
时间:2022-08-10 13:15:21 | 来源:语文通



May Chinese youth get rid of air -conditioning, but just go up, without having to listen to the self -violent and abandon.If you can do things, you can speak up, with a point of heat and a point of light, so that the fireflies are normal. You can also send a little light in the dark without waiting for the torch fire.


The big country, the towering Huaxia, the long river of history, the dragon dance dragon in Shenzhou.Today, China is rich and the country is strong. It walks step by step on the road of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.All of this is inseparable from the struggle and efforts of every Chinese! As the successor of the new era, we should use our shoulders to provoke the burden of the times, faith in the country, and play for the people.


Looking back at the prosperous age, the predecessors wrote a magnificent national epic with their own hands.They build their careers for the motherland, expand their territory in the times, and realize their own life value.As a young general, Huo Qubing went straight to the Huns; Huang Xuhua's "merit" was extremely famous for thirty years, and the deep -sea nuclear submarine was shocked in the world; Tu Yu silently did research, and artemisin saved the people.They shoulder the responsibility of the times, bear the heavy responsibility of the country, realize the meaning of life in dedication, and interpret the value of life.In the tide of the times, they lighten themselves and illuminate the way of the country and the times!


Time flows, giant wooden branches have new leaves. My generation will live up to the expectations of the ancestors, grow under the sun, assume the responsibility of the times and society, and reflect self -worth in dedication.


Based on the moment, we have to think about the world and the country.The model of the era Huang Wenxiu, poverty alleviation in the village, helped the villagers on the road to get rich with his own life; the post -90s girl Li Ziyi introduced the beautiful China to the world; the young Cao Yuan, determined to report his scientific research results to the motherland.These people are our example. They are ordinary Chinese youths and build a better China with their own knowledge and ability.


Some people may ask, how can our ordinary ordinary people have a achievement like a predecessor?


I want to say: The tide of the times is rolling, and everyone is like a water droplet. It will never dry up.No matter how short, you can leave a long figure in the desert; no matter how small the characters can make history make a loud voice.Because history is both macro and micro.There are both heroes and stories of little people.In the process of fighting the epidemic, not only "big characters" such as Zhong Nanshan and Li Lanjuan, but also many medical staff.They understand the relationship between the ego and the big self, and the small family is for everyone.


There are thousands of colors on the earth, I love this touch of Chinese red alone!



When I was still very young, I often heard my grandmother saying: "You and your mother are the happiness seedlings after New China.""Why are my mother and my mother a happy seedlings?"I asked my mother puzzled, and my mother laughed and said, "At that time, my grandmother, the New China has just been established, and the motherland is not particularly powerful. Our industry and agriculture belong to the stage of food and clothing.There are more cars and more technology. Many factory technologies also need to rely on Soviet and other foreign technologies. For example, the most strange electrical appliances of my mother when they were young are the TV. ""Ah, do you have no TV at that time? You watch every room in our house, and the car is everywhere. There are still high -speed rail now.""Yes, you are the happiest generation of the Chinese country!"


We are the happiest generations of the country. I thought about it, and a smirk could not help but show a smile.Indeed, I still remember that my mother said that only the Bombardier train was the fastest at that time.Since my memoir, I have taken the "Harmony". At that time, the speed was very fast. It only took 2 and a half hours from Nanjing to Shanghai.For 4 and a half hours, the most important thing is that most of the components in the high -speed rail are domestically produced, which means that we will no longer rely on foreign technology, what they can do and China can do it.


I will also become a member of the development of Chinese science and technology in the future. From now on, I must study every ability to learn. When I grow up, I will use my own power to return to the motherland, so that all Chinese technology can be developed independently.All foreigners are daunting to China.



Focus on the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China


On October 20th, on Friday, at 5 pm, the teachers of the Propaganda Department of Changchun University of Science and Technology have not left work.In the office, several teachers were holding a thick "essay" and discussed warmly.On the eve of the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, Changchun University of Technology carried out the theme of "Welcome to the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and the change of changes" for the young teachers and students of the school.New development, new changes, and new achievements of the school.


