
时间:2022-10-29 12:56:27 | 来源:语文通


家乡的冬天作文 篇1家乡的冬天作文 篇2描写家乡的冬天作文 篇3家乡的冬天作文 篇4家乡的冬天作文 篇5家乡的冬天作文 篇6家乡的冬天作文 篇7家乡的冬天的作文 篇8家乡的冬天的作文 篇9

家乡的冬天作文 篇1


I love the beautiful flowers in spring, the shade of green trees in summer, and the rich fruits in autumn in my hometown.


The winter in my hometown is full of joy. Look! A group of children were playing there, having snowball fights, making snowmen, and throwing snowballs. The joyful cry shook the snow on the roof. Suddenly, I felt cool behind me. Looking back, it turned out that several partners were throwing snowballs at me. I immediately ran to join them in the war. At this time, everyone wore colorful down jackets and ran around in the snow as if colorful flowers were blooming in the snow.


Winter in my hometown is pure. Snowflakes are like silver butterflies dancing in the sky. Snowflakes are like winter elves waving their magic wands to cover the earth with white quilts. Snowflakes are also like white diamonds shining. They fell on a big tree, which seemed to be full of pear blossoms. At this time, let me think of an old saying: suddenly like a night of spring breeze, thousands of pear trees bloom. They fell into the arms of Mother Earth, just like a snow-white blanket that Grandpa Winter gave to Mother Earth.


Winter in my hometown is refined. In the park of my hometown, plum trees are blooming. Just after a snowfall, some plum blossoms have all opened, and some are still half open, like a shy girl; Others are in bud, as if they were full and burst. The little plum blossoms, like clusters of flame, proudly branch. The yellow plum blossoms, set against the white snow, are fascinating and dazzle your eyes. It is really "remote knowledge is not snow, because there is a subtle fragrance" that makes people feel the infinite smile of the plum blossoms in spring.


I can't say the beautiful scenery of my hometown in winter, do you believe it? You can also come here for a visit. It will open your eyes and make you relaxed and happy. You can love my hometown from the bottom of your heart and the winter of my hometown!

家乡的冬天作文 篇2


I love the rich motherland, I love my hometown, but I love the winter of my beautiful hometown more.


My hometown is in Minle County, Gansu Province. In this beautiful city, my hometown has four distinct seasons: colorful spring, hot summer, fruitful autumn, snow in winter, and colorful seasons. And me? I like the winter in my hometown best! Winter comes again and again. In the morning, Grandpa Winter picked up his magic brush and painted a variety of ice flowers on the windows of each house, some like beautiful mountains, some like dense forests, and some like beautiful mountains and rivers! The weather in winter is uncertain. The clear sky is overcast for a moment. There is a heavy snow. The snow falls on the walls, houses and trees. A gust of wind blows, and the snowflakes fall freely in the air, like a fairy dancing in the air. The weather is fine, the sun comes out, and my hometown seems to be covered with gorgeous silver. The houses and trees were covered with white snow, and the snowflakes were shining with silver light, which was very dazzling. The foot stepped on the snow, making a sound of "creaking", and then left a series of clear footprints. When the wind blows, the beautiful silver bars and snowballs on the tree are falling down. The snow foam like jade chips is fluttering with the wind, reflecting the morning sun. It is very beautiful.


The teaching building in the snow seems to be a palace in a fairy tale, shining with silver light. We played snowball fights, made snowmen and skated on the playground. We chased and laughed in the snow, and the silver like laughter floated in the air.


Under the cold wind in winter, the grass is all withered and yellow. The only yellow leaves on some branches are also falling, and the remaining bare branches tremble in the north wind. At this time, only the vigorous pine tree, still dressed in green clothes, stood up bravely.


This is the winter in my hometown.

描写家乡的冬天作文 篇3


Some people like spring, some people love autumn, but I appreciate winter, especially in my hometown.


The winter in my hometown is beautiful, the winter in my hometown is charming, and the winter in my hometown is intoxicating.


The winter in the north is too cold to play outdoors; The winter in the south is too warm to see any snowflakes, while the winter in my hometown can not only see the sunshine, but also enjoy the snow scenery, which is really wonderful.


In the cold winter, her hometown is like a quiet girl. The Yellow River is her scarf, the mountains are her cotton padded jacket, and sometimes she wears a white coat. The winter sun in my hometown is neither as hot as the tropics nor as weak, warm and golden as the North Pole. It brings out all its tenderness, sometimes like a little spring in March.


