
时间:2022-07-22 13:25:25 | 来源:语文通



Little fish does not call,


Lang'er is no longer troubled,


On a beautiful night

大海睡了 。

The sea fell asleep.

他看了月儿一眼 ,

He glanced at Yueer,

又看了星星一眼 ,

I glanced at the stars again,







睡觉了 。

Go to sleep .


The sea,


I saw the cute little fish in the morning,


But at night,


I had to leave quietly.

2、 语文课文《大海睡了》教学反思

2. Chinese text "The Sea Sleep" Teaching Reflection

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◆ The content of the teaching reflection article you are reading "The Sea Sleeping" is collected by , the address of this site: 我要作文网, the copyright belongs to the original author.!

"The Sea Sleep" teaching reflection reflection reflection

"The Sea Sleeping" is a children's poem. There are two lines of poems in the whole poem. It uses kind and natural, rich children's atmosphere and imagination language to depict the beautiful scene of the sea of quiet and high -ended nights.Although the poems are short, the lines are full of childlikeness and beauty. They are good textbooks for cultivating students' observation and reading ability.


The teaching goals of this lesson are: 1. Read the text and recite texts with correctness, fluent, and emotionally.2. Review and consolidate Chinese Pinyin, learn 8 students in this lesson, and only the four characters in the two green lines are only recognized.Understand the words consisting of the character.3. Appreciate the sea scenes depicted by the verses, and cultivate the feelings of love of nature.


When I chose this lesson, I thought of the word "beauty". I think I must create a beautiful situation and enjoy the aesthetic taste while learning the text.Psychological research shows that beauty things can make students feel good about the content of the learning, the positive emotions in their hearts will be fully mobilized, and the learning effect will be greatly improved.Suhomlinsky said: "Children use color, image, and sound to think." So, I used network resources to collect many pictures and videos of the sea, and made slides suitable for their teaching ideas.


The teaching ideas I designed are:


First, create a situation and learn words.


In this session, I used multimedia to show the scene of the sea during the day and night. During the day, the sea rolled up the waves, the waves splashed, and the waves were burst.In the sound of soft music, the sky gradually darkened and the sunset was brilliant.At night, the moon and stars hung in the sky, and they were quiet around.Through the contrast of the picture, students can feel the beauty of different forms of the sea.I also made a gently snoring sound.The beautiful picture has stimulated the emotions of the students, so that the good effect of "unpreparted songs" was received.At the same time, when I designed, I added the new words of this lesson to the picture, so that students can enjoy the beautiful scenery while reading in the form of "Sesame Open".The boring learning words are in enjoying the beautiful scenery, laying the foundation for the preliminary reading of the text.[Composition fan network www.xxjxsj.cn more primary school teaching design]


Secondly, guide reading aloud and entering the country.


In this session, I also loaded the content of the text into the picture to guide students to read, understand, and imagine poetry depiction.There are two sentences in the whole poem. It is easy to understand. I guides students to read this poem through Fan Reading, Performance Reading, and Metropolis Recitation.


Once again, the sentence movement is migrated and expanded.

这一环节,是在熟读课文的基础上,我让学生观看“大海醒了”的录像,直观感受大海的动态美。当学生的脑海中有了丰富的表象,才能把画面转化为语言。同时,将课文内容作为参考,学着课文诗句的句式,创作简单的诗句,可以降低难度,让学生跳一跳就可以摘到“桃子”, 学生的思维力、想象力、创新力得到了培养。有几位小朋友特别喜欢创作诗句,下课后他们就马上写了起来。#p#分页标题#e#

This link is based on reading the text. I let students watch the video of "the sea wake up" and intuitively feel the dynamic beauty of the sea.When a student's mind has a wealth of appearance, the picture can be converted into a language.At the same time, use the content of the text as a reference, learn the sentence pattern of the text verse, and create simple verses, which can reduce the difficulty, so that students can pick up the "peach".nourish.Several children particularly like to create verses, and they immediately wrote them immediately after class.#p#pages title#E#


Finally, learn the characters and guide the writing.This link depends on time, and later taught in the next lesson.