Focus on the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China



I read the book called "Red Story" this week. The story in the book impressed me.What sighs most is the story of "Fang Zhimin's Yi Yi".


Although Fang Zhimin's life is short, he never belongs to himself.The only cause of the party in his heart is all the work of the work.If anyone endangers the interests of the people, Fang Zhimin did not agree, even if this person was his uncle ...


The story is: For a year, Fang Zhimin's hometown has been dripping for several months in a row, and the crops in the ground are extremely poor.In the fall, many poor farmers can't afford rents and can't worry about the landlord's debt.Fang Zhimin called on everyone to resist and started a struggle.However, his fifth uncle, the landlord, jumped out, against the farmers' movement, shocked many landlords, and none of them dared to collect debts with him.After that, farmers and Zhimin were victorious, the people's hearts were vibrating, everyone got up to resist oppression, and the farmers' movement quickly developed in Puyang.


This "Red Story" made me know many heroes during the war, and taught me to be brave and strong.



The bright red that never fade


From this, I thought of my usual learning. Whenever I encountered difficulties, I wanted to retreat and bowed my head in front of the difficulties.At this time, I will think of these respectable heroes. They are not afraid of crisis, facing difficulties, and brave war.




As the saying goes, "The Story of the Red Boy" is a storytelling story about a group of young men.After reading a touching story, I was surging, and I couldn't be quiet for a long time.


"Niu'er is still eating grass on the hillside, but I do n’t know where to let the cow go." When this song sounded in the ears, when this kind of beautiful and touching children's songs, let us think of the story of the anti -Japanese hero Wang Erxiao:In a small mountain village, a poor family, there is a small niuwa, he ranks the second child at home, so the big guy calls him the second child.In 1943, the strictest stage of the anti -Japanese battle, the Japanese devil fulfilled the three light policies of "burning light, grab light, killing light", burning and robbing in the village, prestige, and killing innocence.The hut of the second little family was bombed by the devils, and the second child became a homeless child.Witched the cruel action of the devils and inspired the two small unforgettable revenge on the Japanese devil.


Only the Communist Party can save China.Two Xiaoman joined the Children's Group with his love for the Communist Party. As the teacher and Lian Chang learned a lot of common sense, he knew that only to drive the devils out of China, he could live a good life and build a beautiful home.


In a gloomy morning, the second child was putting cattle by the river, and the devils came to the village to clean up, looking for the Eighth Route Army and the old people.The second child remembered the words of the company, and he was in a tide, pretending to be very afraid of appearance, and took the devil into the latent circle of the Eighth Route Army with the devil.The devils were destroyed, but our heroic little hero Wang Erxiao gave a valuable and young life.


When I read there, I couldn't help crying.What is the revolutionary blood of our happy career today? The history of the great Communist Party of China is heroic and records the hardships.



In 1942, during the War of Resistance Against Japan, the Japanese army launched a big sweep at the Jizhong Anti -Japanese Base.The Japanese devil came out of the artillery building to attack the people of the neighboring villages. After entering the village, they burned and robbed them.


Under the leadership of Gaojiazhuang, under the leadership of the party branch secretary Gao Laozhong and the militia captain Gao Chuanbao, randomly responded to the local conditions, and the soil holes and cellars were transformed into a multi -tunnel that connects the households and the villages.EssenceOne night, the captain of the little devil Yamada led the Japanese army to attack Gaojiazhuang at the dark. The incident was discovered by Uncle Zhong.In response to the evil Japanese devil, he trot all the way, resolutely came to the old locust tree in the village, unbuttoned the rope, and rang the bell of the alarm. When the bell echoed over Gaojiazhuang, YamadaThe sound of gunfire also rang, and the loyal old uncle Zhong fell under the muzzle of Yamada ... The people of Gaojiazhuang were angry. They looked at the remains of the old Uncle Zhong and vowed.Uncle Zhong revenge!