The best time is when it snows. Sand, sand, sand, as if thousands of pen tips were waving on the paper, as if many people were whispering. Push the door to see small pieces of snowflakes fluttering, but you can no longer hear the rustling sound. Look up and see the torn cotton, floating towards you in succession. Slowly and slowly, the snow stopped, and the branches that had lost their leaves were covered with long, shiny ice. The wind is blowing, and the snow is falling with the wind. Under the sunshine, colorful flowers are showing.


Well, what smells so good? Ah! The wintersweet is in bloom. On the hillside, some places are covered with snow, some places are exposed with grass color, and some places are standing with green pines with snowflakes.


Ah, I love the winter in my hometown!

家乡的冬天作文 篇4


In a twinkling of an eye, winter arrived. I like winter, and I prefer my hometown in winter. Let me give you a tour guide to watch the winter in your hometown!


The sky is blue in winter. White clouds are walking leisurely, birds are chatting happily on the online pole, red flags flying in the campus are dazzling, and the air is unspeakably fresh.


The rolling hillside of my hometown is densely covered with poplar, cypress and pine trees. When winter comes, the leaves of poplars are all gone; The bare branches stand up there like brave soldiers guarding our homeland day and night! After the heavy snow, the verdant branches and leaves of pine and cypress are covered with white windbreaker, like beautiful and gentle angels, always dressing up the beauty of home. There is no sundries on the mountain after snow, only the shapes of different shapes are left, like a continuous picture


A quiet stream surrounds the village all year round. In winter, the brook is covered with thick ice, and there are no fish or shrimp, let alone crabs. Where did they hide? Curious, I asked my mother, who said they were all hiding under the ice. I didn't understand, "The ice is so cold, how can it be warm below?" Mom can't answer, it seems that she has to consult the teacher.


The farmer uncle who has been busy for a year can finally stop to have a rest; When the sun is sunny, they sit in the square in front of the village to bask in the sun, talking about what they have seen and heard in the past year, and talking about the harvest of the next year. From time to time, they can hear hearty laughter


I love my hometown in winter.

家乡的冬天作文 篇5


My hometown is Sandaoling, a small town at the foot of Tianshan Mountain in Xinjiang.


I have lived here since I was born. The most unforgettable thing is the winter here.


In winter, Miss Dong sang a moving song, and the lake changed into ice clothes. The little tree shook its body and shook its leaves. Xiaocao is not so lively after listening to it. It seems that she fell asleep. The pine tree listened and put on the green hat in summer.


One morning, I opened the curtains and was shocked by the sight! The window is covered with ice flakes, which are very interesting, but I can't wait to be baptized by the wind and snow in the wind and snow. When I walked out of the house, I saw that the snow was still falling. As soon as I saw the snow on the ground, it was almost one centimeter thick. At that time, I thought of making a big snowman. I used the "big shift" method, and soon the snowman was ready. Finally, I modified it. A vivid snowman appeared in front of me. I couldn't believe my eyes. The snowman was actually my own.


After the snow stopped, the weather of Sandaoling was like a big ice house. The road seemed to be covered with a white dress, and it seemed to be sprinkled with pearls. It was shiny, shining on people's eyes and could not be opened.


This is my hometown - Sandaoling. It's beautiful in winter!

家乡的冬天作文 篇6


I love my rich motherland and beautiful hometown.


My hometown is in Dingzhou, where there are four distinct seasons: elegant spring, green summer, golden autumn and white winter. In the four seasons of this year, rich colors are changing in front of my eyes. I like it best. The cold winter is coming again. Early in the morning, Grandpa Dong's magic brush painted all kinds of ice on the windows. Some are like beautiful mountains, some are like dense forests, and some are like magnificent mountains and rivers. They are extremely beautiful. In winter, the weather is changeable, sunny, cloudy and snowy. Heavy snow fell on walls, roofs, floors and trees. A gust of wind blew, and the snowflakes flew freely in the air, like a girl dancing in the air. The weather was fine and the sun came out. The whole village seems to be covered with gorgeous silver, and the snow is shining with silver light, which makes people dazzling. The foot makes a "squeak" sound when stepping on the snow. Then, it left a set of clear footprints. When the wind blows, the beautiful silver bars and snowballs on the tree "sand" fall, and the floating snow floats with the wind like jade chips, reflecting the morning sun, colorful and beautiful. The teaching building in the snow is like a palace in a fairy tale, shining with silver light. We played snowball fights, made snowmen and skated on the playground. We chased laughter in the snow, and laughter floated in the air like a bell.


