
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:04 | 来源:语文通



赏月的作文400字 篇1赏月的作文400字 篇2关于赏月作文 篇3中秋节赏月作文 篇4赏月的作文 篇5赏月的作文400字 篇6赏月作文 篇7赏月的作文 篇8赏月的作文300字 篇9赏月的作文400字 篇10

赏月的作文400字 篇1


Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, the traditional festival of our Chinese nation, and a festival of the family reunion.Whenever the Mid -Autumn Festival, people who go out outside will want to go home to reunite with their families.Li Bai, a poet in the Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem: "Looking at the moon and looking down at his hometown."


After dinner, my father said, "Let's go to Hongshi Park, visit the park to enjoy the moon."I was happy to jump three feet high, after all, I haven't been to the park for a long time.


When I came to Hongshi Park, I saw many blooming flowers in the door of the park, and there were many music symbols with red light.There are so many tourists in the park, and there are so many people who come to play. Probably because today is the Mid -Autumn Festival. It is a good choice to travel and enjoy the moon.There are more than a dozen light pillars in the park, which are very beautiful.Going in, the scenery is getting more and more beautiful, with small bridges, flowing water, and many lotus ponds. There are many large and round lotus leaves in the pond, like a large disc.Entering the high -hearted bridge, the beauty of the lotus pond can be seen.I think that this bridge is to ask our family to connect with the hearts, and always be together.


In the bright moonlight, stroll on the road of the park, admire the beauty of the park, and appreciate the full Mid -Autumn Festival moon.

赏月的作文400字 篇2


The long -awaited Mid -Autumn Festival finally came, and the night began to come slowly in the evening.At the beginning, the color of the moon was very shallow, and then it became deeper, and the light was brighter. Finally, a bright bright moon was like a huge plate, hanging on the tall, dark blue sky, softThe moonlight is like a transparent white gauze shrouded the earth, so beautiful!


"Everyone is in a happy event, and the moon is clear from the Mid -Autumn Festival." Yes!We are in a good mood tonight, because today is a reunion day. We can enjoy the moon together and eat moon cakes.


Grandma prepared a rich dinner. After eating, I moved the moon cake to the balcony. At this time, the moon was particularly round and it was particularly bright.Grandma told me to look at the moon to eat moon cakes, so the eyes would be brighter.The family sat quietly together, eating moon cakes, and looking at the moon. The feeling was so warm. I like the mood of Mid -Autumn Festival.


Under the round moonlight, we tasted the festive food and talked about the topic of harvest.While watching the moon, I miss my loved ones who are in a foreign country.The so -called: "Every section is thoughtful."


At night, the quiet moonlight sprinkled to the earth. The dark blue sky was so charming, so mysterious, so beautiful.Everything looks like a silver gauze.Houses and forests are sleeping, and they are sleeping in extremely broad "cradle".I also slept, the silver moonlight illuminated my room, and the round moon accompanied me to enter the round dream hometown.

关于赏月作文 篇3


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, I looked up at the sky and saw a round moon, but it was not a round moon that we often said.There are layers of green clouds in the sky, like fog, Mi Meng in the moonlight.The moon halo is exactly the matchmaker and Qingyun's matchmaker. With the two, the two are gently.

有人说,新月似芽,半月如瓢,今日一见,果真如此。今日之月,云生月隐,神秘迷离,具有独特的情调。我和爸爸妈妈在月光下吃着月饼并赏着月。忽然,爸爸问我:“你知道哪些关于月亮的诗句文章?”我闻声低头沉思片刻说:“有《中秋对月》中的‘直到天头无尽处,不曾私照一家人’,还有朱自清先生的《荷塘月色》。” “恩,不错。”爸爸赞许地点点头道,“我给你讲关于月亮的故事吧。”说着指着不停变幻形状的月亮给我讲起猴子捞月,猩猩打牌等故事。于是新奇的故事便把我吸引住了,使我流连忘返。就这样,我们吃着月饼,在一片欢声笑语中嬉戏。

Some people say that the crescent moon is like buds, and half a month is like a scoop. I see it today.Today's month, Yun Shengyue is hidden, mysterious and blurred, and has a unique atmosphere.My parents and I ate moon cakes in the moon and appreciated the moon.Suddenly, my father asked me: "What do you know about the moon's poems?" I heard the sound and thought about it for a moment, "There is" Mid -Autumn Festival "'until the end of the sky, I never follow the family'Mr. Zhu Ziqing's "Lotus Pond Moonlight". "" Well, yes. "Dad nodded," Let me tell you the story about the moon. "Month, orangutan playing cards and other stories.So the novel story attracted me and made me linger.In this way, we eat moon cakes and play in a laughter.

天色已晚了,迎面吹来一阵 凉 风,我们该回家了,我们不约而同地看了看月亮,其不舍之情不言而喻,我们慢慢地向家走去,月亮为我们洒上一身光圈,像是为我们告别。我一生也不会忘记这一晚。

It was too late, and a cool breeze was blowing on the face. We should go home. We looked at the moon in accident.A aperture, like saying goodbye to us.I will never forget this night.

