
时间:2022-07-05 13:15:45 | 来源:语文通



"Ah! No, this is this?" "I didn't want to go out and didn't want to go out." Just listening to a series of sounds and passed out in the Qingmei class. You know how it is going on?I want me to explain it for everyone!


Originally, it was because Teacher Qing Mei held an idiom competition this morning. The students had already prepared for advance, but they were also stumped by some idioms, and there were many hiss on it.


The first contestants who appeared on the stage were the classmates of everyone. I saw that he often fanned the wind, and kept saying "hot death" in his mouth. Now many customers who have experienced experience in processing plants must know about raw materials.Everyone immediately spoke a variety of answers. Which of the hot sun was in the air, he shook his head in intriguing.But it couldn't cover the Niu Jin, until a classmate said the idiom "hot sun", and then suddenly made the cattle energy on his body turned black.


The following many classmates have just finished the performance, and they were guessing one of the bunch of idioms that the students said. Some students did not know where to find some extremely remote idioms, and even the dry mouth that they saidthirsty.One classmate went on the blackboard for a long time, and no one could guess that the ultimate answer was that the mountains and water were high.There is also a global difficulty. I saw a classmate drawing a fire material on the classroom blackboard. The two hands mentioned below have become double wings and constantly incite.In the surprise eyes of the teacher and classmate, "After the painting is finished."The classmates were silent, and the teacher was looking for help, and the teacher was helpless. In the end, the classmate said "Flying Wing Flying", but this was not an idiom. The classmate only cried again.Laugh again.This is how the students are immersed in this happy knowledge of knowledge.


This idiom competition not only has colorful knowledge, but also has a lot of happiness.



1、成语:成语读音为chéng yǔ,是指习用的言简意赅的固定短语或短句。汉语成语大多由四个字组成。成语 chéng yǔ词语意思:习用的言简意赅的固定短语或短句。汉语成语大多由四个字组成。分词解释:组成:谓由部分或个体组合成为整体。言简意赅:赅:完备。话不多,但意思都有了。形容说话写文章简明扼要。习用:1.演习。 2.频频使用;惯用。 3.沿用。固定:①不变动或不移动的(跟‘流动’相对):固定职业丨固定资产。②使固定:把学习制度固定下来。汉语:汉族的语言,是我国的主要语言。现代汉语的标准语是普通话。参看〖普通话〗。...成语的近义词,成语的同义词是什么»

2、竞赛:竞赛读音为jìng sài,是指互相比赛,争取优胜:体育竞赛ㄧ劳动竞赛。 比赛,争取优胜龙舟竞赛竞赛 jìng sài词语解释:互相比赛,争取优胜:体育竞赛ㄧ劳动竞赛。[race] 比赛,争取优胜龙舟竞赛分词解释:争取:力求得到或做到;想要什么都得努力去争取|争取超额完成指标。比赛:在体育、生产等活动中,比较本领、技术的高低:象棋比赛ㄧ比赛篮球。优胜:1.优越,优良。 2.取胜。 3.指胜利。谓胜过他人他方。 4.优惠。 5.优点,长处。互相:副词。表示彼此同样对待的关系:互相帮助|互相尊重。...竞赛怎么造句,用竞赛造句»