
时间:2022-09-24 13:04:31 | 来源:语文通



教师节作文 篇1教师节作文 篇2教师节作文700字 篇3教师节作文 篇4教师节作文 篇5教师节作文 篇6教师节作文 篇7教师节作文 篇8

教师节作文 篇1


In the autumn morning, the fog with coolness covered over the beautiful campus.One step into our campus, the rich flower fragrance is refreshing.A familiar figure in the classroom is busy. Whenever I always mumble to myself: Teacher, you have worked hard!


Teachers' light is not only reflected in his occupation itself, but also in their lives.You are such a person in my heart, and you have done far more than a teacher's responsibility for the student.Teacher I know that you have done too much for us, and you are not enough to express my gratitude to you.


In this short three years, you broke your heart for us.When we all gone, you dragged your tired body and walked home.How responsible for you!In our hearts, you are the best teacher in the world.Teacher, I still have a lot of words to tell you that these hundreds of words are endless, but the teacher I want to tell you: Spring silkworms are exhausted, wax torches become gray tears.


thanks for your work teacher!

教师节作文 篇2


Tomorrow is Teacher's Day. I called my elementary school teacher -Teacher Hu and wish her a happy holiday.


I couldn't help but think of my beloved teacher, dear classmates.Our class teacher, Teacher Hu, she is really a typical "knife mouth, tofu heart". Although she is usually very harsh to us, we all know that she really cares for us.


I remember once, our class was duty. In the autumn, the leaves were piled on the ground with a thick layer, and the wind was very large. From time to time, the leaves fell from the tree to make fun.The classmates couldn't help complaining. At this time, Mr. Hu said loudly, "The students are stepping up, and the complaints are useless!" Then, she quickly picked up a big broom and bent down and swept it quickly.After a while, a large pile of trees gathered.Finally, we worked together to complete all the leaves.


The teacher is like a beacon, guiding the road ahead for us; the teacher is like a gardener, cultivating the young us; the teacher is like a mother, and we will take care of us ...


In the end, I wish all teachers "Happy holiday"!

教师节作文700字 篇3


Teacher Lin's encounter may be accidental; perhaps it is God's arranged.


We can change from a simple teacher and student to a "mother and daughter" who is a mother and daughter.This is an unexpected process, and it is also an incredible result. Such a result is a few of them.I'm twice cherished, I'm afraid you will lose one day!


In this life, I have been your student, but I have no chance to be your daughter in this life.But my world has your existence that makes me more rational, stronger, and more brave ...


Teacher, you are so gentle as the beginning of the sun after the wind and rain. It is on the flower buds that have been washed countless times by the wind and rain. It is your love that will have a new life.Warm my cold atrium.From then on my lonely world has your sunshine -like love, your encouragement, and your kind mother -like love ...


There is no chance in this life, you are just my teacher. If you have a life, I will be your daughter.Being a sensible daughter will make you feel very pleased and not worry.


I am tired from work and I will give you back and make a cup of tea to relieve your mood.I'm not happy, I will accompany you to run and let the unpleasant emotions vent, telling you a joke to tease you.I just want to make you really happy. Your kind face and the "laugh" that can never be wiped on your face can accompany you for a lifetime.


If there is a life I want to be your daughter.Your kind smile and soft voice will always be fixed in my heart, and you will never forget your bright smile, you can't forget every sentence you say to me, I will always remember it.


Whenever I am happy, sad, when helpless, when I am lost, I think of your words.


I have no chance to come to life in this life. I have countless willingness to be your daughter.


Over the passage of time, the past has also become extremely missing.Missing the words and care of the sound, missing the pair of kind eyes, missing everything about you ... My miss for you is like the daughter of a long -time home, the daughter of the home is longing for the warm arms of my mother.


Teacher, you are a lotus leaf, I am red lotus, the storm in my heart is coming, except for you, who is the shade under the sky.


If you really can't be your daughter today, come and come to life!I am willing to be a daughter who is considerate of you, understand you, care about you ...

教师节作文 篇4


Walking on the campus, a wonderful song suddenly floated in the ear, "The quiet late night stars shine, the teacher's room is bright all night", what a familiar song.Suddenly, I remembered our teachers.


Teacher, what kind of kind title!What a sacred name!They are ordinary, but they are full of wisdom; they are simple, but they are philosophy in simplicity.They are extraordinary, because Confucius is their predecessor, Tao Xingzhi, who rang through all, is their mentor, and touched the entire Chinese Xu Benyu to be the pioneer of their time.

