
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:07 | 来源:语文通



小学中秋节作文 篇1中秋节的小学生作文 篇2小学中秋节作文 篇3小学中秋节作文 篇4小学生中秋节作文 篇5

小学中秋节作文 篇1


On the night of the Mid Autumn Festival, I looked up at the sky and saw a full moon, but it was not the bright full moon we often say. There are layers of clear clouds in the sky, like smoke and fog, spreading under the moonlight. The moon halo is the matchmaker between the full moon and the clear cloud. It is sandwiched between the two, with a circle of fuzzy dots. This is neither a domineering guest usurping the role of the master, nor so charming.


Some people say that the new moon looks like a bud, the half moon looks like a ladle, and the full moon looks like the bright eyes of western children. This full moon looks like a bright eye and should be used on the Mid Autumn Festival. This is really inappropriate. Yan Yu said, "On August 15, the clouds covered the moon.". Clouds are born, and the moon is hidden, mysterious and vague. Although the full moon on the Mid Autumn Festival is not as good as the bright eyes, it has a unique mood. I want to walk in the clouds with the moon and listen to her tell the ancient legend. I also want to stand in a quiet place and stare quietly.


However, all this turned into soft moonlight shining on me. This is a real contact and a blessing from an old friend. Many people are willing to spend the Mid Autumn Festival evening drinking at home, but I prefer to listen to the moon singing on the high balcony or outdoors in quiet nights, feeling that "dewdrops are clear in the middle of the month, and the night is bright".

中秋节的小学生作文 篇2


Mid Autumn Festival is a time for family reunion.


In the morning, we got up early and went to the shop to buy some snacks like mooncakes. After coming back, my parents were busy killing chickens and ducks at home! At home, I am also busy sweating!


That night, I saw the round moon hanging in the sky like a big disk. My family is under the moon, enjoying the moon while eating moon cakes!


The ancient people said that the moon rose in the east and fell in the west, and the moon at 15 was round and round.

小学中秋节作文 篇3


The full moon of the Mid Autumn Festival represents the family reunion. Today, we welcome the annual Mid Autumn Festival again.


In the morning, my father took us to the street to buy some fish, mutton... all kinds of vegetables and moon cakes. When we got home, my parents began to be busy. My mother was making reunion dinner, while my sister and I were doing homework and writing. We were fascinated by the smell of food. So we put down our pen and went to the place where my mother cooked. "It's delicious!" My sister said, and my mother told us that the food would be ready soon, Wait a moment (WWW.. CN). After a while, the table is full of food, including fish, pork, and various fried dishes. Of course, mutton stew is also necessary, because mutton stew is our characteristic in northern Shaanxi. After dinner, I went to play with my sister.


At about seven o'clock in the evening, my mother took us to the village entrance to enjoy the moon. The moon had not yet come out completely. The village was very bright under the moonlight. At about eight o'clock, the moon rose, just like a round and white jade plate. In the dark sky, the moon was like a lamp, illuminating the sky and the whole village.


I love the Mid Autumn Festival, but I prefer to watch the moon

小学中秋节作文 篇4


The Mid Autumn Festival falls on August 15 of the lunar calendar every year, which is also a time for family reunion. And there are also some customs, that is, eating moon cakes and appreciating the beautiful moon. Because the moon was the roundest and most beautiful on that day, and there are many beautiful stories about the moon. People say that there are beautiful Chang'e sisters and lovely Jade Hares on the moon... With these visions, I will enjoy the moon with adults this Mid Autumn Festival!


In the evening, I finished my dinner early and went to the balcony, eager to "say hello" to the moon. Decades of minutes later, the sky was still "blank". After a closer look, I didn't even see the shadow of the stars. I took a nap, but then the stars came out, twinkling like small eyes blinking in the air, as if looking at me to say hello to me. I think the stars have come out, and the moon must come out too! Just then, a ray of light, curved, like a boat, and then a large golden disc came out. He imagined the bright moonlight to the earth. Slowly, the month came out. From small to large, until today, I didn't know that there were clouds at night! At this time, I found that the ants on the ground did not move. I think the ants were also fascinated by the charming moon!


The moon of the Mid Autumn Festival is mysterious, round, beautiful and bright. I will be watching the moon next time!

小学生中秋节作文 篇5


The annual Mid Autumn Festival is coming. Father and mother have a happy Mid Autumn Festival together.


The Mid Autumn Festival always brings me joy. I'm very happy to celebrate the Mid Autumn Festival. All my relatives will come to my home as guests.


Cars on the road during the Mid Autumn Festival. truck. bus. Tricycle. There are many vans!


At noon, my mother bought me a lot of delicious snacks, and my parents brought me a lot of meat and vegetables during the meal.