中秋节赏月作文 篇4


The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in my country. Every August 15th in the lunar calendar, the moon appreciation has become an indispensable program for every family.This year's Mid -Autumn Festival meets the National Day holiday. From the first day of the holiday, I look forward to the circle of fifteen.


On the morning of the first day of the holiday, the sky began to change.The sky was densely clouded, and the light of the sun also covered it.After more than ten minutes, the sky began to rain.I thought to myself, I really want to enjoy the moon at first. It seems that this time I can't see it.My mother saw through my mind, and said, "We will go to the countryside tomorrow, maybe there is no rain there!" I heard here, I jumped happily.


The next day, we came to the countryside early in the morning. I thought that the countryside would not rain, but I did not expect that the rain was larger than the city.I said to my mother desperately: "Seeing this rain is so big, it is estimated that I won't stop for a few days. I still don't want to hold the hope of the moon watching." Mom said, "Don't be discouraged and sayI won't rain in a few days! "I was full of confidence in listening to my mother.


I was boring in the two days when the rain stopped.When I was sitting on the sofa boring, I saw a wire on the rooftop outside the window. At this time, a thought suddenly flashed in my mind.I quietly found a light yellow washbasin and came to the rooftop.Put the washbasin with a clip on the iron wire that is dried in the clothes. Isn't this like a round of bright moon?So, I hurried to tell my mother: "There is the moon!" Mom really believed me and followed me to see the moon on the rooftop.I pointed at "Moon" to my mother with my fingers, "Look, we finally keep the clouds and see the moon!" Mom suddenly laughed and burst into tears.


This Mid -Autumn Festival reward "Moon" is really interesting!

赏月的作文 篇5


October 3, 20xx is the Mid -Autumn Festival in Putian, China. Our family is undergoing a traditional ritual -the moon appreciation. Suddenly two -year -old cousin brought a photo from my room and asked: "Sister cousin, the photo holds in the photo hand holding hands, holding the photos in the photo, holding hands in the photo, holding hands in the photo, holding hands in the photo, holding hands in the photo, holding hands in the photo.Who is the small national flag? "I glanced at it proudly," It was December 20, 1999. I was only two years old and my family and I greeted Macau in Gongbei Port in Zhuhai.The mother of the motherland finally reunited with the lost son -Macau! "I said the more excite the more excited, the tears spent in my eyes ...


"On December 11, 20xx, China officially became a member of the World Trade Organization." My sister beside me couldn't wait to say, "I have deeply understood China's development and the world."


"On July 13, 20xx, our family was sitting in front of TV, waiting for the moment when the 20XX Olympic Games held the country, we held our breath. 'This Olympic Games was held in Beijing, China!Qing. You are only five or six years old. You are jumping and cheering. "The mother said with a comfortable smile while saying.


"On October 15, 20xx, the No. 5 manned of Shenzhou was successfully launched! It was China's first manned aviation, showing how fast the development of Chinese science and technology was." Dad couldn't wait to speak.


"On August 8th, 20xx, the Olympic Games was held in Beijing. China is the most gold medal country. This Olympic Games makes people all over the world look at us in China." Sister added, "This year, we will celebrate the 60th birthday of the motherland in the country.The grand parade, all kinds of display, also prove the glorious development of China in China. "...


On the night of the Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon was empty, Qinghui sprinkled the earth, sprinkled into tens of millions of households, and sprinkled into everyone's heart -a warm current in my heart, groaning a small poem: "Thousands of miles of clear sky,The magnificent mountains and rivers, the red flags flutter. Look at the Kyushu Fangyuan and celebrate the same; singing in the river, flowing all over the place. Society is harmonious, people's happiness, and new chapters of reform and opening up. New China, such as the world dragon, stand in the east! "

赏月的作文400字 篇6


August 15th is the Mid -Autumn Festival. Our family is sitting by the window sill, and we are happy to enjoy the moon cake while eating moon cakes!


When the moon just rose, it was red, like a little girl's shameful face; it was like an egg cake, giving a warm feeling.


I heard my mother say that there is a very beautiful woman on the moon called Chang'e, and there is a jade rabbit next to her.I am envious, because I thought of playing on the moon since I was a child.


The moon gradually rose to a silver disk.This is the most round of the moon in the year, representing reunion, but some people cannot go home to reunite and work hard at work.For example: soldiers who guarded the border guards to defend the safety of the motherland without regrets; workers are still working in order to stop production.The moon quietly sent them a warmth.


The moon was reflected in the pool water, like a jade plate, a group of small fish wandered to the jade plate curiously, and the water was shaking, and the jade plate was broken.


The moon slowly walked west, the moonlight melted, sprinkled in the beautiful garden: its silver gauze wrapped my imagination to the distance.The moon is a very developed planet. Based on the stone analysis brought by the moon brought by astronauts, scientists have dozens of elements on the moon.So scientists want to turn the moon into another home of our home.


