
时间:2022-06-28 13:18:24 | 来源:语文通



Everyone has said a word, home and everything.But so far, I have never seen a family that has never been awkward. If someone says that our family is harmonious, then I can basically conclude that 80 % of their homes have had contradictions.Only in the TV series.


The family is in the world, and the children are affectionate. This is what people often say.It can be seen that our family and the country are inseparable. Imagine that if a country is full of contradictions, it will fall apart before it will not take long.How important it is, the peaceful heart is all -round.How many countries are advocating harmony with their homes now, but where does harmony come from? I think the origin of peace is not kind, love? Love can resolve all contradictions, just like the light in the cartoon can always defeat the darkness, justice can always defeat evil evils, and just can defeat evil.Same.Among countless cases, whenever the criminals are fighting, as long as there is a wife and children in front of him, most of the time he will abandon the gun to surrender, because he still has human nature, love is still there, and he knows what harmony is.


The same is true of our family. The relationship between mom and aunt is the best, but no matter how good the relationship is, it cannot avoid the friction of fire.No, yesterday, because of a cucumber, she was so noisy. Today, early in the morning, the little aunt sent the wrapped dumplings early to my house.The two of them laughed this morning, and my eyebrows came out. I really wanted to laugh.If every family can be like these sisters, I don't think it is necessary to promote "harmony" every day.


My dad is a person who has a special temper. He never listens to his grandparents. As for the friction between him and grandparents, there are more sparks, but every time Father's Day, Mother's Day or Elder's birthdayShe will never forget that she always preempt the first hotel and book cake. I am most admired by my dad. Sometimes I really think that our family can be regarded as a harmonious family, and it is a particularly happy one.kind.


There are soft light in the sun, there are stars at night, people have true feelings, home and family, and only one "and" can "flourish".,happy.



1、家和万事兴:家和万事兴读音为jiā hé wàn shì xīng,是指家庭和睦才能做任何事情都能兴旺。家和万事兴 jiā hé wàn shì xīng词语解释:家庭和睦才能做任何事情都能兴旺。分词解释:事情:1.事物的真相;实情。 2.事理人情。 3.人类生活中的一切活动和所遇到的一切社会现象。 4.犹工作,职业。家庭:以婚姻和血统关系为基础的社会单位,包括父母、子女和其他共同生活的亲属在内。和睦:相处融洽友爱;不争吵:家庭和睦丨和睦相处。...