
时间:2022-09-08 13:10:44 | 来源:语文通



关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇1关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇2关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇3亲情的高中优秀作文 篇4关于亲情的高中优秀作文 篇5关于亲情的高中作文 篇6关于亲情的高中优秀作文 篇7关于亲情的高中作文 篇8

关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇1


Family affection is the most sincere feelings on the world. It is like a bank embankment. When our hearts are fragile, we have built a strong confidence for us; it is like a rainbow. After we experience the wind and rain, we draw a beautiful brilliance for us; it looks likeA bunch of sunlight, which illuminates the road of moving forward, is the warmest world in our hearts.


Family is a drop of nectar in spring.There was a small rainy rain outside the window, and the night was quietly shrouded in the city, and the trees outside the window trembled in the wind.I opened the hazy eyes and looked at my mother sitting on a face -to -face and looked at me. I looked at my mother's eyes full of blood, and there were more silver silk on my hair.Because of my illness, my mother broke my heart, and people were stunned a lot.In order to allow me to recover as soon as possible, my mother always boiled the chicken soup for me. Every time my mother brought a bowl of hot chicken soup in front of me, she would always show a gratifying smile when she saw me.Every midnight, she quietly got up to cover me.My mother's meticulous care is like a drop of man in spring, moisturizing my heart.


Family affection is a warm scene on the dining table. The girl Chun came to the world with a light step, it awakened the sleeping grass, the tall willow tree, and blushed the flower's face. The air in the air is full of spring. I was carrying a schoolbag and rushed home in Xingchong. My mother was preparing a rich dinner for us in the kitchen. Dad was sitting on the sofa and watching the TV. I walked over and took out a test paper. The red 100 points were seen in the eyes. , Continue to work hard next time. "But I still saw the joy that my father flashed in his eyes. I ran to the kitchen happily to give my mother the test paper. After watching it, my mother smiled with comfort. Dad gave me a lot of dishes during the meal, and said with a lot of words: "In the future, your road is still long, and what you encounter will become more and more complicated. Although it was just two short sentences, but my heart was warmed up. Under the soft lights, our family surrounded the hot meals, listening to the teachings of my parents and the wind and drizzle. Their encouragement and support made me even more. At that moment, my heart warmed, it was the harbor that they rely on me, which made me feel the warmth of family affection.


A family is one meter sunlight in my heart. The soft rain quietly climbed up the window. I just returned home and found that there was no one at home. I thought: Today is my birthday. Why is there no one at home? Don't remember my birthday. I called my mother, but my mother said that she had something to come back later. I was wronged in my heart, what is this! Today is my birthday, but there are no gifts and cakes, and I have to eat for myself. Thinking of this, my heart couldn't help sour. At this time, a rushing footsteps came, and the sister came back, and there was a cake in her hand. It turned out that she went home early, remembering that today was my birthday, bought me cake, ready to surprise me, and also brought a bowl of fragrant noodles. My sister smiled and blessed me: "Little sister, happy birthday, my mother and mother are busy, let me prepare cake for you, come back at night, we will give you birthday together." In this way, I spent a happy birthday. Looking at my sister, I was moved in my heart, and my sister always surprised and warm when I was unexpected, just like a small red sun.


In a long life, home is the warmest world in our hearts. It can give us the most long -lasting motivation, the most selfless love and support.

关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇2


The family is Yue Fei's mother who hopes to engrave the "loyalty to the country" on her back. It is Mencius's mother who has worked hard for her better growth. Back. Family affection is always there, and it tolerates people's forgetting and seeing it as a reason. In this way, we enjoyed the love given by our parents, stubbornly occupied, deprived of their youth, turned their hard work into the items of our full body, used their old age to our vibrant youth, and often went to go. Complain about their loyalty, complain about their teachings. I think, only when we are parents and only the day when we raise children, we will understand the mood of parents' parents. Often wait until we notice that we regret it. Now, let us stop, with a grateful heart, thank them for their gratitude, thank them for taking us to this world, thank them for cultivating our healthy growth, thank them for letting us get everything in this world in this world. Essence


What is family relationship?A family is a umbrella in the storm, covering the wind and rain for us; affection is a lamp in the dark; finding the road for us; affection is a fire in the cold weather to drive out the cold for us;A consolation words made me regain myself.


