
时间:2022-10-15 13:25:39 | 来源:语文通



寒假的作文 篇1以寒假为话题的作文 篇2我的寒假生活作文 篇3寒假作文 篇4寒假作文 篇5我的寒假生活作文 篇6

寒假的作文 篇1


The time of winter vacation is beautiful, but it is accompanied by loneliness. A winter vacation of more than twenty days. There is very little homework, but nobody accompanies me, so I like and dislike the winter vacation. When the New Year comes, everyone's relatives and friends gather together. You say they laugh and give gifts to each other, beaming. It seems that the things given by others are worth more than others. Give them openly and fight secretly. It is said that it is no fun to compare who has money and whose son and daughter have good grades, encourage and praise each other.


But the winter vacation is also beautiful. For students, they are very happy to watch TV and play with computers at home every day. Especially during the Spring Festival, red envelope! Red envelopes! Red envelopes! My mind is full of red envelopes and red bills, which determine our expression. Ten yuan is very depressed, twenty yuan is very sad, fifty yuan is expressionless, one hundred yuan is happy, and more than one hundred yuan will jump happily. But for some people, no matter how much money they have, they will not be happy, because they know that no matter how much money they have, it will eventually be in their hands. Fortunately, I am not. My mother won't ask for my red envelope. She will only help me deposit it in the bank as my college expenses.


This year, my red envelope was 9150 yuan. I had never received so much money before. I was full of wondering if I would buy some food to play with. Outside, people are singing and dancing, watching the Spring Festival Gala in bed, eating and drinking in hotels, and enjoying the New Year.


The winter vacation is beautiful and lonely. I wish you all a wonderful and full winter vacation!

以寒假为话题的作文 篇2


I am used to sleeping until the sun shines three poles every day before slowly getting up to start a new day. I am used to playing until I am exhausted every day. Accustomed to not showing a trace of impatience under my mother's incessant nagging, but also bowing aside, I feel like a traitor facing the Japanese imperial army.


It is customary to rent some comics, novels and magazines in the bookstore every morning, and then use the afternoon leisure time to bathe in the sun to enjoy the spiritual food - the fun of reading. I am used to playing on the swings at the sports equipment in the nearby park in the evening. I used to drink a cup of steaming milk made by my mother before going to bed. I used to steal my father's MP3 and lie in bed listening to the songs of JOLIN, JAY, TWINS and Pan Weibo when I couldn't sleep at night. I am used to plugging the tape of English songs into the recorder when I am bored, listening to the "IWILL FOLLOWHIM" which is not boring to listen to, and reading the "Harry Potter" which is not boring to read.


I am used to wearing various types of coats, sometimes down jackets, sometimes fur coats. I am used to lining my coat with a small black cotton padded jacket and a white tight sweater, and only occasionally change to wash when the sweater is dirty. Get used to wearing jeans and casual sports shoes. I like a leisurely life. It's good to be free.


It is customary to spend one day a week riding a bike, shuttling around the streets and lanes, coming to the school to buy a lot of celebrity posters and other things. Of course, there is no way to avoid the colorful snacks. In fact, I also earn a lot of money, because after the holidays, things in the school are much cheaper than the market price. Don't laugh at me for being stingy. After all, we should economize everywhere! isn't it?


Well, listen to my introduction. I believe you know something about me. Yes, I am. I like to be carefree. I once refused the teacher's kindness to let me be a team leader because of two words trouble. You may criticize me for not being ambitious, but I think it's good to keep my own personality, because I'm unique!

我的寒假生活作文 篇3


Time flies. In the twinkling of an eye, the happy winter vacation is coming to an end. Looking back on my winter vacation life, it is so dreamy, full, beautiful and happy.


Due to the arrival of cold air, there will be a big snow storm in the city this winter vacation, so under the careful arrangement of the education department, we ushered in a dream like winter vacation life in advance.


Looking forward to the stars, the moon, and the first day of the winter vacation, we are looking forward to the snow that we think about day and night. Early in the morning, when I opened the curtains, I saw a dreamy kingdom. There is a vast expanse of white everywhere. The roofs, trees, cars and lawns are all covered with white silver. Crowds of children were playing in the snow, with angel like smiles on their faces. The snowflakes are still flying all over the sky. I can't wait to get fully armed, put on my rainboots, snow clothes, gloves and hats, and join them. I will chase, fight and make snowmen in the snow with the children in our community... to build our common "ice and snow kingdom". Thanks for the first snow in 2018, which added a dreamy color to our winter vacation life and brought us different experiences and happiness!


My winter vacation life is full. This winter vacation, in addition to completing the teacher's homework on time, I also participated in the winter vacation reading. I read Journey to the West, my first science comic book, Baohulu, and my first geography enlightenment book. What impressed me most was the "outsmart the Red Boy" in Journey to the West. He told us that we should not trust others, and we should learn from the Monkey King. Even if beaten by the Red Boy, we should not be discouraged, and we should face it calmly to succeed. At the same time, I also went to my mother's company to participate in their annual meeting, and performed bamboo flute solo in the venue of nearly 400 people, which once again exercised my courage, and was recognized and encouraged by everyone. In addition, we accompanied grandpa and grandma back to their hometown Lianyungang to celebrate the New Year and feel the different atmosphere of the New Year.


