
时间:2022-09-03 13:15:13 | 来源:语文通



When I was young, my dream was always unpredictable. After a while, I wanted to be a doctor, I wanted to be a teacher for a while, and I wanted to be an actor again ...Now growing up, I don't know what's going on. I fell in love with singing and wanted to be a singer.


As soon as I have time, I will open the K song of the people and roar my throat.This software can also comment on your voice: "The rhythm is good, but pay attention to the sound of the sound, and practice more." So I imitated it according to the original singing, practiced over and over again, and imitated it over and over again.The tune, the lyrics seemed to be engraved in my heart.Mom said, "Singing well to sing well, you must be full of feelings and concentrate on singing." I practiced with feelings, and my kung fu is upside down. The song I sang gives the highest evaluation, and it is getting more than myself.The more confident, the natural, I also love to sing.


Whenever I listen to the gentle songs, I feel happy unknowingly; when I hear the desolate and sad songs, I will be sad and sad, and sometimes I cry.Each word and every tune in the song contains different feelings and variety of changes. The songs are like controlling your emotions. Close your eyes, slowly appreciate, listen to each word carefully, you will find that you will find that you will find that you will find that you will find that you will find that every word will find it.They are different, and the melodious sound is unforgettable for a long time.


Not only can sing, but also write.When I was idle, I also exercised some lyrics, listening to the rain of rain outside, seemed to turn into the inspiration of my writing, and wrote it."The wind blows, blows into my curtains, blows my heart, if I met in the rain at that time, then I met in the wind this time. Rain, blooming underground, wind, blowing, blowing, blowing, blowing, blowingLet my heart stay in this wind forever. "After writing the word, I tried to compose it, humming when eating, and humming when I took a bath.


I like singing, I want to work hard for my dream!



Everyone's heart has a dream. He goes back to pursue this dream, no matter how hard he is, he is not afraid!Never regret it!


My dream is-music, a singer!Many people think that the dream of being a singer is difficult to achieve, but I don't think so.I think this dream is only one step away from me!It's just that this step is relatively long and longer.I just long for a stage to release my ability!I don't ask for this stage how big and gorgeous.


I just ask me to sing a song I love myself on the stage for everyone!I remember there was a song, which was singing in this way. "If you want to sing, sing, even if there is no one applauded for me, at least I can, bravely appreciate it!With the stage, it is empty, and one day I can see, the fluorescent stick wielding! "I want to sing!Want a stage that belongs to your own!Dreams are ahead, and it is waiting for me to hold its hand.Towards glorious!How many people are yearning for music?How many people are the pursuit?How many people's dreams?Those who have given up on the way, I can only say: dreams are in front of you, but you release your hand, and it will leave you.I will not give up.


I will always hold the dream of dreams, towards the distance, in the future, bravely go!Dreams are gorgeous, brilliant, and dreams must be the most perfect person.Work hard for dreams!struggle!What we should do, dreams are flashing, brilliant, those who pursue dreams must be the next preparatory person standing on the stage!Let's work hard for our dreams!



After experiencing the destruction of my dreams, I started to be frustrated and started to give up, thinking that I was destined to fail.Later, many of my old friends told me: Dreams, not like it, if you do n’t want to have results, you do n’t want to get it. No one is destined to succeed or fail.people.After listening to the words of my old friends, I started to think, but I couldn't understand what to do.


I nodded and recalled that when my dream was shattered, it was nothing more than thinking or because others were talking a little bit and seeing the higher talents of others, and I felt it was hit, so I gave up easily.Today, I have found a dream for me, and I decide to trust my friends to try to fly.


The first thing I tried to do is to try to understand others. Those people also give up myself like I used to give up their dreams, and think that they are destined to fail;But because others have some rumors and rumors, they are easily given up; of course, there are people who are embarrassed and enthusiastic, but they are forced to give up because of the incomprehension of others.So I not only understand those who have dreams of dreams, but also try to understand those who prevent and do not support their children. They may be parents or teachers. After understanding, they are not because they are afraid of these children.The so -called dream affects their future. No one can say what will happen in the future, so those who do not support children's dreams are because they love their children and do not want their children to be hurt.Because of the pain of dreams, those older people may have experienced it.