I think in the teaching of this lesson in terms of development and use of curriculum resources:


First, make full use of multimedia resources.In the teaching of this lesson, the timely use of multimedia courseware can not only help students understand poetry and understand language, but also allow students to be influenced and infected through beautiful pictures, beautiful music, improved their aesthetic taste, deepen the quietness of the sea at night at night.The beauty of beauty.


Second, grasp the generation resources of the classroom.Student's doubts are the entry point to read and understand verses.For example, after the student questioned the text, a student proposed "What is she holding the moon?" According to this problem, I guided the students to look at the picture.Then learn about the second poem.For another example, when reading the text of each other, a student proposed "whether the sea is male or female", and I re -throw this problem to the students, let them understand that "she" is a woman, and the sea is like a mother.EssenceWhen talking about the word "her", I also want to tell students that this is an anthropomorphic technique, but I forgot.


Third, use imagination to broaden text resources.
The "Chinese Curriculum Standard" pointed out that Chinese teachers should pay attention to the development and utilization of curriculum resources. When teaching design, we must pay attention to the development of the teaching materials itself, pay attention to the communication and cooperation between language courses and other courses, and pay attention to the learning resources of the study resources.Development and use ".Therefore, teachers must have awareness of openness and curriculum.On the basis of the students' understanding of the original text, creating a simple verse of "awakening the sea" is the expansion and extension of the text.


Fourth, give full play to the teacher's own resources.If you read it in a timely manner, effectively guide students to read aloud.


I think there are some shortcomings in teaching:


1. It is not possible to regulate the problems that occur in the classroom, that is, we must also improve the skill of teaching.


2. The autonomy of students is not enough.To cultivate children's independent cooperation inquiry ability, such as allowing students to cooperate to complete the creation of "wake up the sea".But in actual teaching, it feels not enough.


3. Do not play the role of students collecting materials well.


教学要求: 1.能正确、流利、有感情地朗读课文和背诵课文。 2.复习巩固汉语拼音,学会本课5个生字,理解由生字组成的词语。 3.体会诗句所描绘的大海夜景,培养热爱大自然的感情。 教学重难点:朗读,背诵和指导识字写字。 教具准备:多媒体课件、贝壳、照片、字词卡,大海妈妈的礼物。 教学过程: 一、 猜谜导入,激发兴趣。 1 猜谜:(大海) 胸怀真宽大,江河容的下 潮涨幕就落,风起掀浪花。 2 板书:大海。认读“海”,遮去“氵”是什么字?(每)大海的每一个角落都是水。 3.指名学生简单介绍你见过的大海。 师:在小朋友的眼里,蔚蓝的大海边,是那么美丽,那么神秘,那么有趣,今天我们一起去海边旅行。 4 点击课件:出现白天的大海景象,带着学生一起去大海边旅行。 (1) 向大海打招呼。师:Hi,大海,