My winter vacation life is beautiful. During the Spring Festival in my hometown, I learned about the customs of Spring Festival in my hometown; Participated in activities of getting rid of the old and putting on new things, guessing riddles and shaking sugar balls; On the New Year's Eve, we gathered around the table with our families to eat the New Year's Eve dinner. Everyone raised their glasses and said New Year's greetings to express their good wishes for the New Year. I listened to my grandparents' stories about their life experiences, and listened to my uncle, aunt, father and mother's stories. Each story deeply attracted us and moved us. Everything is so peaceful and beautiful.


My winter vacation is happy. When we came to our hometown, we followed my father to the primary school and middle school where he once went. Here, we took the way my father used to go to and from school, and ate the snacks my father used to eat... The most pleasant thing was that my father took us to their secret base when they were children - a hill where we dug crystals. We searched along the hill slope and dug crystals according to the method my father taught us. My sister and I followed my father's instructions and searched carefully like archaeologists. "Wow! Wow! Wow"! Mother was startled by our surprise voice, and the three of us shouted with one voice: "I've found crystal!"! Dad ran past, took a small crystal and handed it to us. "No, it's not worth it. This is what I told you that we could dig crystals on this hill when we were young.". Soon, we dug a total of 6 large crystals and 20 small crystals. What a great harvest!


Thanks to my dear family, I had a rich, colorful and happy winter vacation!

寒假作文 篇4


Today is a special day, because today is the day when I go back to school to get my papers after the winter vacation.


All the way to the school and into the class, my teacher was handing out papers. At that time, my heart was about to jump out. I didn't know what results I would get. When the teacher handed me the Chinese test paper, he took it in his hand and looked at it. It surprised me. It was not ideal, and I felt very sad. After a careful look at the paper, I found that there were careless mistakes, and there was one thing I couldn't do. The most important thing was that I didn't finish my composition on the day of the exam. I only wrote half of it, and the time was up. I had to hand in the paper. It's a pity to die. At that time, I thought that the Chinese score would not be good this time. The result was really so, it was not ideal.


Then I came to the composition class. The teacher gave us a test paper to analyze the topic and a lesson. I corrected all the mistakes. I was thinking, this time I didn't do well in the exam. Next time I must do well in the exam. I don't believe it. I can't get good Chinese scores with my intelligence? But good or bad, it's all over. We should start from the beginning. In the new day, we should kill all problems in seconds. This is the real me.


After reading my paper, the teacher said, if you finish your composition, wouldn't you take a big step? The results will be better. Yes, what the teacher said is particularly right. I should listen to the teacher, study hard, and do something faster, and I will certainly get a particularly good result. I will work hard!


After school, I walked on the road and thought, how can I explain to my mother when I get home because my grades are so bad? Would I... feel a little uneasy.

寒假作文 篇5


On February 26, 2021, the 15th day of the first lunar month, today is the Lantern Festival. It is also the day when Teacher Ping invited me and my classmates to join the Lantern Festival in the calligraphy class.


In order to participate in this activity, I got up early. After breakfast, my father sent me to the calligraphy class. It was so lively all the way! The festive atmosphere is permeated with lanterns and decorations everywhere. Soon I came to the calligraphy class and found that the classroom had been hung with lanterns and riddles, and our children were talking happily.


After a while, the activity began. First of all, Mr. Ping welcomed us and introduced the origin of the Lantern Festival, so that I learned some knowledge and customs of the Festival. Then there is the riddle guessing. Let's look at the riddle and see who can guess it quickly and accurately. The scene is very lively! Again, we make lanterns. We make all kinds of lanterns together. Finally, it is to rub the glutinous rice balls. Looking at the big and round glutinous rice balls is like looking at the bright moon in the sky.


After the activity, I can't forget it for a long time. Today is really a happy and unforgettable Lantern Festival!

我的寒假生活作文 篇6


The cold wind blew the snowy road. Then float, dye silver fog. Ice blanket, plain clothes and mountain buns.


Jilin is really a world wrapped in snow. The tall and lofty mountains are covered with crystal snow blankets, and the tall trees are stretched with silver ice. Come to this city of ice and snow to experience the noble envoys of ice and snow.


After two days of skiing, we got familiar with the environment of the ski resort, so we went to D3, a medium and high grade ski trail. In D3, we are used to the F rope trail, and we are not used to the steep slope and the ice surface where it will appear. The teacher taught us that the edge of the board should be more inclined and the turning should be big. Finally, we slid down, and felt our strength improved a lot.


Another day later, at the end of class, it suddenly snowed heavily, "This is a rare opportunity!" The teacher said, "Let's go to A2 and ski again to let you experience real skiing in snow".


From the top of the mountain, the teacher shouted, "Don't worry, take your time. The visibility is more than ten meters!" I was immediately confused. What is more than ten meters? Is it more than ten meters? After a while, nobody will be there! As a result, it really disappeared after a while! Only I and another student quickly slid down and waited. After waiting for a long time, a few small points gradually became bigger and slid over.


On the last day of the assessment, we were tested on the intermediate track. We skied double skis, galloped fast, struck the sky with eagles, and competed for the flow of hundreds of rivers. The skiing course ended perfectly. Looking back on these days, there were joy, anxiety, excitement of flying in the snow, and surprise and worry of skiing in snowy days. These memories will last forever in my [WWW.. CN] memory as bright ice crystals.


The wind is natural and unrestrained. The electric switch startles the goose and turns into Silver Snow Valley. Poplar ice flowers are proud of frost bones, and ancient pine stands freely with fog. Don't ask the deer to sound several degrees. Looking back several times, the snow was white and the clouds were floating, and Xuan flowers were scattered.