教师节作文 篇5


Today, it is the annual Teacher's Day, and I came to school with a happy mood.In this festival, the school seemed to be full of joy.


Before taking class early, everyone was ready to surprise the teacher.


The teacher just stepped into the classroom less than half a step. Under the leadership of the squad leader, everyone shouted, and wish the teacher a happy holiday.


In this way, as long as every teacher in our class will say that sentence.


At the time of class, the students ran to the teacher's office to give gifts.There are those who send flowers, there are pen holders, and there is a sentence.


The most exciting thing is that Du Jinlin, the worst classmate in our class, even ran to the teacher's office, bowed to the teacher, and also said sincerely to wish the teacher a happy holiday.I guess the teacher will be happy to say, thank you.


In the afternoon, many students bought flowers to the teacher.


Finally, a happy holiday in China.

教师节作文 篇6


When school is about to get out of school today, Mr. Wu said that the person who completed his homework in this lesson could get a chocolate.


I quickly ordered my homework just to get a square chocolate sent by Mr. Wu. I was very happy, reluctant to eat, and when I was going to melt, I ate in my mouth. It was sweet.I wrapped the chocolate in the paper at the same table and was reluctant to eat it.Today is the festival of the teacher, which seems to have become our six -one.Thank you teacher, I wish the teacher a happy holiday and laughing.

教师节作文 篇7


"Whenever I think of you, a good teacher I love ..." Whenever I think of this familiar lyrics, I always think of my Chinese teacher in the fifth and sixth grades -Teacher Li Shaofeng.


I remember that before the fifth grade, I often had a small difference in class and whispered to my classmates, so my grades could not go up.However, after encountering Teacher Li, all this changed.


In the first Chinese class of Teacher Li, I found that it was not the solemn female teacher who walked into the classroom, but a male teacher who looked like ordinary, with kind smiles, and looked like such a approachable man.One stop on the podium, and after Teacher Li simply introduced himself, he started class.Perhaps it was deterred by the majesty of Mr. Li. I dare not say a whisper, and I couldn't tell how long it took a long time to doze off.Instead, the more I listened to the more, the more I was attracted by Mr. Li's wonderful lecture.


After a class, I feel comfortable.I also feel strange: Why is this teacher's class so exciting, and there is such a great magic that can make me hear so vigorously?Strong curiosity drove me to secretly walk to the teacher's office.Looking out of the window, I seemed to understand it all at once.I saw that Mr. Li did not rest after returning to the office. He checked the computer for a while, click the courseware, and recite the book for a while, and sometimes said to himself, "How can you talk about it?"The forehead of Mr. Li had been climbed, but Mr. Li was completely disregarding. He still stared at the book or computer with both eyes. How could he be in class and thought of class would make us learn better and more interesting.


"Ding Zero ..." The ringtone sounded again. Teacher Li, who was still focusing on the lesson, didn't even drink a sip, so he immediately stood up and walked towards the classroom with a book.I also suddenly reacted and hurriedly ran the classroom.Teacher Li, who was always smiling, stood on the podium again for us.Teacher Li's hard work preparation aroused my admiration, and the funny language quickly led my thoughts to travel in the world of Chinese knowledge.


I don't know when, "Whenever I think of you, a good teacher who loves ..." sounded in my ear again.Dear Teacher Li, thank you for paying so much for us.Here, I want to say to you, "Teacher, you have worked hard!"

教师节作文 篇8


"The silent late night stars are shining, and the teacher's room is bright all night .." Whenever I think of this song, I love the teacher's heart.In the first grade, my impression of the teacher was just a passenger in my studies.However, when I have been in elementary school for 5 years, the teacher has taken care of me carefully and kindly teaching, and always makes me unforgettable.


This year, the Teacher's Day, what gift should I give this year?Is it a flower, a fake flower or a greeting card, or a blessing...I believe that all students think about these. Last year, Teacher's Day, when I walked into the campus, I saw that the classmates all took some fake flowers to the teacher.If you have a birthday, you can guess the gifts others, are you a little disappointed?Too creative!This year is the last time I am a teacher's day for my elementary school teacher.Therefore, I want to prepare a special gift for the teacher. This gift will definitely make the teacher very happy. Guess it?What is it?--- Do a brand new self.Change the carelessness.In mathematics class, because of carelessness, I wrote a decimal point, and the result was 100 times.In the Chinese class, because I read the wrong word, the meaning of this sentence 〖www..cn〗 completely changed.


Therefore, I want to be a new self, a student who makes teachers proud, and a child who rest assured.Be a deserved self.Come on!I believe I can succeed!