
时间:2022-06-23 13:24:56 | 来源:语文通


憨豆先生不但搞笑,还很无聊 。

Mr. Bean is not only funny, but also boring.

一天,他来到医院挂号,双手叉腰,焦急地左看右看,似乎在想:“为什么有这样多的人呢?突然,他看见前面的小女孩正在哄她的洋娃娃,便灵机一动,想出了一个好主意,只见他悄悄地伸出手,快速地抓起洋娃娃往旁边一扔 ,小女孩连忙向妈妈喊:“我的洋娃娃不要我了,快陪我去捡它。”说完,小女孩就把妈妈拖走了 。

One day, he came to the hospital to register, with his hands on his hips, and looked at him anxiously. It seemed to be thinking: "Why are there so many people? Suddenly, he saw the little girl in front of him.After a good idea, I saw him quietly reaching out, quickly grabbing the doll and throwing it beside him. The little girl quickly shouted to her mother: "My doll does not want me anymore, hurry up to pick it up.After that, the little girl dragged her mother away.

憨豆先生高兴地快速跟了上去,发现前面有还有两个男人,他眼珠子一转,又想到了一个主意,他趁两个男人不注意时,悄悄地侧着身子,对准且最前面的那个男人的屁股用力一掐,又马上缩了回来,假装跟他无关。我心想:憨豆先生可真无聊,太不文明了! 那个男人顿了一下,慢慢地转过头来,大声地问:“你干什么呀?”“我没干什么呀?”另一个男人说,说着说着还推了他一把,吵着吵着,就干脆到旁边打架去了 。

Mr. Bean quickly followed up, and found that there were two men in front of him. He turned his eyes and thought of a idea. When the two men were not paying attention, he quietly sideways, the most accommodated and the best was the most.The man's buttocks were stabbing hard, and he immediately shrunk back, pretending to have nothing to do with him.I thought to myself: Mr. Bean is so boring, too uncivilized! The man paused, slowly turned his head, and asked loudly, "What are you doing?" "I didn't do anything?" Another man saidTalking about him, he pushed him, noisy, he simply went to fight next to him.

憨豆先生高兴极了,马上挂好了号 。

Mr. Bean was very happy and hung up immediately.

憨豆先生可真无聊啊 !

Mr. Bean is so boring!


今天,憨豆先生来的医院,他发现前面有六个人,憨豆先生不想等这么久,他焦急地左看右看,他看到了一个小姑娘手上抱着一个娃娃,他眼珠一转,想出了一个好点子。趁他不注意,悄悄地伸出大手抓住娃娃丢到了一边,小姑娘看见娃娃不见了,就急忙拉着妈妈的手去找娃娃,憨豆先生成功的把母女俩引走了 。憨豆先生开心地跟了上去。

Today, Mr. Bean came to the hospital, he found that there were six people in front. Mr. Bean didn't want to wait for so long.The girl was holding a doll in her hand. He turned his eyes and came up with a good idea.While he didn't pay attention, he quietly stretched out his big hand and grabbed the doll and threw it aside. When the little girl saw the doll disappeared, she hurriedly pulled her mother's hand to find the doll. Mr. Bean successfully led the mother and daughter away.Mr. Bean followed happily.

可是,前面还有两位该怎么办呢?憨豆先生又想了一个办法,憨豆先生趁别人不注意,他侧着身子对准前面的人的屁股用力一掐,前面的人愣了一下,慢慢地转过身,生气地瞪着后面的人,大声叫道:“你什么意思!掐我就算了,还掐屁股 !”“我没有啊 !”说着说着,两个人就到旁边打架去了 。

However, what should I do in the front? Mr. Bean thought another way. Mr. Bean bean while others were not paying attention., Turn around slowly, stare at the people behind angrily, and yell loudly, "What do you mean! Even if you are, you still, but also your ass!" "I don't!"The fight next to it.

憨豆先生快速地走上前,成功地取到了号 。

Mr. Bean quickly stepped forward and successfully got the number.


You said, is Mr. Bean too boring!


今天,憨豆先生去跟着救护车来到了医院 。

Today, Mr. Bean went to the hospital with the ambulance.

他来到医院排队,看到前面有好多人,他可不想排队。于是就想了一个办法,他看了看前面,发现前面有个小女孩正在哄她的小娃娃 ,憨豆先生眨了眨眼睛,想出了一个鬼点子。憨豆先生趁前面的小女孩不注意,快速地抓起娃娃在旁边一扔,小女孩看到了,着急地喊 :“妈妈 我的娃娃不知道被谁扔出去啦!妈妈,带我去剪一下 。”于是妈妈和小女孩离开了队伍 ,难道先生快速地跟了上去。

He came to the hospital to line up and saw that there were many people in front of him. He didn't want to line up.So I thought about a way. He looked at the front and found that a little girl was coaxing her little doll in front of him. Mr. Bean blinked and came up with a ghost idea.Mr. Bean took advantage of the little girl in front of the little girl and quickly grabbed the doll and threw it beside him. The little girl saw it and shouted: "Mom, my doll, I don’t know who is thrown out! Mom, take me to cut it.. "So the mother and the little girl left the team, and the gentleman quickly followed.

憨豆发现前面还有两个人,于是他趁前面的人没注意,侧身子,伸出手用力掐了一下最前面人的屁股 ,马上又收了回来。装作什么事儿都没有发生,结果第一位把第二位推到了一旁,憨豆先生顺利地排到了第一位, 他快速地取了号,走了 。

Bean bean found that there were still two people in front of him, so he didn't notice the person in front of him, and sideways, stretched out his hand and pushed the buttocks of the former person, and immediately took it back.No matter what happened, the first place pushed the second place to the side. Mr. Bean ranked first to the first place. He quickly took the number and left.


You see, how boring Mr. Bean!