
时间:2022-11-16 12:50:21 | 来源:语文通



九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇1九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇2九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇3优秀征文:九九重阳日,浓浓敬老情 篇4

九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇1


When we were young, we didn't have such good conditions. Because your grandpa is a soldier outside, I am responsible for all the work in the family and in the fields. I can't finish what I have done with my hands for three days and nights. It has made great contributions... "


The ninth day of September - the Double Ninth Festival is coming! This is my beloved grandparents' festival! I must perform well today!


After finishing the dinner quickly, I took out a small pair of delicate scissors that had been ready in my pocket, ran to my grandparents and said, "Grandpa and grandma, can I cut your nails?" Hearing this, Grandpa was stunned and said with a suspicious expression: "Good granddaughter, can you also cut your nails?" Yes That said, I feel guilty. After all, I've never cut my nails! However, I believe that as long as I use my sincerity, I will be able to complete the task. Isn't there an old saying? Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it!


I took grandpa's hand and started to take action. Wow! Grandpa's nails are so hard! Everything is difficult at the beginning. It took me nine cows and two tigers to cut the first knife. "Grandpa, does it hurt?" "No pain, no pain!" Grandpa sat on the sofa with satisfaction and said, "Grandpa is enjoying my granddaughter's happiness!"


Suddenly I found that Grandpa had no nails on one finger. I was worried and asked, "Grandpa, where are your fingernails?"


Grandpa saw me in a hurry and said, "Little, don't worry! This is what I lost when I was in the army. It was a military exercise. We were training to clean the gun. Because I wanted to be quick and tried too hard, the gun got caught. It's OK, it's better now, it doesn't hurt at all. Don't believe you touch it, it's very hard!"


After listening to grandpa's words, I hurried to touch it. The meat was really hard. Yes, it has been decades, can it not be hard? Grandpa is really a strong man! I felt his finger and thought so.


After cutting Grandpa's fingernails, it's Grandma's turn to cut them. I squeezed Grandma's hand and found that although Grandma was a woman, her hand was thick and rough. My heart gave me a pause. Grandma saw me and guessed my mind: "Do you want to listen to Grandma's story?" I looked up at Grandma's kind eyes and nodded.


Grandma's chatterbox suddenly opened: "We didn't have such good conditions when we were young. Because your grandfather was a soldier outside, I was responsible for all the work at home and in the fields. I can't finish what I have done with my hands for three days and nights. It has made great contributions..."

When we were young, we didn't have such good conditions. Because your grandpa is a soldier outside, I am responsible for all the work in the family and in the fields. I can't finish what I have done with my hands for three days and nights. It has made great contributions... "


Listening to Grandma's words, I forgot to cut her nails. Instead, I held her hands tightly against my little face.


I learned so much from a manicure, thanks to this Double Ninth Festival! I hope that in people's hearts every day is Chongyang!

九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇2


The leaves are yellow, the river is green, and a gust of autumn wind blows. It's autumn again. Autumn is a good time to watch chrysanthemums. One afternoon, I took my mother to the park to watch chrysanthemums.


As soon as I entered the gate, I smelled the fragrance. I strode to the chrysanthemum. Wow! This is really a sea of chrysanthemums! Countless chrysanthemums are colorful and colorful. Some stretch out like fireworks in the air; Some turned inward like a big ball; Some petals have just opened a few as if they were children waking up; Some are still Huaguduo, which bulges as if they are about to crack; Some of them were leaning outwards as if unconvinced and said, "What are you beautiful about? I am more beautiful than you." Some hid their faces behind thick green leaves, showing only half of their faces, like shy girls; Some of them embrace each other as if they were good friends; Some of them looked like naughty children and avoided their partners. The chrysanthemums have various colors. The red chrysanthemums look like a rising sun; White as snow; Pink like a small peach flower; Some are green, like emerald. It's really colorful and charming!


You can see how bright that pot of yellow chrysanthemum is in peaceful bloom. Its petals are about a few centimeters long. The innermost layer turns up, the middle layer turns up, and the bottom layer falls down. Huang Heping's stamens are yellow, which looks like a whirlpool on the whole. His color is pure yellow. There is no mixed color like yellow clouds and piles of gold. Its thick green leaves are like emeralds, which are more beautiful against the yellow flowers. At this time, a gust of autumn wind blew green leaves fluttering with the wind, as if waving to me. Seeing this scenery makes me reluctant to leave. I really want to praise it with a few poems, but I can't think of a beautiful poem at the moment.

