
时间:2022-10-21 13:05:11 | 来源:语文通



教师节节日作文 篇1教师节作文 篇2最新的教师节作文 篇3教师节作文 篇4教师节征文 篇5最新的教师节作文 篇6教师节 篇7教师节作文 篇8

教师节节日作文 篇1


Vast Shien, unforgettable forever! In my memory, all teachers are so conscientious and responsible in teaching, so amiable.


There are many teachers who have taught me, but what impressed me is my current Chinese teacher, Mr. Wang. Mr. Wang has been the head teacher of our class since the fourth grade. She is very responsible, treats every student equally, cares about us and is our "second mother".


Speaking of Miss Wang, what impressed me deeply was the knowledge of composition she taught me. When she talks about her composition, she will let us pay attention to the levels, paragraphs, and which sentences are used inappropriately and need to be corrected; Which words are used in the wrong places, etc. When correcting compositions, the teacher will draw red circles on the wonderful sentences. Because I followed the method of writing compositions taught by the teacher, I often got "excellent" or "excellent+" in my composition book because of the "red circles".


Vast Shien, unforgettable forever!! I will remember the teacher's earnest instruction to me all my life.

教师节作文 篇2


There is one of the greatest professions in the world, which is neither high power nor easy. She is the most ordinary and the greatest. She is a teacher.


The teacher is a gardener, pruning the branches that escape from our side, so that we can grow upward; The teacher is an engineer, always thinking of gathering the scattered sand into a tall building.


There are many such teachers around me: beautiful and beautiful chemistry teachers, gentle and patient Chinese teachers, conscientious and responsible physics teachers, and understanding English teachers. But what I admire most is the math teacher and our head teacher. She is very responsible and tries her best to use all her time to give lectures to her classmates. She is not very strict, but she is very dedicated to us. She takes care of our study and life and often urges students to be on duty. The teacher also pays great attention to cultivating our quality. In our hearts, the teacher is a mother who loves her children; The teacher is a benevolent teacher, teaching his students; The teacher is a friend, comforting


Our hearts. The teacher's dedication is selfless, and she thinks that we have a good result is to repay her.


The teacher is a rosy cloud reflecting the red east, holding up hope; A teacher is a shining red candle, burning himself and illuminating others. The three feet platform is the world where you can display your talents. You guide us forward with the magic of turning stone into gold. Thank you, my teacher. I wish you a happy holiday!

最新的教师节作文 篇3


It's almost Teacher's Day. What gift should I give to my teacher? Flowers? Not good, too vulgar. Greeting cards? Nothing new. How about making some innovations to make a gift package for Teachers' Day? OK, do it without delay! I first targeted my blessing on Teacher Peng, who had taught us mathematics for three years. start! At the command of the Brain Command, every cell in my body began to work hard. First conceive the "outer package", then design the "inner goods". I first found a piece of colorful cardboard to make a square paper bag, and carefully pasted interesting eyes, nose, mouth on the paper bag, plus a lovely dimple.


Look, a cute paper bag doll was born under my hands! In order to attract the teacher's attention, I also wrote this word with a watercolor pen: "Open your pocket, more surprises!" Of course, the most important thing is not to forget to write down my most sincere wishes: "I wish Teacher Peng a happy holiday, and the world is full of peaches and plums!" I really hope that this smiling face doll can make Teacher Peng laugh and relieve her fatigue of teaching all day.


The exquisite "outer packaging" has been completed, and the next work is the core "inner goods". This is a message full of gratitude: "Teacher, you are the guide, leading us to climb the peak of mathematics; you are like a lighthouse, illuminating our way forward; you are like a sailboat, carrying us in the ocean of knowledge; you are more like a candle, lighting yourself to illuminate others."


The gift package for Teachers' Day is finally ready! It may not be as valuable as the gift bag bought by the shop, but it is full of a strong feeling of teachers and students. I think when Teacher Peng receives this special gift, she will be surprised and relieved!


I couldn't help laughing when I thought of my masterpiece

教师节作文 篇4


The hot summer has passed, and Miss Qiu came to the world with light steps. In a twinkling of an eye, we ushered in the annual Teachers' Day.


Here, I wish Mr. Yang, the head teacher of Class 2, a happy holiday! Good health, good luck! Here, I'd like to call you Mom Yang, you've worked hard.


