
时间:2022-09-20 13:24:44 | 来源:语文通



难忘的中秋节作文 篇1中秋佳节作文 篇2我的中秋节作文 篇3过中秋节作文 篇4中秋节作文 篇5中秋节作文 篇6中秋节作文800字 篇7难忘的中秋节作文 篇8中秋节作文 篇9

难忘的中秋节作文 篇1


On September 21, the moon is full.It is the Mid -Autumn Festival that is permeated with osmanthus fragrance, which is also my favorite festival.


There are many sayings about the origin of the Mid -Autumn Festival. What impressed me the most was Chang'e running the moon.The story tells that a thief learned that the Houyi family had a immortal medicine. After taking it, he could become a god.When the thief was not at home, he secretly slipped into his house and prepared to steal the immortal medicine, but was discovered by Houyi's wife Chang'e, and she swallowed the immortal medicine. Just after swallowing, Chang'e slowly finished, and Chang'e was slow.Flying towards the moon.Therefore, in order to ignore the show of the moon, the day she flew towards the moon and was designated as the Mid -Autumn Festival.


During the Mid -Autumn Festival, my sister and I liked cotton. I like the dried fruits.moon cake.At this time, it was the season when osmanthus was open, and the aroma came, as if spraying strong perfumes for the Mid -Autumn Festival.


The most interesting thing is that the Mid -Autumn Festival smells the aroma of osmanthus and eats moon cakes to enjoy the moon.The big moon hangs like a big jade plate in the sky, sometimes like a banana, sometimes like a half plate, sometimes like a moon cake smelling osmanthus aroma, eating delicious moon cakes, watching the colorful moon, there is a one, there is a one, there is a one, there is a one.I couldn't help but disassemble a monthly cake. Suddenly I remembered a poem "Small day from time to time, calling as a white jade plate. And doubting Yao Tai Mirror, flying on the end of Qingyun"


The Mid -Autumn Festival is really nostalgic!

中秋佳节作文 篇2


In the morning, I opened my hazy eyes and saw my mother dressed. I asked, "Mom, why do you change clothes?" Mom smiled and said, "You don't look at the calendar, what is it today?" I rememberedToday is the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.


After breakfast, my mother and I went to Xiangjiang Department Store to buy moon cakes.Wow, there are so many things in the supermarket, full of dazzling me.Moon cakes also have a lot of flavors: fruit flavors, five kernel flavors, bean paste flavors, egg yolk flavors ...Then, then, then


In the evening, when I ate my mother's rich dinner, I went to the balcony to enjoy the moon.Wow, a white and indifferent bright moon hangs in a flickering night sky. At this time, I couldn't help but think of a poem written by Li Bai: "I don't know the moon in the hour, calling as a white jade plate.","


The moon was so gentle that the light was like a light yarn; how cute the moon was, like Bai Yu let us appreciate it; how beautiful the night sky was, and the moon was set off, like a fairyland on earth.You see, isn't the dark shadow in that moon, isn't it the legendary Wu Gang in the osmanthus?Not far away, beautiful Chang'e?


After eating the moon cake, it was 8:32, and we went to take a walk again.We walked and walked to the street.Suddenly, I yelled, "Lantern!" After he heard it, he came over and said to me, "I will buy you a lantern for you today!"Words.Wow, the lanterns look different, there are bunny, there are little monkeys, and pig -shaped.


I chose a lotus -shaped lamp. Although it is small but bright, like a living lotus, fresh and refined, beautiful and elegant, and good music.


The Mid -Autumn Festival is really happy, I love the Mid -Autumn Festival!

我的中秋节作文 篇3


Looking up at the sky, a little stars, a bright moon hanging high.--Inscription


Tonight is Mid -Autumn Festival, and the sun has fallen early, but the moon has not yet come out.Moved to the chair and sat in the courtyard, looking at the stars full of the sky, but there was no soft light to touch them.The moon tonight hasn't come out, is there a little lonely?Is there a bit of desolation?But I believe that the good wishes of "I wish you a long time".After a long time, a soft moonlight appeared, and "Moon, Moon" finally came out.


Mid -Autumn Festival is a Chinese holiday, and it is the festival of every missing family.I don't know if the travelers who are still in the other country are deeply expressing their thoughts on their hometown in this round of bright moon, and the nostalgia for their family members, whether they have the emotions of "looking at the moon and looking down their heads".


Thinking of this, my thoughts were broken ...


I don't know if it is the sensuality of the heavens, or for my parents.Today, in the Mid -Autumn Festival, in the moon, I left two lines of tears.


Unconsciously, the sky was cold.But I haven't been sleepy yet, looking at this beautiful night sky, looking at the bright moon.I hope that in the next year of the Mid -Autumn Festival, everyone can go home to accompany their families, chat together, and enjoy the moon together ...


At night, the sky is cold, I hope everyone in the world is together, telling us that there is you in my heart ... - -a post -copy post

过中秋节作文 篇4


It is another Mid -Autumn Festival.