The sea,你好!Good morning,大海。 (2) 继续仔细观察大海。师:来到美丽的大海边,你看到了什么呢? (3) 指名说说来到美丽的大海边你看到了什么? 5. 小结:小朋友都看到了白天,风儿闹着,追逐着浪儿,浪儿笑着,向前跑着。(稍停)这时太阳公公下山了,月亮姐姐出来了,她还带着无数颗小星星,这些小星星还顽皮的眨着眼睛呢!夜晚,大海睡了。 板书:睡了 6. 齐读课题:大海睡了 二、指导看图,整体感知。 1. 点击课件:夜晚大海图(指导学生观察) 2.点击出示课文录音。 师:你觉得夜晚的大海是什么样?(安静) 师:那么我们也来试一试,读出安静的感觉。 3.学生借助拼音读一读课文;再指名读一读。 4.认读生字卡:里 她 抱 月 背 三、 美读课文,进入诗境。 1. 指名说说夜里,大海给你的感觉是怎样的? 2. 指名试读,点击出现:风儿不闹了,浪儿不笑了,深夜里,大海睡觉了。 3.指导朗读第一句。 (1) 自由练读。(2)指名读,学生评价。 师:觉得她读得怎么样?谁来评一评?(生评价) 师:大海睡了,我们要轻轻地读,千万别吵醒了大海。 师:你读得真好,大海睡得真香啊! 4. 点击出现:她抱着明月,她背着星星, 5. 指导朗读第二句。 师:请你们读读这两行诗,看看大海睡觉以后的样子,想想为什么说“大海抱着明月,背着星星呢?”可以和小组伙伴交流。 (1) 小组讨论:为什么说大海“抱着明月,背着星星”呢? (2) 自己读两行诗,感觉大海像谁? (3) 指名读,师评价。 (4) 齐读。 6 点击出现;那轻轻的潮声啊!是她睡熟的鼾声。 (1) 点击;听潮声。板书:轻轻的潮声 (2) 指名试读,师评价指导朗读。 师:声音柔柔的,你读得真好听!谁再来试一试? 师:你把“轻轻的”读得真不错,我们也来轻轻地读一读,千万别吵醒了大海妈妈。 (3) 齐读。 7. 把四行诗连起来有感情的读一读。 师:这首诗美吗?让我们把这首诗美美地读一读。 8. 齐读全诗。 师:这么美的小诗不但要读好,聪明的小朋友还要能背出来,请你们用自己的方式和小组的伙伴试着互相背背吧! 9. 练习背诵全诗。 a.引背。(告诉学生朗读时要做到声音响亮、吐字清楚,并注意停顿,让学生在反复朗读中找到规律。)b.轻声练习背诵。c.边背诵边表演。 师:谁第一个来背? 师:你真勇敢,第一个把它背出来!谁也来试一试? 师:你背得真有感情!我们一起用自己最美的声音来背一背,把它作送给大海妈妈的礼物。 四、拓展延伸,积累语言。 1. 师:刚才我还在沙滩上发现了大海妈妈送给你们的礼物呢?就在小船里,小船漂呀漂呀漂到你们的身边,小朋友赶快挑选自己的礼物吧! 2. 学生每人挑选礼物。(图片后的“秘密”) 师:你们拿到的是什么礼物呢?(学生读一读) 师:噢,原来是一串关于大海的成语。 师:祝贺你,又学会了一首关于大海的小诗。 3. 指名朗读,评价。 师:小朋友,我们的旅行结束了,小朋友,拿着礼物,让我们和大海妈妈说声再见吧! 生:大海妈妈再见! 4.旅行结束,和大海妈妈说再见。 小结:美丽的海边一望无际,风儿不闹了,浪儿不笑了,深夜里,大海妈妈睡着了,大海妈妈做了一个很美的梦。 5.猜一猜:大海妈妈梦见了什么?(学生自由发言,老师酌情加以引导,重在拓展学生的知识面) 五、总结全文:孩子们,人们只有从今天开始,从自我做起,大海的浪花才会更晶莹,大海的沙滩才会更细软,大海的海水才会更清澈,大海妈妈的梦才会更香甜! 六、集体唱一首《大海啊,故乡》

