
时间:2022-07-13 13:38:52 | 来源:语文通



Saturday morning, I opened my sleepy eyes, rubbed it, and then got up from the bed.Today, I am going to catch the crab with my uncle.You know, I wanted to go to the river to grab the crab by the river a long time ago, but I just canceled it for some reasons.So I was particularly excited today and listened to my mother that she often went to this river to catch crabs and lobsters when she was a child.I finally waited until I got up. I finished breakfast three times and five, and I took a small iron shovel and a small bucket with my uncle, humming the song, and went to the river.


I stood barefoot in the clear and cool water, looking carefully.Suddenly, I felt itchy on my feet. I looked down, and it turned out that a small shrimp was making my toes.The river crab was not found, and I found a small shrimp first, so I put it into the bag.


Suddenly, I found that there was a small hole in front of it, which was faintly exposed to the legs of a river crab. I quickly dug with a shovel and dug it several times. I didn't even see the shadow of the river crab. I was angry: "Smelly river crab, wait for me to catch you, I make you look good." I inserted it with a shovel. In front of the cave, just listening to the "click", a well -ending river crab was inserted in half. I was frustrated to throw the two and a half river crab into the barrel and continue to look for it. Hey? There is actually a big river crab in front, haha! Isn't this the deliciousness from the door? I walked over, the big river crab did not know that the danger was about to come, and I spit bubbles and the sun. I quietly used a shovel Seal its retreat and want to have a "Weng Zhong catching". Unexpectedly, this river crab was quite cunning. It suddenly got into the stones next to it, and his eyes were staring at me. It seemed to be saying, "Hum, I won't be caught by you, come and catch me! "I turned around the stone, and finally found that there was another crack under the stone, so I inserted the iron shovel into the crack and pried the stone away. This big river crab that can only escape can only wield a big pliers and become my captive.


In this way, we carried the river crabs in the bucket and returned at a full load.



1、河蟹:河蟹读音为hé xiè,是指通称“螃蟹”,又称“毛蟹”、“绒螯蟹”、“清水蟹”。节肢动物,软甲纲,十足目,方蟹科。中国南北沿海各地都产。头胸甲方圆形。螯足较大,密生绒毛。穴居江、河、湖的泥岸中。肉味鲜美,是著名的淡水蟹类。 螃蟹的一种,头胸部甲壳扁圆、灰褐色。腹部甲壳扁平、白色,雌的圆形,雄的尖形。螯上有细锯齿。肉味鲜美。生长在淡水里,有时爬上河岸危害农作物河蟹 hé xiè分词解释:通称“螃蟹”,又称“毛蟹”、“绒螯蟹”、“清水蟹”。节肢动物,软甲纲,十足目,方蟹科。中国南北沿海各地都产。头胸甲方圆形。螯足较大,密生绒毛。穴居江、河、湖的泥岸中。肉味鲜美,是著名的淡水蟹类。[river crab] 螃蟹的一种,头胸部甲壳扁圆、灰褐色。腹部甲壳扁平、白色,雌的圆形,雄的尖形。螯上有细锯齿。肉味鲜美。生长在淡水里,有时爬上河岸危害农作物分词解释:南北:1.南与北;南方与北方。 2.从南到北;南北之间。 3.或南或北。比喻不专一,不固定。 4.指“南学”与“北学”。 5.计谋。指本领。 6.明代俗称男子汉。淡水:1.含盐分极少的水。 2.见“淡水交情”。较大:一群中比较大的部分或数字。鲜美:1.新鲜美好。 2.谓食物的滋味好。 3.借指滋味好的食物。...河蟹的近义词,河蟹的同义词是什么»