什么在我身边小学作文400字 篇1什么在我身边小学作文300字 篇2什么在我身边小学作文400字 篇3什么在我身边小学作文400字 篇1
今天,我读了一则短文,女孩的奶奶得了精神疾病,女孩开始十分嫌弃自己的奶奶,但经过妈妈的教导,她逐渐明白了亲情可贵,陪奶奶游戏,保护奶奶,共享祖孙两在一起的美好时光。这则故事告诉我们血浓于水,亲情不灭,亲情是可贵的,这让我想起了自己的姥姥。姥姥去年得病,在医院住了一阵子,妈妈只得去医院照顾姥姥,每天还得匆匆回家做饭,接送我们上下学,十分忙碌。姥姥出院后,妈妈还得隔一段时间去一趟姥姥家,不顾别人的闲言碎语,我问妈妈:“妈妈,你难道不辛苦吗?”妈妈说:“再苦再累她也是你姥姥,我的妈妈啊!如果是我病了,你也会尽心尽力照顾我吗?” “一定会的!”我十分肯定。去了姥姥家,我才发现舅舅也没闲着,买了一台摄像头,可以随时和姥姥说话,如果姥姥又病发了也能看到。回到城里,奶奶也会十不时关心姥姥的情况,亲戚们也都看望姥姥。妈妈也十分感动。
Today, I read a short article that the girl's grandmother was suffering from mental illness. The girl began to dislike her grandmother very much. But after her mother's teaching, she gradually understood the value of family, played with her grandmother, protected her grandmother, and shared the good time with her grandparents and grandchildren. This story tells us that blood is thicker than water, and family love is immortal. Family love is precious, which reminds me of my grandma. Grandma got sick last year and stayed in the hospital for a while. My mother had to go to the hospital to take care of Grandma. Every day she had to hurry home to cook and take us to school. She was very busy. After Grandma left the hospital, my mother had to go to Grandma's home every once in a while. In spite of other people's gossip, I asked my mother, "Mom, don't you work hard?" Mom said, "No matter how hard and tired she is your grandmother, my mother! If I was ill, would you also try your best to take care of me?" "Certainly!" I'm quite sure. When I went to Grandma's house, I found that my uncle was not idle either. I bought a camera to talk to Grandma at any time. If Grandma was sick again, I could see it. Back in the city, Grandma would also care about Grandma from time to time, and relatives would also visit Grandma. Mom was also very moved.
Family love is valuable. When one side is in trouble, support from all sides, blood is thicker than water, and family ties will never die. A trace of family ties, let's jump forward in the dark. A trace of family ties, let us move forward in fear, a trace of family ties, let us find strength in disappointment.
什么在我身边小学作文300字 篇2
The quadrennial Olympic Games are coming, and our hearts are beating faster, because the Olympic Games on August 8, 2008 were held in Beijing, the capital of China. The slogan of "One World, One Dream" put forward our common ideals and goals with the world.
As a primary school student, I must strive to learn scientific and cultural knowledge with lofty goals, and more importantly, I must learn the Olympic spirit that athletes fight bravely for the same dream and win glory for the country. In the future, I will also win glory for the motherland. I must also bring the passion and joy, health and wisdom, good luck and happiness of our Chinese children to children around the world.
We are the citizens of China and the flowers of our motherland! The Olympic Games of our Chinese people are coming soon. What can I do for our motherland?
The Olympics is right beside me. In fact, I don't have to go to Beijing to cheer, cheer and shout for the athletes! I can start from the little things around me: pick up more paper and spit less sputum. A variety of a tree, a flower, a grass, less damage to a piece of paper, a tree, a flower, not to trample on the lawn.
Whenever I look up to the rising sun in the east, I can't help shouting from the bottom of my heart: "For the same dream, come to the 2008 Olympic Games quickly!"
什么在我身边小学作文400字 篇3
Virtue is an essential quality for everyone. It always appears around us. Today, I also found a good thing. Let me introduce it to you.
在放学回家的路途中,我无意间发现了一群人围在一起,我好奇地跑了过去,只见一个老奶奶摔倒在地。四周的大人们没有丝毫救她的意思,反而在那谈论说:“如果我们救她,万一警察说是我们推她的,那怎么办?这不是多此一举吗?多一事不如少一事?” 突然一个小学生跑了过来,推开堵住他路的人,想都不想连忙拿起手机打给120。围观在周围的大人们心想:“我们竟然还不如一个小学生。”忽然听见“嘀嘟”“嘀嘟”的声音向我们靠近。原来救护车和警车一同来了。医护人员连忙把老奶奶抬到救护车上。警察下车向所有人问了事情的经过,问过之后,原来老奶奶是自己摔倒的,不能怪别人。不过,警察把那位小朋友表扬了一翻,把周围的大人们说了一通,然后就走了。
On the way home from school, I accidentally found a group of people gathered together. I ran over curiously and saw an old woman fall to the ground. The adults around didn't mean to save her at all. Instead, they talked there and said, "If we save her, what if the police say we pushed her? Isn't it unnecessary? It's better to do less than more?" Suddenly, a primary school student ran over and pushed away the people blocking his way. He didn't want to pick up his mobile phone and call 120. The adults around thought, "We are not as good as a pupil." Suddenly I heard the voice of "Didu" and "Didu" approaching us. The ambulance and the police car came together. The medical staff quickly carried the old woman to the ambulance. The police got off the bus and asked everyone about the incident. After asking, it turned out that the old lady fell down by herself, and no one else could blame her. However, the police praised the child, told the adults around him, and then left.
看着救护车远去的背影和周围人群散去的背影,我有说不出来的敬佩之情,敬佩那位救老太太的小学生。 世界上的好人好事远远不止这些,还有许多许多,所以我要求大家多做好人好事。
Looking at the back of the ambulance and the back of the surrounding crowd, I have unspeakable admiration for the pupil who saved the old lady. The good deeds in the world are far more than these, and there are many, many others. So I ask you to do more good deeds.
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