Teaching requirements: 1. Can read texts and recite texts with emotional, fluent, and emotionally. 2. Review and consolidate Chinese Pinyin, learn 5 raw characters in this lesson, and understand the words composed of the character. 3. Experience the sea scene depicted by the poems, and cultivate the feelings of love. Emphasis on teaching: read aloud, recite and guide literacy writing. Preparation of teaching aids: Multimedia courseware, shells, photos, word cards, gifts from the sea mother. Teaching process: First, the introduction of puzzles and stimulate interest. 1 Guess: (Dahai) The chest is really large, the rivers are below The tide rose, and the wind rose. 2 Board of Board: The Sea. Reach the word "sea" and cover up "氵"? (Every corner of the sea is water. 3. The famous students briefly introduce the sea you have seen. Teacher: In the eyes of children, the blue sea is so beautiful, so mysterious, so interesting, today we go to the beach to travel together. 4 Click the courseware: A sea scene appears during the day, take students to travel to the sea together. (1) Ge gay to the sea. Teacher: Hi, the sea, hello! Good morning, sea. (2) Continue to observe the sea carefully. Teacher: When you come to the beautiful sea, what do you see? (3) What do you see when you talk about coming to the beautiful sea? 5. Summary: The children saw the day, the wind was in trouble, chasing the waves, and the waves laughed, and ran forward. (Stop) At this time, the Sun's father -in -law went down the mountain, and the Moon Sister came out. She also brought countless little stars. These little stars blinked naughty! At night, the sea fell asleep. Boarding: Sleep 6. Read the topic: the sea is asleep Second, guide the picture, the overall perception. 1. Click the courseware: at night, the sea map (instruct students to observe) 2. Click to present the text recording. Teacher: What do you think of the sea at night? (Quiet) Teacher: Then let's try it, read the feeling of quiet. 3. Students read the text with the help of pinyin; 4. Recognize the student card: She holds the moon back Third, the text of the United States and enter the poetry. 1. What is the feeling of the sea in the night? 2. Try to read the name, click to appear: Feng'er is no longer troubled, Langer doesn't laugh, late at night, the sea sleeps. 3. Guide to read the first sentence. (1) Free practice. (2) Reading, student evaluation. Teacher: How do she read? Who will comment? (Evaluation) Teacher: The sea is sleeping, we must read gently, don't wake up the sea. Teacher: You read so well, the sea sleeps so fragrant! 4. Click to appear: she holds Mingyue, she is carrying the stars, 5. Guide to read the second sentence. Teacher: Please read these two lines of poems to see how the sea looks like after sleeping. Think of why "the sea is holding the bright moon and carrying the stars?" You can communicate with the group partners. (1) Group discussion: Why does the sea say "holding the moon and carrying the stars"? (2) Read the two lines of poems by yourself, who do you feel like the sea? (3) Reading well, teacher evaluation. (4) Reading together. 6 Click to appear; the soft tide! It was her sleeping snoring sound. (1) Click; listen to the sound of the tide. Boarding: Gently tide sound (2) Trial reading, teacher evaluation and guidance. Teacher: The sound is soft, you read so good! Who will try again? Teacher: You read the "light" so well, and we also read it gently. Don't wake up the mother of the sea. (3) Reading together. 7. Read the four lines of poems with emotions. Teacher: Is this poem beautiful? Let's read this poem beautifully. 8. Read the whole poem. Teacher: Such a beautiful little poem must not only read well, but also smart children can also memorize it. Please try to carry each other in your own way and the group's partners! 9. Practice recite the whole poem. a. Back. (Tell students to be loud and clear when reading aloud, and pay attention to pauses, so that students can find rules in repeated reading.) B. C. Read the performance while reciting. Teacher: Who came back first? Teacher: You are so brave, first carry it out! Come and try anyone? Teacher: You are really emotional! Let's use our most beautiful voice to carry a gift to the mother of Dahai. Fourth, expand extension, accumulate language. 1. Teacher: Just now I still found a gift from the sea mother on the beach? Just in the boat, the boat drifted and drifted to your side. Children quickly choose their own gifts! 2. Each student selects gifts. ("Secret" after the picture) Teacher: What gift do you get? (Student reading) Teacher: Oh, it turned out to be an idiom about the sea. Teacher: Congratulations to you, and learn a little poem about the sea. 3. Read on the name, evaluate. Teacher: Children, our trip is over. Children, take gifts, let us say goodbye to the mother of the sea! Sheng: Goodbye Mom Mom! 4. The trip was over and said goodbye to the mother of Dahai. Summary: The beautiful seaside was endless, the wind was no longer troubled, and the waves were not laughing. In the middle of the night, the mother of the sea fell asleep, and the mother of the sea had a beautiful dream. 5. Guess: What did the mother of Dahai dream? (Students speak freely, the teacher guides as appropriate, focusing on expanding the knowledge of students) Fifth, summarize the full text: Children, only from today, from today, the waves of the sea will be more crystal, the beaches of the sea will be softer, the sea of ​​the sea will be clearer, and the dream of the mother of the sea will be more Sweet! 6. Singing a collective song "The Sea, Hometown"


