
时间:2022-11-02 12:54:47 | 来源:语文通



窗外初中作文600字 篇1窗外 篇2窗外作文600字 篇3窗外初中作文600字 篇4窗外写景作文600字 篇5

窗外初中作文600字 篇1


A window separates two worlds. The people in the window finally go out and see a beautiful world.


There was a little girl who was born with a disability. She lost her left leg. Because of this, she had been staying at home since childhood and had been accompanied by her parents for seven years. During the seven years, her parents took good care of her. She liked to lie in front of the window and watch other children play happily. She also wanted to play, but her mother told her that if she went out to play, children outside would laugh at her. Therefore, she gave up the idea of going out to play and sat at the table.


When she was 7 years old, it was time for her to go to the first grade. She suddenly wanted to go to school. The kindergarten curriculum was simple and easy to understand, and her mother would also. Her mother wanted to ask a tutor to teach her in the first grade, but she wanted to go out. Unfortunately, her mother once again told her that she was dangerous, and no one would help her. She said that the grass and blue sky outside the window were like hell. The little girl was afraid, and did not talk about it anymore.


She still often leans over the window to look, but she never sees any terror outside, which makes her confused.


The little girl is very smart and learns quickly. The teacher speaks very eloquently and often brings her some books to read. She likes to ask the teacher about the world outside that she has never seen before. The teacher always patiently tells her. The teacher talks beautifully, which makes the little girl want to go out to see. She once again proposed to her mother that she wants to go to school. The tutor also said that she is very smart and should go out to meet the new environment, mom


Finally agreed to let her go to school.


The next year, she successfully entered the primary school. The day before school, her mother introduced her in detail how to go to school and which bus to take


She got up early the next day. When people came to the station and saw her leaning on crutches, they gave her their seats. When she got on the bus, someone helped her. When she entered the class, she received a warm applause. She smiled and was very happy. Finally, she saw the other world she had always wanted to see. It's so beautiful

窗外 篇2


I have been working on my homework for two hours. My eyes glazed over the boring black and white test questions, and I felt that life was boring.

抬手拉开窗帘。广场上放着热度一直不减的音乐“小苹果”,阿姨们跟着音乐的旋律跳着广场舞。小朋友无忧无虑的玩着,有的在吹泡泡,有的在玩轮滑,有的在追着跑着……突然一个小孩一个不注意,撞上了一位边走路边看手机的哥哥。我的心禁不住一沉。还好还好,没有剑拔弩张,没有横眉立目。大哥哥回手扶住了差点摔 www..cn 倒的小孩,用手抚摸着孩子的头,好像在安抚。小男孩鞠了个躬,相安无事。

Raise your hand to open the curtain. On the square, there is the music "Little Apple", which has always been popular. The aunts dance in the square to the music. The children were playing carefree, some were blowing bubbles, some were playing roller skating, some were running after them... Suddenly, a child was not paying attention and bumped into a brother who was watching his mobile phone while walking. My heart couldn't help sinking. Fortunately, there was no tension or glaring. The elder brother held the child who nearly fell WWW.. CN back and stroked the child's head as if to pacify him. The little boy bowed and was at peace.


I put my head out of the window again and looked around. On the road, all kinds of vehicles were driving at full speed. People carefully crossed the road along the zebra crossing. Several grandmothers downstairs were sitting on the stone bench chatting.


The blue sky is dotted with countless small stars. The blink of an eye seems to invite people to the vast space. The bright moon is like a silver boat sailing in the deep blue sea.


Just as I was about to pull my head back out of the window, several birds flew in the sky, chirping as if they were looking for something. My eyes followed the birds closely. After a while, they stayed on the balcony of a family. When I fixed my eyes, there was a bird cage with a bird in it. So they found their companions!


A little boy walked to the balcony, waving a small net bag, as if to catch the birds, or to drive them away. But the birds seemed not afraid of him, and they were still twittering there. Suddenly the child stopped waving, took down the bird cage and opened the cage door. The bird flew out of the balcony, circled twice and flew away.


When I saw the little boy who had been standing in the balcony and refused to leave, a warm current flowed through my heart.


Back to the desk, there was a faint halo on the books on the desk, and the originally boring characters and numbers became lovely again.

窗外作文600字 篇3


In the world, there are at least as many windows as there are hundreds of millions of people, and among these hundreds of millions of people, my window may be the most unique


There are three figures outside the window of my home, which are totally different.


The first figure is Mr. Chen. Looking down from the window, he is small at 188cm, but tall at home. Mr. Chen's figure is always reflected on the window at 12:00, and after a few bites of food, it is reflected on the window again. In his world, the concept of time may be superfluous. One person works five days a week. He works six days a week and is ready to accept the "battle" at 24 o'clock a day. He has only 24 o'clock a day to rest. Therefore, time is abandoned.


After a while, Ms. Huang, the second figure, also went out.