As soon as the devil came out of the artillery building, the militia hidden in the tunnel found that they quickly told the people in the village to quickly go to the tunnel. After the enemy entered the village, they could not find anything.In the preparation of the battle, under a order, the fire was fired on all sides, the enemy was dark, the tactics were free, and the devils were caught off guard and rushed.On the way to the artillery building, the enemy was killed by the militia that was ambushed in the field from the ground to the god soldiers.Finally, the captain of the Japanese devil was caught alive.Gao Chuanbao said with the collar of the little devil, "You look up and take a look. What is this? This is the people! Only the people can create such a miracle, and the Chinese people cannot defeat!"


After reading this story, I have a deep feeling. I understand how the people used to defeat the Japanese before and understood their hard work.On the day of more than sixty years, in the past 60 years ago, the authentic wars of Gaojiazhuang were miracles, and I said that the labor people in Jizhong Plain were miracles!They played their own wisdom to create authentic, defeated the difficulties, and defended their homes and motherland with their own lives!They left a glorious page in the history of the Anti -Japanese War!


If life is like flowers, years like songs, what about history?History can be said to be a long river of volatile life, running through years, winding, and endless.


Among the long river of Haohao, China has gathered a large number of young people who have glory and talented people, such as: Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Liu Shaoqi, Deng Zhongxia, Xiang Police, Cai Hesen, Zhang Tailei, Lu Qiqibai, etc.Essence



On this day, I read a lot of little stories.There are stories of Wang Pu, the story of Liu Hulan, and the story of Dong Cunrui ... But the most impressed by the story of the anti -Japanese hero Wang Erxiao.


Wang Erxiao was born in Shangzhuang Village, Laoguan County, Hebei Province in 1929. During the War of Resistance Against Japan, Wang Erxiao's hometown was the Eighth Route Army Anti -Japanese Base and was often "swept" by Japanese devils. Put a cattle on the hillside, and also put a whistle for the Eighth Route Army. On October 25, 1942, the Japanese devil came to "sweep" again, and when he walked to Yamaguchi, he lost his way. When they saw Wang Erxiao put cattle on the hillside, they asked him to bring the way. Wang Erxiao first walked in front of an obedient appearance. In order to defend the transfer of hidden folks, he brought the enemy into the ambush circle of the Eighth Route Army. Suddenly, there was a sound in all directions, and the enemy understood that he was fooled, and he was anxious to use a bayonet to pick up Wang Erxiao. At this time, the Eighth Route Army rushed down from the mountain to destroy all the enemy. After Wang Er Xiao's sacrifice, the local military and civilians buried him on the hillside of Liujiazhuang. At this moment, Wang Erxiao's grave was covered with grass. The big stone stained with blood was lying quietly in the ravine at this moment, and people called it "blood stones". Word writer and song writer immediately wrote the song "Singing the Second Little Cowherd" to commemorate him.


After reading, I thought of Wang Erxiao who brought the enemy into the ambush circle in order to protect the hiding hidden, sacrificing himself to protect others.He can not protect the hiding folks, and he can not sacrifice himself, but he does not, he sacrifice himself for others.Think of us again, don't protect others, no need to sacrifice ourselves. In this good environment, why don't we cherish it well? Think about others and think about ourselves. In fact, we can do it, but we don’t work hard.Efforts can be done.


From this moment, we should cherish everything we have at the moment, study hard in this perfect environment, study hard, master more scientific and cultural knowledge, return to the motherland when we grow up, and make the motherland's construction more perfect.At the same time, I wish our country more and more prosperous, based on the head of the world, and no longer bullied by other countries.



Red Journey_The Pharma Paper passed on behalf of the Red Gene


In the anti -Japanese age of war, history covered the sacred red for it.The roar of the soul, the indulgence of hope, life and death, survival and death, echoing between the front lines.The gunfire rained, fighting for death, the Chinese wrote a period of moving historical chapter in red.


