouths; the sound is slender and beautiful, and a pair of slippery eyes are very special, each pair of gems.

小猫作文300字 篇3


Grandma's house has a cute kitten, orange and white fluff on the fat body seem to be like the autumn forest road, round eyes, triangular ears, and the sweet "meow" cry., I have to see it when I see it.


Kitten is a good guest.Every time the guest grandma's house, it always shakes its tail, as if welcoming everyone.


I eat fish and meat, but I do n’t forget the kitten. While my grandma did not pay attention, I gave it to the little cat.When the kitten eats, he always tails his tail, and keeps "meowing" in his mouth. After eating, shaking his tail, and walking lazily into the sun (sleeping).


Also, I do n’t want to laugh when I say it: When I go to bed at night, I always hold the kitten in my arms and sleep with me (do n’t worry, take a bath, there will be no fleas), the kitten is really like meIntimate little cotton jacket.When it sleeps, it makes a "humming" sound, just like "hypnosis song", it is so angry and funny.


Haha, here, I probably know the cute kitten of my grandma's house, like it!

小猫作文300字 篇4


My family has a cute kitten. It is very good and listened to me.


Its body is black and white, and its eyes are black.Sometimes, I also give it beautiful clothes, which is particularly cute.It likes to eat cats, bones, meat, sausages, and so on.It is now more than 5 months old. It is very cute. Once, our family has to bring kittens to picnic.When lunch in the suburbs, it saw a gray kitten, extremely beautiful, and immediately ran over to chat with others.Another time, my dad brought back a puppy. The puppy smelled the kitten, and the kitten did not meow. I said, "It's your new friend, you can't ignore it!"Understand.So, I had to say "cat language" to her, "Meow meow ..." This time it seemed to understand and play with the puppy.Sometimes I said to eat. When the kitten was hungry, I hurried over to find me. If he was not hungry, he didn't care about you.It's just a cute and naughty kitten.


This is my lovely kitten, how about?Cute, right!

小猫作文300字 篇5


My cousin adopted a stray cat the previous year. My brother named it a sika deer, because it ran very fast, like a strong sika deer. This year, the sika deer was three years old.Scary.


I often go to my cousin's house. As soon as I entered the door, the sika deer ran over, and I called my name "Meow".I laughed, took off my shoes, squatted down, and stroked its head. At this moment, I suddenly thought: How could the sika deer running out of no sound?Does it have any special features?I went to ask the aunt, and the aunt said, "Don't just think about it, you can try to observe yourself?" I obeyed the aunt's suggestion, turned around and looked around on the sika deer.Finally, I remembered that the plum deer's limbs had not been observed, so I watched it again. I laughed: It turned out that its feet had soft and thick meat pads. This is the "secret" of the sika deer running without sound.I patted my hands, the kitten was so interesting.

小猫作文300字 篇6


In a cold winter, the kitten caught a few fish by the river.


Mimi Xing walked on the way home.Suddenly, a cunning fox rushed out of the woods, and it wanted to cheat Mimi's fish.So, it said, "Mimi, the rabbit is sick, can you give it the fish?" Mimi thought: The rabbit was sick one day, I gave it to it, it must be deceived me.Teach this deceiving guy!So, it said, "My fish is caught from a tail from an ice hole. My tail is thin and short. The fish fishing is too small. Your tail is thick and long.Big and fat. "After listening to Mimi, the fox hurried to the ice cave to fish, but it didn't catch a fish for a long time.When it was leaving, it was found that the tail was frozen.At this time, the wind and snow were overwhelmed, and the fox was frozen to death by the ice cave.


If you see a frozen fox next to an ice hole, it must be the fox with Mimi.