
时间:2022-11-14 13:06:19 | 来源:语文通



全面小康我们来了征文 篇1“全面小康”理论征文700字左右 篇2“全面小康”理论征文1200字左右 篇3关于决胜全面建成小康社会征文 篇4全面小康理论征文 篇5

全面小康我们来了征文 篇1


Last year, I went to Grandma's house to pay New Year's greetings. Grandma was so happy that she grabbed my hand and couldn't close her mouth. She kept saying, "Now life is better and everyone is heading for a well-off society." Grandma said, "When they lived, they lived in grass houses. When it rained, it would leak everywhere. At that time, if they had bicycles, they would be rich. Although the tuition was cheap, it was only a few yuan, but some people still could not afford to go to school..."


Alas, it was really hard at that time! Now we can use computers to do homework; You can play QQ with your mobile phone; You can listen to music with earphones... Now, warmth is not the standard for wearing clothes, while fresh color and novel style are people's fashion pursuit. Our food is not only for satiety, but also for balanced nutrition and rich varieties. I can eat delicious food every day. Occasionally go to a restaurant. When it comes to housing, I will say more. Now we live in a spacious and bright building, and we have all kinds of furniture at home. The electric cooker is clean and convenient! Today's Guannan has changed the whole world. Large buildings have sprung up, with spacious streets and green belts everywhere. At night, when the lights are on and the lanterns are flashing, people in the park sing and dance and enjoy the prosperity of the city. Now the travel is also very convenient, and all kinds of transportation tools can be chosen at will


This is really different from the past. When we enjoy a well-off life, we should also cherish this hard won life, study hard, build our hometown better when we grow up, and make our life more prosperous and healthy!

“全面小康”理论征文700字左右 篇2


A happy well-off life


I often hear adults talk about "a well-off society", "What is a well-off society?" Confused, I asked my father. Dad thought for a moment, then gently took my hand and led me to the balcony.


Dad pointed to the road outside and said, "Well off is the broad and flat road.". When my father was young, the roads were pitted earth roads. When it rained, it was muddy everywhere, making people unable to walk. Now there are not only wide and flat asphalt roads, but also wide and straight highways and overpasses extending in all directions. The endless stream of cars is driving freely on the wide road. There are green lawns on both sides of the road, as well as neatly trimmed flowers and trees. Many beautiful flowers are blooming, which is pleasing to the eyes. This is well-off. I nodded vaguely.


Dad pointed to the community where we live and said that a well-off society is a community with complete facilities and comfort. When my father was young, he lived in a small earth house built of adobe. In winter, the howling cold wind went through the cracks in the walls and doors, making me shiver. If it rains again and water leaks everywhere, it will be even worse. Now, the scattered, shabby and small earth houses have been replaced by high-rise buildings soaring into the sky, and we live in the suite of this spacious and comfortable building. The small black and white TV that Dad watched when he was a child has also been replaced by a large high-definition color TV that can be on-demand. Each room in the suite is equipped with air conditioners. When it is cold, you can turn on the heating. When it is hot, you can turn on the cooling. It is extremely comfortable. This is well-off.


At this time, my mother called us to eat. My father and I came to the restaurant. Dad pointed to the food on the table and said, "Well off is a rich lunch.". When my father was young, the most common food on the table was sweet potato porridge with pickles. Only during the Spring Festival can we have a more generous New Year's Eve dinner, which is their biggest wish of the year. Now, on the table every day, there are not only fish, meat and vegetables, but also various kinds of emphasis, focusing on the combination of meat and vegetables, color matching, and balanced nutrition. Now eating is not only to fill the stomach, but also to pursue a kind of enjoyment of beauty. This is well-off.


I've learned that a well-off life means that people live a rich and substantial material life; Well off means that the science and technology of the motherland are more and more developed, and people's lives are more and more convenient; A well-off society means the prosperity of a country, the rejuvenation of a nation and the happiness of the people. Living in a happy well-off society, we should work harder to learn, forge ahead, and work hard to contribute to our well-off society and building our great China!

“全面小康”理论征文1200字左右 篇3


The road to a well-off society


The road to a well-off society,复兴之路!


The road to a well-off society披荆斩棘!