I remember a rainy day this year coincided with the day when the final exam was announced. Perhaps it was the sloppy test at the exam. Maybe it was usually not working hard. In short, I took 177 grades in the wasteland.I have no face to face my father, and I can't face my mother who worked hard every day. On the way home, tears are pouring down with the rain. I have no courage to press the doorbell in the house and wander in the rain.trembling.Suddenly, a familiar figure came into my sight. I could no longer control my feelings. I ran over and hugged my mother tightly. My mother wiped the rain on my forehead and said to me firmly, "Seeing or failure, life is bold, just come from scratch! "After listening to my mother's words, my tears came out again.As the saying goes, Zhizi Mo Ruo's mother, at this moment, I discovered that my mother knew me like that, understood me, support me, and loved me. I had no reason to make a vibrant.I wiped my tears again and said to my mother one by one, "Mom, believe your daughter, it must be the best!"


Another time occurred in the year of high school. I remember on Monday morning. My mother asked me to wear a little more clothes and don't forget to bring an umbrella, but I looked at the sunny weather and said nothing but was unwilling to say anything. Wearing a hanging son and rushing to my mother complained, you let me wear a gown to make me hot. I didn't even look at the gown and umbrella, so I went to school. However, there are unexpected winds. In the fourth quarter, the sky is densely covered. The sky is dark like night. I thought it was bad. I don't know why, and I suddenly felt cold wind, and frozen teeth were snoring. Seeing that other people's parents came to pick up their children, I thought that my mother might not come! But when I was discouraged, I saw a familiar figure, ah, how could you come to pick me up? She said a bunch of words, but I did n’t listen to it. The wrinkles climbing on the face suddenly had an indescribable taste in my heart. My mother gave me the black hair on my head, leaving only two white spots. The curved waist; my mother also gave me their own beauty. ... Isn't these all kinds of affection? Isn't it all my parents' feelings for me?


Family, old like a honey, gives you a sweet taste; affection, like a clear spring in the desert, can help you when you are in trouble; affection, like a ship, carrying you to voyage.Family is a clear sky that Yin Yun can never cover!

关于亲情的高中作文精选 篇3


Family, in everyone's opinion, everyone has it, so ordinary, but when you lose, you will feel the importance of affection.The family is very small, so small to send you a glass of milk every day; the family is very large, and the price of life can be paid for it.


A family is a beacon, which illuminates the darkness; affection is a flame, melting the ice; affection is a lighthouse, giving hope; affection is a ladder, climbing to the peak; affection is a cotton jacket, resisting the wind;Stock Qingquan, washing the mind; affection is ...


Needless to say "lying ice for carp", "fan pillow warm", "mosquito full blood", "crying bamboo shoots", "frustrating tiger saving mother", "Lu Yi Shun mother", "abandoning officials to find mother" ...… There is no need to say that Yu Shun, Lao Laizi, Zhou Zhongyou, Zeng Gin, Zhou Min damaged ... But in our house, the virtue of filial piety is well reflected.


Seeing parents and grandparents every day, I will ask well; every time my grandparents celebrate their birthday, my aunt, second aunt, and aunt will come to the house for dinner.Even if you are busy, you will let go of other lives, take a family to eat, and say "Happy Birthday".The aunt who lives nearby every night will visit the door. Unless the work is busy, the weather is raining and other reasons, it comes almost every day; every time I do my homework late, my parents will wait for me to finish my homework before going to bed.The situation of my homework was given a cup of warm milk; each exam was bad, my parents would comfort me, and when the exam was taken, my parents would warn me to be modest ...