After returning to God, he thought of the compatriots in the Sichuan disaster area. Can their Mid -Autumn Festival live well?


Late at night, I had to reluctantly go back to the room with my parents to go to bed.

赏月作文 篇7


On the Mid -Autumn Festival, I went to visit my grandpa with my friends on this day.


Along the way, the golden wind was cool, like a jade plate, like moon cakes, like the moon of the flying saucer quietly climbing to the mountain, sprinking the white face to the earth.Osmanthus spray perfumes secretly.As if welcome everyone.In the field in the distance, the rice smiled with a smile, the sorghum flushed, and the corn exposed his stomach.EssenceMoon cakes seem to make a charming fragrance like a round moon, as if the small worm is hundreds of diamond nose holes.Looking at the garden jade seemed to be on the moon, I seemed to see Chang'e dancing, Wu Gang was in Gui Gui.


We gave the gift, we were taken over the door, we ate together, and Grandpa told us a story. This story tells a piece of Chang'e stealing two Xian Dan to fly into the moon.I was fascinated. I slowly took out the moon cakes and peeled, looked at the moon cake, pinched the moon cake, and sent it to my grandpa. Grandpa opened his mouth and chewed it.Then he said, "Sweet! My good grandson!" After a while, Grandpa swallowed the moon cake into his stomach, closed his eyes and enjoyed it slowly.


This Mid -Autumn Festival is so happy!

赏月的作文 篇8


We have many traditional culture in China, such as eating dumplings, watching the moon, shopping, etc.My favorite is the moon appreciation.


In the evening of the Mid -Autumn Festival, my family and I appreciated the moon.I saw a round jade plate hanging in the sky, the moon of August 15th.Then, my father brought a box of moon cakes, and I picked up a moon cake and ate it with interest.After a while, I saw that every family was full of joy, and cheerfully gathered the moon cake to enjoy the moon.When I turned back to enjoy the moon again, the moon disappeared, and I was very disappearing, and I silently read: the moon can still come out.


After a while, the moon finally came out, and I saw it emitting a clear light.It's so bright, so pure, it's really beautiful.Looking up, the bright moonlight, the house and the woods are clear and bright!It seemed like a layer of silver -white frost.I was attracted by this scenery, and I couldn't help thinking of Li Bai's poem: "The moonlight in front of the bed, suspected to be on the ground ..."


After we got home, my father, mother, and my grandfather and grandmother said that I felt my feelings of watching the moon.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is so beautiful!I really like this traditional festival.

赏月的作文300字 篇9


Today is August 15th. I have the opportunity to calm down and enjoy the charming circle.


In the evening, I came to the yard, ah!A beautiful, round big moon hangs quietly in the sky.It is a little red, motionless in the sky, no cover and no cover, and it looks so solemn.Slowly, the red faded, and the color gradually faded.After a while, the full moon was bright, gradually, and brighter.In the end, the crescent moon was displayed in front of my eyes, so round, so bright, like a huge lighting light at night, the earth was shiny, and the silver -white moonlight added a bit warm and romantic to the quiet night.


Our family was sitting around the moon, talking and laughing, and happiness.I looked at the sky again and found that there was a cloud approaching the moon slowly. The moon shone on the clouds, as if setting a silver edge for the clouds, and the clouds were also brilliant.The moonlight is on the treetops, as if wearing a beautiful new clothes for the big tree, and each leaf jumps with the glory of the silver.Looking at the round moon and colorful clouds in the sky, looking at the big trees and earth with silver light.Listening to the relatives chat.


This round moon attracted me deeply. I did not expect that the fifteenth moon was so magical, so beautiful, so charming.

赏月的作文400字 篇10


Moon cakes and the moon are always in the Mid -Autumn Festival, silently spending a year and a year.


In the past, moon cakes always had to eat, but because of the fifteen moon and sixteen circles, the moon watching the moon will usually be on the 16th night. This year, there are some different. After dinner, we go out to enjoy the moon.


It is really too cold tonight. It seems unwise to choose to enjoy the moon at the beach. Although the moon of the eight levels is very bright, I have to change the location of the moon appreciation.So, when I went to the Mountains, there were a lot of people who appreciated the moon. The cold weather did not block the pace of people watching the moon.


Whenever there are many festivals, when there are too many festivals, the city people say that it is really boring, and even numbness no longer know how to cherish relatives to get together. I am also one of them.However, this year is different.When driving on the way to the mountains, I looked up and saw the round moon in the night sky. I remembered the brother who was far away in the other country. How would he spend such a round of festival alone?Pick up the phone and send a greeting message to my brother. While sending the information, tears have filled my eyes.


I tried to recall the night of previous years, it was a gathering of the whole family, only this year.....Then, then, then


I do n’t know if the moon in my brother is round, and I do n’t know if my brother is eating moon cakes, lonely, do you think of it?


Brother, my family miss you very much!