Later, I tried to do a lot of things again, and I tried to change myself, because I was too weak, so that I was easily defeated by difficulties. What are the necessary conditions for how to overcome difficulties and overcome difficulties, and then go to go.Try to achieve your own conditions and transform your difficulties into the motivation to achieve your dreams in order to change yourself.What you want to do is not to admit defeat when facing difficulties, but to tell yourself: "You haven't lost yet, but you haven't won yourself."


Today, I am still on the way to my dreams and future. On this way, I have experienced a lot and tried a lot. I will experience more and try more in the future, but I always believe that in the future, I will only be in my hands.People can help you change yourself, and when you really change yourself, no one can stop you from going to your dream.


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



Everyone has their own dreams, and my dream is to become a cakeist.


This dream comes from when I was nine years old. In order to celebrate my high score at the end of my period, my mother took me to a pastry shop and ordered a lot of delicious pastry.I watched the pastry master in the shop, and saw his movements flowing flowing and flowing in one go, and manipulated a piece of kitchen utensils skillfully. From time to time in the kitchen, a thick creamy fragrance was dripping.As a result, the dream of becoming an excellent cake master took root in my heart.


If you want to be an excellent pastry master, you must first learn to use kitchen utensils in the kitchen.So, as soon as I had time, I pierced into the kitchen, trying the information collected online, and trying to make some simple small desserts.For example, small biscuits, you have to start with the noodles. At the beginning, my noodles are not much water, or the flour is put in more. What can I do?So I found the ratio of flour and water on the Internet, and kept trying it, and finally looked like.The second step is set. This is simple. Just put the harmonious face into the mold.Finally, put it in the oven, I pressed the button very cautiously.After a while, just listening to the sound of "Ding", the biscuits were ready.In this way, I can make many simple and delicious cakes.


Looking at the pastry I made, I couldn't help but imagine — I became a very famous cake master. I opened a cake shop. There were soothing and beautiful music in the store. I was skilled in the pastry.After the cream scent, people ate the pastry I made, and they were intoxicated ...


Dreams are so far away from me, but I firmly believe that as long as you can't persist and work hard, one day, it will become a reality!



Everyone has their own dreams. Some people want to be a painter who can draw a beautiful picture. Some people want to be a star or a dance teacher. My dream is different from others. My dream is to grow up.The boss who sells clothes.


When I was young, my mother often took me to go shopping to buy clothes. We walked while walking. The boss asked me kindly: "Little sister, how many grades?" Although I was shy and dare not answer his question, when I saw the clothes selling clothesThe boss worked so hard and so hard to explain the characteristics and styles of the clothes so that every customer was very satisfied. I admire him very much. Since then, I have fallen in love with this job.


When a boss who sells clothes must have the enthusiasm of serving others, but also a modest attitude and the ability to manage things.Teachers from the first to fifth grade teach me to be polite, to be gentle, not too irritable, and have a good attitude towards others. Don't hit the elders, and don't let the elders have our anger every day.I think I should learn the methods of teachers teach, cultivate a dignified and elegant attitude, and be a gentle and polite lady, so as to be a boss who satisfies the guests.In addition, I also have to study and study hard in order to learn rich and diverse talents and have the ability to manage management.


I believe that as long as they work hard to practice, everyone has the opportunity to realize their dreams.When I grow up, I will be able to be a beautiful and honest boss. After I earn money to sell clothes, I will bring to the elders to make the elders always happy and never suffer.



"How is it?" "How much did you learn recently?" This is the voice that often echoed in my ears. My brain's response to them is even faster than numbers.Sound, life at three o'clock is almost full.


In order to avoid the consequences of this sound as much as possible, I did my best to get out of school after school to complete some homework before going to school. When the homework was completed, the people around me seemed to have a layer of eyes. There was no reaction to my efforts.For a long time, I was like a soldier who had lost the military flag, and I didn't see the front.


Although I can't see the response of others, the disciplinary test will also make me happy one or two times or twice. I encountered the topic that I couldn't write before the test paper, and now there is basically a problem solving idea;You can also leave some response in your mind; you can even explain his problems in the strong subjects ... So, I was surprised that learning does not need the attention of others, but I just devote myself toThe feeling of uncomfortable species is like a three -dimensional empty hole to speak to yourself, letting you laugh, it is still as arrogant.


When this first entered the school, the enlightenment teacher talked about it. She said that our future was not easy. The people sitting in the seat would be eliminated through a batch of batch, and eventually left the people who entered the ideal environment.Therefore, everything on the road of life seems to have been doomed.We are all taking a clear trace, step by step, and finally reaching the so -called ending point. Ending the signs of our lives as the mark, ending the identity of the walker.


