In a cafe, there was a "rushing" book, and my mother was clinging to the book "Dunhuang".She sometimes admires the wonderful plot in the book, and sometimes frown because of the touching plot in the book.My mother is a lover.
The bookshelf of the mother's bedroom was filled with books, and the book has been with her since she was a child. Now her mother still likes to read books.
One day, my mother and I went to the bookstore to read a book. My mother carefully selected a book from a few rows of bookshelves, found a table, ordered a cup of coffee, sat down, opened the book, and read it.After a while, the mother was fascinated, and she looked at the content of the book concentrate.The waiter brought the coffee, and the mother didn't notice, and still looked at the book intently.The noisy voice outside, I spoke to my mother, she couldn't hear it, and her mother seemed to have a soul.One minute, 10 minutes, 30 minutes, 1 hour, 2 hours, the coffee next to it was cold, but the mother was still staring at the book.From the beginning of one or two pages, to more than half now, in the mother's world, it seems that only after reading the book can I do other things, I can't disturb her reading.In the ocean of the book, my mother forgot the world and forgot herself.
Finally, my mother read the book. When I read the last page, my mother seemed to want to turn it over, but I found that I had finished reading it.Looking around, it seems that I haven't woke up yet.
Oh, in the world of books, my mother is intoxicated!
1、妈妈:妈妈读音为mā ma,是指1.母亲。 2.称年长的已婚妇女。 3.称老妻。 4.称老年女仆。妈妈 mā mā词语解释:1.母亲。 2.称年长的已婚妇女。 3.称老妻。 4.称老年女仆。(1) [ma,mum,mamma] [口]∶母亲妈妈好妈妈回来了,妈妈来喂奶(2) [(of an old married couple) husband or wife]∶老妻;老伴两个孩儿和妈妈(3) [old woman]∶对年长妇人的称呼既是如此,妈妈引路。——清. 俞樾《七侠五义》(4) [old whore]∶鸨母相烦姐姐请出妈妈来,小闲自有话说。——《水浒传》分词解释:女仆:1.被迫去做困难、乏味或卑下的工作的人。如:分间出租房屋的女仆里外奔忙。2.女主人的贴身女仆;侍女,丫头。妇女:成年女子的通称:妇女干部 ㄧ劳动妇女。母亲:1.子女对生养自己的女子的称谓。俗称妈妈。 2.比喻养育人的某一群体或事物。 3.泛指生儿育女的妇女。...妈妈怎么造句,用妈妈造句»
2、沉醉:沉醉读音为chén zuì,是指①喝酒喝得大醉:沉醉不醒|美酒使他沉醉了。②比喻沉迷于某种事物或沉浸于某种境界中:沉醉于优美的旋律中。沉醉 chén zuì分词解释:①喝酒喝得大醉:沉醉不醒|美酒使他沉醉了。②比喻沉迷于某种事物或沉浸于某种境界中:沉醉于优美的旋律中。分词解释:旋律:亦称“曲调”。音乐术语。指若干乐音的连续进行。其中各音的时值和强弱不同形成节奏;各音的音高不同形成旋律线。不醒:1.神志不清;失去知觉。 2.谓处于熟睡状态。 3.不记得。境界:①土地的界限。②事物所达到的程度或表现的情况:思想境界ㄧ他的演技已经达到出神入化的境界。优美:①美好;美妙:姿态优美|风景优美。②亦称“秀美”。美学范畴之一。与“崇高”相对。指事物呈现出婉约柔和、纤巧雅致的特性,以此唤起人们亲切、愉悦、平和、自由的审美感受。...沉醉怎么造句,用沉醉造句»
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