This is my hometown, I love me.

家乡的冬天作文 篇7


In winter, there is no brilliant spring, the forthright summer, and the bright autumn, but like a poem with profound artistic conception.


Although there is no snow in my hometown in winter, it is also very beautiful.


I like the bamboo forest in my hometown. There is a hill near my home. There is a bamboo forest beside the mountain. The bamboo forest is green in winter, like a green ocean. As long as the wind blows, the bamboo branches will dance with the wind. From the roof, it looks like a dance meeting.


"Look, look!" Who is coming to join in the fun? It is the sleeping bamboo shoots that wake up. They want to grow up quickly, because they can participate in the dance. Every morning, when the sun shines warm sunshine on the lovely bamboo leaves, they will shine like emeralds.


Sometimes there are colorful flowers in the bamboo forest. When the wind comes, they will swing with the wind, like fans of bamboo. Not only they, but also the streams singing "Ding Ding Dong Dong", and the white clouds in the sky were attracted by them and joined the dance. There are also lovely birds singing in the branches, as if celebrating the smooth holding of the dance.


Our winter here is very warm, just like spring. So the birds are happy and the flowers are smiling. People are all smiling brightly. We enjoy and tame the happiness brought by the winter. Winter is my good friend. His wind is very gentle, and I feel very comfortable.


Winter is the season for collection; Winter is a pleasant season; Winter is the best gift from heaven. I like winter, I like the bamboo forest in my hometown, and I prefer the winter in my hometown.

家乡的冬天的作文 篇8


As the saying goes, "Spring is the key to a year." Yes, people like spring naturally, but I like winter. Because it has a special interest.


I remember, in the second grade of primary school. When I got up in the morning, I felt cool. I opened the curtains and saw that it was snowing.


The branches, which are usually bare, are also decorated; The leafless tree is full of white flowers, like silver bars, which are close to each other and make the tree beautiful. As far as you can see, the buildings and trees are all silver white, which seems to be beautiful with a clean white coat. The big tree is still tall and straight, standing there, majestic.


Walking on the road, I blew in gusts of wind. Snow fell on my head, shoulders and face. I was covered with snow. There are many pedestrians on the road, and everyone is feeling the cool breath. The snowflake seems to be a dance artist, whose dance steps spin out beautiful melodies and fall in waves.


Slowly continue to move forward, the foot soft, but also issued a "creak" sound. The sanitation workers on the road are working hard; The cars on the road are also walking slowly, and the drivers are nervous for fear of any accident; A group of children are snowballing and snowball fighting on the road, looking carefree.


In the campus, the children who are ready for early reading come out and enjoy the beautiful scenery together with the teachers in the class. Back then, as long as it snowed, the class teacher always took us out to play in the office director's class. When we had snowball fights, the teachers in the class always joined us, and the happy time at that time always appeared in front of me.


Hold the snow in your hands. Suddenly, the snow melts from my fingers, and the snow drops from my fingers to the ground. I believe that before long, green grass and green vines will grow where the snow melts, and the traces of snow will turn into a beautiful picture of spring.

家乡的冬天的作文 篇9


I love winter. The winter in my hometown is quiet, beautiful and busy.


In the winter morning, everything looks new. The ground was covered with a white ice bed, the trees wore a white coat, and the ground was covered with white flowers. We are happy in winter. We can have snowball fights and make snowmen. Even the small animals are happy: the dog runs around on the snow, leaving footprints like plum blossoms floating on the ground. The footprints of the cat and the dog are all together, as if several small wild animals have run through here.


At noon in winter, the sun rises. I just remembered to feel the sunshine in this winter, but the sunshine is like playing hide and seek with me in the sky, hiding behind the white clouds. It is warm at noon in winter, but sometimes it snows heavily at noon. It snows heavily, so we can only stay in the house obediently.

冬天的晚上是寒冷的。晚上的时候,狂风大作 ,我们站在外面,脸上像刀割一样疼。但是柏树很顽强,它会在寒冷的夜里,顽强地坚持,忍耐。晚上的时候也很安静,我们躺在屋子里,也能听见外面呼呼的风声。

Winter nights are cold. At night, when the wind was blowing hard, we stood outside, our faces hurt like knives. But the cypress is very tenacious. It will persevere and endure tenaciously in the cold night. It was quiet at night. We could hear the wind outside when we lay in the room.


I like the winter in my hometown. Winter can make us happy, and the indomitable spirit of the cypress tree is really great. I love the winter in my hometown. How about you?