清明节作文300字 篇1清明节作文300字 篇2清明节作文300字 篇3清明节作文300字 篇1
The Qingming Festival is coming soon, and the origin of the Qingming Festival has said.
Today, my father and mother will take me to worship my relatives, and my grandfather and grandmother will go together.Our family embarked on the sad road of worshiping loved ones. When we came to the grave, my mother and my mother and my grandfather prepared the fragrant candle and banknotes to burn a pit to burn the sacrifice on the spot.A ray of red candles, accompanied by the burning coins of the bear, the familiar face of the loved ones appeared in front of him.Therefore, people go to such a row, and the heart is painful.
Then Dad went to buy the fruit again, do I want to eat it for us?Oh!No, it is also used to worship our ancestors.
The strands of green smoke, the dust of the dust entrusts the boundless grief of the loved ones, and the drop of red candle is clearly a sorrowful tears that the loved ones fall.We prayed to our ancestors' "grave grave: I hope the soul of the loved ones in heaven will be super restless!May my loved ones live in heaven!May they bless our family in heaven and happiness.
It is indeed a traditional festival of our Chinese nation. It is so meaningful that it is much more interesting than Western festivals and has profound significance.
清明节作文300字 篇2
"In the Qingming season, there are rain, and pedestrians want to break the soul on the road." The Qingming Festival is approaching, and her mother folds a bag of gold ingot after another, preparing to commemorate the death of the death.
On this day, we came to the tomb, put on some flowers, burned some paper money to express our thoughts on loved ones, and prayed for them silently in our hearts.
At this time, I couldn't help but think of the days they spent with us in the past. Those pictures are vivid and seem to have just experienced it.Thinking of there, we couldn't help but feel sad and tears.Everyone kneeled there and wept, and was unwilling to leave for a long time.
As soon as the wind blows, the weeds in the field sounded "唰唰唰", and seemed to be crying for losing their loved ones. As soon as the wind blows, the leaves on the tree fall down, and it seems to be losing her mother.And crying; when the wind blows, the dust on the mountains flying down, as if crying for losing his father ...
The Qingming Festival is a special day. It makes me understand: people must cherish life, cherish every minute of every minute, every second.
清明节作文300字 篇3
On the holidays of the Qingming Festival, I went to my grandma's house.Grandma has branded a lot of coriander boxes, eggplant boxes, and radish, and goes to the grave to commemorate the ancestors.
On the day of the Qingming Festival, the grandma cooked a lot of eggs in the early morning, and the grandma dyed the eggs on the red pigments.It is fun to touch eggs with the children.
On the day of the Qingming Festival, some people have pierced autumn and can swing.
Other people dyed the horns of their cattle, and some of them dyed the heads of other small animals into red.
The Qingming Festival can also be settled.It is also called Tanchun, Xunchun, and outing.Its meaning is to step on grass, play in the countryside, and watch spring.
The customs of the Qingming Festival are rich and interesting. In addition to paying attention to fire, grave sweeping, and willow activities.According to legend, this is because the Qingming Festival has to eat cold food. In order to prevent cold food from hurting the cold meal, everyone will participate in some sports activities to exercise.Therefore, in this festival, there are both sorrowful sour tears that sweep the new grave and do not die, and the laughter of playing in green is a distinctive festival.
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