Mom Yang, you have trained me for so many years, and you are more or less strict with me. I have some bad problems in my study, such as improper sitting posture, wandering in class, careless homework, etc. You always criticize me seriously. But I know that sternness is also a kind of love. You are doing this for my own good, so that I will not make the same mistake again.


You are strict with me in learning, but you care about me and love me like your mother in life. I still remember that this summer vacation, I was doing my homework at your home. One day, I suddenly had a high fever. You were very worried, and immediately wiped me with alcohol. You never stopped wiping for two hours, and you were very tired and sweaty. You took care of me like your mother, which really moved me.


Here, I would like to say loudly: Thank you, Mom Yang. I am determined to repay your love with practical actions: no longer violate the classroom discipline, but also sit upright and listen carefully in class, striving to learn more!

教师节征文 篇5


Three thousand gardens of peaches and plums are sown in spring, and China is full of fruits in autumn. Don't forget to thank your teacher for your kindness!


Teachers, like leaders of horses, lead us forward; Teachers, like clear raindrops, moisten your injured mind when you are confused; Teacher, what an ordinary but especially sacred profession, what a familiar and kind word. Have you ever remembered that there is such an unforgettable memory that has always accompanied me, influenced me and inspired me.


It was a period of fresh memory. On the electronic board opposite the classroom, the bright red word "40 days before the high school entrance examination" was very conspicuous. It reminded us that time is like a stream, and it always passes by inadvertently. In the classroom, the students rushed to write, making a rustling sound. The classroom was filled with a strong fighting atmosphere, and the sweat on the students' forehead witnessed their struggle.


After entering the third day of the junior year, the tasks of various departments have become increasingly heavier and more difficult. For me, a partial undergraduate, I was a little out of breath, and the number of times I passed the math exam was very few. I almost lost confidence in the subject of math because of many unsatisfactory results. The whole person seemed to be deflated gradually. Just when I was disillusioned, she appeared!


That day, the math teacher called me to her office. I thought to myself, either the teacher would scold me, or I would double my homework, which would be bad. But the fact was not so. There was no reprimand. Instead, she told me a lot of her own interesting experiences related to mathematics. I listened with interest, which also prompted me to change my understanding of mathematics. Later, the math teacher carefully explained to me the problems I had done wrong before. Although I had many questions, the teacher still patiently gave me analysis and guidance. Suddenly, in my heart, the teacher is like a colorful book, which can give me endless knowledge and spiritual power. The Yellow Sand Misty Division leads the way, and the fog obstructs the way closely!


On the electronic board opposite the classroom, the bright red words are getting smaller and smaller, and the day we rush to the battlefield of the high school entrance examination is getting closer and closer. In the increasingly tense time of preparing for the exam, the math teacher took good care of me. Every time after school at noon, the math teacher would leave me for coaching. Life is more considerate. When I eat, the teacher will give me half of her meals, so that I can have a good mental state to prepare for the exam. With the warm spring breeze care and care of the math teacher, my math achievements have made a qualitative leap. This made me no longer afraid and lonely, but full of confidence and strength on the way to the middle school entrance examination!


The number on the electronic board was still zero, and the high school entrance examination kicked off. That was the day when the math teacher did not come to cheer me on. It was said that the teacher was ill and was taking some drops in the hospital. I went to the examination room with the encouragement of my teacher and the knowledge and skills she taught me. As expected, I did not disappoint the teacher's cultivation of me all the time. I broke through myself, played beyond my normal range, and achieved excellent results.


Black hair accumulated frost weaves the sun and moon, and chalk speechless writes about spring and autumn. It is a teacher, a teacher like a candle, who ignites himself and burns the torch in my heart. Without her, there would be no me now.


The teacher is a bright light when I get lost, a bank that brings me hope and builds confidence when I am helpless. Thank the teacher for his meticulous care and painstaking cultivation. It is you who planted the seeds of hope on my path of learning and let me move forward with confidence and without fear. At this moment, I just want to say: "Thank you, teacher! You have worked hard!

最新的教师节作文 篇6


The new semester began, and we ushered in the annual Teacher's Day. This year, our class had a different Teacher's Day than before.