In our house, my father was honored with grandparents, and I gave me the motivation to live, and I was "the ten fingers do not stick to the sun and spring water." I almost never do housework. Unless I have to do it, it is difficult for me to get up for my parents. But once I changed my attitude: I did n’t know why the same table suddenly talked about the topic of “parents” with the same table. I asked her what she had done for her parents. Parents' backs, burn water for parents, organize dining tables and dishes for my parents ... "I listened to her answer, and the sound of the sentence hit my heart. I asked myself," What did I do for my parents? " Nothing, even some small things like Dong and the West, the number I do is a handful. There seems to be a mirror in front of me, from blurring to a clear scene, and familiar pictures are arranged and played. My mother endured level 13 analgesia and brought me to this world. When she was born, she saw the smile that my mother was satisfied. When I was a kid, I was naughty, pulled my parents' hair with a young little hand, and noisy to sit on the shoulder of my father.

长大了,爸妈开始变得严厉,把爱更多地放在妹妹身上,我曾用哭闹来抗 议,没有用,爸妈的严厉使我养成了自觉的好习惯。我幡然醒悟,爸妈的严厉是为我好,我曾经是那么不懂事,让爸妈伤透了心。是什么使得父母对自己的孩子如此无私呢?是爱!是亲情!

When I grew up, my parents began to become severe, and I put love more on my sister. I used to cry to fight against it. It was useless. The severe habit of my parents made me a good habit of consciousness.I suddenly realized that my parents' sternness was for me. I used to be so ignorant and hurt my parents.What makes parents so selfless to their children?is love!It's family!


Familiarity allowed me to grow, let me develop good habits, and let me get good results.Let's start saying "I love you" to your loved ones now, so every warm home in the world will become indestructible and will not collapse due to the wind and rain of the outside world.

亲情的高中优秀作文 篇4


Sometimes affection is like a hard wall. It can be relied on, sometimes like a umbrella can cover the wind and avoid rain, sometimes like a fire, which can bring warmth when you are cold.


I felt my family more than once, and the most memorable thing was that time, although it had been repeated in my memory at all the time in the past four months.It was because I used excessive western medicine the day before, causing my unforgettable pain.But the pain in front of family members is always relieved.


I just had a hot feeling of my chest just after eating breakfast that morning, and told my father."Perhaps it is because I just eat too much peppers. Drink some cold water for a while." Although he said that the wrinkles on his forehead stretched, he looked at me from time to time when watching TV.After nearly twenty minutes, my chest became painful. I just wanted to roll on the ground, and I couldn't even speak.


Dad became nervous and called his friends, ready to take me to the hospital.Speaking is very hasty to explain the matter and even talk about the call.The colleague helplessly told the mother who was rushing to Changsha on a business trip and wanted her to have an idea.But mother turned her head in a panic.


This is the swelling of the throat and the throat is uncomfortable.The car had reached the downstairs dad quickly carried me into the car. While the car drove up my dad to contact the uncle who was a doctor in the hospital and regained the number directly.After more than ten minutes, it was not as painful as much as it was just the skin itching and it grew one after another.


At this time, my father knew the reason, and I was seriously allergic to me.I was relieved, and I thought I had a strange disease?But who knows what will I react next?


When my father talked to the doctor with my medical records, I lay on the stool outside.Unexpectedly, my mother felt it, and a anxious appearance made a panting sound.I didn't say anything to look at me with kindness and sad eyes, and I could feel the warmth of my mother's palm.


Then I took the doctor's medicine bag and disappeared one by one, and gradually did not itch.Mom and dad showed a long -lost smile.


Unexpectedly, at noon, the bag grew again, and the arms and back could not scratch.Mom and Dad's smile disappeared and frowned.


The doctor who gave me a doctor quickly sent it to the emergency department to take a needle and took a needle in the afternoon. I was lying on the bed in the afternoon, and my father always stayed beside me.My mother bought a box of porridge to feed me carefully with a spoon.Finally survived a lonely afternoon and finished hanging needles.


Mom and Dad's frowning finally stretched.


This time I felt the power of family affection at a critical moment, and let me know that in fact, the affection has always been overflowing with us to care for us.

关于亲情的高中优秀作文 篇5


Over time, the past went away. I racked my brain and couldn't remember anything that happened in previous years. Although I was not good, I was not very good., This friendship, this family cannot be described by words.


