
时间:2022-06-25 13:39:29 | 来源:语文通



There are countless beautiful scenery that people have watched their lives. Perhaps in the end, the most beautiful yard that is the most beautiful or after dinner with my loved ones, but in my impression, the most beautiful or our autumn yard.


When I walked into the yard, the first one was a tall and large cherry tree, and then my mother was washed by my mother himself. Although the vegetable garden was not large, the four or four parties repaired by the diligent mother repaired.square.In spring, my mother will sprinkle seeds. By the summer, there are red tomatoes in the vegetable garden, there are great four seasons of beans, long bean horns, and cucumbers stretched to the wall.Although the autumn garden is not as good as the vitality in spring, it is not as attractive as in summer. I do n’t know if I love it.


I still remember that after a get out of class at that time, I went to the third grade of elementary school at that time, and the season coincided with the autumn after the rain.After the fall after the rain, the road with long green moss was a bit wet and cold, the soil in the vegetable garden was also sticky, and the ginkgo leaves were yellow.In the evening of the Ballin, a shallow looming in the evening, a little broken sun crosses the gap of the rebirth of the deciduous leaves bounced on the sticky soil, and often has golden leaves.The medium fly, and then fell down, sprinkled on the soil, on the road, it seemed to be printed on the painting on it.


The vegetable garden in the autumn of his hometown is so gentle, so quiet, so soft, as if guarding a broken dream!



1、家乡:家乡读音为jiā xiāng,是指自己的家庭世代居住的地方。 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡家乡 jiā xiāng词语解释:自己的家庭世代居住的地方。[hometown;native place] 自己的家庭祖祖辈辈的居住地;故乡分词解释:家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。自己:1.代词。自身﹐本身。 2.自己人。 3.知己亲近;关系密切。世代:1.时代;朝代。 2.年代。 3.累世;代代。 4.犹言继承﹑相承。居住:较长时期地住在一个地方:他家一直居住在北京。...家乡怎么造句,用家乡造句»

2、秋天:秋天读音为qiū tiān,是指1.秋日的天空。 2.秋季。 秋季秋天 qiū tiān词语解释:1.秋日的天空。 2.秋季。[autumn] 秋季分词解释:● 秋(鞦) qiū ㄑㄧㄡˉ◎ 一年的第三季:秋季。秋景。秋水(喻人的眼睛,多指女子的)。秋波(喻美女的眼睛)。三秋(a.指秋收、秋耕、秋播;b.指三年)。秋高气爽。◎ 庄稼成熟的时期:麦秋。◎ 指一年:千秋万代。◎ 指某个时期(多指不好的)。多事之秋。◎ 姓。◎ 一种运动和游戏用具称“秋千”。● 天 tiān ㄊㄧㄢˉ◎ 在地面以上的高空:天空。天际。天罡(北斗星)。天渊(上天和深渊,喻差别大)。天马行空(喻气势豪放,不受拘束)。◎ 在上面:天头(书页上面的空白)。◎ 气候:天气。天冷。◎ 季节,时节:冬天。◎ 日,一昼夜,或专指昼间:今天。◎ 指神仙或他们所住的地方:天上。天宫。◎ 自然界:天堑。天时。天籁(自然界的声音,如风声、鸟声、流水声)。◎ 〔天干(ɡān)〕古代用来记日或年的字,有“天干”和“地支”两类,天干共十字:甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸,亦称“十干”。◎ 自然的、生成的:天然。天性。天职(应尽的职责)。天才(a.卓绝的创造力、想象力,突出的聪明智慧;b.有这种才能的人)。天伦之乐。...秋天怎么造句,用秋天造句»

3、菜园:菜园读音为cài yuán,是指种蔬菜的园子。 种蔬菜的园圃菜园 cài yuán词语解释:种蔬菜的园子。[vegetable garden] 种蔬菜的园圃分词解释:园子:1.园丁。 2.围以篱笆或有围墙的土地。可种蔬菜﹑花木等。 3.旧谓剧院。蔬菜:可做菜吃的草本植物。● 园(園) yuán ㄩㄢˊ◎ 种植果蔬花木的地方:园子。园丁。园艺。园圃。◎ 原指别墅游息之所,现指供人游玩、娱乐的公共场所:圆明园。公园。◎ 旧指历代帝王以及亲王、妃嫔、公主之墓:园庙(帝王墓地所建之宗庙)。园陵(帝王的墓地)。● 菜 cài ㄘㄞˋ◎ 供作副食品的植物:菜市。白菜。菠菜。野菜。蔬菜。面有菜色。◎ 主食以外的食品:菜牛。菜畜。菜肴。菜谱。名菜。...