
时间:2022-10-25 12:59:50 | 来源:语文通



我的暑假生活作文1000字 篇1我的暑假生活作文800字 篇2高中作文关于我的暑假生活为话题800字<二> 篇3我的暑假生活作文800字 篇4我的暑假生活高中作文 篇5我的暑假生活作文800字 篇6我的暑假生活作文1000字 篇7我的暑假生活高中作文 篇8我的暑假生活高中作文 篇9高中作文关于我的暑假生活为话题800字<三> 篇10

我的暑假生活作文1000字 篇1


As time flies, we are about to enter the new semester, and the door of Grade 8 is open to us. This summer vacation that makes us nostalgic for going back and forth will end eventually. Every day in the summer life is full and colorful, and I have also gained a lot.


Everyone is an explorer, looking for new things every day, and I am no exception. I like handcraft, but the childishness in my parents' eyes has become fun. When I tried to make candy ice cream for the first time, I was impatient and made the original exquisite mini ice cream unbearable, but this could not be the reason why I was upset.


It was an afternoon. The breeze was accompanied by the intermittent rain. I was sitting alone on the sofa in the living room, making candy ice cream with just bought materials. At the beginning, I squeezed carefully for fear that the solid candy would fall out. After the rain stopped, I felt a little stuffy with the sun shining, and my mood gradually became anxious. The candy became a little sticky. When I saw that I poured more candy every time, I poured all the remaining decorative candy into the cup. My hand speed was so fast, and the packaging bag was empty in the blink of an eye. I was impatient, I propped up my body with my hands, like a general about to go to the battlefield, and strode forward. The chair behind me was knocked down by my momentum. I went to the room regardless of everything, leaving a semi-finished product and a pile of garbage behind.


5 minutes, 10 minutes, 20 minutes... I sat in the room and looked out of the window at the sunshine. I could not help feeling regret. I walked slowly to the living room and saw the pile of debris I left behind. Regret stabbed my heart like a sharp sword. I immediately took the garbage bag, cleaned up the garbage on the table with my hands, and then sighed.


I am very familiar with taking express delivery, because my parents always need me to help with the endless express delivery. Every time I picked up the express, I was very hasty, but that time was different. "Little sister, here is your express." I was about to enter the gate of the community when the security guard called me. I stopped and turned to look at the security guard who called me. "Express delivery"! He spoke loudly, and his high pitched voice was clear to me 50 meters away. "Thank you," I replied. I walked to the express box and pointed to an information sheet attached to the express. I murmured every word. This time, I was very careful.


Walking at the elevator door, I recalled the scene just now. I was filled with emotion. The security guards, regardless of the sun, protected the safety of the community for the residents, rain or shine, but they could still remember the residence of the residents in the community accurately and earnestly, and took the trouble to help people simplify the express delivery steps. It was not easy. Although it was very troublesome to pick up the express delivery, it was just "handy". I mentioned the delivery and found it was not too heavy.


Everyone has the mentality of being lazy, but as long as you invite patience and seriously accompany you, you will not be irritable and lazy with you. In fact, the same is true for making candy ice cream. The seemingly simple step is to sharpen patience and carefulness. This seemingly colorful and varied ice cream contains sweat in every piece of sugar.

我的暑假生活作文800字 篇2


Summer vacation - this is a long awaited day for our class. After each final exam, we are like flying kites. We can't wait to fly to all parts of the country and even abroad to visit the mountains and rivers! This year, however, is different from the past. The epidemic has stopped us from indulging, while electronic devices have become our playmates. The substantial extracurricular classes filled in our unfulfilled summer vacation life. In the evening, I often sit in front of my bed, watching the stars and the moon outside the window, feeling the sadness of this world while playing the piano!


At the end of July, my father accompanied me back to my grandma's home in Sichuan, and then I went to the summer resort about 200 kilometers away in Chengdu. The summer resort is actually a retirement home for the elderly. There are many particularly noisy children there, which makes people tired. I can only sit on a cane chair like the old people and shake around leisurely. At that time, my life was like a holiday, as if I was cut off from the earth by COVID-19, and I had no idea of the harm of COVID-19.