Why is this memory worth collecting?The reason is not complicated, and the brothers who are ≤www..cn≥, who are more than five years later, will meet again. Isn't it worth collecting at this moment?I don't deny that this is dramatic, it seems to have been arranged, but otherwise, this play has not been planned by it, it is natural and natural!


In the winter morning in the hometown, the gust of gusts have a trace of chill, which makes people feel the cold of the world from time to time, but there is a familiar feeling, but they can't remember. It is still like the old New Year, sweeping the bottom floor from the top floor of the house, and it is very smooth. But the next thing is beyond my imagination: just when I am preparing to hang the couplet, I was blown away by the wind, not far, but the sudden appearance. It seemed like a long and far memory. Looking at this familiar and unfamiliar guest, I couldn't help but confuse me. What I didn't expect was that since he came over and called me a brother, I suddenly realized that the memory was completely revealed from my mind, and my brother who had farewell for many years was standing in front of me. His appearance made me overwhelmed, and the busy work in his hands forgot, he stood dullly, and tears exuded from time to time. I rarely shed tears, but this time, I had to admit it. I didn't say anything, so I hugged him together. This is a bit of dramatic. Many people don't believe it, but this is a fact. After all, it is a younger brother who hasn't seen it for many years! I couldn't help but make me feel that there was no chill in winter, only warmth, only surging mood. No one would think of his return. Now that he is back, I am more happy than anyone else. His changes can be said to be overwhelming, which is one of the reasons why I can't recognize it for a while.


In the winter, my brother had to follow his uncle because he was going to study outside.When he left, I wanted to leave him in many places, but he had left here to become a fact, and there was no need to do too much work.Time has passed slowly, he is leaving!As the car moves slowly, the shadow is invisible.Many of his eyes emerged in front of me. At that time, my tears began to slide down the cheeks again, and turned to fight a chill, because at that time, it was small and it was easy to forget things. I unknowingly forgot his face.

关于亲情的高中作文 篇6


Being around each of us has a beautiful affection. These affection often gives people great happiness and comfort, because she maintains our life and tolerate most of our lives.The family may be very ordinary, as if the salt is dissolved in the water, and it naturally becomes salt, but do you know?Although she is very ordinary, you can taste and reflect on her in detail, and she will make you feel how special she is.I also have affection, some teachers have affection for me, some classmates have affection for me, and my family's affection for me, but what moves me most is my mother's love for me.


That thing happened on my campus.In the morning, after breakfast, I went to school with interest as usual.On the road, the sun has already dispersed the fog like milk.When I arrived at the school, I strode into the classroom and was trying to do homework. Suddenly, a while of irresistible belly pain made me lying on the table involuntarily and covered my stomach with my hands.I don't know when, some students saw me, and hurriedly asked the teacher to ask the teacher for help.The teacher saw: "Oh!" She took out the "baby" and called my mother.In less than five minutes, my mother came.When she saw me covering her stomach, she hurriedly carried me to the hospital.On the way, because of my heavy body, my mother sweaty, sweat dropped one by one, soaking her clothes, but she still asked me from time to time: "The stomach is still painful? Can you hold it?"The hospital arrived, and the doctor hanged salt water for me, and the mother was relieved.


I lay on the chair and looked at my mother: Oh, my mother's head had a few white hair hidden in the black hair, with a tiny silver light, and my eyes with fish patterns were full of blood.A pair of hard -working hands -filled with calluses mobilize the speed of salt water from time to time.I looked at it, my eyes were moist, and how hard I cultivated me and cared about my mother for many years!But I do n’t consider my mother at all, care about my mother, and sometimes make her angry, cough!


I don't know how long, in my blur, suddenly I saw the white hair of my mother suddenly became silver hair.I was shocked and woke up. It turned out that I dreamed in bed, and my mother carried me back last night.When she saw me woke up, she touched my little watermelon -like head, and smiled and said, "It's okay, don't worry, sleep well. I'll give you to eat ...


Although it has been a long time, it has been a long time, but in my mind, it was as if it had just happened yesterday.Because it integrates my mother's love for me, infinite love!

