The earth is wearing its silver costumes, and its eyes are endless.The trees beside the street were slippery, and only Tower pine added some vibrant green to this simple white.The north wind screamed, and the passers -by's bib and hem were blowing.Over the sky, the dark gray clouds galloping and flowing, surging, covering the fireball that exposed half of the body in the evening, it is considering a heavy snow.
On the street, the car is coming and going.A wanderer of a whole body dirt and hair hanging on the ground limped on the street. Passers -by saw it and lost the opportunity one after another.The puppy twitched his four legs, and his eyes were hungry and tired.Snowflakes like goose hair float in the air at this time, which is blurred from everyone's eyes.A round -faced girl saw the puppy and said, "Mother, this puppy is so pitiful, I divide the cookies biscuits half of it, okay?" On the side of the little girl, a fat middle -aged woman,Glanced at the puppy, and she couldn't look at her face. "Don't go, the dog is so dirty, and it will be infected by the bacteria on its body." Then, hurriedly opened the little girl to avoid the puppy.
The puppy stumbled into the sidewalk, and the snow gradually narrowed, and slowly dancing.Lu Tian, who came home after school, walked across the crossroads, walked by the street, and saw the weak body moved forward hard, with pity, wanted to touch its brain, and then gave it items.
A car shining on the sidewalk was shining with a car to the puppy. "Be careful!" Lu Tian blurted out, but the puppy's shadow disappeared.The snow stopped, and the thick clouds gradually faded.Lu Tian was a shot in his heart, and he rushed to the crowded crossway.The vehicle quickly faded at the end of the pavement. He looked at the road and did not have expected things.He breathed a sigh of relief, but quickly rose up again. He walked forward, and a volunteer in a red jacket was with a Zhangxi puppy.The dirt on the puppy has two -line gray and black marks on the volunteer clothes.It was obvious that it was worried that it was very shocked.
Lu Tianzhuan rushed to the opposite side, and saw a brand hanging around the volunteer's neck, saying "Xu Ming", "Good dangerous, puppy is not injured. How do you rescue it?" In fact, the car was used as a car with the car.Passing the ball behind the puppy.After seeing the puppy, I hugged it.Xu Ming responded. Lu Tian took out the cookies in the backpack to raise a puppy and took the puppy with the volunteer Xu Ming to the surrounding pet clinic.
In winter, after snowing, the glorious blessing of the evening in the evening shown the earth and crossed the snow on the street.When the sun is about to fall, it gives everyone a trace of warmth in the cold winter, which reflects the figures of two teenagers.In Xu Minghuai's puppy, there seemed to be a smile on his face.
1、冬日:冬日读音为dōng rì,是指①冬天。②冬天的太阳。比喻慈祥温柔可亲:冬日可爱,夏日可畏。冬日 dōng rì词语解释:①冬天。②冬天的太阳。比喻慈祥温柔可亲:冬日可爱,夏日可畏。分词解释:冬日可爱:如同冬天里的太阳那样使人感到温暖、亲切。比喻人态度温和慈爱,使人愿意接近。夏日可畏:象夏天酷热的太阳那样使人可怕。比喻为人严厉,令人畏惧。太阳:太阳系的中心天体。银河系的一颗普通恒星。与地球平均距离14960万千米,直径139万千米,平均密度1.409克/立方厘米,质量1.989×10^33克,表面温度5770开,中心温度1500万开。由里向外分别为太阳核反应区、太阳对流层、太阳大气层。其中心区不停地进行热核反应,所产生的能量以辐射方式向宇宙空间发射。其中二十二亿分之一的能量辐射到地球,成为地球上光和热的主要来源。温柔:①温和柔顺。多指女性:性情温柔|温柔可爱的姑娘。也用于其他对象:温柔的风|温柔的阳光|温柔的小绵羊。②温暖柔软:温柔的小手|温柔的皮装。③指男女情爱:温柔乡|愿此生终老温柔,白云不羡仙乡。...冬日怎么造句,用冬日造句»
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