
时间:2022-08-22 13:55:33 | 来源:语文通



On the weekend, Dad took me and my friends to watch the insect exhibition.We were excited and looking forward to it, and we didn't want to delay on red street lights for a second.I couldn't wait to run in after buying a ticket.


There are more bugs exhibited inside, with colorful butterflies, snails slowly swallowed, ugly and alternative lizards, and small and round turtles.All kinds of bugs make us dazzling.


I like the endless beetles.The beetle is black, and there is a "big scissors" on the head. If anyone angry it, it will use "big scissors" to cut others' hands!In fact, what is most interested in me is not the beetle itself, but the beetle fighting in the insect exhibition.It was the "war" between the two beetles.At the beginning, the two small beetles seemed to be just playing, but later a beetle might be a little harder and anger the other small beetle, and it attacked this little beetle crazy, as if two samuraiDuel, you have to win a win -win.When I saw it, I was afraid that the little beetle would be killed, and quickly patted the breeding tank. The two of them immediately stopped and looked at the sound of what it was.At this time, my friend came to pull me to another place.


We came to another place, here is the most interesting insect I think of the praying mantis.I shuttled in the feeding area of the praying mantis, and I watched the varieties of different praying mantis at a loss.There are many types of praying mantis, beyond my expectation, there are big knife manties, dead leaf praying, green static praying ... Mantis has a lot of appearance characteristics, some like flowers, a bit like dead leaves, some like water droplets, some like water droplets, some like water droplets, some like water droplets, some like water droplets.It is really a big world, there is nothing strange.In the breeding tank, you must observe it carefully to find where they are hidden.I looked at it. Suddenly I found that a praying mantis was catching a small bug. I saw the praying mantis jump, jumped to the small bug, waved the big machete, and ended the small bugs two or three times.


The insects in the strange state let us linger, and it was noon unknowingly.


On the way home, the figures of those small animals flashed in my mind. I and my friends and my friends exchanged the little things we saw. When he saw that I like insects so much, I recommended me a book for me.The book, the title is "The Insect", I decided to go home and buy the "Insects" back to learn more about these "small things".


11月19日   星期六   雨

Saturday, November 19th rain


This afternoon, my mother took me to the library to see the insect exhibition.On the way, I thought to myself: I wonder if there will be living dung golden turtles, Daisi, and seven -star ladybugs?


After a while, we came to the library to see the insect exhibition. I walked in and saw that there were no insects I thought before, but the other insects were also very interesting, such as Xiu Die, when I saw this name, I saw this name.I thought of Yixiu in the cartoon, and looked at the text carefully. Sure enough, as I thought, on its wings, there were two small monks who meditated back to back.Experts called this butterfly named "Yixiu Butterfly".Another kind of butterfly also attracts my attention. It is called the goddess of Guangming. It is the most beautiful butterfly recognized by butterfly experts in the world.Its wings are observed from different angles. From purple and blue to blue, the wings are constantly changing from purple -blue to blue, mysterious and unpredictable, like a blue sea, and like the vast sky, it is really beautiful!In addition, there are many kinds of insects that I have never seen, such as the butterfly of Malaysia -Cuiye's phoenix butterflies, orange -winged square powder butterflies, Tiando, cats, butterflies, Madagascar's long -tail moon butterfly, etc., see meDazzling and dizzy.


On the way home, I couldn't help thinking: Today's gain is not small, not only made me full of eyes, but also increased my knowledge of insects.



This is the world of insects and the ocean of knowledge.When you step into this beautiful and colorful space, you will be convinced by the wonderful nature of nature. You will marvel at the magic of nature and enjoy the rich gifts of nature.Here, your curiosity and your imagination can be confirmed in time. There are strange insects here, which is fun; the graceful butterflies are gorgeous.Since ancient times, it has been hailed as "dancer in nature" and "flying flowers".


Let's talk about butterflies now.my country is one of the countries with rich butterfly resources in the world.From south to north climate spans tropical, subtropical, temperate, and Asian temperate, and even the cold belt; it provides superior environmental conditions for the survival and development of a variety of butterflies.


The biological characteristics of butterflies: From eggs to adults, after four obvious stages of development, these four periods circulate in turn, and they are repeatedly re -started.Butterflies are the same as other insects. They have to go through a series of fierce physiological changes in their lives. This phenomenon is called changes.There are two types of perverts: eggs are incubated into larvae, larvae directly becomes adult, no pupae period (such as locusts, crickets, etc.), incomplete perverts; egg incubation into larvae, larvae becomes pupae after several molting, and then pupae will certainly go through certainly.During the period, the feather turned into a adult, which is called completely abnormal.Butterflies, like moths, belong to completely abnormal insects.


The relationship between butterflies and humans are very close.Not only can pollinations bring material interests to humans, but they can also inspire people and give people a spiritual enjoyment.


Insects, like other creatures, have their own special classification positions.It belongs to the insects in the animal door in the animal world.Its main characteristics are: three -segment head, chest, abdomen, 2 pairs of wings and 6 feet; 1 pair of angles, bones are wrapped outside the body, the form of life is changing, and the global prosperous family.


my country is vast and complex natural conditions. It is the only country in the world that spans the two major animal geographical areas. Therefore, it is one of the most insect species in the world, accounting for 1/10 of the world's insect species.