4、《大海睡了》说课设计 (参考教案)

第一部分 说教材
第二部分 说教法和学法
第三部分 说教学过程

The first part of the textbook
I. Teleess's brief analysis
"The Sea Sleeping" is a children's poem. The sea that has been writing noisy day has gradually become peaceful at night, showing the tenderness and cuteness of the sea. Although the poems are short, the lines are full of childlikeness and beauty. They are good textbooks for cultivating students' observation and reading ability.
2. Teaching goals
1. Knowledge goals: Learn to learn words, understand new words, experience the tenderness and cuteness of the sea, can read texts correctly, fluent, and emotionally recite the text.
2. Capability goals: Cultivate and improve students' observation, reading ability and evaluation ability by observing, practicing, discussion, evaluation, appreciation, and recitation.
The second part of the teaching method and learning method
This lesson needs to be completed in two lessons. Below, I focus on the teaching of the second lesson.
1. Teaching
1. Guidance Observation Law
In accordance with the cognitive laws of students, and give full play to the role of illustrations in the text, with the text and text and text, which not only stimulates the students' interest, but also naturally deepen the study of the text.
2. Multimedia auxiliary teaching method
Aiming at the age characteristics of elementary school students, multimedia auxiliary teaching is adopted to create a good learning environment, mobilize students 'interest, induce students' emotions, and enable them to invest in the situation set by texts.
3. Encourage the appreciation of the law
Teachers' timely comments, and even the mutual evaluation between students are mainly encouraging and appreciating. It mainly encourages students to fully display talents, satisfy their psychological characteristics that they want to get praise and experience success. Stimulate students' desire to learn and enhance their confidence in reading aloud.
Second, learn Fa
1. Cooperation learning method
On the basis of reading self -enlightenment, we pay attention to discussions, exchanges, cooperation, and experience. While letting students seize the main content of the text, they can associate their existing knowledge accumulation.
2. Beauty Reading Training Method
The main training method of "watching", "listening", "reading", "reading", and "enlightenment" is the main training method. Improve, think, discuss, communicate, experience, and practice to gradually achieve teaching goals, so that students can exercise in specific reading practice.
The third part talks about the teaching process
1. Tightly linked to life, and introduce new lessons.
1. Students' known experience is the source of their thinking. First of all, I asked the students: "Classmates, you all like to travel, who has seen the sea?" "What is the sea you have ever seen?" After some students proudly said their feelings about the sea, I Invite everyone to travel to the sea to further mobilize the interest of students, and the desire to learn was initially stimulated.
2. Show multimedia courseware. With the display of the picture, the sea is sometimes calm, sometimes ups and downs, and sometimes shore ... there are all kinds of attitude, all dignified. Teachers and music talked with music, and strong feelings have stimulated the desire to learn.
2. Guide to look at the picture, and the overall perception
show the illustrations of the illustrations in the text. When the students observe the illustration, the camera guides them to explain the meaning of the map from top to bottom. While appreciating the individual beauty of the moon, starry sky, seagulls, and sea, feel the harmony of the entire picture. Doing so can cultivate students' ability to observe things in order, create context, and carry out overall perception. #p#pages title#E#
Three, read in the reading, Wuzhong feelings
"Read a book for 100 times, the righteousness is self -seeing." The easier it is; the better the student understands, the more emotional reading is. Therefore, my teaching focus is on how to adopt multiple methods to allow students to implement intensive reading training. In this link, I designed a few steps to promote:
1. Teacher's soundtrack reading
In order to allow students to enter the text better and experience the beauty in the text, I adopted the form of the soundtrack of the soundtrack. With the beat, taste it carefully.
2. Grasp the key guidance of the first sentence.
Reading is the personalized behavior of students, focusing on self -enlightenment. During the teaching process, I seized the part of "the sea" and proposed "Where did you read the sea to sleep?" "Why can the sea sleep at this time?" From this, the study caused the "sleep" and wind of the sea The "don't make trouble" and "unknown" of the children and waves, then understand the internal connection of the wind and waves, the calm waves.
3. Cooperation experience the second sentence.
With the first sentence as the basis, the study of the second sentence can be based on the students' own experience and give full play to the ability of student cooperation to learn. Let the students read the second sentence freely while reading the picture, and talk about the sea asleep? Then discuss in the group and tell your own experience. On the basis of the students' full cooperation, the whole class exchanges the class. The teacher's appropriate dialing can better break through the "sea holding the bright moon and carrying the stars". Interesting.
4. The soundtrack recitation, understanding and understanding
At the end of, the teacher hit the iron while hot, and gave the students to recite the time. It accumulated the language and further deepened the understanding of the text.
Fourth, appreciate the music, summarize the extension
The teachers and students in the "Military Harbor Night" dance, expand the training in the training "The sea is in the fragrant snoring, and has a sweet dream. What do you see? "These will also have a profound impact on students. Combining the classroom and music, combining the classroom and the foreign class, is not limited to the classroom, and is not restricted to the textbooks. This should also be the goal of teachers in the new era!