Although we always compare with this potential identity, our steps can also be separated from the scheduled path and move towards the distance we yearn.Beethoven created his own miracle and came out of the three -inch shadow left by his destiny; Mo Yan used his body to prove to the world's deep cultural accumulation of the Chinese children with yellow skin ... And me,As a new student, work in the work is to master the knowledge in textbooks.


The idea of age is accompanied by the increase in education, and the increase in learning means the deepening of knowledge, and the in -depth knowledge of knowledge shows the competition of brainpower.On this road, the opportunity is frequent and unexpected.Many people chose to withdraw in the middle and late stages of consumption.This may be the correct assessment of yourself, but it is a regret.Previously, because of a moment of predicament, I was also in the choice of advanced and retreat. Now, the people around me have made me see the reality. Just like the opening of the arrow without turning around, all I can do is move forward. I can use my limited energy.Welcome to the teacher's tactics to allow you to have more knowledge of reserves, and there will be no theoretical problems before each test.


We are not afraid that several tests negate our level, which can be avoided, but that we are afraid that we have the expectations of parents.The time for the fingers, the time of the first test is about to be close, and the test industry of the first test is far away.Since you choose to stay, then work hard for yourself. Since the goal is on the horizon, why care about the thorns around us. Since the dream is in the distance, we must run on the road.Working harder is the only shortcut.



Shu Shan has Lu Qin as a trail, and Xuehai has no end to be a boat.I will drive to the distance with my dreams.

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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.

Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



"Red Star sparkled, Red Star Chancan's warm mind ..." A warm song, a beautiful memory, sang China in the twentieth century, sang the voice of the working people!


Dad told me: When he was a child, he always liked to lie in his grandma's arms and listened to his grandma telling the party's story. "Oriental Red" and "Entering the New Era" made him hear.Dad also told me: It is the flower of the party sowing spring, the party's beautiful life given to the people, and the party's homeland for us.


Since then, I no longer like popular songs and fell in love with revolutionary old songs.It is with these old songs that the revolution has become a classic and widely spread.Looking back at the past, looking at the future, many people have forgotten history.Time can be buried, time can slip away, youth can be consumed, money can be splurked, but history is not buried, must not be erased, and no longer heal scars. If the past history has been forgotten, this is undoubtedly in the motherland's mother that cannotSalt on the healing wound.


In the development of ninety years, our motherland, China, has become more and more richer. From previous horses to send letters, flying pigeons, and online telecommunications, online chats; from previous rifles, machine guns to nowCannon, aircraft carrier.Our China is moving towards a brand new step.This is the party's leadership and the party's credit.


The glory of ninety years has made Tiananmen stand in the east of the world; the hard work of ninety years has made a piece of wasteland become a good field for 10,000 acres; the wind and rain in 1990 allows China to walk in the rainstorm.


On the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the motherland, let us pray for the motherland together, and hope that the motherland will be more brilliant tomorrow!



The positioning of a person for a lifetime fixation for his life must be positioned. After thousands of groping, the future is full of unknown, but dreams and struggles will allow us to find the direction of progress.The old man Ke Ling said.


Time is always subtle, and the oblique sunset squeezes childhood into a microcosm, and the early morning rouge has applied the youth to the sun.I don't know when it started, I have forgotten my original dreams, until the wind and the beautiful afternoon, my father helped me awaken the long -sleeping dream.


"You go to the old house and take your toy back when you were a kid." Dad asked me to do what I didn't want to do with this order.Since my monthly test scores have fallen from the roof to the basement, my parents have launched a series of training to me.I dare not relax at all, and study hard every day.I whispered to the old house: "What are the useful toys that are naive, and I have to take it back. I really don't understand what adults are thinking."


When I arrived at the old house, I saw Xinxin.She is a foreigner and rented the house of my neighbor.Xinxin quickly saw me, and came over and said to me, "Sister, you have n’t come here for a long time, I want to die." I said with a smile, "Sister is busy now, I don’t have time to come, I don’t have time to come.. "She said to the toy in her hand:" My current identity is a doctor. You must have come to see the doctor when you come to me. I came to see you. "This sentence seemed to hear."Then you have to see the doctor for me, my little life has only one!" I said to God to Xinxin.