Now, there is a lot of excitement outside the window. In the window, I am alone at home. Loneliness burns like fire. Loneliness may no longer be the warm figure of those three together. Everything has been in the past, everything has been turned into nothing, and nothing can be retrieved


At 3:45 pm, the girl didn't come back, maybe she went to revise her homework!


At four o'clock, the girl didn't come back, maybe she was on duty!


At five in the evening. The girl did not come back. Maybe she is having a piano lesson!


Ten minutes, fifteen minutes, twenty minutes, the window is still empty, the street lights are on, it is the wind; There were fewer pedestrians, but the wind blew them away. Twenty five minutes, nothing changed. Half an hour, just float away, no, wait, it's a little girl! The little girl comes back! But my parents haven't come back yet.


The next morning, as usual, everyone left the door one after another.


At noon, three figures appeared on the grass at the same time, in the fragrance of flowers and under the sun!


This moment, a warm moment; This scene, a joyful scene; How much has this changed!


"Ding ding!" End the scene.


Difficult, difficult. Is it really so difficult to stick this moment on the window?

窗外初中作文600字 篇4


Looking forward to such a tranquility, you can hear the tranquility of the four seasons when you look out of the window; Looking forward to such a quiet, I will always have a quiet garden in the noisy crowd outside the window.


I like sitting in front of the window with a book. No matter in spring, summer, autumn or winter, no matter wind, frost, rain or shine, when tired, he will look out of the window to see the people and the scenery, the sun and the moon, the noise and the silence.


Opening Walden Lake, reading the quiet revealed in its blandness is really a kind of enjoyment, and I can't help feeling yearning. His eyes hurt a little and he looked out of the window. With bright lights, people and vehicles, they stop and go, they laugh and scold, they raise their glasses and cheer, they cry, they separate at the intersection... It is never quiet at night, but the thinking brought by the life words in the book is reassuring.


There is life outside the window and a story in my arms. It's better to have a bright moon above my head.


Watching the red sunset falling on the horizon of the bustling city, it was the white moon that rose quietly afterwards. No matter whether it was cloudy or sunny or not, she carried a white skirt, walked on the curtain of the dark night, cast her calm eyes into the window, and my room would light up; Throw it on me, and my heart will be bright.


The only thing that can give me peace at night is probably the month. She always sends me milky light regularly. In the dark night, in the noisy night, in the yellow street lamps and dazzling neon lights, she is so reassuring. It seems that the noise in the street has nothing to do with her. She has her own residence. No matter how many planes have flown over her face, the moon is not surprised. I reflected the soft light in my eyes, but it was not as dazzling as the sun. Instead, I wrote the word "gentle" incisively and vividly.


In the dark, the moon has its own silence; Under the moon, I have my own loneliness.


Keep away from the noise and paint a quiet land of your own. "The heart is far away from itself", hold a book and immerse yourself in your own world - find your Walden Lake, no matter how noisy, you can build your own Xanadu in your heart.


——"The moonlight is beautiful tonight."

窗外写景作文600字 篇5


Nobody noticed how the shabby old man got on the bus. He opened his handbag and shouted, "Who wants to buy spectacles? Glasses for sightseeing along the way!"


Nobody is interested in the old man's peddling. People are yearning for that mysterious place in their hearts and disdaining the scenery passing by the window.


Glasses look excited in the seat. He is a tourist fan. He has traveled all over the famous mountains and rivers. He has never heard of such a magical place. He thought to himself, "What is my greatest wish? Reputation, status, or something else?"


In front of the glasses sat the moustache and the curly haired girl. The two were leaning together and talking happily. The curly haired girl said that her biggest wish was to win the championship in the provincial beauty contest, while the eight character beard's wish was to make the girl's father change his mind and agree to their marriage.


Big belly is the manager of Daheng Electric Appliance Company. His wish is to make a fortune and become a real tycoon; The bald head is eager to become governor.


The scenery outside the window was constantly left behind by cars, and no one felt sorry. Only one child nestled in the arms of a middle-aged woman and looked out of the window curiously.


The car gave a sudden jolt and stopped.


"Is there something wrong with the car?" Big belly stood up anxiously and asked the driver.


"The road ahead is blocked." The driver did not look back.


Only then did people notice that there was a long car parked in front of them. As a result, people looked restless.


The old man took the opportunity to take out several pairs of "spectator glasses" from his bag and sold them to passengers one by one: "Buy one. Don't miss the view outside the window. Wear it and you will find something new."


Looking at the "ornamental mirror" made of cardboard, everyone just shook their heads.


"Mom, I want to watch the mirror!"


"Silly boy, that's a trick!"


"Old sister-in-law, you can't say that!" The old man walked up to him and said, "I made this spectator myself. It's wonderful..."


"Don't pester us," said the middle-aged woman. "I don't have many tickets in my pocket..."


"Then why did you take the children to this bus?"


"Go to Blissful Town! I hope to find the father of the child..."


The old man turned around with a strange expression.