
时间:2022-11-08 13:01:01 | 来源:语文通


二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇1二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇2二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇3二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇4

二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇1


In the morning, I woke up from my sleep and found that everything outside had changed. I quickly opened the calendar and found that it was 20XX.


I can't wait to drive my energy-saving flying car. Energy saving flying car is a kind of flying car that can use solar energy to generate electricity, but what if it rains in cloudy days? Then it can use hydropower or wind power, saving energy.


Walking on the road, I found that the road was divided into four layers. The lowest floor is for subway, the second floor is for train, the second floor is for motor vehicles, and the top floor is for pedestrians. From there, you can see the most beautiful scenery in the city. Suddenly I heard a sweet music. Where did the music come from? It turned out that the road turned the noise of cars into sweet music, which was broadcast at a volume of 40 decibels.


I continued to drive my flying car on the road. The car walked to a shopping mall. I wanted to go shopping in the mall, so I parked my car here. I found that there was no plastic bag in the mall. Everyone carried a small cloth bag. The younger children did not know what the plastic bag was.


I walked out of the mall and came to a park. Seeing people planting trees and flowers adds a beautiful landscape to the park.


Suddenly, I heard a tinkling sound. I opened my eyes and found that I was still in bed. I think if human beings love the environment, we will also enjoy this life in 20 years. I laughed at the thought. Mom and Dad ask me why I laugh? I said to them, "Guess!"

二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇2


I traveled to my hometown in 20XX by time and space shuttle. Ah! I was stunned by the sight. It's incredible!

我乍眼一看 www.paomian.net ,家乡那条发臭的小溪,变成了清澈的河流。天空是湛蓝的,清澈的水流中,还映着雪白的云朵。许多小动物在树下嬉戏,玩耍。空气很清新,阳光是充足的。

At first glance, I saw WWW.PAOMIAN NET, the smelly brook in my hometown has become a clear river. The sky is blue, and white clouds are reflected in the clear water. Many small animals are playing under the trees. The air is fresh and the sun is abundant.


I turned my head and faced the road. Every family has three or two new multi-function cars that can fly into the air. Very affordable, cheap. Even if some cars become zombie cars, they will not cause any pollution to the environment. It will decompose automatically, so there is no zombie car processing plant.


I came to the library along the road full of small trees on both sides. The library is a unique small western-style building. Everyone has their own independent space to read, and it is invisible. After you read a book, the robot will help you put the book in the right place. In this way, it also helps the library aunt! They don't have to work so hard every day. You can choose another book. As long as you press the button, the robot will bring it to you.


The medical technology here has also become very advanced, and treatment is free. Moreover, the incurable diseases that could not be cured in the past have also developed a cure method, so that people will no longer suffer from the pain. In addition, the hospital also has a small hospital at the entrance of each community to facilitate people's medical treatment. But medical technology can also be compared with large hospitals.


In my hometown 20 years later, the development of human science and technology has changed with each passing day. I really hope that this day will come soon!

二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇3


As time goes by, I left my hometown for 20 years. When I settled in the United States, I became a famous scientist. When will the moon shine on the south bank of the green river in spring? Who else do I not miss my hometown? Being in a foreign country, I wish I could fly back to Taiyuan.


Walking on the road to my hometown, the first thing I saw was the blue sky and fresh air pouring into my nose, with a little fragrance and sweetness. On the roadside, a row of cherry trees were everywhere, and a gust of wind blew the petals off, dancing like a fairy.


Then I came to my alma mater and saw a big, fat, white belly with a face screen. Every child had to brush his face to see if he was a student of the school. If so, the entrance would open. If not, the entrance would not open, and he would put you in the waiting area until all the students entered the school. Dabai will naturally educate you in the waiting area. He is our "security knight".


Later, when I returned home, my family warmly welcomed me. The original small house has become a high-rise building, and there are automatic temperature regulators, including a sweeping robot and a dishwasher. But what impressed me was that the automatic cooking machine, cooking before cooking, chicken and bear will let you order a meal, and it will be ready within half an hour after ordering, and the taste is delicious. Smart appliances, It brings convenience to people's daily life.


The white moon tonight is the hometown Ming, the hometown mountain, the hometown water, everything in the hometown is tonight, and the bright moon is deeply imprinted in my heart.

二十年后的家乡作文400字 篇4


"Being a stranger in a foreign land alone, I miss my relatives every holiday". Time flies like water. Twenty years have passed, and I have become an excellent special forces soldier. Today, I received a call from a brother who lived and died together, inviting him to go home to the hometown to attend a classmate party.


I flew the most advanced new high-speed plane to the five-star hotel. The friends have arrived and they have ordered the dishes. We told each other our stories. Some students are special soldiers like me, some have become the chairman of a large company, and some have become policemen. We talked and laughed, how happy we were!


After dinner, I decided to go home to see my parents, who had turned grey. Fortunately, I bought a multi-functional robot nanny for my parents this time. Parents love this gift and can do many things. This time I came back just in time for the National Day holiday, so I could stay a little longer. My parents called my cousin, and my cousin took me around. Before, all the small brick and tile houses were gone. They were all tall buildings, which could not be seen at a glance. The broad asphalt road replaced the original mud path. Later, I went to the home of a schoolmate in a primary school. His home was full of high-tech research achievements. Having become a scientist and mathematician, he now has many inventions and is applying for patents.


Time flies. There are still many places I want to see, but time doesn't allow. As a special soldier, I have a bigger mission to complete. I wish my hometown will be better and better!