
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:19 | 来源:语文通



春作文 篇1关于春天作文 篇2春的作文 篇3关于春天作文 篇4春的作文 篇5春作文 篇6春作文 篇7春作文 篇8春作文 篇9春的作文 篇10

春作文 篇1


In the morning, I get up early and go outside to exercise. Bathed in the soft sunshine, I found that the willows had given out new green, and the lawn also vaguely exposed the beautiful shadow of grass. The sky became bluer, and swallows came in groups from the far south. Some of them "twitter" in midair to talk about the beautiful scenery along the way, some rest on the wire as if in a meeting, and some are leaving ripples across the river. The spring water ripples in the river, and the sleeping frog keeps singing "quack quack quack", playing a harmonious movement with the flowing water of the river.


As the saying goes, "No work in the spring and March, but drink the north wind in the winter." When spring came, the farmer uncle carried a heavy hoe to work in the field. Eh, there are some "caterpillars" in the sky. A closer look shows that a group of lively and lovely children are flying kites. Colorful kites are flying in the sky, making the clear sky more beautiful.


After a while, dark clouds floated in the sky and a drizzle began.


After a while, the rain stopped. Looking around, everything was washed clean. A rainbow bridge has been built in the sky.


Ah! In spring, you give selfless care to flowers and trees to make my hometown more beautiful. I love you - the spring of life!

关于春天作文 篇2


Unconsciously, spring is everywhere.


Open the window in the morning, and fresh air will be blown in. Take a deep breath to refresh your mind. I don't know when the camphor tree outside the window has exposed new shoots. The new green leaves are lovely and delightful, and the new smooth leaves are flawless.


Through the woods.


Flowers of all colors bloom, illuminating the whole spring. The snow-white pear flowers are clear and pure, the purple camellia flowers are noble and gorgeous, and the dark green flowers that have not yet blossomed are like a row of wild grass lilies, which are full of vitality and are also desirable.


Keep moving forward.


Standing in front of a peach tree, not because I love peach blossoms, but because there are only a few clusters of new buds on the branches full of flowers. Peach tree, why are you suffering? Spring is coming, but is it worth it?


No desire to enjoy flowers. Look at the colorful, in addition to the purple dream, I do not know when there is a trace of blue sadness.


You can dream. Thinking, I quickened my pace.


I stopped again. In front of me are clusters of wild flowers of various colors. Drive so well and confidently! I can't help thinking of that peach tree. In order to welcome this spring, even if we give up the reproduction of vitality, we should also use flowers and branches to bloom. I think of Li Bai's poem, "Life is about drinking. Don't tilt his golden cup towards the moon!".


Although this attitude to life is not respected today, at least this courage deserves our admiration!


For peach blossoms, even if the flowering season is over, she will not regret it. Because at least she thought it was worth it.


I'm relieved. I took a deep look at the daze and strode home.

春的作文 篇3


Today, the sky is cloudless and sunny, and strands of golden sunshine are shining into my bedroom through the glass window. I stretched lazily and looked out of the window. Ah, the wild flowers all over the fields outside the window are in bloom, as if they were spread into a colorful carpet. It seems that they are inviting me to visit there. I couldn't help putting on my coat and ran out.


"Ah, it's so beautiful! How could it be?" I said, looking at the field that was only yellow yesterday. Pear flowers are now in bloom in the fields, and they welcome spring with their small pink eggs. The grass all came out of the soil and looked at the sky curiously. The vegetables also became green, and a small golden hat was added. Just when I was fascinated, a pink butterfly took my eyes away. She is dancing in the trees, it seems that Spring Girl is offering a song and dance to the plants! At this time, a gentle wind blew, the big trees shook their braids, the small flower doors opened their smiling faces, and the vegetables opened their hands at this time, as if they were preparing to clap hands with the spring wind


"Ringing bell......" The alarm clock rang. I opened my eyes and looked out of the window. The fields outside the window were still yellow, and the wild flowers did not open like a carpet. It seemed like a dream! Spring Spring, when will you meet me. I think you will come to me when the flowers are in bloom, when the trees are fully budding, and when the grass sticks their heads out of the soil one after another!

关于春天作文 篇4


When Grandpa Winter left, Miss Spring came to the world quietly. She dressed the earth in green, brought vitality to nature and laughter to every corner.


The green grass has covered the ground. With the east wind blowing, it rises and falls, as if nodding to people. Flowers are in full bloom, red, white, yellow... like a trip, colorful, colorful. Bees are assiduously collecting honey, and butterflies are flying among flowers.