I sat on a small bench. Xinxin, like the doctor in the hospital, first listened to my heartbeat, and then took out a chopstick from the house and said, "This is the thermometer, I want to test your body temperature." IThe "body thermometer" was obedient to the mouth.One minute later, the "thermometer" was taken out.Xinxin looked at the "body thermometer" and said seriously: "Hmm ... you have a fever, you need to get an injection." Looking at Xinxin, I remembered that when I was a kid, I often told my father that I was a doctor.


I remembered that I came here and hurriedly farewell to Xinxin.When I walked into the old house, I saw the toys when I was in the cabinet.When I took out the toy, I saw a letter saying "To my dearest daughter" on it.I opened the envelope and read silent:


Dear daughter, do you remember these toys? These are your favorite play when you were a kid. Remember that you were proud of me as a doctor when you were a kid.My mother and I thought at the time that your dream was to be a doctor who confronted the disease! Daughter, remember that you said that when you grow up as a doctor, it will definitely make us healthy.When a doctor is your dream, you must not forget, you must not forget your original dream, work hard, come on! Mom and dad will always support you!


After reading this letter, I burst into tears.Yes, we must not forget the original dream.At this moment, the yard is filled with the fragrance of noise, and I clearly hear the call from the dream from afar.Complaints can only waste youth, and only work hard to chase dreams and work unremittingly.



When I was a kid, I loved during the day and hated the night. I had a dream: the sun never fell, and kept nailed to the sky crispy.


Now, I feel more and more beautiful.During the day, I seemed to be just through the surface of the earth, seeing the majestic planet puncture the blue sky; the cloudless night, the gorgeous black blanket became more mysterious and hazy.They are very tempting. I can even see which star exploded in the vast universe that was hundreds of millions of light years. I was convinced of its tolerance and magnetic power.At the same time, I also love during the day. I lament the generosity of the sun. The purity of the blue sky and the change of clouds. I find that I divide the love. This world and this weather become open and natural.I was lucky because of such scientific nature.My heart began to be equal, good at accommodating various things, and cleverly accepting their benefits.Now I have only one dream: I hope nature repeats such a scientific law and keeps everything continuously.


When I was young, I loved white and loved its purity and tenderness.I have a dream: one day, I want to make the whole world fall in love with white!


Now, I am more accepted by various colors.A single likes will only make you feel lonely and disgusting one day.I love colorful and observe the world through various angles, which makes me never limit in a pit, and I can't help myself because of being too deep.For each color, as long as it is appropriately used and properly matched, it will make you love it.I have mastered them and appreciate them, so that when people ask me what color I like best, I answer "any color".This is not an unprecedented choice, but a more popular love after surpassing a single.What's more, can I even choose a colorful personality, can I still choose the color?Now, I have only one dream: I hope that all colors are used by people, and no one is wiped out ruthlessly because of people's preferences.


There are many more in the world. We do not need to tout one, but degrade the other.No matter how pure gold will inevitably have flaws, and the humble stones will have a very artistic texture.I have a dream: May people compare less and appreciate it.Love and hate should be more lunt, and your heart should be more magnificent!



Today I was awakened by a nightmare. I dreamed that I was a cruel and ruthless person. I stabbed a sharp dagger into the heart of a stranger, and my hands were bloody.I checked it online and said that it was stressful, and in reality could not be vent.


I think about it. When I laughed, the blood vessels suddenly protruded. The doctor said that it might be stressful, anyway, it was no harmful health.In fact, the prominent blood vessels have been there from the sixth grade. At that time, I was in my studies, because the independent enrollment test of key middle schools was very difficult and the test time was almost coming.Because I added a subject in our term in the exam, that is, English usually goes to sleep in English class.So I really review it every day.After this time of hard work, my homework has made a rapid progress of my elementary school.


In the end, Kung Fu was as good as those who were in Beizhong as expected.I am also in the contest again and again, and I gradually discovered how trivial I was in a talent school.No qualifications to participate in any activities of the school except for activities that must be attended.I have a lot of pressure.


Later, I always had a stuffy nose in winter, and I couldn't fall asleep in the middle of the night, and my physical condition became worse and worse.Later, it was found that it was an irreversible disease -allergic rhinitis. I had to care carefully that my body could not be suffered from cold. If it was recurrence, it affected sleep, which deeply affected everything me.