5、 小学语文《大海睡了》说课稿|教案

5. Primary school Chinese "The Sea Sleep" Speaking of the Draft | Teaching Plan

◆您现在正在阅读的《大海睡了》说课稿文章内容由<>收集, 本站地址:我要作文网,版权归原作者所有.!本站将为您提供更多的精品教学资源!《大海睡了》说课稿

第一部分 说教材

◆ The content of the article "The Sea Sleeping" that you are reading now is collected by , the address of this site: 我要作文网, the copyright belongs to the original author.! This site will provide you with more boutiquesTeaching resources! "The Sea Sleep" Speaking

The first part of the lecture materials
"The Sea Sleep" is a beautiful little poem, describing the beautiful scene of the sea of quiet and high -ended nights, showing the tenderness and cuteness of the sea.Although the poems are short, the lines are full of childlikeness and beauty. They are good textbooks for cultivating students' observation and reading ability.
1. Teaching goals
(1) Learn the words of this lesson, understand the life words, and experience the tenderness and cuteness of the sea, to read the text correctly, fluently, and emotionally.

  2、德育目标: 借助多媒体,让学生有兴趣的读儿童化的诗文,初步体会大海夜色的意境美,培养学生热爱大自然的情感。
第二部分 说教法和学法
  第三部分 说教学过程

(2) Cultivate and improve students' observation, reading ability and evaluation ability by observing, practicing, discussion, evaluation, appreciation, and recitation.
2. Moral education goals: With the help of multimedia, students are interested in reading children's poems, initially experience the beauty of the sea of ​​the sea, and cultivate students' emotions that love nature.
The second part of the preaching method and learning method
1. Teaching method
1. Guidance Observation Law
Following the cognitive laws of students, give full play to the role of illustrations in the text, and use the text, text, and text, which not only stimulates the students' learning interest, but also naturally deepen the learning of texts.
2. Multimedia auxiliary teaching method
In response to the age characteristics of elementary school students, multimedia auxiliary teaching is used to create a good learning environment for students, mobilize students 'interest, induce students' emotions, and enable them to invest in the situation set by texts.
3. Encourage appreciation
Teachers' timely comments, and even the mutual evaluation between students are based on praise and encouragement, appreciation, mainly to stimulate students to fully demonstrate their talents, satisfy their psychological characteristics of their hope, experience success, and stimulate students to learn from students learning. Desire, enhance your confidence in reading aloud.
2. Learning Fa
Beauty Reading Training Method
With "seeing", "listening", "saying", "reading", "enlightenment" as the main training method, the training of "reading" runs through the entire teaching. , Experience and read the teaching goals gradually, so that students can exercise in specific reading practice.
The third part talks about teaching process
1. close life and introduce new lessons
1. Students' known experience is the source of their thinking. First of all, I asked the students: "Classmates, do you still know the babies we learned in the last section?" After the students read the babies of the raw characters proudly, I said, "Let's read this lesson again. The beautiful little poems, strive to read the feelings in our hearts, are confident? "In this way, the students' interest is mobilized, and the desire to learn was initially stimulated.
Second, courseware display, overall perception
