
时间:2022-06-24 14:26:35 | 来源:语文通



My dad is a post -70s, and I am a post -00s.My dad and I were very different in childhood.Dad lived in the countryside when he was a kid, and his living conditions were very bad. I lived in the community since I was a child.


When Dad was a kid, he couldn't afford new clothes at home. The clothes were patch everywhere. Only the New Year can we wear new clothes.My life is getting better and better, and clothes are becoming more and more trendy, personality, and fashion.


Dad was a kid, and he didn't eat well. He couldn't even eat white noodles. He ate a nest every day. He only ate white noodles once or twice.My material life is already very rich. In the supermarket, food is everything.People have also increased their requirements for eating. Not only must they be full, they also have to pay attention to nutrition.


The house where Dad lived when he was a kid was also very dilapidated. When it rained, it rained outside the house and rained in the house.Winter warming equipment is not good, so the ears are often frostbite.Now, those dilapidated thatched houses have become high -rise buildings, and people have lived in the community, and the warm equipment has also improved.


Dad's travel when he was a kid is inconvenient.There are only one or two cars in a village. The main transportation of people is a bicycle. At that time, the road was all the way, and the rain became muddy. Therefore, when it rained, it was a "dog and mud" when they went out.Nowadays, every family has a car, and it is much more convenient to travel. The previous soil roads have become spacious asphalt roads.


We are prosperous today, and everything is at the bottom of the party. It is countless revolutionary martyrs throw their heads, sprinkle blood, and exchange life. We must cherish today's happy life, study hard, and report to the motherland when we grow up.



One afternoon on the weekend, our family sat around the dining table for dinner.Looking at the rich dishes at the table, Grandpa said with emotion: "The current life is getting better and better!" I put a piece of meat into my mouth, and asked with a tasteful way, "Grandpa, why do you say that?"Grandpa said, "When your dad is as young as you, all kinds of products in our country are very scarce. Many things are supplied by limited votes. Only the New Year can eat delicious and put on new clothes. Your dadWhen I was a kid, I only made a gun I made with wood. "


Grandma went on to say, "The vegetables that were eaten every day were very simple. Buy food and go to the vegetable field. It was dirty and messy. It was cold in winter and hot in summer. Now it is really a big change.There are also escalators upstairs. The dishes in the vegetable market are full of dishes and everything. Going to the vegetable market is like visiting the mall. If you are tired, you can eat something and rest on the first floor snack bar.what!"


Mom also opened the box: "Lele, you are so happy in your current childhood! The pencil boxes and schoolbags I used to go to school when I were young were reluctant to throw away.With a new one every year with the pencil box. Looking at our country, there are many goods on the shelves in supermarkets and shopping malls. In the past, there were few cars on the street.There are small cars, the subway is in all directions, connecting one by one. "


"Yeah!" Dad attached to "Lele, do you know, in the past forty years of reform and opening up, the country has undergone tremendous changes in all aspects in all aspects, creating one miracle after another. China has stood up to the rich, gets rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, and get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, get rich, and get rich, get rich, and get rich, get rich, and get rich.Strong. You must study hard and cherish your current happy life! "


After listening to the words of the elders, I felt that living in such a beautiful era was really happy, and at the same time felt the mission of my body.Grandpa Xi once said, "The new era is the era of struggle. Only the life of the struggler can be called a happy life." I must cherish today's good life, learn well, and master knowledge."Junior strong is strong, and the progress of juveniles will progress." I want to work hard for the good tomorrow of the motherland!



Today I will introduce two treasures to you, Yi Tian Sword and Dragon Sword.Where did these two babies come from? Yitian Sword was bought on the stall of the Yuhuan Tourism Park.Among the many toys, I glanced at Yitian Jian at a glance, begging my mother to buy me, and spent ten yuan, and finally got it.Since then, I have never left the sword.What about the Dragon Sword? When I was in Hangzhou in the summer vacation, my cousin Zhang Xin was sent to me.I quietly told my sister that I wanted a dragon knife.The kind sister bought me from the Internet.When I saw the knife, I couldn't put it down, and my heart was beautiful.These two babies are made of wood and are a good partner for my shadow.As long as I have time, I will hold a sword with one hand and a knife in one hand, and waving a little "humming" like a kung fu panda.Many people say that I have been practicing.


I have a wish: one day, I practice a peerless effort, protect the country and defend the country, the road is uneven, pull the knife to help, and be a smart, brave and just "Lele Man"!



After dinner, our family of three talked and walked with a smile, and my father talked about his childhood.


After his father was a child, he took care of his siblings or went out to fight pig grass.Since elementary school, he has been cooking for his family, and went to the construction site to do tutoring, zero workers, and small trading in the winter and summer vacations.And after school, doing homework is all tasks.Although she was 11 years old, she would not stir -fry. I never thought that she would help my father and mother. I felt that I was far worse than my father.Dad did not have electricity at home when he was a kid, and at night, he asked kerosene lamps to read and review his homework.In high school, you have to learn more than 11 o'clock in the evening.Sometimes more than 4 am, get up and work hard.Later, there was electricity in the neighboring village, and someone bought a TV at home.Dad and friends often run five or six miles, watching TV.


And I live in the era of electrical appliances. I want to watch TV when I want to watch TV.I think if I lived in the era of my father as a child, I might not even pass a day.Dad had poor living conditions when he was a child. The only food that he could provide for him for a long time was nest or steamed buns, especially before the harvest, the family could hardly be unveiled.At that time, when he collected money in the school, he felt the most embarrassing thing.Dad's school in middle school was more than 20 miles away from home, riding a bicycle back and forth.At school, Dad never bought vegetables, eating her pickles and steamed buns, and occasionally worked hard at once. It was the greatest happiness.And I live in a material -rich society, there are vegetables and fruits.But I still picky eaters and picking food, it is really ashamed!Before my childhood, I always thought that when my father did not have so many homework when he was a child, how unrestrained it was to play games with your friends!