I occasionally got a news that a family of three was traveling to Chengdu, and one person was unfortunately infected with "Delta virus" on the way, which caused the whole family to be infected. They have gone to many densely populated places. What makes my hair stand on end is that my father and I have also arrived at Chengdu Station by high-speed rail, but when I saw the time they had been to "pass by", I was glad I had escaped.


Later, I gradually forgot about this matter until the day before I returned to Shenzhen, I came to Chengdu Shuangliu Airport alone "armed" and wearing two masks. It can almost be called "desolate and populous". There are only two or three staff in each post. The airport has lost its past glory. After the security check, I walked and looked. There was no one at each boarding gate. It was raining heavily in Shenzhen, and the plane was late. After three hours of hard work, I finally waited for the boarding notice. But I didn't expect that on the plane, I would also fill out a full personal questionnaire, which is all a "disaster" caused by the epidemic.


Then, after a two-hour "long journey", I returned to Shenzhen Airport. It was more than 11:00 at midnight, but the staff of Shenzhen Airport were still making nucleic acids and checking QR codes for passengers to ensure their health and ensure the safety of Shenzhen. I was greatly moved by such a sight!


In our lives "dominated" by the epidemic, we lost freedom and time. It is hoped that in the near future, we can overcome the COVID-19, take off masks, and run forward freely, so that medical staff at the front line and Chinese people around the world can reunite with their families as soon as possible.

高中作文关于我的暑假生活为话题800字<二> 篇3


Summer morning is beautiful. When the eastern sky is not clear, running to the balcony and taking a breath of fresh air will make people feel relaxed and happy. When the sun rises, take out a book and a tape, read and play as much as you can. There is no loud noise, no strange sound of car horns, only a slight morning breeze whispering in your ears. No one goes back to disturb you, and you feel comfortable doing everything. After a while, car horns and people's laughter came from afar, and the day began


It's rainy in summer. Look, a burst of howling, rolling the debris on the ground, approaching us. The sky suddenly darkened, and then the rain began to fall. The leaves in the rain are blown by the wind and hit by the rain, whining and tearing; People in the rain, with umbrellas, walked quickly in the rain, and naughty children played on the road. They played, danced, sang, and let the rain hit them. They were so innocent, carefree, and happy. The rain outside the window is getting louder. At this moment, open the speaker, put on some favorite songs, pick up a pen, and put on some words; Or you can open the piano cover and play some beautiful famous songs to bring yourself into another artistic conception, which makes you feel isolated from the world.


After the rain, a beautiful rainbow quietly hung in the sky, like a rainbow bridge on two tall buildings, competing with the hot sun, adding a new color to the summer, adding some vitality to the students' summer vacation. Even the trees were happy to move and enjoy the beautiful struggle.


Oh, whether it's time to go out for activities? Don't let up this good time. Driving to the beach, you can see a sea sky landscape in front of you. Far away, several fishing boats rippled with the wind, and the sea raised clusters of microwaves. Barefoot, step on the beach and go to the beach. The waves are quarreling and approaching you. The waves are licking your feet like thousands of tongues. Hire a bamboo raft, support it to the middle of the sea, plunge into the water, swim 100 meters to your heart's content, then float on the water, look at the blue sky and white clouds, bathe in the beautiful sunshine, everything is no longer there, and all around you is the sea, the sky, the sunshine... enjoy the warmth given by nature!


When night falls, turn on the computer, watch the news on the Internet and chat with friends. Why not! There is a wonderful night in summer. The stars outside the window are winking at you. The bright moon shuttles through the clouds, reminding you of the story of the moth running to the moon and the story of the cowherd and the weaver girl. Suddenly, a dull thunder interrupted my thoughts, a bright light pierced my eyes, and I closed my eyes gently. I know that tomorrow will greet me with a bright dawn!

我的暑假生活作文800字 篇4


This summer vacation in 2021 is particularly long, with learning, playing, laughing and sadness. Because of the COVID-19 this summer, the state called on all primary and middle school students to reduce going out as much as possible, so I didn't go out to play much. Most of the time I stayed at home, but one thing impressed me deeply.