Show multimedia courseware. Showing the scene of the sea during the day and the night. During the day, the sea breeze slowly, the sea rolled up the waves, the waves splashed, the waves were burst, the coast was leaning on the fish boat, full of fish and shrimp, the sea surface, the seagulls were shuttled, and the seagulls were shuttled. The sound was endless. At night, a soft tide came from the sea. The moon and the stars were hung in the sky. The stars blinked with a small eyes, how beautiful! With the flexible and controllable information processing advantages of multimedia computer collection, sound, and text, we pay attention to the beauty of the image and sound shown by the media, or there is quiet in the movement, and the movement of static and static; Efforts to make the media not only show the beauty of harmony, but also show elegant music. Through the contrast of the picture, students can feel the two different beauty of the day and the sea during the day. When I fell asleep, I also made a soft snoring sound. Different pictures bring different feelings to students, stimulating students with individual imagination. While appreciating the beauty of the moon, the starry sky, and the sea, feel the harmony of the entire picture. Doing so can cultivate students' ability to observe things in order, create context, and carry out overall perception. #p#pages title#e#
Third, understand in the reading, enlightenment of love
"Books read a hundred times, and their righteousness is self -seeing." The advantage of reading the text is that the more fully read the students, the easier it is to understand; the better the students understand, the more emotional reading is. Therefore, my teaching focus is on how to adopt multiple methods to allow students to implement intensive reading training.    


1. Grasp the key words and sentence guidance
Reading is the personalized behavior of students, focusing on self -enlightenment. During the teaching process, I seized the part of "the sea" and proposed "Where did you read the sea to sleep?" "Why can the sea sleep at this time?" From this, the study caused the "sleep" and wind of the sea The "don't make trouble" and "not laugh" of the children and waves, and then understand the internal connection of the wind and waves and the calm waves. With the first sentence as the basis, the study of the second sentence can be based on the students 'own experience and give full play to the students' ability to explore their learning. Let the students read the second sentence freely while looking at the picture. Let the students speak their own experience. The teacher can make a good order to break through the "sea holding the moon and carrying the stars". In fact, the reflection photos of Mingyue and Stars are on the sea, which increases interesting reading.
2. Metric recite, understand and understand
At the end, the teacher took the iron while hot, and gave the students to the church to recite, which accumulated the language and further deepened the understanding of the text.
Fourth, guide writing  


Writing is the highlight of the low grade, especially the first grade.I greet my Chinese characters, find friends, and let students meet with new characters and deepen their impression.Through the comparison of "back" and "month", the shape of the word "back" is observed.During the writing, the writing of the pen is written, the teacher's writing, the redness and writing of the students, the common evaluation of the teachers and students, and gradually guide the students to grasp the strokes of Chinese characters, the structure of the frame, and the position of the Chinese characters in the field.Write the words.



1、大海:大海读音为dà hǎi,是指1.广阔的海洋。 2.指大的容器。如大酒杯﹑大碗等。 外海,并不封闭在海岬之间或不包括在海峡之内的那部分海洋大海 dà hǎi词语解释:1.广阔的海洋。 2.指大的容器。如大酒杯﹑大碗等。[open sea] 外海,并不封闭在海岬之间或不包括在海峡之内的那部分海洋分词解释:广阔:广大宽阔:视野广阔丨广阔天地丨广阔的国土。酒杯:喝酒用的杯子。海洋:海和洋的统称。容器:盛物品的器具。...大海怎么造句,用大海造句»