In the river, the sound of "Hua Hua Hua" is clear and beautiful, and seems to be singing about the coming of spring. Little fish are swimming freely in the clear river. The wutong trees on both banks are spreading their vigorous bodies to welcome the arrival of spring. In the distance, the willows arranged in an orderly way, and the willows dotted with tender buds, swayed gently in the breeze and danced ballet. The little swallow also came from the south to join in the "excitement", "chirping", adding a lot of vitality to spring.


In spring, you dress up the flowers and trees with a new look!


In spring, you bring vitality to everything!


Ah! In spring, I hope you will always stay among us, stay in our hearts, and even wish our motherland every spring.

春的作文 篇5


There are four seasons in a year: spring, summer, autumn and winter. Winter has passed quietly, and we unconsciously ushered in a vibrant spring.


When spring comes, Mother Earth wakes up and everything is growing. The willow trees have sprouted green buds, the big trees have turned into a piece of green cotton candy, and the grass has grown out of the soft soil. Look! There are several earthworms in the farmer's uncle's vegetable field helping the cabbage sister and the carrot brother loosen the soil!


The grass and leaves are coming out. How can we have fewer flowers? The winter jasmine smelled the breath of spring and quietly opened its eyes to have a look at the scene of spring. Magnolia proudly opened its pure and pure wings, and rape flower was eager to open several golden flowers. Mother Earth was put on a colorful coat, making many hibernating animals wake up.


The little snake woke up and caught its prey in the grass. The big bear woke up and began its dance. The tortoise stretched out its long neck, and the squirrel was eager to eat the pineapple. Frogs began to 'do farm work' - time to eat pests.


Look! Swallow flew back, and in his nest, he was holding a spring festival performance with his friends and relatives, with several young children.


The children also carried their schoolbags and roamed in the sea of knowledge. With a smile on her face, the teachers are ready to start class. Mother Earth is so happy. Spring is coming, and it is time for everything to recover. The snow in winter melts slowly. The land is covered with a layer of green blanket. The land has changed from white to colorful, and flowers are competing to open.


Spring, summer, autumn and winter have their own characteristics. Which lovely season do you prefer?

春作文 篇6


The arrival of spring is like the lightness of a little girl. It seems that there is no movement, but it is refreshing.


Listen to Tick tock, this is the message of spring. It calls everything. All plants look at this new world in an incredible way. Birds appear on the earth again, singing this song from the heart.


What about spring? The dog asked. I replied with a smile that spring had already come, but we were too careless and ignored the existence of spring.


Look at the bud that just popped out, show a little color, and write a gorgeous chapter anywhere; Look at the green grass. Its color is given by spring. The grass doesn't like the dark green in summer, the brown yellow in autumn, and the pitiful winter. The green given by spring is like the horn of life, always encouraging everyone to move forward.


When Xiaohuamao woke up, she wiped her mouth and found what she should do, so the call of spring is also a signal for workers.


Ah! In spring, how will I write my love for you with the keyboard!

春作文 篇7


Spring is picturesque


Flowers bloom and fall in an instant; The leaves are flourishing and withering in a flash; The wind rises and stops for a moment; The clouds roll and relax in a moment.


The cold snow and ice can't stop the coming of spring. Indeed, in the monotonous winter, I always look forward to the arrival of spring. Hope her grass grows and warblers fly, and her silk sticks brush the bank; Looking forward to her thousands of trees, flowers and ripples; Hope that her orchid cymbidium can moisten things as crisp; I hope her spring is full of flowers, and the flowers are as red as rain.


The breeze is blowing gently across my face; The flowing water is pure, washing away the meaning of winter; Flowers are blooming, revealing the fragrance of spring; The willow buds burst green, awakening the land that has been sleeping for two seasons.


Spring, refreshing, "wet apricot rain, not cold willow wind blowing face."


In spring, it is cool and moist. "The light rain in the sky is crisp, and the grass color is far away but not near."


In spring, the wine was fragrant. "Ask where the restaurant is, and the shepherd boy points to the Apricot Blossom Village."


Indeed, ancient literati wrote ancient famous chants to praise the spring scenery. These famous lines are harmonious between feeling and scenery, and between things and heart. The poet captures the characteristics of spring wind and rain, and slightly exaggerates them, revealing his inner joy and love for nature.


The green lake and blue sky depict the spring in the painting; The returning swallows and shy peach blossoms form a beautiful poem.


The cold wind blows out the warm wind, and the flowers on the same branch are green. When the plum blossom falls, the winter ends, and the withered trees turn green in spring. The leaves are young and luxuriant, and the buds are blooming. The ice freezes, releases and melts, and the water stops flowing.

春作文 篇8


Spring girl quietly came out of the hiding place, with the magic of the law, refreshing the lifeless world.


