
时间:2022-09-27 13:27:08 | 来源:语文通



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清明小学生作文200字 篇1


On April 5th, my mother, uncle, aunt, cousin and cousin went to sweep the grave together.

到了山上,我和表哥在一起帮忙打扫墓地,然后我和表哥一起去抓虫子,刚抓到一只大蛐蛐。忽然,我们听见有人在喊我们。我们转过头来发现山上正冒着烟。舅妈远远的叫着表哥”杭杭,快回来帮忙把矿泉水拿上来“。我们一听,赶紧跑回去送水。送了之后,舅舅让我们赶紧离开。表哥带着我 远远的走开。

On the mountain, my cousin and I helped clean the cemetery together, and then I went to catch the worm with my cousin and just caught a big cricket.Suddenly, we heard someone calling us.We turned our heads to find that the cigarette was on the mountain.The aunt called the cousin "Hangzhou and Hangzhou, and came back to help take the mineral water."As soon as we heard it, we hurried back to send water.After sending, let us let us leave quickly.My cousin walked away with me far away.


Later, I knew that the grass was on fire, and the fire was not strong, but there was a wind, but there was wind. I was afraid that the fire source flew to the other places. He used hoe, soil, water, and isolation of dry grass.EssenceIt turned out that the grandmother accidentally ignited the dried grass when they burned the coins, so they caught fire.


After this incident, I understand that although the fire can help us a lot, if the fire is improper, it will also bring human disasters.

清明作文300字 篇2


I will have some unforgettable memories, and what makes me most memorable is the first time in the Qingming Festival.


On the day of the green, the weather was very hot, and the sun was brilliant. I went to a flower garden.The flowers over there are very beautiful, with white cherry blossoms and red peach blossoms, all dazzling and beautiful scenery.I also played a game of losing handkerchiefs here. I used my water bottle as a handkerchief. Later, the water bottle did not know where to throw it. The sky was so hot, and I did n’t have a water bottle. Later, I was really thirsty.However, I still played happily.There are many big clocks over there.


When I was eating, my two major components were divided into two groups. Everyone sat on the grass and shared the food brought by everyone. There were things that classmates brought about songs. I was eating while listening to music. It felt really beautiful.After dinner, we all throw your garbage into the trash, because I want to make the flower gardens always beautiful for everyone to appreciate!


On this day, I saw a lot of beautiful scenery, and I also learned to protect the environment. In this way, I ended the first green event of the Qingming Festival!

清明小学生作文300字 篇3


"In the Qingming season, there were rain. Pedestrians on the road wanted to break the soul. By asked where the restaurant had, shepherds referred to Xinghua Village."The poem of this Tang Dynasty poet Du Mu expresses our thoughts on loved ones.


Today, the weather is gloomy. Dad takes our family to sweep the grave to my grandfather. Once there, my mother and I took the rags and brooms to clean up the dust and garbage on the tombstone.I put on the offerings such as fruits, cakes, and then ignited the buying paper money. We stood respectfully and gave Grandpa three heads. I secretly looked at my parents and dads. They were full of tears in their eyes.prayer


He is happy in heaven, and at the same time he can also bless our family peaceful and healthy.


On the way back, there was a light rain in the sky. Maybe because of comforting Grandpa, our mood also relaxed a lot. Dad also told me some customs on the Qingming Festival in the car.The meaning of the festival!

清明小学生作文300字 篇4


April 4th is the Qingming Festival, a traditional festival in my country, and a day of worshiping ancestors.

我们一家四口一大早就起了床,我们带上供品前往茶园山公墓,一路上,我看见许多人手持鲜花、还有鞭炮、冥币……一些烧给祖先的东西,到了目的地,一下车,我们看到那里群山环绕,树木茂盛, 风景优静。

The family of four of our family got up early in the morning. We took the supply to Chayuan Mountain Cemetery. Along the way, I saw many people holding flowers, but also firecrackers, underwriting ...When we got out of the car, we saw the mountains there, the trees were lush and the scenery was quiet.