帘转西风,听到这个名字,我想到了一阵阵西风吹来吹去发出一种沙沙的声音,把珠帘吹得帘飘动,让我感到一种优雅安闲的生活情调。想到这我不由得慢慢欣赏观察帘卷西风起来。它那花瓣长长的细细的,向外披散,最上一层花瓣向上转着,下面一层直着带一点弯像一个一个小勺子。整体一看像妈妈的卷发,又像一把把小银勺,还像在春风中吹的柳条。我不由得用鼻子闻一闻它的花蕊,一阵清香扑鼻而来。怪不得花上面有蝴蝶蜜蜂从四面八方飞过来。帘转西风的叶子衬托着粉红色的花格外漂亮。从你身上看到了 啊!菊花你虽然没有牡丹红那么富丽,可是

The curtain turned to the west wind. Hearing this name, I thought of the rustling sound of the west wind blowing back and forth, which made the bead curtain float, making me feel an elegant and leisurely life style. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but slowly appreciate the westerly wind rising from the observation curtain. Its petals are long and thin, spreading outwards. The top layer of petals turns upward, and the lower layer is straight and bent like a small spoon. On the whole, it looks like my mother's curly hair, small silver spoons and willows blowing in the spring wind. I could not help but smell its stamens with my nose, and a fragrance came to my nose. No wonder there are butterflies and bees flying from all directions on the flowers. The leaves of the curtain turned westerly are beautiful against the pink lattice. I see it from you! Chrysanthemum is not as rich as peony red, but


You give people a beautiful environment. Ah! Chrysanthemum you are not as graceful as lotus, but you are noble in quality. Chrysanthemum is not as white as narcissus, but you give people your fragrance. Chrysanthemum, I am your strong character, your noble spirit.


Chrysanthemum, I love you, love your beautiful appearance, and love your noble quality even more. I give people my fragrance.

九九重阳节浓浓敬老情作文 篇3

九月初九重阳节,又称为老人节。我准备帮奶奶洗一次脚,因为从小到大都是奶奶给我洗脚的。我记得每一次都是奶奶把脚盆拿到我面前,轻轻地揉着我的脚,那感觉真是太舒服了。 晚饭刚吃过,我就把洗脚盆和毛巾准备好了,准备给奶奶一个惊喜。这时奶奶走进来了,我立即把洗脚盆和毛巾端到奶奶面前说:“奶奶,我想为你洗脚。”奶奶笑得合不拢嘴,开心地说:“好孩子,真是奶奶的乖孙子!”

The Double Ninth Festival in the early September is also called the Old Man's Day. I'm going to wash my feet for Grandma once, because Grandma washed my feet for me since I was young. I remember that every time Grandma brought the foot basin to me and gently rubbed my feet, it was really comfortable. Just after supper, I prepared the foot wash basin and towels to surprise Grandma. Then Grandma came in. I immediately took the foot wash basin and towel to Grandma and said, "Grandma, I want to wash your feet." Grandma smiled and said happily, "Good boy, what a good grandson of Grandma!"


First, I asked Grandma to sit on the stool, put a basin full of hot water, and tried it with her hands. The water temperature was almost there. Then squat down and gently take off Grandma's shoes and socks and put them aside. "Grandma, put your feet in! I will serve you well." I smiled happily at Grandma. When my hand touched Grandma's foot, I could not help but tremble. It turned out that Grandma's foot was so rough. Yes, Grandma has worked hard all her life, and now she has to do housework every day. I'm really ashamed! I slowly washed Grandma's feet and gently massaged them. I said to Grandma very seriously, "Grandma, I will wash your feet every day." Grandma smiled happily.


