There will be a lot of moving things. They are often full of poetry and help people break through the blankness. They may not be unforgettable, but they often cannot lack them on the road of success.
The remnant moon is like hooks, and it is looming to hang in the quiet sky in the distance.I walked alone on my home.It was already numb, the cold wind blows, and almost takes away the only body temperature, bleak, lonely, and mixed with a trace of sadness.
Thinking of this unsatisfactory results and thinking about my efforts before the exam, I even felt a little unfair.The teacher's disappointment, the blame of parents, the contempt of classmates ... as if it was printed in my mind, lingering.Seeing self -confident self, the decadence day by day, but what's the way?
Go home, open the textbook, and prepare to do today's homework, but the messy thoughts can not be concentrated for a long time, sighing ...
I came to the TV and planned to relax.Thirty seconds later, I was re -broadcast of the 110 -meter column project in the London Olympic Games. Chinese Flying Man Liu Xiangzheng warm up with other countries to prepare for this speed and passion performance to win the gold medal of this project.
Ready, the shot of the gun just rang, and the players flew out.But I don't want to, the accident happened -I saw Liu Xiang in the seventh step. When the first column was on the first column, he was tripped by the railing!No chance.
I closed my eyes, and my heart was tangled.For a long while, I only heard a roar of applause beside my ears. I opened my eyes sharply, oh my god!Liu Xiang actually jumped on the runway with one leg. His expression was solemn, and his right foot could not be on the ground, but he insisted on gritting his teeth.When the last group of railings of the track, he jumped to his railing and kissed the railing deeply ...
My heart is shocked!Liu Xiang's kiss, I don't know how many people were moved, and how many people left tears for him!
He gasped and finally came to the end.Liu Xiang's performance also won the respect of all opponents, and the team members came to help him ...
I turned off the TV dumbly, thinking about the scene just now, I couldn't calm down for a long time.
What touched him?What made him respect everyone?
It's his persistence!Liu Xiang was under such a big pressure, but he insisted.And how can I be sad and decadent because of a momentary unsatisfactory and decadent?Intersection
I understand, persist, I want to persist!When you encounter setbacks, hard work, you will pass by with a smile.Thank you, Liu Xiang, you moved me, giving me confidence and strength!
Turn off the TV and return to the desk, I calmed down and slowly opened the textbook ...
1、令人:令人读音为lìng rén,是指1.品德美好的人。 2.古代命妇的封号。令人 lìng rén词语解释:1.品德美好的人。 2.古代命妇的封号。(1)宋徽宗政和二年,定外命妇封号为九等,即国夫人﹑郡夫人﹑淑人﹑硕人﹑令人﹑恭人﹑宜人﹑安人﹑孺人。太中大夫以上官员之妻封令人。见《宋会要辑稿.仪制十》。(2)金宣宗贞佑后,内命妇封号有奉恩令人﹑奉光令人﹑奉徽令人﹑奉美令人等,为正六品。见《续通典.职官十六》。 3.祗候;衙役。分词解释:宣宗:武宗的叔父李忱,唐宪宗之子,年号大中。如:宣宗初亦号供奉,程既审上晓音律,尤自刻苦。——宋.王谠《唐语林.雅量》。仪制:1.礼仪制度及其具体规定。 2.仪态,形制。 3.官名。明清属礼部。以上:1.表示品第﹑数量﹑级别﹑位置等在某一点之上。 2.表示时代在前的,犹言以前。 3.指前面的话或文字。会要:记载某一朝代各项经济政治制度的书籍,多用做书名,如《唐会要》。衙役:古代官署里的差役:三班衙役|忙唤了个心腹的衙役进来商议。...令人怎么造句,用令人造句»
2、感动:感动读音为gǎn dòng,是指①思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕:看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受感动。②使感动:他的话感动了在座的人。感动 gǎn dòng词语意思:①思想感情受外界事物的影响而激动,引起同情或向慕:看到战士舍身救人的英勇行为,群众深受感动。②使感动:他的话感动了在座的人。分词解释:在座:1.亦作“在坐”。 2.到席;在场。今多指在聚会﹑会议等的座上。向慕:向往羡慕:渴求向慕之心日甚。事物:指客观存在的一切物体和现象:任何事物都不是一成不变的。群众:①大众:人民群众|群众运动。②指没有加入中国共产党、中国共产主义青年团等组织的人。用于表示政治身份。引起:1.起身。 2.一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等使另一种事情﹑现象﹑活动等出现。...感动怎么造句,用感动造句»
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