Red Journey_The Pharma Paper passed on behalf of the Red Gene



Ten Red Army's Red Faith_News Red Genes


As the saying goes, "Books are the ocean of knowledge." "The book has its own golden house and Yan Ruyu in the book." The book is my best friend, and I have a sense of obsession with the book.If there is no book, I am like the eagle without wings, and I can no longer swim in the blue sky; if there is no book, I am like Xiaohe without water, and I never live.The book brings me a lot of inspiration and happiness.My favorite book is about red classic books, such as "Youth in the Fire", "Five Strong Marshals of Langya Mountain" and so on.




Red Boat Spirit_The Chinese Spiritual Report Picture of Chinese Spirit


In 2013, the chairman put forward the great idea of the "Chinese Dream", and realizing the "Chinese Dream" is a large number of talents who need to be willing to dedicate and hardship.Those who need to struggle such as Luoyang and Lin Junde and Lin Junde, as well as those who cultivate talents such as Zhang Lili, and people who need to dedicate the society with ordinary things.To achieve the "Chinese Dream" must rely on the efforts of everyone, each Chinese children's efforts.Learn from them and keep their spirit moisturizing our hearts.This is the realization of the Chinese spirit to help the Chinese dream!




I have liked red since I was a child. The small skirts need to be red, the bow is red, the small schoolbag must be red, even the paper of the small pig is red ... I think red is the most dazzling color in the world,As long as I have red, I am the most beautiful little.


At that time, my grandmother also liked to use red clothes and red silk to dress me.Every sunny morning, there will always be such a warm picture next to the window of Xiangyang: a little girl sitting on a low stool wields a red ribbon in a small red jacket, and a kind old lady smiled and held the little girl with a smile.Fine hair, tie the horn braid with red head rope, and a pale -haired grandfather pulled Erhu aside, sang with a happy tone: "The daughter of others has a flower, my grandfather, I can't buy it, and I can't buy it.Glore red head rope, give me Xin'er up ... "Over time, I will shook my head and sang" ... There are flowers wearing ... red head ropes ... Xin'er tied up ... "In my memory, red is not onlyIt is synonymous with beautiful, and it has become a source of happiness.


Later, my parents were busy with work, and I returned to my hometown in Hubei with my grandmother.In two years, my grandfather completely dyed me "red".I know that red is not only eye -catching and happy, but also symbolizes the revolution, indicating the victory, and announced the ideal of struggling up and unrestrained.


Before the liberation, the grandfather could be said to be a standard older generation, and he was an artillery for several years, so he asked me to abide by the rules from an early age, love China, and love the Communist Party of China.The most respectable person of the grandfather is the older generation of revolutionaries, often watching the biography of great men.There were several portraits of leaders hanging on the wall of the grandfather. I remember that every morning at that time, he would point out the portrait and ask me: "Well, who is this?" Whenever I shouted with the tender child's voice: "Chairman Mao, Chairman Mao,President Zhu, Premier Zhou ... "He would laugh particularly loudly, as if there was endless interest in this incident.Later, I slowly recognized the leaders from some black and white documentary, and he was even more open -minded.


My real red enlightenment starts with the poem of chairman of the red song and back Mao.The first poem that my grandfather taught me to read was Chairman Mao's "Wind Show Red Flag". The first song that my grandfather taught me to sing is "The Flash Red Star".The branch is "Red Meizan" ...


Singing the revolutionary song, listening to the revolutionary story, I turned to elementary school.In the six -year elementary school life, the red gene that my grandfather brought me played a strong role.With a mouth, I can tell the stories of "Railway Guerrillas" and "Plain Guns"; as soon as I open my voice, I can sing songs such as "Red Lantern" and "Singing the Motherland".That difficult history, the unrestrained memory deeply infiltrated my thoughts and flowed in my blood.