I am a happy child. Every year, the Mid -Autumn Festival will gather with my family and eat a reunion meal.This is a very common thing for me.But I know that not everyone in the world is as happy as me. For example, my classmate Zhao Shiyue, today I want to spend this difficult Mid -Autumn Festival, I hope she will spend it safely!


"When is the moonlight, ask the wine to ask the sky. I do n’t know what year I was in the past ..." I couldn't help thinking of the "water tuning song of the water in the Song Dynasty?"Mid -Autumn Festival.The poet has not seen his brother for seven years, I hope they can reunite as soon as possible!


I looked up and suddenly found that today's moon is really round!Only when I remember, there is a custom of watching the moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival. The moon hangs like a round of mirror in the sky. What are the black spots in the middle of the dark spots in the middle?Or Wu Gang's hard work?I think, Chang'e, Moon Rabbit, and Wu Gang should have eaten moon cake today!


Looking at the moon, my eyes were a little tired, and I felt that my neck was stiff, only to find that I had been keeping this posture for 15 minutes.


"Ping tablet, ping -pong, ping -pong ..." Someone was knocking on the door.Who knocked the door so late?The mother opened the door, and it sounded like something was given?Mom is thanking others.Did you send it?Don't look like it?After a while, my mother came with a flower "Fly" ...


"what is this?"


"Tomorrow is your dad's birthday!"




Oh, right!On September 26, Dad's birthday!This actually forgot it!


I looked up and looked at the moon.The moon is still so round and so bright.But at this time, I think it seems to have become deeper ...

中秋节作文 篇5


With the cool autumn wind, we finally ushered in the annual lunar calendar August 15th -the day of the Mid -Autumn Festival.The Mid -Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival in China, and it is also the moment when everyone's family reunion.


Legend has it that the Mid -Autumn Festival Moon is particularly round and particularly bright.Every household likes to take the moon cakes while enjoying the moon cakes. It is said that eating moon cakes is like a family reunion for hundreds of years. My hometown has always had this traditional custom.


Tonight our family gathered early on the balcony while eating moon cakes.The moon cakes on the table are all kinds of bean paste moon cakes, fruit moon cakes, fire meat moon cakes ... There are also various candy.The moon gradually rose into the golden golden moon as if a big moon cake breeze blowing our hair like my mother's hand gently stroking my head. At this time, the grandmother who worked for a day began to tell us "Wu Gang, "Chang'e Running Moon", "Jade Rabbit Pina" and many other myths.Listening to grandma's story, I feel like I have entered the role in the round moon in the sky.


At this time, the father who was drinking tea also picked up the stubble. He pointed at Yuanyue and said, "What about Wu Gang in the moon in the moon?"He was chopping a tree hard.Dad took another sip of tea and said with a smile: "Wu Gang cut it for a year before cutting from the osmanthus tree to cut off the leaves from the sky to the world, and the golden leaves of golden leaves will fall at the door of the most hard work in the world.This family will get rich so you grow up and work hard and work hard. "Listening to my father's story, I entered the imagination again.At the door of my house ...


This year is really a happy Mid -Autumn Festival.It was just a hurry, and it was getting deeper in a blink of an eye. I finally walked towards the room reluctantly.

中秋节作文 篇6


In September of Golden Autumn, Danggui fluttered, and it was the annual Mid -Autumn Festival.In this Mid -Autumn Festival, we did not live with our family like our family in previous years. Instead, we spent some interesting Mid -Autumn Festival with our classmates.


Mid -Autumn Festival


We gathered together and held poetry meetings about Mid -Autumn Festival and Mingyue under the host of the monitor.Everyone was interested, and raised his hands to share the poems that he had accumulated, "When is the moon? Ask the wine to ask the sky.""I do n’t know the moon in the hour, and call it as a white jade plate.” ... Suddenly, the small classroom was full of poetic, and the students were immersed in the infinite feelings of the literati and writers of all ages.Unclear dreams and reality.Mid -autumn should be like this, full of poetic romance.


Monthly imagination


The teacher took us to the rooftop to enjoy the moon, "Wow! It's a bright moon!" The classmates shouted.indeed!The moon tonight is particularly bright!Special big!Especially beautiful!Space."Shenzhou 12" successfully returned to Earth, and the aerospace heroes lived in space for three months in space. my country's aerospace industry developed rapidly. I firmly believe that the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been just around the corner.This should be like this, full of expectations of the future.


Cloud reunion


After the moon appreciation, the students sat around and sent their blessings happily.The teacher considers that we cannot be with parents in the Mid -Autumn Festival and propose to bless parents with a video.The teacher used his mobile phone to send our collective blessings to the class group, allowing parents to share happiness with us."I hope that people will last for a long time." A round of bright moon sent acacia, and the world is looking forward to reunion.Moms and dads, no matter wherever, you are in your children's hearts.Mid -autumn should be like this, full of warmth and blessings.


A round of month, a group of people.This Mid -Autumn Festival is happy with Qi Zhi.

中秋节作文800字 篇7


At this Mid -Autumn Festival, the moon was still so bright at the age of 16, my family returned to my grandmother's home to celebrate the Mid -Autumn Festival. This is what I will never forget.