我们来到祖先的坟前,首先,我们献上手中的鲜花,然后取出供品摆在坟前,点燃香烛,还烧了许多纸钱,接着,我们向祖先拜祭、叩头,这时侯让我想起小时侯奶奶还没有去世的时候,想到她慈祥的 脸,亲切的笑容,还有她做的香甜可口的饭菜,现在我再也看不到我亲爱的奶奶,我非常想念她。虽然她离我们而去,但我们每年的清明节都会去看她们的。

We came to the ancestor's grave. First of all, we presented the flowers in our hands, then took out the offerings and placed it in front of the grave, ignited the fragrant candle, and burned a lot of paper money. Then, we worshiped and hugged the ancestors.When Grandma Hou hadn't died, she thought of her kind face, a kind smile, and the sweet meals she made. Now I can no longer see my dear grandma, I miss her very much.Although she leaves us, we will see them every year.


Different places have different customs.


This is the Qingming Festival in my hometown, what about you?

清明小学生作文300字 篇5


The Qingming Festival is one of the twenty -four solar terms and the traditional festival of China.Whenever the Qingming Festival, people go to the wild to sweep the grave to commemorate the dead ancestors.


The Qingming Festival is also called the Tuqing Festival. According to the solar calendar, it is between April 4th and 6th each year.At this time, it was the sunny season of the sun, and the green season is also a good time for people to travel in spring.


According to the old custom, when sweeping the grave, people should bring wine, food, and paper money to the cemetery, sacrifice food in front of the tomb of relatives, and then incinerate paper money to cultivate new soil for the tomb., Then worship and worship, and finally eat wine and eat home.


Every year, my mom and dad take me to sweep the tomb to the revolutionary martyrs.In front of the revolutionary martyr's monument, white and yellow flowers were filled. People rushed from all directions to miss the martyrs. The scene was very spectacular and touching.


I like the Qingming Festival, not only to commemorate the loved ones who are dead, but also to go out to play and feel the beautiful time of spring flowers.

清明小学生作文300字 篇6


Today is the Qingming Festival, I think of an ancient poem:


In the Qingming season, there were rain, and pedestrians wanted to break the soul on the road.


By asking where the restaurant is, shepherd is pointed at Xinghua Village.


However, this year's Qingming Festival is a rare good weather.In the morning, everyone went to Grandpa's house first.Uncle, aunt, sister, etc. are already there.Everyone took three cars to worship ancestors in the countryside.


After arriving in the countryside, I saw my grandfather's brothers and sisters, and many uncle, aunts and many children.It's time to go up the mountain, some of them hold firecrackers, and some hold a bunch of flowers.There are also golden ingots made of candles, incense and paper ... The trees on the mountains are lush, with bamboo, pine trees, cypress trees, etc., like walking the maze.After going up the mountain, let Grandpa worship, and then let everyone worship.After worshiping, I had to set off firecrackers. I took my children down the mountain and walked to halfway. I saw a bunch of flower guns rushing towards the sky, just like I opened a big flower umbrella, colorful, and all the shapes.Later, everyone went to the temple to worship the Buddha.In the afternoon, my family and I reluctantly bid farewell to their relatives in the country.


I can't forget this day, and I can't forget the once Qingming Festival.

清明小学生作文300字 篇7


Today is the Qingming Festival, so our family went to the grave on the mountain behind the grandma's house.