Today, I have grown up from that red -headed little rope to a handsome boy who tells red stories under the five -star red.In the days of red and red, I was happily on the red scarf. In the beautiful Chinese dream, I sang "Oriental Red", counting the glittering red stars, smelling the fragrance of the rhododendron of the mountains, picking up the great rivers and mountains of the motherland.Red phase thought beans, slices of red leaves.Like my grandfather, I love Chinese red deeply, cheer for Chinese red, and proud of Chinese red ...



Red Flag Piao Piao National Day Song_ Elementary Student National Day hand -in handwriting


"My motherland and I can't divide it for a moment ..." Whenever I sang this song, I was lying in the arms of the motherland, as warm and happy as lying in the arms of my mother.The motherland gave me hope; the motherland gave me power.




On the campus, on the playground, a group of young pioneers raised their heads, shaking their spirits, holding the little fist tightly, and answered with the powerful words: prepare at all times! In this scene, it was fixed in my heart for a long time.


Different campus


Entering the campus, it is a row of beautiful exhibition boards that record the honor of the school and record the style of the students.The bright banner hangs in the air high, and the wind flutter.The colorful flowers are competing to open.Green leaves, red flowers, yellow fruits, adding a lot of vitality to the school.


Other flags


Once out of the flag, we knocked on the drums hard, holding a sting, blowing the number, and the rush of the sea.Especially in the command, he was holding a strong idea, and Chen Wen identified it.With the music, the flag guard carried the fiery red team flag, taking the pride and proudly moved forward.The young pioneers, respecting the team's ceremony, the captain of the Central team is on the flag ceremony, and everyone feels very proud of the young pioneer members.


Different performances


The exciting performance finally started! First of all, the three (2) squadron showed us their style.The dance "Flowing Baby" tells us the joy and excitement of rural children when they are in school with their beautiful dance.The group sang "Five Color Cloves" to tell us how beautiful the lilac of the five colors is.Poetry recitation "My Chinese Dream" is the finishing touch, making everyone surging.


Different feelings


Through this event, I understand that the etiquette of civilization is required and positive.Love the motherland, self -improvement, the most important thing is to inherit Chinese culture and strive to be a virtue.This will be the goal I pursue, I believe I can do it.


"Be prepared at all times!" Our solemn vow was floating on the campus, and we also wandered in our hearts.



Now that China has risen in the world, the Chinese have made the world aware of it, and we have also lived a happy well -off life.But do you know?In the past, China was a country that looked down on.However, in modern history, some patriotic youths have passed the sea for the motherland, regardless of everything to study abroad, and learn technology.It was their straight back of China.


Xu Beihong is one of these international students.At that time, he was studying in Europe.However, the Chinese at that time were very discriminated against by foreign doctors.Xu Beihong was furious under the provocation of a foreign student. He said categorically: "I represent my motherland, you represent your motherland, and when you graduate, see who is genius and who is stupid!" Xu BeihongI sighed: a Chinese child is so ambitious.Since then, Xu Beihong has visited the major museums in Paris every day, and has copied the world's famous masterpieces. It was a whole day and did not return when he closed the museum.Because he knows: he is the children of Chinese, the descendants of Yanhuang!Xu Beihong won the first place in several competitions. In 1924, his oil paintings caused a sensation in the art world.From then on, all ignorant foreigners have seen him.A person has such talent, who does not sigh for him?China is proud of him!


Among these study abroad intellectuals, there are still many unknown patriotic people who work on the front line and work on the front line. What are they studying so hard?China has such a beautiful river and mountains, such a long history, and such a splendid culture. They are to prevent China from being insulted and ridiculed by foreign countries.


For the Forbidden City, Great Wall, which one is not large -scale and glorious?Which of Taishan and Huangshan, which one is not beautiful and magnificent?Which is not the pride of our Chinese people?


When the bright red five -star red flag rises, we will all think of those patriotic intellectuals.It is this sentence that becomes their motivation -I am Chinese and I love China.