以前听爷爷和奶奶说我们这个小村子破旧不堪,如废旧的垃圾场般不堪回首。星光暗淡,晚上即使点…作文迷 .cn…了油灯,土房子里的光线还是又昏又暗。道路是泥巴路,坑坑洼洼,步步难行。有时一不小心跌落在地,定会疼上两三天,在当时就连生活资源也非常缺少,能吃饱,有房子住,就已经很不错了。许多村民还没有东西吃呢,瘦骨嶙峋,弱不禁风,几天几夜饿着肚子。穿着破破烂烂的衣服,靠着几枚铜币维持生计,人生疾苦,口袋里总是空空荡荡,一文不名,孩子们也上不起学,小小个子就开始学大人种菜,锄地干苦活——说到这儿,我鼻子不禁一酸。他们只能眼巴巴地看着城镇里的小孩,背着书包开开心心去上学,他们略显灰暗的眼睛装的是一个窄小而又苍白的“世界”,他们向往和憧憬着美好幸福的生活,而面对糟糕的现实,他们只能把希望寄托在遥远的星辰。

I heard my grandfather and grandmother say that our village is dilapidated, like a waste dump. Starlight is dim, even if it is lit at night, the light in the earth house is still dim and dim when the oil lamp is lit. The road is muddy, pitted and difficult to walk. Sometimes if you accidentally fall to the ground, it will hurt for two or three days. At that time, even life resources were very scarce. It was good to have enough food and a house to live in. Many villagers have nothing to eat yet. They are skinny, weak and hungry for days and nights. Wearing ragged clothes and relying on a few copper coins to make a living, life is hard. My pocket is always empty and penniless. Children can't afford to go to school. Small people start to learn from adults to grow vegetables and hoe the ground. My nose can't help getting sore. They can only look at the children in the town eagerly and go to school happily with schoolbags on their backs. Their slightly gloomy eyes are filled with a narrow and pale "world". They yearn for and look forward to a better and happy life, while facing the bad reality, they can only place their hopes in the distant stars.


Now the great science and technology has led us to create a new life. The hope of dreams has crossed a beautiful rainbow in the blue sky - the small county town has undergone earth shaking changes. The more buildings in the county town are built, the longer they are. At night, the bright neon lights make the whole county more attractive. The natural environment in the countryside has become more beautiful. People's food, clothing, housing and transportation conditions have been greatly improved. Each family lives in either a large tile roofed house or a small building. The TV, refrigerator, air conditioner and other home appliances are all available. Peasant activity centers all over the countryside enrich the spiritual life of farmers. In terms of children's education, the state has implemented nine-year compulsory education, so that every child can go to school. In the past, people were always hungry, let alone eating meat. Now there are meat and vegetables on the table every day, with emphasis on nutrition. There are fruits after meals. Children's snacks are more varied. Some rural areas have begun to develop urbanization, strengthening rural development, and making rural ecology, environment Resources have been better protected and utilized, and ecological countryside and characteristic countryside have been developed. Now the life of rural people is getting better and better, and they are getting richer and richer.


In the past, people could only listen to plays. Now, with the rapid development of network technology, villagers have smart phones, which is very convenient for online chat. When they are bored, they can chat with WeChat and QQ, and enjoy their feelings, making life more exciting. However, they have experienced the convenience of online shopping. In the past, people in the village only owned bicycles, but now almost every family has their own means of transportation, motorcycles, battery cars, tricycles, Car travel is more convenient.


The road to a well-off society,任重道远,它是需要我们千千万万中华儿女共同努力,用汗水铺开了一条道路!


The road to a well-off society尽情创造,用梦想的汗水浇灌美丽的花朵,让每一个贫穷、困难的人都过上小康,都拥有幸福的生活!


The road to a well-off society,复兴之路,我们仍在路上!

关于决胜全面建成小康社会征文 篇4


First, we need to improve the programs and measures and promote them in a coordinated manner. Carefully study and accurately grasp the policies and requirements of the superior, skillfully master and make good use of the active assistance policy, truly make real moves in the precise implementation of the policy, make real efforts in the precise promotion, and see actual results in the precise landing.