During the holiday, my happiest time was spent in Dameisha. Because the epidemic is so fierce that we can't go far, we had to stop going back to our hometown once a year to visit our relatives. So I made an appointment with my family and my good friend BOB's family to go to Dameisha for vacation. Because we haven't seen each other for a long time, we were strangers at first and didn't talk much, but we got used to it in the afternoon, so we made an appointment to go swimming in the hotel's indoor swimming pool.


We quickly changed our clothes and came to the swimming pool. As soon as we got in, a surprise came. There was no one in the swimming pool in the afternoon. Ha ha, isn't that equivalent to free booking! We jumped into the water happily and began to play. BOB and I were old friends who had studied together in the long swimming training class. We both had good water quality and soon played the "underwater catch game". At first, I caught him. He dived into the water with a swish, and soon disappeared. I was left alone in the swimming pool, which gave me a whole circle. I tried to find his trace on the water. Soon, I heard a noise in a corner of the wall, and I found him at once. So I quietly dived into the water, swam slowly, and then suddenly jumped out of his face. He was still laughing, and I was scared out of his wits Feet are weak, like seeing a fierce beast


The next afternoon, everyone went to Dameisha Beach to play. We worked together to build a castle. When we celebrated the castle we built, the water level began to rise. When the tide rose, we saw that the waves were getting bigger and bigger, and our castle would be destroyed soon. So we decided to build a wall to protect the castle before the tide rose. We did what we said. The wall was built soon, but the tide became more and more fierce. It was like soldiers in blue armor and white weapons, who constantly attacked our castle. Another wave came and broke through our wall, The water rushed in like a group of soldiers, but fortunately the castle was fine. We made a cold sweat and quickly repaired the damaged wall. This time, the wall was even taller and stronger, blocking many attacks from the sea. In this way, we laughed and fought with the tide nervously until late at night.


The good times always passed quickly, and the trip to Dameisha ended in our laughter in the twinkling of an eye.


This is a special summer vacation. Although there are many restrictions, it is also rich and colorful. At the same time, I have gained a lot of happiness, which is different!

我的暑假生活高中作文 篇5


The summer vacation is coming to an end, and we will usher in a new semester. Looking back on the past in the summer vacation, I still remember it vividly. Compared with previous years, this summer vacation is very special! It not only makes me happy, but also annoys me, leaving me a deep regret.


One holiday, my father announced an exciting news - to visit the beautiful and rich Hainan and the picturesque Guilin. At the same time, my father asked me to finish all my homework before leaving. I felt like two villains were quarreling. One said, "Look, how can you finish your mountain of homework before traveling? If you can't say it well, you should be criticized by your father. It's better not to go!" Another said, "As long as you hurry up and don't waste a minute or a second, you can certainly finish your homework. Traveling is your dream! How can you not go?" In the end, my desire for travel won! Thus, the "Devil's Operation Period" began. In the spirit of "climbing the mountain of swords and descending into the sea of fire" every day, I went to complete the summer vacation paradise, reading and practicing calligraphy. Alas... It's really annoying! What shall I do? By the way, you can try again to see if you have new inspiration. I thought about it, but I still ran into some roadblocks! It seems that the only way is to send "SOS" signals to students and teachers. At 9:00 p.m. on July 26, I got on the plane as I wished and started a nine day tour of Hainan and Guilin.


The vast and endless sea is charming, and Guilin's landscape is beautiful, but the most unforgettable is the Mysterious Valley (commonly known as "Savage Valley"). The sun was blazing that afternoon. We walked into a primeval forest with our guide. The layers of leaves blocked the sun, making people feel gloomy. The air also sent out a bit of cold. From time to time, we made a "goo goo" sound, which made people feel creepy! I saw the "savages" here for the first time. They were dressed in disheveled hair, with dark upper bodies exposed, and only wore a short panther. The faces of these "savages" are painted with different stripes. When tourists come near, some of them will open their teeth and claws, fear to cry, and their voices echo in the quiet forest; Some grabbed a bloody steak from the bowl and ate it with relish; Some people put a small piece of burning charcoal into their mouth and chewed it with relish, as if it were chewing gum; Others picked up a piece of wood burning red and smoking from the fire, "Hey!" He gave a shout and stepped on it barefoot. He was still laughing... They are so barbaric! It's crazy!