Along the way we laughed and picked delicious wild vegetables while walking. My mother also told me how to distinguish fresh bamboo shoots and bitter bamboo shoots.Walking, we came to the grave of Grandpa and grandma.We are not happy at all.When we see the ancestor's grave, will there always be some sadness?The wild vegetables on the grave were pulled out, and then a lot of paper money was burned.When we sweeping the grave, we went to dig bamboo shoots.Some of us think that grandma is best at digging bamboo shoots.Grandma looked at the land. When she stepped on the ground, she knew whether there were bamboo shoots underground.In less than an hour, bamboo shoots are as many as a bag of snake skin.After the bamboo shoots were dug out, we went to dig wild vegetables.The scenery along the way is like a beautiful picture.I took amaranth and wild flowers.I also made a wild flower ring.Suddenly, a thin water snake passed by in front of us.When it fell, it was a huge jump.But as long as we don't hurt it, it will not bite us.....Then, then, then


It seems that there will be another Qingming Festival!

清明小学生作文300字 篇8


Today is the first day of Qingming's long holiday. My father and mother returned to my hometown to sweep the grave for my grandfather.The Qingming Festival, also known as Tuqing. According to the solar calendar, it is between April 4th and 6th of each year. It is the season when the spring is bright and green.EssenceOn both sides of the way are green wheat fields, tablets of kiwi tree racks, and orchards filled with apple flowers, just like just snowing, the tree is full of snowflakes, which is very beautiful.


As I appreciated the roadside landscape, our car soon came to the entrance of Jianjiajia Village.哥, 妗妗, brother and sister are already ready, waiting for us.In a cypress forest, we found the grandfather's tombstone.Burn incense first, then put your wine and food in front of the tomb, then burn paper money for the grandfather, and finally cultivate a new soil for the grave.


During the process of sweeping the grave for my grandfather, I made a wish, hoping that my grandfather would bless us in heaven and happy every day, healthy and healthy!

清明作文300字 篇9


The annual Qingming Festival is here. Our family goes to worship Grandpa together. We take a car and take the spring breeze to the road at the foot of Grandpa's cemetery.Our arrival, remember that Grandpa loved me the most during his lifetime. When I was young, Grandpa bought a lot of toys I like. Every time I think of Grandpa, I cry sadly.

过了一会儿,我们就到了爷爷的墓地 ,我看见爷爷的墓地很脏,我就叫大伯和爸爸一起拿毛巾和清水清洗爷爷的墓地,使爷爷的墓地又焕然一新,然后我们就拿出鸡和烧肉,还有爷爷爱吃的东西来拜祭 爷爷,还烧了很多冥币给爷爷在地府里买点好吃的东西,最后就放鞭炮,我们怀着沉重的心情离开了爷爷的墓地,明年的今天我要带着优异的成绩向爷爷汇报。

After a while, we went to Grandpa's cemetery. I saw Grandpa's cemetery very dirty. I asked Uncle and Dad to use towels and clear water to wash Grandpa's cemetery, so that Grandpa's cemetery was refreshing again, and then we took chickens and burned.Meat, there are things that Grandpa loves to worship Grandpa, and burned a lot of coins to buy some delicious things for Grandpa in the local government. Finally, we set off firecrackers. We left Grandpa's cemetery with a heavy mood.Today I will report to my grandfather with excellent results.


Grandpa!Do you leave us so early!

清明小学生作文300字 篇10


Today is April 5th, and it is also the traditional Qingming Festival in China.As soon as it was dazzling, Grandpa called us to get up.My dad and I went to buy a lot of firecrackers, and then waited for our relatives to sweep the grave together.


When we came to the hillside together, I saw many trees on the hillside.The trees are green, the grass is also green, and the flowers are blooming. Many birds on the trees call "Many people are here!".We first pulled up the ancestral grave and put a lot of food.I asked my dad: "Why do you put things here/" Dad told me: "This is eating for the ancestors.


Without them, there would be no us.Therefore, every year, people across the country are sweeping the grave for their ancestors in order to worship. This is how it is on April 5th."I didn't understand it for a while. When I grew up, I would understand if I grew up.


After finishing things, my father told me to set off firecrackers.The sound of firecrackers rang through the whole mountain.After the firecrackers sounded, we packed up and went home.Next year I will return to my hometown to spend the Qingming Festival.