Second, we need to strengthen accurate assistance and achieve four accuracies. We should strengthen the concept of targeted poverty alleviation and put it into all aspects of poverty alleviation work; It is necessary to strengthen the precise power. Deeply analyze and study the reality of the poor, the causes of poverty, and the way out of poverty, and take more effective measures to make breakthroughs; We should strengthen the precise implementation of policies, adhere to the principle of adjusting measures to local conditions, household conditions and people's conditions, and implement different assistance strategies for different regions and different assistance measures for different poor households according to differences in resource endowments, development conditions, causes of poverty, etc; We should strengthen precise management.


Third, we should highlight the key points of assistance and enhance the effectiveness of assistance. Focus on poverty alleviation industries that are beneficial to the local area; Accelerate the construction of roads, water conservancy, electricity, information networks, environmental sanitation and other infrastructure in poor villages, and effectively improve the production and living conditions of poor areas and poor people; We should make good use of the poverty alleviation policy of the relocation of higher level immigrants and combine the relocation with urbanization and industrial park construction; We should improve basic public services and strengthen financial services to provide targeted assistance;


Fourth, we should pay attention to ways and means to achieve twice the result with half the effort. We should strengthen the construction of rural grass-roots party organizations, expand the coverage of rural grass-roots party organizations, focus on selecting and strengthening village level teams, and work hard to select a group of young people who are educated, capable, have a broad vision, and have the awareness and confidence to lead the masses to become rich to enrich the village level teams; We should take the wishes and requirements of the masses as the starting point and foothold for thinking about problems, doing things, making decisions, and setting goals. We should communicate and discuss with the masses more, understand their sufferings, listen to their voices, and respect their wishes; Give full play to local cadres


The main role of the masses is to constantly improve the self-development ability of poor villages and poor households. We should pay attention to demonstration and guidance, cultivate and promote models, and be good at summing up experience, especially in industrial poverty alleviation.


Fifth, we should form a "five in one" poverty alleviation pattern as soon as possible. Publicize the poverty alleviation policies of the higher authorities, fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of poor households to get rid of poverty and become rich. The industrial poverty alleviation should be market-oriented, and mobilize social forces to participate in targeted assistance.

全面小康理论征文 篇5


In the dark night of a hundred years, many people with lofty ideals sacrificed their lives for justice, and countless heroes fought for national rejuvenation. The Chinese Dream of national rejuvenation embodies and reposes the long cherished wish of several generations of Chinese people, and it is a common expectation of every Chinese people. It is a dream of strengthening the country and benefiting the people. One hundred years of bumpy road to rejuvenation, and the dream of becoming a powerful country through the vicissitudes of the century. Only by persevering in our dreams and striving for self-improvement can we realize the Chinese Dream and build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.


Therefore, I will integrate my growth into the development of the times, improve myself, study hard and create a better future. Premier Zhou Enlai has set up the grand aspiration of "studying for the rise of China" in his youth. We should also set up lofty ideals to inspire China! Study hard. "There is no end to learning, but hard work", "If young people don't work hard, old people will feel sad." Only now can we study diligently and firmly. Let the spring of knowledge flow into the heart, so that the five-star red flag can rise higher and wider in the future!


This requires us to carry forward the spirit of solidarity and fraternity since childhood, respect teachers, care about the collective, observe social ethics, maintain social order, respect elders, care for the elderly, and cultivate ourselves into a good young man with love and discipline.


Ideal is the other side of victory, and body is the boat sailing to the other side; If the boat is not solid, it cannot accept the test of wind and waves. The ideal can only be a dream. This requires us to be "healthy, lively and cheerful". There is a story about a snail who has the ideal of going to Mount Tai and going to the south of the Yangtze River, but his short life can not be realized at all. The snail had to die with hatred. Therefore, we should actively participate in physical exercise, improve our physical fitness, and have a strong physique, so that we can better shoulder the task of building the motherland and realizing the Chinese Dream.


To implement the "Chinese Dream", we should also achieve low-carbon life and protect the environment. Save water and electricity, take fewer private cars, take more buses, do not litter fruit peel and paper scraps, do not spit everywhere, love flowers and trees, plant more trees and flowers, purify the air, and beautify the environment in the most comprehensive way. Make contributions to environmental protection.


"A strong youth makes the country strong; a rich youth makes the country rich". Hope rests on us. In order to make the motherland more prosperous tomorrow, I will take this reading activity as an opportunity to study hard and work hard to be a good youth of the times.