
时间:2022-10-17 13:29:56 | 来源:语文通



乌龟记作文 篇1会飞的小乌龟作文 篇2乌龟记作文 篇3乌龟记作文 篇4乌龟记作文 篇5

乌龟记作文 篇1


Animal school is about to open! Little turtle's mother said: Little turtle, you are so old, you should learn how to feed yourself! The little turtle was eager to try, thinking: I won the world long-distance race champion rabbit last time. It seems that I should apply for a long-distance running school.


The little tortoise came to the long-distance running school, and the school gate was decorated with lights, which was very lively! He swaggered into the school.


Teacher Ma, the long-distance running coach, said to the freshmen: Let's compete first. Let me see your strength. Are you ready? Get ready: Run!


Everyone rushed forward, but the little tortoise was still struggling at the starting line. He ran as fast as he could. It was a long time before he ran more than one meter. Little tortoise comforted himself: Nothing. I won the rabbit, but I couldn't fight it!


After a while, there was a loud noise from behind, and the Mavericks ran up and laughed. Before, you said that you had won the long-distance race champion - the rabbit. Why, even the little pig can't run away.


Little turtle, where have you been? Why haven't you come back for so long? Teacher Ma asked angrily.


I. I'm not happy to run... The little turtle squeaks.


Teacher Ma was tender in an instant: Little turtle, you are not good at long-distance running. Learn what you are good at! Remember, don't be too proud when you get good grades.


The little turtle came home and told his mother everything that happened at school. My mother said happily: Although you haven't learned long-distance running, at least you know how to develop your strengths and avoid weaknesses. Great, my good baby. When the little turtle heard this sentence, it was as sweet as honey.

会飞的小乌龟作文 篇2


Once upon a time, there was a little turtle who lived happily every day.


Early in the morning, it began a day's work along the path, and it wanted to send letters to the neighbors. On the way, he will encounter many things. For example, a little flower was about to open with the last bit of strength. The little turtle arched it with his mouth. With a sound of "poof", the little flower opened its smiling face and said to the little turtle, "Thank you!" The little turtle walked on and saw a little ant carrying a sesame seed with difficulty. So he said to the little ant, "Brother Ant, please sit on my back!" The turtle's back is very wide, and the ants are like sitting in a big car, and soon they are home. The little turtle did not like this. He thought: If only I could fly! When one of the immortals knew this, he said to the turtle, "Since you have done so much good, I will satisfy your wish." With that, the back of the little turtle cracked with a click, and a pair of big wings grew behind it! The little turtle was so happy that he excitedly said to the immortal, "Thank you, thank you!"


The next day, the little turtle flew out of the house. It flew so fast that soon it came to Little Bear's house. He returned home after a busy day. In the evening, the immortal came to him again and said to him, "How are you, little turtle? Are you satisfied with your wings?" The little turtle said sadly to the immortal, "No! Grandpa, you'd better change my shell back!" "Oh? Why? Don't you really want a pair of fast wings?" "Yes, but what's the point of being able to fly without friends?" So the fairy changed the shell of the turtle back.


The shell of the little turtle is not as smooth as it used to be, but the little turtle still carries a scarred shell and lives happily in the big forest.

乌龟记作文 篇3


On Sunday, the tortoise walked on the beach covered with sunshine. For him, walking was a rare thing.


Suddenly, he felt itchy. He stopped, stood up his neck and said, "What happened to my bath yesterday?" Then, he stretched out his long neck, shook his head, shook his tail, kicked his legs and shook his body, hoping it would be useful, but it didn't help. He said doubtfully, "What is it on my back? Is it a flea? It seems not. What is it?" He thought to himself: I must get that thing down. He grabbed the edge of the shell, pulled it with a jerk, took it down, shook the shell again, and unexpectedly, a small crab fell from it. The little crab stared with big eyes, and said blankly, "Who, be gentle, I'm going to break it!" The tortoise said, "It's you! Don't climb into my shell next time. You've done me a disservice!"


The little crab said sheepishly, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to. It was too dark last night, and I climbed into a hole, but I accidentally got into your shell!" The tortoise smiled and said, "It's all right. Just pay attention next time!"

乌龟记作文 篇4


Oh, my grandpa's pet is missing. My grandpa is sweating!

事情是这样的,夏天的时候天气太热了,爷爷觉得小乌龟闷在乌龟窝里太热,于是,爷爷把乌龟窝开了一条小缝,放在空调底下凉快凉快,爷爷就这样满意地离开了。不一会儿,等爷爷回来,发现乌龟窝的 盖 子 居然是掀开的,哎呀!小乌龟不见了。

Here's the thing. It was too hot in summer. Grandpa felt that the little turtle was too hot in the turtle's nest. So he opened a small gap in the turtle's nest and put it under the air conditioner to cool down. Grandpa left with satisfaction. After a while, when Grandpa came back, he found that the cover of the turtle's nest was opened. Alas! The little turtle is gone.


Grandpa started a carpet search, knelt on the ground, looked around, and quickly moved away from the coffee table to look under it, but the turtle was not there for a long time. I saw grandpa bending down and lying on his stomach looking under the TV cabinet, but he didn't even see a shadow. Grandpa is going to look under the sofa, but the sofa is too heavy for him to move. Grandma came up with a good idea: bring a broom, but it didn't work. The broom couldn't reach the little turtle, so the little turtle still hid well. Grandpa finally came up with a stunt, and put a piece of meat that the little turtle liked best in the corner of the sofa, hoping to let it throw himself into the trap.


Half a day passed, but the little turtle didn't come out. When Dad came back, Grandpa said to Dad, "Help me move the sofa!" Dad asked strangely, "What happened?" I cut in and said, "Grandpa's pet is missing." Then they started to move the sofa. Finally, the two people moved the heavy sofa with their breath, and finally found the naughty turtle under the chair of the imperial concubine.


"Haha, you are hiding here!" Grandpa smiled.

乌龟记作文 篇5


Little turtle goes to deliver the letter. On the way, he saw a bird struggling desperately and asked, "What's wrong with you, bird?" "I'm stuck in the branch and can't get down." The bird answered sadly. "Wait a minute, I will send someone to bring a ladder. You must hold on." With the help of the little turtle, the bird was saved. She gently flapped her wings and flew to the blue sky, and soon disappeared in sight.


The tortoise envied the bird for having a pair of wings, so he asked the immortal to give him a pair of wings. The immortal agreed, and just after nodding, the shell of the little turtle split to the four sides, and a pair of wings suddenly grew on the soft meat. The little turtle circled in the sky for a few times, and then flew home contentedly singing a song.


The next day, Little Turtle went to deliver the letter again. He delivered the letter quickly, earlier than ever. However, Little Turtle was not happy because he could not see his good friends. Then he asked the immortal again: "The immortal, although my wish has been realized, I am not as happy as before. You'd better change me back!" The immortal said, "Dear little turtle, I can help you, but if you change from place to place, your smooth shell will not be smooth, and your shell may break! Are you sure you want to change it?" The little turtle said definitely, "Yes, yes." So, the little turtle's wings retracted again, and a shell grew on his body, and the little turtle changed back to its original shape.


Although the turtle's shell is not as smooth or complete as it used to be, the little turtle who has friends finally finds his former happiness.