
时间:2022-08-03 13:38:32 | 来源:语文通



Moms often say that people cannot live between square inches. They must read thousands of books and walk thousands of miles to become a person with great wisdom.Therefore, she often takes me to travel to see a different world.


This summer, my mother took me to a beautiful island -Sabah.On the boat, for the first time, I saw such an intoxicating sea: the blue sea surface was like a large piece of huge sapphire, exuding a dreamy light under the sun.The blue of some sea areas is still different, dark blue, sky blue, and light blue, which are intertwined like dreams, making people intoxicated.The boat was driving quickly, like a sharp blade cut through the calm sea, stirred up the white waves, and the happy little water droplets flew to my face and flew into my heart.


The boat stopped, and we came to a large light blue sea area. It is said that this is called "God's aquarium". At first, I didn't quite understand why I said that. ,Wow! I was so surprised that I couldn't speak, it's so beautiful! There is a magical world in front of my eyes: the shallow bottom of the sea is full of colorful corals, some like dull mushrooms, some like pointed antlers, and some cute small trees. ; Milk white, gray, coffee ... snuggle and independent. There are many colorful fish in the sea, happily shuttle between corals and water plants. Some of them like to play in groups, but some like to be alone. Look! The white fish with a white light, like a beautiful and quiet girl, was carefully pronounced a shell, as if a new home decorated in the cracks of the stone. In this colorful world, I also saw the dark and spikes of sea urchin, touched a long -spinning octopus, and two strangely strange jellyfish trees. It was so interesting and amazing! Calling it "God's Aquarium" is really appropriate!


I floated on the sea, and everything in front of me was intoxicated. I dangled with the waves, like in a huge cradle, the sound of my own breathing, and the excited screams of my friends, I felt likeSo beautiful.


Some scenery, after seeing it, I never forget it. I think this is the same.



Overlooking the blue sea, like layers of undulating sapphire floating on the sea, the sea breeze blowing across the cheeks, as if water flows through my skin, making people feel refreshing.(Oh, forgot to say, I am in the highest peak area in the Ocean Park in Hong Kong, and I am going to play with a good way!)


I quickly walked out of the tourist deck. At first glance, I saw something similar to a large turntable. There were four yellow characters on the top- "Thunder Piece"."It's an amusement project, why are those people screaming on? Will it be scary?" I was a little timid, but I felt that there was some force in my body to drive me to try it.Excited to that "turntable".


When I sat up, I found that it was the train of the train, shouldn't it be too scary?The big turntable began with my curiosity and some uneasiness ... but when it started to rotate and gradually accelerated, I understood that the big turntable will have a centrifugal force, and people will deviate from the normal track. I am a little younger.Not to mention, as if a elephant was pressed on me, I couldn't move it. My head could not be thought. Holding the hands of the safety handle was deeply embedded in the black foam plastic, it was fast, and it was fast.I touched the steel pipe inside ... this is more powerful than the roller coaster, and it is also exciting!


Finally, I could feel that the train slowed down slowly, and a heart that quickly popped out of my throat finally landed."Squeak ..." The train stopped completely, which gave me a chance to breathe, and I almost couldn't breathe just now.


When I went to the ground, people were still a little dizzy, but through this play, I confirmed my guts and courage, and I also understood that if I did n’t try to try, how do you know that you can do it?Success and hope will be one step closer to you.

3、难忘的 “海洋”之旅_国庆节见闻作文800字


During the "ten. One" period, I followed my parents to the ocean world of Wuhan. Everything in it made me eye -catching. My heart was pounding. Friends, go with me!


Entering the ocean world, the first thing I saw was the daughter of the beautiful sea. She sat at the gate and smiled and greeted the guests. I quickly pressed the shutter and left her in my camera.Following the glass curtain wall, I saw a lot of free fish. See, "Clown Fish" saw so many guests, he waved his tail, twisted his buttocks, and laughed at the people who visited.Following the clown fish, we saw the big "silver dragon". It was not afraid to see us at all. It was still swimming in the glass box, as if showing our prestige.Then, I was attracted by a group of "Thailand". This is a very rare variety, but I look at it, look at it, and I haven't found any special place, but in the end I still came with them a "intimateContact "-the photo.Of course, there are fierce "giant bone tongue fish", "catfish" who like to eat milk, and the "Flying Dragonfish" that jumps and jumps ... It makes my eyes really overwhelmed!


Going in, we came to the "Pirate Ship Theater", but the long wait made my patience and curiosity lose a little bit. Suddenly, many huge blisters in the pool rose slowly, which caused the emotions of the audience, and the theater became lively. For a long time, the diver went to the water. First of all, we came to our personal shark dance. The shark was very well -behaved. Although the diver hugged it for a while and touched its white belly for a while, it had been playing cheerfully with the diver. Looking at people and sharks can live together so friendly, I think: The original shark is not terrible! Then, a huge turtle swims. Although its shell is both big and bulky, it does not hinder its performance. It walks around with the diver. Listening to the explanator said that it is more than 300 years old, but it is still like a vibrant turtle. Just as everyone saw it, the mermaid suddenly appeared, and I thought of the beautiful story of "The Daughter of the Sea". As I thought, while watching its beautiful tail, the graceful posture, I looked at it. In the end, the mermaid and diver waved to everyone and goodbye. I had to leave here reluctantly and continue my visit.


I believe you will be eye -opening!



1、海洋:海洋读音为hǎi yáng,是指海和洋的统称。海洋 hǎi yáng分词解释:海和洋的统称。(1) [ocean]∶几乎覆盖地球表面四分之三的整个咸水体(2) [seas and oceans]∶海和洋的统称分词解释:统称:总的名称。● 洋 yáng ㄧㄤˊ◎ 比海更大的水域:海洋。◎ 广大,众多,丰盛:洋溢。洋洋。◎ 指外国的,外国来的:洋人。洋货。洋为中用。◎ 指现代化的(区别于“土”):土洋结合。◎ 银元:大洋。洋钱。● 海 hǎi ㄏㄞˇ◎ 靠近大陆,比洋小的水域:海洋。海域。海拔。海疆。海内。海岸。海誓山盟。五湖四海。◎ 用于湖泊名称:青海。中南海。◎ 容量大的器皿,巨大的:海碗。海涵(敬辞,称对方大度包容)。夸下海口。◎ 喻数量多的人、事物像海的:人山人海。火海。◎ 漫无目标地:海骂。海找。◎ 古代指从外国来的:海棠。◎ 特指中国上海:海派。◎ 姓。...海洋怎么造句,用海洋造句»

2、难忘:难忘读音为nán wàng,是指1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。难忘 nán wàng词语意思:1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。(1) [unforgettable]∶无法忘记难忘的时刻(2) [ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动(3) [memorable]∶值得记忆的难忘的岁月分词解释:海里:计量海洋上距离的长度单位,一海里等于1,852米。旧也作浬。记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。忘记:1.不记得。 2.该做的事没有想到去做。 3.没有感觉到。永远:1.长远;永久。 2.一直;从来。 3.晋代隐居于庐山的两个高僧惠永与惠远的并称。...难忘怎么造句,用难忘造句»