
时间:2022-10-18 12:46:03 | 来源:语文通



2022小学生暑假日记 篇12022小学生暑假日记 篇22022小学生暑假日记 篇32022小学生暑假日记 篇4

2022小学生暑假日记 篇1


Today, I'm going to learn how to make dumplings with my mother. After washing my hands, my mother first handed me a piece of dumpling skin, and I took a pair of chopsticks. At this time, my mother said: "Use chopsticks to put the filling on the dough, and then squeeze it along the edge." After listening to my mother's words, I carefully wrapped them up like my mother. But I squeezed it hard for a long time, but I couldn't wrap it. Mom smiled and said: "You put too much stuffing. You just learned to pack, so you should put less stuffing."


After changing the second dough, I did as my mother told me, put less stuffing and tighten the edges. In this way, I wrapped one after another. But I looked at the dumplings on the panel. The dumplings made by my mother looked like cute little white rabbits, while the ones I made looked like fish, lying on the panel without any spirit. Mother smiled and said, "Don't lose heart. Each one will be better than the other."


The dumplings were almost wrapped, and the pot was just opening. Mother threw them into the pot one by one, and the dumplings rolled happily in the pot like little white fish. Mother put cold water twice more, and then she could cook. We ate with relish around the table. Today's dumplings are especially delicious!

2022小学生暑假日记 篇2


At the beginning of the summer vacation, with the help of my father, I worked out a summer vacation schedule to make the summer vacation more colorful, so as not to waste two months of time, complete the holiday homework assigned by the teacher, try to make up for my insufficient knowledge, and lay a good foundation for the third grade.

我为自己订的计划有:按计划完成暑假作业、练习读写生字词、多看课外书增加知识,完成每周一片作文、利用时间到户外多运动,帮忙大人做家务,还有我的字太难看了,一定在暑假里好好练一下,这些 计划都等着我去完成,所以我要更加努力,让暑假生活过得更有意义。

The plans I made for myself are as follows: complete summer homework, practice reading and writing words from life, read more extracurricular books to increase knowledge, complete a piece of composition every week, use time to go outdoors to do more sports, help adults do housework, and my words are too ugly, so I must practice them well in summer vacation. These plans are waiting for me to complete, so I will work harder to make my summer vacation life more meaningful.

假期里因为爸妈都要上班,所以每天爸爸或妈妈走前都要给我布置好上午或下午的作业和学习任务,要求我在规定的时间内完成,我有不会的先自己思考动脑想办法解决,实在不会做的等爸爸、妈妈下班 回来给我讲,直到我懂为止,之后爸爸或妈妈再把我做的作业一项一项认真检查,并对错题进行纠错。

During the holidays, my parents have to go to work, so every day before my father or mother leaves, he or she will assign me homework and learning tasks in the morning or afternoon, and ask me to complete them within the specified time. If I don't know what to do, I will think and think of ways to solve it. If I really can't do it, I will wait for my father or mother to come back from work and tell me about it until I understand it. Then my father or mother will carefully check my homework one by one, And correct the wrong questions.

暑期已快过完,收获还真不少!作业马上就写完了,生字词也练得比较熟练了,读了一些课外书,至于作文, 通过亲身体验, 使我的情感更投入,语言更丰富了。数学方面练习也很满意。我每天做完作 业,心里总有一种说不出的充实。

The summer vacation is almost over, and we have gained a lot! The homework was finished immediately, the new words were also practiced more skillfully, and I read some extracurricular books. As for the composition, through personal experience, I became more emotional and rich in language. I was also very satisfied with my math practice. When I finish my homework every day, there is always an indescribable enrichment in my heart.


In the future, I will continue to redouble my efforts, study hard, listen to the teachers and parents, strive for greater progress, and repay the hardworking teachers with excellent results. I will certainly cheer!

2022小学生暑假日记 篇3


Today, my grandma said that I would eat dumplings for lunch. I'm so happy!


Grandma was busy in the kitchen, preparing the dumpling skin with noodles and chopping the meat stuffing. I also wanted to learn how to make dumplings. I said to Grandma, "Grandma agreed happily, saying OK, I will teach you."


I have eaten dumplings, and I have seen my mother make dumplings. I have not made dumplings by myself. I looked at my grandmother's skilled appearance and envied her. I also learned from her. I put a piece of dough in the palm of my left hand, and put a bit of meat stuffing in my right hand. Ah! Too much, Grandma said: "The filling is too little, no taste." Then I took a piece of dough and prepared to make a second dumpling. According to the method my grandmother taught me, there was too much meat, and the dumplings were like "four different things". My grandmother taught me patiently, but I couldn't learn anything. I couldn't force anything. My "four different things" were ready to eat by myself.


I ate the "four different" dumplings I made. Although it was not as tasty as Grandma's, it was the first time I made dumplings. It gathered my heart and blood, and it tasted delicious when I chewed it.

2022小学生暑假日记 篇4


Today, I come to__ Of__ hot spring. There are winding mountain roads, beautiful mountains and clear waters, and fresh air.


On the ticket we bought, I read the introduction of the hot spring, and knew that the hot spring water "has low sodium and low salinity, and contains more than 30 kinds of ordinary and trace elements. Its unique metasilicic acid, strontium and zinc and other trace elements have good health care effects on cardiovascular diseases, nerves, digestion, sports, and hematopoietic systems.


The hot spring spring pool is the same size as the swimming pool. It is strange that there are many walnut sized springs at the bottom of the pool. Warm spring water comes out from these walnut sized springs. You feel a little hot when you step on them. After soaking in the hot spring for a while, I feel sweaty, but I feel very comfortable. However, the spring water from one spring is cold, so I stayed near the spring to swim and play. After about two hours, we went ashore, feeling very comfortable mentally and physically.


Later, we walked around the winding mountain road, looking at the green trees, clear water, breathing fresh air, and finally arrived home after a five hour journey.