The most regrettable event is the city badminton match. I was assigned to the 1992 group. The first game was a team match. Our Jinyun team played against the powerful Liandu team. I led the way and met Shi Luyao, the top seed of the other team. The opponent had received professional training in the sports school! I thought silently: What should I do? Anyway, it's a loss. Why not fight with him! How many times can a person fight! There is an unspeakable pressure when practicing with him. Seeing the fierce spike of my opponent, I couldn't help but sweat a few drops. "The game begins!" The referee shouted. I played Shi Luyao in the back court continuously and spiked him. However, it didn't work. I was often killed by his violent spiking. It didn't take long for Shi Luyao to easily lead by 10:0. Because of an opponent's mistake, I won back the right to serve. By taking advantage of Shi Luyao's chance to return a higher ball in front of the net, I knocked him to death, and then I got back 1 point. But the good times didn't last long. Shi Luyao won the game quickly and easily won the second game with 1:11 again. Not to mention the singles game, I met Ye Jingjian of Jingning Team, who led by two goals at the beginning, and was defeated 6-11 in the last two games. However, this competition really made me realize that "there are days outside the sky, there are people outside the people!" The profound meaning of this sentence.


How colorful my summer vacation life is! It broadened my vision, exercised my will, let me learn a lot of knowledge not found in books, and made me benefit a lot!

我的暑假生活作文800字 篇6


In a flash, the summer vacation full of fun has gone, leaving only happy memories. In the first half of the month, I went back to the countryside to experience life. In the next month, although I was making up for a missed lesson, I was mixed with a trace of happiness. Write a composition


In this summer vacation, I took the high-speed rail to my hometown alone. It was already afternoon when I arrived at the station. As soon as I got off the bus, I felt what the real heat was. The bright sun made my eyes open. After getting off the bus, the hellish heat made me sweat. When I came out of the station, my uncle said with a hometown accent: "Your brother and sister have been waiting for you at home." Sitting in my uncle's car, the original city buildings slowly disappeared, and a large area of farmland and some old houses and towns came into sight. When I got home, I got out of the car with great excitement. My younger brother and sister were waiting for me at the door. My younger brother and sister came to help me with my things when I got off the car. Grandma also listened to the sound of the car coming out of the house and helped me with my things. As soon as I sat down, Grandma told me to have some dumplings. I said, "I'm not hungry now because I have something to eat in the car." But Grandma still went to give me some, so I only tasted good. But Grandma seemed to be afraid that I didn't have enough to eat. She gave me more than 30 dumplings. I really couldn't eat them. It was too wasteful.


After dinner in the evening, Grandpa said that he would take my brother and sister for a walk. He thought that he was just going out for a walk. Unexpectedly, he walked back and forth for a total of four kilometers. When I got home, I was tired and seemed paralyzed. I went to bed at nine o'clock in the evening.


The next day, I got up at five o'clock in the morning to run. It was still cool when I ran in the morning. The breeze seemed to blow the air conditioner and I felt a little cold, but I still couldn't stop yawning. It added up to four kilometers as yesterday. When I got home, I was almost out of breath. After breakfast, I experienced rural life. I was chased by geese when driving geese, and I was bitten by chickens when feeding chickens. I was most happy only when picking vegetables.


Soon my rural life was coming to an end, and the next week I set foot on the high-speed railway home. Although full of reluctance, I had to go back early because of the epidemic. All the way, looking at the farmlands in the countryside slowly becoming high-rise buildings, I feel very uncomfortable, but I can't help it.


The day after I came back from my hometown, I had already arranged a full curriculum. Chinese, English, mathematics and physics were inoculated, which made me busy again. But I was not bothered and tired of it. The curriculum was not so boring, and sometimes I could talk and laugh. When I had time, I could go out to play in an amusement park. When I had time, I could relax. Combining work with rest, I could travel in the ocean of knowledge to obtain knowledge, You can also go out and have fun.


