
时间:2022-08-02 13:24:30 | 来源:语文通



A family letter and a love, thousands of family faith.After dinner, we spread paper in the learning room.The accompaniment sound of "Shasha, Shasha, Shasha" in my ear echoed in my ears. Our goggles dancers danced beautiful dances on our white paper.Dance the thoughts of our parents after we left home, and recorded the bit of our military camp life.I believe that after we send these family letters back, our parents will come to it like us and feel the bits and pieces of our military camp.


I watched the military training base in the moonlight, while holding their cheeks and pondering, while recording many interesting things in our school's life. At this time, I seemed to have the feelings of the Tang Dynasty poet Wang Anshi when I wrote "Boat Guizhou". The spring breeze and the south bank of the river, when the moon will return to me. Nibs dance on paper. In fact, now they have entered the era of high-speed development, and WeChat and E-Mail are necessary. Writing a letter is very rare, so we are a bit jerky. But this is also the fine tradition in the barracks. I think as a small soldier now, like a soldier, feel the feelings when the soldiers write to the family. Because of our uncle, in order to protect the country, our uncle gave up the holidays and gave up the opportunity to gather with his family. He could only contact the family through writing a letter of family to understand the bit of the family, and also shared his military camp life with his family. Writing a letter is an indispensable project in our military training life. This time I wrote a letter to let us discover the usual serious soldiers and uncle. They also have the same love and six desires as us.


At the moment the teacher sent the letter on the third morning, I seemed to have the feelings of the Tang Dynasty poet Zhang Ji when I wrote "Qiu Si".Fortunately, the pedestrians were in a hurry, and the pedestrians were open.A Jiajiaxin flew to our parents's arms with our thoughts.



1、写家:写家读音为xiě jiā,是指1.擅长写文章的人。 2.指擅长书法的人。写家 xiě jiā词语解释:1.擅长写文章的人。 2.指擅长书法的人。分词解释:擅长:在某方面有特长:擅长油画|玩电脑游戏他挺擅长的。书法:传统艺术之一。指用毛笔书写篆、隶、正、行、草各体汉字的艺术。技法上讲究执笔、用笔、点画、结构、章法等,与中国传统绘画、篆刻艺术关系密切。有三千多年历史,以商周的金文为萌芽;其后秦篆、汉隶、晋草、魏碑、唐楷、宋行,各擅其胜。● 写(寫) xiě ㄒㄧㄝˇ◎ 用笔作字:写字。写作。编写。◎ 描摹,叙述:写生。写实。写照(a.画人物的形象;b.描写刻画)。轻描淡写。● 家 jiā ㄐㄧㄚˉ◎ 共同生活的眷属和他们所住的地方:家庭。家眷。家长(zhǎng )。家园。家谱。家塾。家乡。家风。家训。家规。家喻户晓。如数家珍。◎ 家庭所在的地方:回家。老家。安家。◎ 居住:“可以家焉”。◎ 对人称自己的尊长、亲属:家祖。家父。家翁。家母。家慈。◎ 家里养的,不是野生的:家畜。家禽。◎ 经营某种行业的人家或有某种身份的人家:酒家。农家。◎ 掌握某种专门学识或有丰富实践经验及从事某种专门活动的人:专家。行(háng )家。作家。科学家。◎ 学术流派:儒家。法家。道家。墨家。纵横家。诸子百家。◎ 量词,用于计算家庭或企业:一家人家。◎ 姓。● 家 jiB ㄐㄧㄚ◎ 词尾,指一类的人:老人家。◎ 用在男人的名字或排行后面,指他的妻:水生家...

2、报道:报道读音为bào dào,是指①通过报纸、杂志、广播、电视或其他形式把新闻告诉群众:报道消息。②用书面或广播、电视形式发表的新闻稿:他写了一篇关于小麦丰收的报道。报道 bào dào词语解释:①通过报纸、杂志、广播、电视或其他形式把新闻告诉群众:报道消息。②用书面或广播、电视形式发表的新闻稿:他写了一篇关于小麦丰收的报道。分词解释:发表:①向集体或社会表达(意见);宣布:发表谈话 ㄧ发表声明 ㄧ代表团成员已经确定,名单尚未正式发表。②在刊物上登载(文章、绘画、歌曲等):发表论文。告诉:受害人向法院告发:告诉到法院。群众:①大众:人民群众|群众运动。②指没有加入中国共产党、中国共产主义青年团等组织的人。用于表示政治身份。杂志:有固定刊名,定期或不定期的连续出版物。用卷、期、号或年、月为序编号出版。定期出版的又叫“期刊”。...报道怎么造句,用报道造句»