My grades are not prominent, and the middle and upper levels.Sometimes I am also envious of children with high talents. As long as they work a little effort, they can throw a few streets of others.And people like me, who is mediocre, can only be enough to compete with talents, and cannot surpass.


Dreams are still there, maybe that day, you have seen ghosts and successful!Let the flames that want to make success and let the fire shine on my tomorrow.Although the sea is deep, the sky is endless, letting himself go forward with his bravery, and use his own strength to hold a successful starting point.Liberty dominates my world, I believe my dream is no longer far away, my ideal is in front of me, I firmly believe that it will be realized tomorrow!


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Copyright works, without written authorization of "Composition Network", are strictly forbidden to reprint, and offenders will be investigated for legal responsibilities.



The thin light rain fell slowly from the distant sky, and the cactus on the balcony was dyed by the rain.After eating, look at the table, just seven o'clock.As usual, I walked to the study, took out my book and sat on the chair in front of the table, and started to do the question.




It was so difficult to be mathematics with a piece of cake by me.Those seemingly meaningful calculations, but I was anxious for a while, wrote it, wrote, wiped it, and wrote it.If you remember it, this week should be the third time.After writing every time, although I remember it for a while, I woke up, and I almost forgot the practice. Many formulas seemed to be messy.Whenever I consider it correctly, I will leave me coldly and drop a word "wrong". After each repeated repeated, I lost my confidence.


At night, quietly struck.The rain was still underneath, and Didi knocked on the window. I stood up and prepared to close the window.With a bowed head, he glanced at the cactus who was enjoying Ganlu. It was proud of his proud head, and let the wind blow and rain.I was caught in contemplation. The cactus has experienced so many winds and snow and rain, and how much bitterness and pain have been experienced. Although it is so ugly and inconspicuous, it has amazing vitality.I'm not as good as a small cactus?I must make this question!


When I turned on the light again and walked to the desk again, when the pen tip touched the book, my heart could not help but be bored.But this sense of panic was quickly dispelled by the firm belief in my heart.


The calculations over and over again, the failure of the lights over and over again, the lights on the window reflected around the desk, as if cheering for me, as the pen tip was scratched on the paper sound of the rustic, and hit the glass window with the rain.The rhythm, I seem to have entered a world that does not belong to me.For me, this is a new experience, perhaps more like a solemn and sacred ritual.Anyone is burden on such an occasion. With excitement and joy, I finished the last formula and then succeeded.


For me, the success of this time is different from the past. It is composed of my continuous efforts and sweat. There is no shortcut to go on the road of learning. Only through your own efforts. Even if you fall in the next second, you will fall.Keep going.



------ I would like to use this document to a dream-seeking boy


On the way to grow, I walked all the way, passing through thorns and bumps, and never felt lonely and lonely.I have seen it all the way, I have seen too many colorful scenery, and never feel despair and hesitation.Perhaps I was alone, but I didn't feel my back so lonely.Maybe disappointed, but never felt despair because I had struggled.More than once, I tried hard.In the middle of the night without anyone, fighting alone.On the runway of no one, I have left my sweat.


Sometimes, the years of the past slowly faded in my mind, leaving only a few vague figures.However, there are many things that carry that memories.A prize contains too much sadness, and sometimes when you see something, you will think of someone.Looking at these things, it was as if walking into a narrow bee, and to those pasts.The once memories seemed to be able to reach, but it was so far away. I want to go closer to take a look. In the blink of an eye, the former teenager has gone far on the way to dreaming.


In the blue sky, Baiyun was messy with the wind.The sun was cast on the tree and cast a mottled tree shadow.And that may be a distant memory.In our class, there is always such a classmate.He occupied the corner of the classroom alone.Whether it is elections in the class or what activities in the class, he refuses to participate.During class, he always had a boring expression.He seemed to be in our class, but whenever he opened a book when he ended, he seemed to leave the classroom and was so silent.He is indifferent to anyone, and the relationship with anyone in the class is not good.It seems that you can't say that.Because, my relationship with him seems better since that semester.


Once, many students in the class lost stationery.At that time, our class, "Holmes" and some detective novels.Those people can be said to be a trivial case that can happen in this class.As soon as this case appeared, those students pointed his finger at him -the student who was alone in the corner of the class.When everyone talked about it, he still sat there and didn't seem to hear it.I argue a few words for him, but those people always maintained their own opinions.He glanced at me, seemed to be a gratitude in his eyes, and suddenly he was silent.Those people were still talking, he suddenly stood up ... it became the first time in our class to fight.It's the second day of the fighting incident.The theft of our school was just a middle -class student.Those classmates have no place to relax.