She sprinkled green paint on the lifeless grassland, and lit a few colorful spots on the orange grassland. The grassland immediately regained its vitality. The green grass and colorful flowers formed a beautiful picture.


She took off the worn coats of trees with her dexterous hands and knitted beautiful coats for trees one after another.


Look! She invited Little Swallow to be a singer. She played the piano herself to accompany Little Swallow's wonderful songs. Orioles, thrushes and other birds were invited to the concert. What a lively scene!


"There are three or two peach blossoms outside the bamboo, and the spring river is warm." The peach blossoms are blooming. The pink flowers are like the smiling face of a girl, smiling to announce the arrival of spring. Groups of ducks rushed to jump into the water and told each other about the beauty of spring.


Look! The hardworking farmer uncle sowed! Bees and butterflies also fly to and fro among the flowers. They are busy. The spring water is tinkling, playing the music of spring. The birds fly to and fro, serving as postmen, carrying the letter of Spring Girl.


Spring girl, a painter, has lived the whole world with colored pens.


Spring Girl, a singer, sings the song of spring.


Spring girl, still a kind poet, wrote spring poems and handed them to pigeons to spread them around the world.


Ah! Miss Spring is really great! The world is thriving because of her, and the world is full of vitality because of her!

春作文 篇9


The spring of the recovery of all things came quietly to my home, Dongfang City.


There was a light rain last night. Today's grass is decorated with some raindrops. These raindrops are like crystal pearls. They are very beautiful! Some of the grass is still withered and yellow now, some have grown very luxuriantly, and some have blossomed sky blue, white and purple wild flowers. It's really nice to see! Although some of the early blooming winter jasmine flowers have failed, some are still in full bloom against the wind. The ginkgo tree can't even see the green buds. How slowly it grows! The evergreen osmanthus trees are also beginning to grow new leaves, but what makes them different is that the new leaves are brown. How strange! The cherry blossoms are in full bloom. From afar, it looks like pink clouds falling on the treetops. How beautiful! Although there are not many peach blossoms, my father said that as long as they all open, they will become very beautiful. I am very looking forward to the time when the peach blossoms open. Many trees in the community have sprouted, especially willows, whose leaves have hung all over the branches. How fast they grow! The leaves are like green smoke on the branches. Looking at the beautiful scenery, I think of Han Yu's Early Spring: the rain on the streets is soft, and the grass color is far away but not near. The best thing about spring is that it is better than the Yanliuman Imperial Capital.


Spring disturbed the earthworms hibernating underground, and they began to loosen the earth. They can also be seen crawling hard on the road from time to time. Some happy birds fly freely in the sky, some dance happily in the branches, and some sing loudly in the branches. They are singing: "Spring is coming! Spring is coming!"

春的作文 篇10


When winter comes, can spring be far behind?




Summer is sultry, restless, like a violent spirit, as if to burn all the air, as if the world would be melted. Autumn is comfortable, but when the autumn wind blows, goose bumps immediately emerge from the skin. It makes people feel that there is a root in their bones, let alone in winter. Even fire is the big killer this winter. Trembling in the cold wind. Like a seedling that can't stand the wind and rain. I broke my waist in the cold wind.


Only spring, which makes people happy and energetic, has a thrill from the bottom of their bones, which is wonderful and makes people happy physically and mentally. It's like an exciting poison, but it's not a poison. It's addictive, but it doesn't cause people to have the kind of hyperactive dependence, the kind of powerless fatigue, the kind of intoxication that is a thousand times more terrible than being drunk. Spring is not, it's soft, and it makes people feel comfortable. It seems that there is a refreshing feeling from the bone. It makes people feel ethereal, but this kind of ethereal is also different from drugs. It makes people feel secure and aware of their existence. Drugs also make people feel ethereal, but it loses your mind, your feelings, and enjoyment until the end, you will find it silly. It's better to stop and take a good breath of the spring air. It's better to feel the beauty of spring than the pleasure brought by drugs.


Occasionally, spring also gets short tempered. It rains cats and dogs from time to time. But it is rare to see drizzle falling gently from the air. It is neither like summer rain hurting seedlings, nor like winter rain freezing branches. It moistens the earth silently. At this time, you can slowly warm a pot of wine, a dish of peanuts, sit quietly at the table, and enjoy the gentle, gentle rain, After all, this is the only time in a year. If you don't appreciate it, it's too late.


Occasionally go out for a walk, and see the poetic scenery of spring, those budding flowers, those green grass, let people forget all the unhappiness, depression, pain... also let people remember those happy, beautiful, happy things!


Listening to the patter of rain, I hid in the corner quietly, listening to the best voice in the world. It is full of joy, and it takes me to fly to hope and light. Dear spring.