"Lady, gentleman begging."The ancients of the ancients showed people's pursuit and longing for beautiful things.Ladies -like Gilling worms are naturally favored by people.People always think that butterflies are beautiful insects, but when you know the Gillin worm, you may feel that the Gillin worms are also unique and have a charm.


Have you heard people compare insects into music?Whether it is the deep valley or the river of the flowers and trees; whether it is the cottage of the melon shed or the clean campus of the windows, insects can be heard everywhere.The singing of the cock is bright, and the sound of the scream is melodious; the locust sounds deep, and the bees fly warmly.Whether it is warm spring, hot summer, cool autumn, tireless insect singers always perform here.Even in that quiet winter, in the room, you will occasionally appreciate the singing singing.


Insects not only produce music themselves, but also have inspired countless artists.A song "Liang Zhu" written by the story of Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai in the opera, "Liang Zhu", which moved the world how many people.Among them, the melody of Hua Die is more beautiful and touching.It has become my country's precious spiritual wealth.



Friday, bathe in the warm winter sun, my mother and I went to the lucky star to visit the "Butterfly Demon Specification Exhibition".


As soon as I entered the exhibition hall, I saw a wide table full of specimens of butterfly insect specimens.Many classmates have come early, and everyone scrambles around the colorful specimen, praising the magic of nature.


In the insect exhibition, there are many beautiful "Fairy Fairy" -the curious goldfish swinging butterfly, beautiful and dazzling color -changing butterfly, beautiful bear palm butterfly, colorful brocade butterfly, and Chinese CuiPhoenix butterfly ... A wings are flying, lifelike!


Through the teacher's explanation, I know that there are about 20,000 butterflies recorded in the world, and China accounts for about 2100.


From caterpillar to butterflies, it goes through four stages: eggs, larvae (caterpillar), pupae, adults (butterfly).It seems that it is not easy to become a beautiful butterfly!


I strolled in the world of "Fairy Fairy", and the colorful butterflies made me dizzy.At this time, a beautiful butterfly attracted my attention, and it turned out to be colorful butterfly.The thin wings of the cicada wings are mixed with blue in the black, dignified and noble, showing majesty and beautiful spirit!


The Chinese Curvy Phoenix Butterflies next to it are unwilling to show weakness. There seems to be some flashes in the colorful black. It shines under the sun and looks from a distance, like a small sun, shining brightly on our eyes.


In the ocean of the "Fairy Fairy", I can't help but imagine if I am also a butterfly? If I am a butterfly, and the breeze, in the bright sun, dance with "Fairy Fairy" freely;Sing in the bright flowers and "Flower Fairy" in a happy singing ...


Butterflies are not only beautiful, but also add a lot of glory to people's lives.When I was going home, I was still a little reluctant. If there is a butterfly specimen exhibition next time, I will definitely come again.



As the saying goes, "radish and green vegetables have their own love."Some people like snakes, some people like white rabbits, and some people like colorful dragons, and I like beautiful butterflies, so I asked my mother to take me to the insect exhibition in Beijing.


As soon as I entered the door of the insect, I heard a wonderful song. I thought who was pulling the violin and a closer look, it turned out to be a little sang there.


On the left of Xiaoyu, there was a changeable dragon. It saw me and blinked like saying hello, I was very happy.On the right side of Xiaoyu is a snake. Its body is thin and long, and the red color is beautiful.


Children, there are many magical things in life. Come and see, use your careful eyes to find it.



Today, the weather is snowing, and the clouds in the sky are densely set. I thought: It seems that today I can't visit the insect exhibition.Just as I was unhappy and anxious, the sky was suddenly snowing. It turned out that the sun rushed away the dark gray dark clouds, and illuminated the ground with the warm and brilliant sunlight, which brought a little light to the flowers and plants.I asked my mother, "Can you visit the insect exhibition?" "Of course you can go." Mom agreed quickly.So we took a busy taxi to Century Square.


By the Century Square, there were people in the sea and colorful flags. I took a look at the "insect exhibition" in the left and right. I saw the boat of Century and Jiangnan Park. I also saw Mao Zedong standing, which was a stone statue of Mao Zedong. He stood on the four square pillars, which looked very majestic. In the end, we finally found the insect exhibition. We handed over the ticket and entered the insect exhibition hall. As soon as I entered the house, I saw a particularly beautiful white tree tree. We watched it for a while and went upstairs. As soon as I got upstairs, I felt that my eyes were not enough. I had twenty pairs of eyes, how good it was! At that time, I could finish all all the suddenly. There are colorful butterflies, with crystal clear butterflies, the most beautiful and poisonous spiders in the world, and my favorite is the beautiful butterfly! They have strange butterflies. For example, Monroe Butterfly sings loudly on the wings of the wings, and a pair of emotional butterflies named Jade Belt Butterflies, also called Liang Zhu Die. When I heard this, I remembered Liangshan. Bo and Zhu Yingtai's magical legends -Hua Butterfly, and someone dances this dance! Finally, I saw a very beautiful moth -color swallow moth, don't look at her beauty, but it is the world's poison moth!


This time I opened my eyes and increased a lot of knowledge.I will study hard in the future, accumulate such knowledge, and repay the motherland after growing up.