关于亲情的高中优秀作文 篇7


A family is an umbrella in the drizzle; affection is a lamp in the dark; affection is a drop of water in the desert; affection is a little rainbow in the sky ... how much is the ocean that is immersed in the affection of the family.Warm and happy.


The eternal sentence "Whoever speaks the heart, the Sanchunhui reported" has such a period: One year, Meng Jiao will go out and travel.The mother knew that he woven his clothes every day and woven it until late at night.She was afraid that her son would not go home for a long time, so she asked the clothes as a sustenance and accompanied him to travel.Before Meng Jiao walked, she found that her mother seemed to have a few more white hair, so she wrote the poem with emotion.yes!Who said that the children of the heart of Cao can repay the motherly love like Chunguang?


Not only is the mother's love great, but the father's love is all praised.My father is a model.Since I went to school, he took me with an electric car every day, and the wind and rain were unobstructed throughout the year.I remember that in the winter, the weather suddenly became cold, and the goose feathers fell from the sky. I was frozen with a thin clothes.Dad saw me frozen like this, and took off my coat without hesitation and put on me."Are you cold?" I asked.Dad said with a smile, "You are warm and warm!" His words made warmth spread all over my body.


Of course, the relationship between husband and wife is infinite.There is a story: the mother is sick and hospitalized, and the father goes straight to the hospital without even eating meals.In the evening, his father was afraid that he was too familiar, and his mother refused to wake him up. He lay on the bed and rest, so that the mother could feel as soon as he moved.However, the mother was exhausted when she saw that her father was exhausted, and she couldn't bear to shock him.This ordinary little thing reflects the sincere love between husband and wife.Isn't this just as bland as Jasmine, but is it floating?


How beautiful the family is.Perhaps a look, a greeting, a dingling, a concern is the expression of affection.We should cherish this family and continue to pass on this family relay stick.


Conclusion: Family is the most precious emotion of life and death, entrusting a lifetime.Compared to friendship, love has a special significance, without it, everything cannot be talked about.If you are a person, you must have family care.Thank you for reading this article!

关于亲情的高中作文 篇8


If life is a five -flavored bottle, then the family is the sweetest; if life is a painting, then the family is the most brilliant.Family affection is moving, bringing people warmth.


Love is a kind of purity, friends are a breadth, and affection is a thickness.Parents' love for children is a deep love, eternal love, and even out of instinct.They have a voice inside: he is my child, I want to love him well.Their love is careful, for fear that we are uncomfortable.It can even be said to be afraid to offend us.Mother loves like water, father loves like mountains, and is strong and weak. For the children, it may be a life.


When you leave your door in the morning to school, who has been standing at the door and looking at your back until he disappears at the corner?When you are about to go home, you stand at the door until she hear the familiar footsteps before letting go of her hanging heart, and who is hungry when you are hungry.Go in front of you?That's right, the mother, the mother's love is gentle and delicate, it is meticulous.She always surrounds you and warms you.You are not happy, she is not happy, you are happy, and she is also happy.Her mood changes with your changes.She was always paid silently, but she was so warm.As if she became relaxed even with her life."Mother is going on at home," refers to this reason.Because of her mother's gentle love, she was also vulnerable to injury.And the damage we caused to her is the most painful.Therefore, we must also love her in the same way, protect her, and make her feel warm, and to be pleased with her encouragement.


When you are bullied, who stands up and drinks, scares away; who is pulling you up when you fail again and again, "It's okay to have me."He said firmly at home: "Come back, I can still afford you." Yes, it is my father. It is my father who resists the large thorns on the road of life and blocks the large storms.Without him, you can't even get out of the first step.Father's love is like a mountain, he is majestic, tall, strong.It is the pillar of the family, and it is your shellfish.It can be said that my father is our backing.His father was beside him, and he was bravery. His father was around, walking his waist rod; his father was around, and he was full of breath.The love of his father is tough, and he has confidence with him.


Family affection is such a magical thing, affection, no matter when, no matter where, it will always accompany you to give you unlimited warmth and movement. The most beautiful scenery in this world is affection.