However, after communicating with my father, I deeply realized that in that period of hard life, Dad not only complained about life, but actively did his own strength for his home, and faced it calmly with an upward heart.And I often complain about things, such as having a lot of homework, annoying the teacher to drag the hall.Alas, this is all because I don't have an ordinary heart!Compared with my dad, I understand that Dad has always been optimistic and struggle.And I should also study hard, be grateful to life, and positive.Starting today, be yourself!

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"Dad, I don't want to go out to play! I have to stay at home!" I sat on the sofa, holding the remote control in one hand, holding the snack with one hand, and screamed dissatisfied.


"Well" Dad sighed, "When I was as big as you, I went to the fields to play, where can I stay at home?"


"Oh, right?" I asked with great interest.


Dad drank tea and talked: "When I was as big as you, I had almost no homework when I was in school. As soon as I got out of school, I dropped my schoolbag and ran to the field to catch it."


"Wow so good!" I heard my eyes shining, urging my father to continue talking.


"At that time, there would always be some small animals such as chickens, ducks, and goose in our house. As soon as they were out of school, they were immediately called to cut grass to feed the sheep and feed the chickens.Nodded the look of pecking valley grains, there was a kind of excitement in my heart. "


"Sometimes, some of our boys will gather together, and use the small stones by the lake to scattered water to see who fights far. That's the most popular game at the time.One, you can play a dozen one! "


I have been silent, and I am interested in listening to my father who spoke his childhood.There are many books and publications that you didn't have when you were young. The photos also changed from black and white to color, and the road has changed from a path to a wide road. The living conditions are much improved than before. Is it not good? "


"Yeah," Dad nodded thoughtfully and continued. "The living conditions are indeed much better than before, and children can also get knowledge and fun from TV or computer.Better, for us at that time, unrestrained is life! "


When I heard this, I couldn't help asking: "Dad, aren't you very happy when you were a kid? How can you be bitter?"


"When I was a kid, I was because I ca n’t eat enough food.


I am very sympathetic to my dad, but at the same time I am very excited. I can't think of the so -called "bitter" day.


In childhood, there are unrestrained, hard, and happy ... but they are precious.I really want to experience the childhood of Dad's "bitterness"!



My dad and I are more childhood than childhood.Others, let's eat and wear alone!


Dad because of his family as many brothers, and the economic benefits of the production team at that time were not high, the living conditions were very bad. Let's talk about his dress first! There is a saying in the countryside: "New Ah Da, Old Ah Er, Break Ayan." This means that the family has finally made a new dress. It was the third time that the third child was a patch and patch. Dad ranked third in a few brothers. According to himself, he had hardly wearing a decent new clothes to his ten -year -old. Occasionally, I can only enjoy it when I make a new dress. As for the food, it was more aggrieved. Dad and their generation. Dad said that at that time, due to the lack of labor and the population of their family, they were an old "inverted household", and the grain was often detained by the production team. To this end, the family had to buy radishes and sweet potatoes as rations. By the time of April and May, you had to eat "wheat washing rice" to fill his hunger. This is a kind of coarse grain. The production process is to roll the barley in the rolling car first, and then squeeze it in the noodle car. It is said that the rough "wheat washing rice" was difficult to swallow. After listening to my dad's narrative, my heart seemed to overthrow a five -flavored bottle, which was uncomfortable.


Think of my own happy life, my father and mother raised my daughter, and the new clothes at home were full of boxes, but they were still not satisfied and often compared with others.It ’s very picky about eating. Do n’t eat it. Do n’t eat it. Often, your father and mother are very headache.Sometimes, because the vegetables do not fit their own taste, they often lose their temper to their father and mother.It's really not!


Think about the past, see now, we should be proud of living in this era, and we should cherish today's happy life.Looking at the future, we should be more confident. We must learn the true skills and use our hands to create a better life.



1、童年:童年读音为tóng nián,是指①儿童时期;幼年。②长篇小说。苏联高尔基作于1913年。自传体三部曲的第一部。写作者童年在外祖父家的生活。外祖父家的小市民气息令阿辽沙(作者乳名)窒息,只有外祖母的慈爱给他带来安慰。她讲述的童话、背诵的歌谣对阿辽沙未来的人生道路产生了很大的影响。童年 tóng nián词语解释:①儿童时期;幼年。②长篇小说。苏联高尔基作于1913年。自传体三部曲的第一部。写作者童年在外祖父家的生活。外祖父家的小市民气息令阿辽沙(作者乳名)窒息,只有外祖母的慈爱给他带来安慰。她讲述的童话、背诵的歌谣对阿辽沙未来的人生道路产生了很大的影响。分词解释:窒息:1.呼吸困难。 2.因受阻而中断。只有:1.唯有,仅有。 2.连词。表示必需的条件,现代汉语中下文多与“才”或“方”呼应。未来:1.没有到来;不来。 2.谓尚未发生。 3.佛教语。指来生,来世。 4.将来。 5.指将来的光景。 6.即将到来。歌谣:指随口唱出,没有音乐伴奏的韵语,如民歌、民谣、儿歌等。小市民:城市中占有少量生产资料或财产的居民。如小手工业者﹑小商人等。...童年怎么造句,用童年造句»