In this summer vacation, I not only gained a lot of knowledge, but also a lot of happy memories.

我的暑假生活作文1000字 篇7


Xia is a passionate poet with a fiery heart. I spent a happy summer vacation with summer blessings. During this wonderful time, I visited the great rivers and mountains of the motherland and felt the culture of the Chinese nation. One of the most unforgettable is the trip to Datong.


Datong, located in the north of Shanxi Province, is an important coal producing area and a city with a long history. It has many places of interest. In the past, I used to pass by Datong when I took the train, but I couldn't make it to this city. Datong is both familiar and unfamiliar to me. This predestined holiday has once again come to Datong, which I haven't seen for a long time, so I have a little more expectation.


On the first day, we went all the way west to the Yungang Grottoes. It, together with Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang, Longmen Grottoes in Luoyang and Maijishan Grottoes in Tianshui, is one of the four largest grottoes in China, and its precious value can be imagined. I used to see it in books, but it's really exciting to see it this time.


Entering the Yungang Grottoes, you can see a palace standing in the lake, with a Buddha hand in the middle of the lake. Going deeper, the real features of Yungang Grottoes are gradually revealed, which is not too spectacular. According to the guide, there are more than 300 large and small grottoes and more than 50000 stone statues in Yungang Grottoes, which have been included in the World Heritage List. As early as the Northern Wei Dynasty, Indian Buddhism had already flowed into the land of China, so many Buddha statues in the grottoes absorbed the artistic style of ancient India. This shows that Chinese Buddhism has a very long history.


The first place we entered was the intact Cave 5. A huge Buddha statue stands in front of me, as if looking down on all living beings. This statue of Buddha is as high as six floors, and you can't see the head of Buddha when you look up. The Buddha's eyes are made of night pearls. The face is round and the eyes are divine. The four walls of the grotto are carved with exquisite Buddhist niches, which is truly honored as the "First Buddha View in Yungang"!


Yungang Grottoes were mainly built during the reign of Emperor Wen Cheng of the Northern Wei Dynasty, which made me exclaim the wisdom of the ancients thousands of years ago. How great it is that craftsmen, relying only on their superb skills and without the help of any advanced equipment, have created art treasures as if they had come down from the sky!


Thousands of years of historical relics have experienced many ups and downs. Many Buddha statues are partially damaged due to environmental factors and cannot be opened to tourists. But we can only stand outside and feel the growth rings of history.


Farewell to Yungang Grottoes, we continued to move forward and came to another famous ancient building - Hanging Temple. The Xuankong Temple, as its name implies, is a temple built on a cliff. Its artistic style combines the three cultures of Taoism, Buddhism and Confucianism. Although all temples are built of wooden structures, they are extremely strong.

我壮着胆子登上悬空寺,往下望去&mdash https://www.niubb.net/ ;—地上的所有景物都显得像蚂蚁一样!此番情景,只能用“绝”形容。导游说:“悬空寺已经入选世界岌岌可危十大建筑,不知何时就会消失。”这些古建筑凝结了古人的心血,承载着源远流长的中华文化,这样看来我们一定要好好保护它们啊!

I bravely climbed the Hanging Temple and looked down&MDA SH HTTPS://WWW.NIUBB NET/ ;— All the scenes on the ground look like ants! This scene can only be described by "Jue". The guide said, "The Xuankong Temple has been selected as one of the ten most dangerous buildings in the world. I don't know when it will disappear." These ancient buildings have condensed the efforts of the ancients and carried the Chinese culture with a long history. It seems that we must protect them well!


Sitting on the return flight, I still remember this journey. Due to the epidemic situation, we only stayed in Datong for two days. Although it is very short, it has gained a lot.

我的暑假生活高中作文 篇8


The long summer vacation has added many bright colors to our life. You may travel and embrace nature; May visit relatives and classmates; Maybe watch the game and listen to music; You may also read some books you like. However, it was such a thing that made me feel the most in the summer vacation.