At the end of the afternoon of Teachers' Day, the students invited the teacher into the classroom. When the teacher opened the classroom door, he saw the students holding burning red candles in their hands. Doesn't the red candle just symbolize the teacher who is unknown, burning himself, illuminating us, and giving us endless knowledge and strength? When the teacher walked onto the platform, the students presented pink carnations to the teacher. The colorful carnations not only represented our great respect and admiration for the teacher, but also thanked the teacher for his motherly care for us. At ordinary times, the teacher is a diligent gardener who carefully cultivates the flowers in our gardens. In our hearts, the teacher is a beautiful carnation. Those stars around the carnations are us, and the teacher is a flower that will always bloom in our hearts. The teacher hugged the flowers and smiled happily.


Then, the whole class sang the song "I will become you when I grow up" in praise of the teacher. "When I grow up, I will become you, and then I know that in that classroom, hope is flying, and you are always guarding the nest; I know that on the blackboard, truth is written, and utility is wiped away; I know that the chalk is drawing a rainbow, and tears are falling; I know that the podium is raised by others, and self is dedicated..." The singing voice ripples throughout the classroom. Finally, the students shouted: "Teacher, you have worked hard! Happy Teacher's Day!" The teacher's eyes shed excited tears. The teacher realized that the children have grown up and become sensible


This is really a different Teacher's Day than before.

教师节 篇7


Today is Monday. It's sunny and sunny.


Xiaohong walked out of her house and suddenly remembered that today was Teachers' Day. What gift should I give to the teacher? Go to the gift shop? No, the teacher doesn't want us to do the same. Send greeting cards? I can't express my mind. What exactly are they sending? She made a big question mark in her heart.


Walking, I saw many wild chrysanthemums on the roadside. Her eyes lit up and she was secretly happy: it was it. She ran over and picked it carefully. One, two


She walked on with the flowers in her hands and couldn't help thinking. I remember that time, I was hospitalized because I was ill. The teacher brought all the students to visit and bought me a box of apples. And he said to me: "Don't worry about it. Take care of yourself. I'll make up for the missed courses." Since then, you have come to make up lessons for me every day. One day, the weather was bad and it rained. I thought you would not come, but you came anyway. In order to make me not worry, I quickened my pace, fell down and twisted my ankle. When you finished my lessons and limped downstairs, I couldn't help crying.


She went to the school, divided the flowers into two parts, and silently said in her heart: "Teacher, I wish you a healthy rest and a happy holiday." She walked quickly to the office. Seeing that the door of the office was closed, she inserted flowers into the pen holder from outside the window. At that moment, she found the busy figure of the teacher flashing on the reading glasses, the desk calendar, the globe and the ink bottle, which made her think of the eyes with reading glasses.


On the way back to the classroom, she thought: Teacher, two bouquets of flowers are not valuable, but I give you not only this, but also a sincere heart.

教师节作文 篇8


One morning in autumn, the morning sun was scattered on the campus through scattered branches. A teacher's office window was open, the lavender curtains were neatly tied, and there was a brown framed glasses on the desk. Under the glasses was a thick, turned over teaching book. There is a globe on the top right corner of the table. Next to the globe is a pen holder. There is a box of ink. There are two pens, four ball pens, a pencil and a ruler in the pen holder. There is a calendar on the opposite side of the pen holder. The calendar was turned to September 10. Maybe the teacher prepared a class for the whole night and changed his homework for the whole night. He was tired and went to have a rest.


"In the quiet night, stars are shining, and the teacher's room is bright all night..." Eh? Where came the beautiful melody of the song "Whenever I Walk by the Teacher's Window"? oh It was originally sung by a little girl. A little girl wearing a pink jacket, a brown schoolbag, a pink hair clip on her head, a red scarf on her chest, a bunch of blue and yellow wild chrysanthemums in her left hand and a bunch of yellow wild chrysanthemums in her right hand came to the teacher's office while singing and skipping. When she came to the window of the teacher's office, the little girl stopped. She took advantage of the teacher's absence, She quietly inserted the yellow wild chrysanthemum in her right hand into the teacher's pen holder. She smiled happily while arranging flowers. She thought: The teacher will be happy when she sees it. Why did she send flowers to the teacher quietly? Maybe she is a poor child. When she has difficulties, it is the teacher who helps her solve them. Maybe her previous academic performance was not ideal. After the careful guidance of the teacher, her performance was much better than before. Maybe she is a monitor who sends flowers to thank the teachers for their hard work on behalf of the whole class. Maybe


After she planted flowers for this teacher, she left again, skipping. I think she must have many teachers to thank, otherwise why did she take so many flowers?


That day was Teachers' Day.