That should be the first time I defended him, and the story after about three days later.He sat in the corner of the classroom and looked at a book. Suddenly I wanted to make friends with him, and I started my attempts more than once.


I went to see what book he read, and the result was a poem of Nietzsche.For Nietzsche, I just know half -knowledge.I just saw a little bit in Zhou Guoping's study of Nietzsche's book."Do you also know Nietzsche?" "I saw a little in Zhou Guoping's book." "Oh, can you lend me the book study Nietzsche's book?" On the weekend, I went to Xinhua Bookstore to buy one.The next day, I lent it to him.Everything is as flat as water, but my relationship with him seems better and better.Later, the teacher and I asked him to make the same table with him.And he couldn't help but glance at me at the same table.


Since then, I have also won the errands of a book administrator. The errands of the book administrator may be the worst errand in our class.Every time I borrow a book, I move a lot of books from the library to the classroom.However, each book administrator can borrow a book.And I always help him borrow a book.At that time, I was reading Haizi Gu Cheng Xu Zhimo, but he was reading the Zang Kejia of the North Island of Nietzsche.


At noon one day, I saw his parents come to school at the same time and entered the teacher's office.When he was out of school that day, he handed me a bottle of cola: "Actually I envy you. We also like to read books, but you always win awards in the composition competition. In the class, you also have so many friends. MaybeWe are not the same category. "Then, he gave me a" Shi Mu Rong Poetry Collection ".I opened the title page, and saw a line of small case on the top with a brush on it: "This place is different, and it is lonely."


The next day, the news of his transfer was spread in our class.But I know that he just went to find a dream and find a dream belonging to the poet.


I don't know if he treats me as a friend?I tried it more than once, because in my heart, he has long been my good friend.Maybe, we are already friends, but his way of expression is different!



There is always a bouquet of light in life that emit infinite light to illuminate the road of each of us, inspire us to be full of passion and bravely move forward.The brain cells are constantly expanding, and the heartbeat jumps quickly, that is the sacred dream in each of us.


In my heart, there was a dream, and it was very high like a bird. I think my world is only a blue sky and white clouds. The endless world is my living space.The worry -free heart is thinking about the beautiful world.


The forced life made me have a strong desire in my heart. I want to work with my extraordinary career with my ordinary strength. I am not pursuing that spiritual satisfaction. I just want to have material satisfaction.Because the satisfaction of material can make me have a happy, happy family.I don't think that families like me will be close to me, and I don't admit how happy the family will be happier than me. The simple family has an unreasonable encounter. This is the story that happened to my sister.


Sister is not a person with the ability. She is low when she is young. My mother said that when she was young, she was reluctant to eat and unwilling to drink. If she had delicious food, she was left to her brother and sister. Because she did n’t eat nutrition, her sister did not have ordinary people.Not to mention enviable, fortunately, my sister is beautiful and cheerful, but this can not stop others' contempt for her.Although I was still young at that time, I could experience it. My sister felt a feeling when eating was not as good as people. The sensible sister never mentioned it with my mother.When my sister's good friend told us, I cried, and I would be firm to make my sister live a good life.


My sister was not going to school early. For the sake of younger brothers and sisters, my sister worked hard to make money.When I was 13 years old, my sister got married. I thought my sister found a happy family. My brother -in -law was an ordinary person. In order to make my sister live a happy life, my brother -in -law abandoned the job of making small money and embarked on a road of getting rich.The brother -in -law's work is not very smooth, the savings in the family have been used up, and the sister is dazed again. The brother -in -law's work returns to the origin. There is a little turn in the small day. They have their own children. In 2010, the sister gave birth to a second child.However, I never thought that the child had congenital heart disease. A sudden illness made her sister fall into a swamp again. In order to borrow money for the child to treat the child, the child got it.It is so difficult. I think the child is a child's life when he was a child. The tragedy was repeated again. I was sad and distressed. I hate God's unfairness. Why do my sister bear so much blow?Let my sister feel happiness too.


I want to change and change this destiny. I want to make my sister's life also collapse with my own strength. I want my sister to live the happiest life in the world.