There is a pot of colorful flowers in my home. It's beautiful! The colorful petals look as if they are shining and golden from a distance. When I am in a bad mood, I will feel happy when I see the beautiful petals; When I am happy, I will never tire of seeing this pot of colorful flowers. I think this potted flower is my good partner, can share my worries and difficulties, and can share happiness with me.


One day in the summer vacation, I asked my mother why such beautiful flowers didn't smell? Mother said: "This potted flower needs to be bigger, so the fragrance will be stronger. Then the whole house will have fragrance!" Hearing this, I was excited: "Mom, how can we make flowers grow up quickly?" "Then water it often!" Oh, I see. I will water it every day to make it grow up quickly.


The next morning, I took the watering can and filled it with water. Then I poured water on this pot of colorful flowers. After pouring a pot of water, I was relieved. I said to the colorful flowers silently, "Drink as much as you like, so that you can grow up quickly. Then I can smell your fragrance." In the afternoon, I drank a pot of water for the colorful flowers. I still don't want my mother to know. I want to give her a surprise.


In this way, I pour two pots of water on the colorful flowers every day, hoping that they will grow up quickly. However, the result disappointed me. Three days later, the petals of this potted flower began to turn yellow. On the fifth day, the leaves began to shrivel. A week later, the potted flower died. How could such a good flower... I was so sad that I cried.


My mother asked me what happened, and I told her the whole story exactly. Mom listened angrily and smiled: "You little fool, it's strange that flowers can't die! It takes several days to water the flowers. You water the flowers so much every day. Too much water makes the roots of the flowers decay, so the flowers will die!" I listened to my mother and patted my head: "It's all my fault."


Slowly, I no longer blame myself, because only self blame can not solve any problems; I began to actively explore a path that would allow me to progress and grow. So far, this unforgettable thing has been with me. Whenever I waver in my commitment, I will therefore firmly adhere to the correct belief. I firmly believe that I am going to the highest point of success step by step.

我的暑假生活高中作文 篇9


It seems that everything has come too suddenly. In the cold summer vacation, you unexpectedly turned to me. All this is so unreal. After asking all the students who are still immersed in the surprise of summer vacation, I finally determined that my summer vacation life has arrived!


I got a few books that I didn't know what to send, and I couldn't concentrate on listening to the teacher's long talk. With a burst of cheers, I quickly took back my thoughts that had flown into the universe, grabbed the things on the desk and rushed out. I only felt that the sunlight outside the door became softer than usual.


After a longer journey than usual, I came home and stood in front of the door. I really felt like a real thing. Rush into the room, and start to find the alarm clock hidden in various corners, and unplug the battery. Since then, my life has entered into a timeless mode. This kind of feeling is like entering the Xanadu, singing birds' songs and fragrant flowers! Then, of course, I blew the air conditioner, ate snacks, turned on the TV and played with the computer. Just when I thought this kind of life would last until the beginning of school, Mom suddenly appeared. He grabbed my computer and confiscated my snacks. The reason is that it's almost enough to play for two days, and we should do what we want to do in the future. At that time, I just felt that the sky was dark, and the universe was dark, and life was no longer beautiful.


After two days of silence, I decided to defeat my mother with action. I began to wander in front of her every day, so that she would feel bored, so that I could be honest with my computer. However, man is not as good as nature. After mother's patience ran out, she sent me to the tutor. I thought I would not have to go to school, but what I finally got was such a painful fact. I have no choice but to follow the teacher obediently. Fortunately, there is still TV to watch at night. On second thought, it is not so boring.


Then I entered into this peaceful study life. After studying, go to the bookstore, find some books you like, and then find a quiet corner. It will be an afternoon. In fact, in the book, I can feel the peace in my heart more. Compared with the illusory life of being addicted to computers, I still prefer this peaceful life. Although I don't admit it.