The dream of the red flag, floating in front of my eyes


"The red flag fluttering, floating, floating, floating to the hearts of Xiaoxingxing and grandma ..." In my childhood, I listened to grandma saying that it was because of the Communist Party that she could live to this day and live bitter and sweet.


A few years later, I went to elementary school.Dad and mother secretly put a five -star red flag in my collection box.Seeing the red flag in the collection box, I was not surprised, but happier.Because parents said that because of this red flag, our family lived a happy life and made me thrive.


Today, this five -star red flag appeared in front of me again.After several years, she was still so popular. After several years, she was still so bright.After several years, she was still so beautiful.Looking at this five -star red flag with too many emotions, I suddenly burst into tears.


Who is the little red dot above?


The red flag told me that the five yellow stars above were the Communist Party that led my family to grow, but who made the bright red color?I thought about it, and finally thought of the answer.


It's Uncle Fang Zhimin!He led the uprising, and he combined the truth of Marxism with the reality of northeast Gan. He led the leading troops to litter. In order to respond to the follow -up troops, he took rain and snow and danger to recover the siege and find the troops.Fang Zhimin is righteous; Ning is jade crushing, not a tile; he is brave in Nanchang.He must be one of the "little red dots"!


It's Grandpa Zhu Guangya!The motherland needed him, and he rushed back and returned to the arms of the motherland.Because he longs for the mother of the motherland to become a beautiful mother, because he longs for the mother of the motherland to become an excellent mother!There are Qian Xuesen, Deng Jiaxian, Cheng Kaijia, etc., they are all the "little red dots" above!


I thought and thought, the little red dots on the Red Flag were not only them, but also many people. For the motherland, for the cause of the motherland, for the cause of the Chinese mother, for the development of the mother, they made every effort to make great dedication to make great dedication.Essence


New world, new goal!


"It is necessary to condense all the Haier people in order to burst into the same force. This is a spirit ..." This passage is what the factory director of Haier Group -Zhang Ruimin realized.At that time, Haier Group was not like this. At that time, Haier Group had been funded and closed on the verge of losing money.Because the refrigerator has serious quality problems.Almost every user wrote that there was a problem in the refrigerator produced by Haier.So Zhang Ruimin smashed all the unqualified refrigerators.It is the spirit of smashing the refrigerator that Haier either does not do or "fight for the first".


There are almost every household in Haier Electric, which is not because of the refrigerator.Haier Group also left a beautiful red on the bright red flag.Haier Group will also write a new chapter on the Red Flag.


Red Flag and my growth


Hongqi looked at my crowish language, watching me in elementary school, watching me studying carefully in the classroom, she also watched the motherland changing with each passing day and a little change.Face, wealthy replacement of poverty, health instead of suffering, the happiness of life instead of death, the bright garden replaces the desolate wasteland!


Red flag will always float, forever, forever, always guide us to grow ...



Dear leaders, dear teachers, classmates:


Hello everyone!


The topic of my speech today is: Hongqi Floating in my heart.


The bright five -star red flag rose, and the magnificent singing lingered in the ears.


I am a middle school student of the first grade and a young pioneer.


Whenever I look up on the campus, I always think of the revolutionary martyrs who sacrificed the heroic sacrifice for the victory of the motherland: the sorrows and the blood, Chen Shuxiang, the hero mother Deng Yufang, the anti -Japanese hero Yang Jingyu, etc.Both hands lead us to move forward; they use blood to stain red flags; they use their lives to defend our motherland.


The spirit of the martyrs inspired us to continue.


A great achievement, such as spring bamboo shoots.


On April 24, 1970, China's first artificial satellite rose at Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center.


On November 26, 1975, China's first returning artificial earth satellite successfully lift off.


On May 18, 1980, China's first long -range ballistic missile flew to the Pacific.


On September 20, 1981, for the first time in my country, three satellites were sent to space with a rocket.