Appreciation of the traditional festival - Double Ninth Festival

阳节是咱们中华民族的传统节日之一。每年的农历九月初九就是重阳节。重阳节在秋季,是秋高气爽的季节。每到重阳节,我国都有登高赏秋,敬老的传统。故而重阳节又称老人节。 我国唐朝的大诗人王维,曾作过一首 关于重阳节的诗,名叫《九月九日忆山东兄弟》:独在异乡为异客 ,每逢佳节倍思亲。遥知兄弟登高处,遍插茱萸少一人,这首诗描绘了在重阳节这个传统节日作者对亲人的加倍思念。

Yang Festival is one of the traditional festivals of our Chinese nation. The Double Ninth Festival is on the ninth day of the ninth lunar month every year. The Double Ninth Festival is in autumn, which is a high and crisp season. Every Double Ninth Festival, China has a tradition of climbing high to enjoy the autumn and respect the elderly. Therefore, the Double Ninth Festival is also called the Old Man's Day. Wang Wei, a great poet of the Tang Dynasty in China, once wrote a poem about the Double Ninth Festival, which was called "Memories of Shandong Brothers on September 9": I was a stranger in a foreign land alone, and I missed my relatives every festival. As far as we know, there is only one person missing when the brothers climb the mountain. This poem depicts the author's double yearning for his relatives on the traditional Double Ninth Festival.


This year's Double Ninth Festival, my parents and I came to Xiangshan Mountain, the most famous mountain in Beijing, to appreciate the traditional Chinese festival, the Double Ninth Festival. We climbed along the foot of the mountain and saw the beautiful scenery on the mountain. We also saw many old people climbing along the foot of the mountain. When we climbed to the top of the mountain, we saw many old people celebrating their festival on the top of the Fragrant Hills - the Old Man's Day. Some of them sing, some dance and celebrate in different ways. Among them sat an old man and several old women. The old man sat on a stool and played Ode to Joy with an accordion. The tune was cheerful, beautiful and intoxicating; The old lady beside him accompanied him with cymbals, drums and other instruments. The music was very beautiful under the performance of this small band. Many old people around this small band dance and sing heartily, as if they were in a fairyland on earth.


After visiting Xiangshan Mountain, my parents and I went to grandma's house and grandma's house and gave our deep wishes to the old man. According to the custom of each year, the village committee of the Double Ninth Festival this year also distributed condolences to grandparents, which reflects the concern and care of the whole society for the elderly. The trend of respecting and loving the elderly has spread all over China.

优秀征文:九九重阳日,浓浓敬老情 篇4


Today is the ninth day of September, the Double Ninth Festival.


On this day, Xiaohong's family were watching the news when they were full. Xiaohong asked, "Mom, today's news is about old people, nothing else." Mother said while knitting a sweater: "The Double Ninth Festival, of course, is about old people." Xiaohong was puzzled: "As for the old man, why didn't she see Grandma on TV?" Mom and Dad laughed, "Hey, not all the old people are on TV, only some of them." Xiaohong nodded her head vaguely.


After reading the news, her parents urged Xiaohong to do her homework, while her father grabbed the newspaper beside her and read it with interest. Grandma sat on the chair and beat her leg: "Hey, people are old and useless. This leg is getting harder and harder to use." Dad took up the newspaper again: "Mom, no, you are not old yet." "Yes, you are still so energetic." "Five years ago, I dug this potted flower from the mountain and gave it to you to move. Now the flower is so big, but my legs can no longer climb the high mountain top." Hearing this, Xiaohong quickly came to help Grandma beat her back and massage her legs. Suddenly she ran to the kitchen as if she remembered something.


Xiaohong in the kitchen wiped sweat and cut the fragrant ripe grapefruit of "shaddock" people. She brought the plate containing the grapefruit to the living room, but kept swallowing saliva. She stared at the grapefruit and brought it to Grandma: "Grandma, eat a piece of grapefruit!" "No, you can eat it yourself!" "Grandma, you can have a slice! I can repay your care for many years! You gave birth to your father, and then you had me! And you did your best and did not neglect, resulting in so many white hairs! Can't I be filial to you?" Grandma suddenly burst into tears, "Good granddaughter, my good granddaughter!" Grandma held out her hand to take the grapefruit. Grandma and Xiaohong looked at each other and smiled. Xiaohong said sweetly, "Grandma, happy Double Ninth Festival!"


Mom and Dad looked at it and smiled until tears narrowed into a line. They kept saying, "You are so sensible tonight! You are so filial..."


I don't feel proud, because it should be!