More than 20 days of torture finally ended. I thought that my mother would show mercy and return my computer, but the reality was cruel. Fortunately, my mother agreed to let me play for a while. Excitedly open the computer, open the microblog, and turn it over. After that, I can't find anything to do. I can't bring up any interest in what I want to play when I don't have a computer. I can only look at some things that are not there. A sense of loss arises spontaneously. Is it really summer vacation? Without the excitement and yearning at the beginning, things that had previously felt interesting are now very common. This may be a confirmation of that sentence, what you can't get is the best, and what you get is boring.


When I thought that this boring summer vacation would continue, I was excited by the news that my sister was going to Qingdao University to do something. Thinking that this might be the only chance to relax this summer vacation, she begged her mother to allow me to go. Of course, she could not defeat my rogue skills, so my mother reluctantly agreed that I could go to Qingdao. However, she was worried that she could not take care of me, and the time to go to Qingdao would be reduced to only four days. Anyway, it's better than the one at home. I didn't complain further. After quickly packing up, my elder sister and I quickly ran out of the house. Through laughter, Qingdao finally arrived. Put away the things and take the elder sister to the seaside. But when she arrives, she has no mood to play. The beach, the seaside and the sea are all a scene of "fun". There is no empty place at all. I have to go to some places where there are relatively few people to enjoy the cool, or eat Qingdao's delicious food. Although I didn't play with water, I ate a lot of delicious food. The trip to Qingdao was a worthwhile one, which made my summer vacation colorful.


My summer vacation didn't go on as I expected, didn't stay up late, didn't overeat, didn't be unscrupulous. Anyway, everything I thought about didn't come true. But this summer vacation life can't tell how bad it is, instead, it has a feeling that it should be. Maybe this is the summer vacation life, which brings you unlimited vision. In the end, everything is calm and gradually puts you on the right track. In general, my summer vacation life is cool!

高中作文关于我的暑假生活为话题800字<三> 篇10


Summer vacation life is like a flash in the blink of an eye. It has been several weeks since school began. Although this summer vacation is almost the same as previous years, and the planned travel plan has been canceled, I have also spent a very substantial time, which is divided into five parts.


The first part is the accumulation of extracurricular books, which is like eating watermelons. In the hot summer days, watermelon is the best thirst quencher. Eating a mouthful of watermelon is cool and sweet, which can secrete and nourish the heart. The accumulation of extracurricular books can cultivate people's willpower. If you stick to it, you can enrich language, expand thinking, and lay a foundation for writing. You will also enjoy the joy of success.


The second part is English. The cool and sweet watermelon is my father's favorite, while the crystal clear, pearl like grape English is my favorite. In the hot summer, which ice grape you can easily put into your mouth and suck, the sweet juice immediately dried my thirsty throat, and immediately I felt endless aftertaste. You will feel the feeling of eating ice grapes when you go to the "Little Star English" school to study English. The air-conditioned classroom, small class teaching, relaxed teaching atmosphere, learning in games, growing up in sweetness, is really fun!


The third part is the secret garden type mathematics. Although learning mathematics is somewhat bitter, you have broken through a new difficulty, which is equivalent to that you have entered a secret garden, where you can enjoy the magic of mathematics. Learning mathematics is like drinking traditional Chinese medicine. After being bitter, you can wait for warmth.


The fourth part is happy shopping, shopping is like eating ice cream. When you walk in the street with hot sun on your head, see your favorite clothes and delicious food, you can't help but take out your money. "After eating the ice cream, you will feel very cool", but you should stop short.


The fifth part is the best part. It's exciting to surf the Internet. In my spare time, I look up information on the Internet and chat about QQ, which is like eating fried chicken legs. I feel free and happy. Sometimes I play the large online game Dungeons and Warriors created in South Korea, also called DNF. There are five characters for you to choose from in Dungeons and Warriors, including upright and frank ghost swordsmen, unbridled sharpshooters, fighters who are good at grasping and holding close combat, magicians who can use elemental magic to summon help, and saints who are imbalanced in attack and defense. Each profession will be transferred with the promotion of the level, so as to have different role abilities. At the same time, the addition of "awakening" gives each role more distinctive characteristics.


This is my simplicity. The real life of summer vacation, reading books I want to read, learning English and mathematics I want to learn, playing games I want to play, and having a happy and fulfilling summer vacation.