We went home by train.I was excited along the way because this was the first time I took a train.When I arrived at the station, my grandparents waited early at the station.


I rushed into my grandmother's arms and asked her to be warm and cold. When I arrived home, the food was ready. There are corn jelly, tofu, tofu flowers and minced meat ... These are special dishes of my hometown. Tofu and jelly are grinded with stone. They are made by themselves. I can't wait to eat it, it tastes better than I bought. The next day is the Mid -Autumn Festival. I got up very early, and the adult was busy. Rice and water are cooked in a large iron pot. Grandma has been shovel with a shovel. The mother burned the fire very strong. After a while, the water was boiled, and then the water and rice were filtered, and the rice was poured into a wooden steamer steam. The outside is even more lively. The second uncle surrounded the stone nest, holding a stick in one hand, and playing with the rice ball in the stone nest for a while. He shouted rhythmically: "Hey! Hi!" This is indeed a physical work. A group of children stared at the stone nest. After a while, the rice became a sticky dough. The two uncle took out a "big ball" from the stone nest and put it in the grandma's basin. "Okay! You can eat!" I smelled a strong fragrance. My mother and grandmother were holding a steaming wooden steamer, unveiled the lid, poured the contents inside into the stone nest, and saw my confused expression. Grandma said, "This is called Da Zi, it is made of glutinous rice. We eat glutinous rice in the Mid -Autumn Festival every year. This is the tradition here." This day of the year from 5 am to noon, there are many families. "Those two 'Hercules' repeated the movement just now, and joked with my grandma. After a while, our family was ready. Grandma gave these two people and two groups as gratitude.


When he returned home, Grandma quickly squeezed three dough balls in each bowl and poured brown sugar, peanuts and grandma herself.The whole family ate interestingly and smiled happily.I even ate the moon cake ate in the city.It's hard to compare with this cake.This is the most delicious food I have ever eaten, and the most meaningful Mid -Autumn Festival I have ever eaten!Today is the Mid -Autumn Festival, a traditional Chinese festival.My father told me from an early age that August 15th of the lunar calendar was a traditional Mid -Autumn Festival.The moon that day was more round and brighter than any other day.That night, people would look up at the sky like Mingyue, hoping to reunite and peace.

难忘的中秋节作文 篇8


This year, I have spent a unique Mid -Autumn Festival -before, I spent time with my parents in southern Fujian. This year, I was in Hong Kong.With the custom of entering the country, the custom of Hong Kong is: appreciation.


After a meal, we went to Victoria Park to enjoy the lights.This is my first Mid -Autumn Festival lighting. I am naturally good. On the way, I look at the moon and find it so beautiful!It first took a circle of halo to wear a light and smoky white clouds, rising slowly, and gradually exuding white light, like a white veil for the earth.It is so cute and so interesting.


When I arrived at Victoria Park, as soon as I entered the door, I saw the "spacecraft" behind the "Earth" sailing in the universe. Oh, the scientific and technological power of the motherland allowed the spacecraft to fly into space; then, I saw some famous buildings in the motherland.By the side of "Blooming Pond with Lotus", I couldn't help thinking of a lyrics: "Love me China and build our country"; then, I saw a "chubby giant panda" is holding "green bamboo",How cute, I really want to hug it!Suddenly, I saw two "Golden Dragons" playing a ball. These two dragons were lifelike, as if they were about to fly!Yes!Oriental dragons flying!The mother of the motherland is taking a big step and going to the world!


Hong Kong is really beautiful, because it returns to the arms of the motherland's mother.Taiwan has not returned to the arms of the motherland's mother.I would like to set up a bridge of affection for Taiwan and the mainland.

中秋节作文 篇9


This day is the Mid -Autumn Festival. We will take a break on vacation and finally play at home for a day.


In the morning, I went to my friend Song Jialu's house. We played the remote control of his newly bought special track, and there were still no baffles.At the beginning, we were very sparse at this kind of car, either falling down or rotating in place.Because I usually like racing very much, I learned quickly, and I mastered the control method in a short time.After being successful again and again, I smiled proudly and said to Song Jialu: What is it like, or I am great.Song Jialu said to me unconvinced: Let's come again.As a result, I can imagine that I won again.


At noon, my father and I went to the book building to buy books.I first picked a few books and sat on the ground.Seeing that the time I like is so fast, two times have passed, and we should go home.When I read a book, my father picked me some books, composition selection, mathematical practice, and an English word, all about learning.


Dinner was eaten in the hotel. The meals were very popular. In the end, we also ate moon cakes.From the hotel, a bright moon has been hung on the treetops. The moon in the Mid -Autumn Festival is bright. Listen to the adults, there are jade from Chang'e or something.


In the evening, my good friend Yao Yifei and her mother came to my house.It's been a long time, we are very happy together.We played military chess, filled the Jiugong grid, and then played the magnetic rod. She spent a lot of shapes with a magnetic stick. I spell many three -dimensional figures, which are very beautiful.Unconsciously, at ten o'clock in the evening, we reluctantly said goodbye.


This year's Mid -Autumn Festival has passed so soon. This festival is very happy, but it will become my perfect memory in the long run.