On October 15, 2003, the manned spacecraft "Shenzhou V", which was launched for the first time in my country, sent China's first astronaut Yang Liwei to space ...


This great achievement witnessed the growth of the motherland.


After the vicissitudes, the Chinese nation has finally realized the flying dream we have dreamed of.This dream has condensed the wish of several generations of Chinese people.Although we live in beautiful modern times, there are no war, no smoke.But we should not forget that those revolutionary martyrs are exchanged for life.A martyr is an immortal monument; a hero is a flag that flutter.


Let's stay in our hearts forever!


Wu Youyou



"I and my motherland can't be divided for a moment. No matter where I go, a song flows out ..." Everyone gathered from different places to wave the bright five -star red flag in their hands.The singing voices echoed in the air for a long time.Every time I watched the videos of these flash activities, my mood became very excited, as if I had joined the ranks of flash activities.


Five -star red flag, she shines on my growth.In the quiet and solemn Cross River Victory Memorial Hall, I participated in the red scarf search team activities. I saw her greeted the wind on the flagpole, as if gently told me the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs.On the neat and beautiful Castle Elementary School campus, she accompanied the majestic national anthem, rising in the early morning sun, watching me and my classmates learn knowledge, play and play.At the Olympic Sports Center of the crowd, we are holding the campus Games. She fluttering in our gaze, as if encouraging us to exercise and grow healthy.


Dad told me that this year is the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China. After 70 years of development, our country has achieved amazing achievements.However, we have also encountered many difficulties. For example, the United States is a trade war against China to suppress high -tech companies such as Huawei and ZTE.The teacher told me that there are difficulties and hope on the road of China's progress. Our elementary school students should be a dream chaser, study hard and master the skills since childhood, and increase their color to the five -star red flag.


Five -star red flag, I want to say a whispering with you. I have set some "small goals" in the future. I hope you will help me and lead me to realize these small dreams.



I love the red scarf, I love the young pioneer


What a sacred name!She spent countless spring, summer, autumn and winter with me.Since I was in elementary school, she has been with me all the time.I remember when I stepped into the door of the school, I saw the high -grade elder brothers and sisters covered with bright red scarves on their chests. I don't know how envy them!At that time, I was thinking, if one day, I could be like them, how good it would be!




Mr. Qian Zhongshu once said that in ancient times, he was equivalent to a child of human beings. In ancient times, he was naive. After hundreds of years of progress, he slowly evolved to modern times.The classics of one of these are in our hearts.Among them, what made me most shocking was Mao Zedong's "Qinyuan Chunxue".


The scenery in the north is frozen thousands of miles, and the snow fluttering thousands of miles, overlooking the inside and outside the Great Wall, only the white one is left; the upstream and downstream of the wide Yellow River suddenly lost the torrential water.The continuous mountains seemed like a silver snake, and the hills on the plateau seemed to be running. It seemed to try to compare with the heavens.When it is clear, look at the white snow under the red sun, which is particularly delicate and beautiful.


The mountains and rivers of the motherland are so magnificent, making countless heroes who have been in the present.Unfortunately, the brave emperors like Emperor Qin Shihuang Hanwu were slightly worse and talented;Genghis Khan, who is the pride of Tianxiong I, only knows the establishment of the ideological culture and the establishment of the ideological culture.And all of them have passed. Those who can really build their careers depends on the people now.


The author wrote this poem to his bowel.Quick people's heart.And the metaphor seems to be more vivid in this article.Coupled with the environmental description, the beautiful ideal of the poet and the poet's ambition.


One of them: "The rivers and mountains are so coquettish, attract countless heroes to compete."In a short sentence, the charm and attraction of Jiangshan exhausted.


"Qinyuan Chunxue" is a song of heroic.The words show the magnificent and enchanting northern snow scenes. It talks about the romantic figures in history, showing heroism, affection, boldness, and great political ideals.At that time, it was rare to have this spirit.


And this classic word is also planted on my heart.