
时间:2022-07-21 13:40:45 | 来源:语文通



My animal friend is a turtle.The turtle was discovered by my dad in the community pool.


I put it in the porcelain washbasin, put a pellet water in the washbasin, and looked at the head of the thumb, the eyes like black, yellow and red patterns in the corner of the eyes, I thought I thought: You are young, and you are still long ia feet, which is quite foreign!


The turtle shell is as large as a porcelain bowl, the knife and gun are unable to enter, and there are four short legs. A small, short and thick tail stretched out behind the butt, which is very cute.


Its food is not luxurious, but it is a bit difficult to find, that is -mud and earthworms.


It always loves to "slip" like noodles, and the earthworms are destroyed by it.At this time, a sip, looking at its satisfactory smile, it seems that the soil has a taste.


It loves to start climbing along the wall of the pot while I don't pay attention, but it will slip down in 30 seconds.Never give up.


You must have heard the story of the turtle rabbit race! Once, I experimented with my friends: put the little white rabbit she raised with the little turtle I raised, and then drew a finish line on the ground with the chalk.Do you know what happened? As soon as the whistle, the little turtle crawled forward.The little white rabbit was dazed there, and after a while, he ran to other places, put it back and ran away.In the end, the little turtle won the victory, and I was really proud of it.


Half a month passed, Dad called me to follow, and said to the turtle's tail in his hand, "Xin Tuo, should we put it back?" "Why?"I have a unique sense of responsibility.Dad said, "Nature is its real home." "Okay."


Before forever, we used a knife to engrave a "frequent" word on the bottom of the turtle. Strangely, the turtle did not struggle, quietly, open our limbs obediently, and let us engrave.


We put it beside the pool. It looked back at us and turned around in three steps.



1、再见:再见读音为zài jiàn,是指1.再一次见面。 2.临别套语。表示希望以后再见面。 3.犹言再见个高低。 分别时最后说的话再见 zài jiàn词语解释:1.再一次见面。 2.临别套语。表示希望以后再见面。 3.犹言再见个高低。[good-bye;good-by] 分别时最后说的话分词解释:以后:比现在或某一时间晩的时期。见面:彼此对面相见:跟这位老战友多年没见面了◇思想见面。希望:①心里想着实现某种情况:希望能考上大学。②心愿;理想:绝境中还抱着希望|所有的希望全成了泡影|对未来充满希望。套语:1.应酬的客套话。 2.流行的公式化的言谈。...再见怎么造句,用再见造句»