Because of my wish, my work has motivation, because of my dream, I am full of hope for the future and work hard for dreams.



What is dream? It is a grain of sand in the sea, which becomes pearl due to the effort of mussels; what is dream? It is a ray of light in the darkness, because the sun is radiated, it becomes sunny; what is dream?Unexposed, like smoke, can be seen, but can't touch it.If the dream does not add that trace of difficulties and a trace of effort, then the sand is sandy, and the smoke is invisible and can't be touched.The rest is the only imagination.


People without dreams are not great men, no dreams, not a power! Fighting the sky is the dream of the young eagle, the tiger howthing the forest is the dream of a young tiger, the dream of a butterfly is the dream of a bust, the wonderful pen is the dream of the writer.The teacher's dream ... Everyone's dream, like water in the sea, bit by bit, these "water" gathered together to form a Chinese dream.There are many dreams, and many years have taken away a lot, but that dream has been hiding in my heart.


My dream is Taiwan's return.Since the Kuomintang occupied Taiwan in 1949, Taiwan has been disconnected from the mainland.Every day, the two sides of the Taiwan Strait are openly looking at each other, but when people talk about Taiwan, they are more of a kind of emotions that miss and sigh.The mothers of the motherland and Taiwan's flesh and blood cannot be separated, the crimes of the Dutch invaders cannot cut off the thoughts of Taiwan and the mainland, and the Kuomintang's occupation cannot isolate the nostalgia of the Taiwanese.On how many nights I once dreamed of returning to the motherland in Taiwan, the acacia of these half a century finally ushered in the return! Wandering in a foreign country, my mother waited at this moment, how many times they called! Finally, Taiwan and the motherland establishedAfter a bridge in my heart, how many people tears and how many people are jumping! The shocking cheers spread the news throughout every corner of the world.In the long night, only silence was left.


What a clear, how clear, how well you can!


Some people always say that the reality is cruel, and the dream should be given up. Indeed, the reality is cruel, and the dream must work harder!

爱因斯坦曾经说过 ,人类因梦想而伟大。一个人,如果没有梦想,那他就是行尸走肉一般的生活,一个人,如果有梦想,但不去为此奋斗,这样的人就是白日做梦。梦想是一种巨大的压力,但也是一种动力,它是人生的指路灯,是茫茫大海中的一叶轻舟,是上帝赋予人的洁白翅膀,是积极对待人生的生活态度,是难以攀登的高峰,是强大力量的源泉。

Einstein once said that human beings are great because of their dreams.One person, if there is no dream, then he is a walking dead life. If you have a dream, but do not work for this, such a person will dream during the day.Dream is a huge pressure, but it is also a kind of motivation. It is the finger lantern of life, a light boat in the vast sea, a white wings given by God, an attitude towards life to actively treat life. It is difficult to climb to climb.The peak is the source of powerful forces.


The Chinese Dream, with my dream, my dream, and bear the Chinese dream, I feel the burden on my shoulder, that is the pressure of dreams! People say that dreams are always in front of reality. This is a life competition. WeOnly by stepping forward can we surpass their dreams and succeed.


My dream Chinese dream, my dream of my dream!



I didn't know the "Chinese Dream" very much before, because when I asked my mother "what is the Chinese dream" at that time, my mother knew half -understanding and I couldn't tell.Occasionally, I got the book "Taking up My Chinese Dream", so I read the book in the summer vacation.


This book is divided into three major chapters: Chinese dream, my dream, Chinese dream · strong country dream, and Chinese dream · juvenile dream.I read it carefully and unbuttoned a lot of mysteries in my heart. Among them, the most important thing is "what is the Chinese dream". It turns out that it refers to the common dream of everyone's life, the country's prosperity, the national rejuvenation, and the people's happiness. Among them, of whichThat wonderful little story explained to us what the "Chinese dream" is.


Different people have different dreams. Some great scientists such as Children's week, Li Siguang, Zhu Kezhen and other great scientists benefit for the country.Dreams work hard.Reading these real examples, a dream germinated in my young heart.


Although the current situation in China is not very satisfactory, I believe everyone wants to make their motherland become rich and strong, so many people have been silently paid for the motherland.Although the Chinese dream in my young heart has only a "prototype", it doesn't matter. As long as I continue to work in this direction, one day, it will realize it.


We are the flowers of the motherland. The motherland needs us, let us fight for the beautiful future of "Chinese dream"!