
时间:2022-06-22 13:27:09 | 来源:语文通



On the weekend, the teacher arranged a family homework for us.That is to let us watch the "First Lesson for Safety Education of Primary and Middle School Students". At the beginning, I disagreed, thinking that those disasters could not happen to me at all.


This morning, when I was still sleeping, my mother pulled me out of my dream and asked me to sit in front of the TV and wait for the show. At that time, I was reluctant, but when the show started, I was deeply deepTouch.


In the show, through case analysis and expert explanation, I understand how I should save myself when the disaster is coming.For example, when the fire comes, we should quickly find a safe passage to try to be close to the ground as much as possible; when there are thick smoke, we can cover our nose and nose;In rural areas, many children's parents go out to work and give their children to elderly parents.Therefore, many friends have accompanied the river to swim without their parents' care.At this time, drowning often happened.Due to the lack of self -rescue knowledge, I do not know that they should expose their nose and nose, which leads to tragedy.Therefore, when the drowning situation occurs, we should not blindly launch the water to rescue, and we should call adults to rescue each other.


With the deepening of the show, it also made me understand the importance of traffic safety.If you walk on the road on the road, you should walk on the right; you should walk the crossway when crossing the road;


We are the future and hope of the motherland. Security education is very important for us.Through this show, we have established a sense of security, understand a lot of safety common sense, learned self -protection, and improved the ability of strain.This show also made me understand that life is beautiful, and life is worth cherishing.There is only one life, let us cherish life!



Long March, an endless book.


When tens of thousands of red troops set foot on the journey, in modern times, they are in the historical pass of life and death.The Red Army Long March took a generous and tragic blood battle, the turning point of the world, the warmth of the warmth, and the record of the legend of sadness and joy presented the thrilling and magnificent poem of the Long March in front of the reader.


To this day, the Red Army soldiers' ambitions of "throwing their heads and hot blood" have made us remember.The Red Army was involved in the mountains and wading, ice climbing, grassroots, belts, and hunger, blood war Xiangjiang, Sudu Chishui, flying to Luding Bridge, turning to Wumeng Mountain, strong crossing the Jialing River, and the town of fierce fighting.


During the Long March, there was a touching and touching story after another. One of the stories I know more about "A bag of dry food".It tells that when a 13 -year -old Xiaohong Army Xiao Lan moved forward with the army, he finally got a bag of dry food, but accidentally dropped his bag to the river when he took a bridge to take care of a wounded.It's right.She had enough dry food for everyone, and insisted that she did not tell them.In order to pretend to be fine, she pulled a lot of wild vegetables into the shoulder bag and stuffed.Soon, her body could not work. After the nurse found her "dry food" in wild vegetables and shoulder bags, everyone knew the truth of the matter.... Although the story is small, the connotation is not small.These little bit of details can reflect the excellent quality of the Red Army soldiers -not afraid of suffering, strength, selflessness, enthusiasm ... This is still the case, it can be imagined that the quality of our great Red Army team.


As a young pioneer, we have to be moved by the tenacious perseverance of the Red Army and the strong patriotic spirit.However, we can do more to study scientific and cultural knowledge, and never bow our heads in the face of difficulties.We can't get intoxicated in the performance created by the ancestors, but we must be self -reliance and self -reliance to create a great cause of the 21st century.This must be done, and it can be done completely!


We have gained strong, wisdom, bravery, confidence, tenacity, unity ... then, we must put these morals into the construction of the motherland.Link your growth and materials with the future of the motherland.Establish the country of patriotism and report the material of the country.Our home will become the power of the world, our nation will become the pride of the universe. Let us join hands, write a new history, and play a stronger voice in the future!



The start of school, followed by the annual "first lesson" after reading the first lesson in "The first lesson", I can't help but wet.


Among them, I was impressed by President Zhang Guimei. I couldn't imagine how deeply thought about her to make this feat.President Zhang Guimei described her deeds in "The First Lesson First Class": When she first went to school for the first time, her student laughed at her words like a high -pressure gun, which made President Zhang Guimei be confused and wanted to escape from the podium, but the studentsShe stopped her and asked her to give her class.It was 40 years old. Once she visited Dashan in Dashan and met a girl. The girl told Zhang Guimei that she wanted to study, so President Zhang's heart had an idea of creating a women's high school.Then a woman's high school appeared five years later.Yes! She did it!


I moved shed tears after reading it. It was amazing. She was the pioneer of people's teachers, a glorious Communist Party member, and a useful person to society.I will be a person who is useful to the country like her like her in the future.Planting melon, soy beans, as long as I study seriously and accumulate knowledge.In life, friendly classmates, helping each other, have great ideals and aspirations.With its own responsibility to realize the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, and strengthen the spirit of being the Chinese, bone, Qi Qi! Without the time, live up to Shaohua, and the eager expectations of the party and the people, I believe I can realize it! Commernts>


I am very touched, it will be better in the new semester!



In the evening, I entered the live broadcast room on time and watched "The First Lesson for Starting School" ... I was very moved.


At the beginning, it was playing a song "Mom teaches me a song".Next, tell stories.


The first story is the "Communist Declaration".What impressed me was a sentence: May you cultivate the deserted sand of the motherland into a beautiful national forest! At that moment, I was so hot that I couldn't help but move.


The second story is described by the children of Lazani Bika. Kaili Dabik is their ancestor. He has been guarding his soldiers for 23 years. Bitika is the son of Kelidi. He stayed for 32 years, and Lazani Bita said, "I want For forty years for the motherland. "But he sacrificed heroically because he saved his child from the ice cave. When she was rescued, her hand was still holding up, maintaining the posture of saving the child. In the story, Dier Khan Lazani said that he wanted to be a military doctor, both soldiers and doctors. When it comes to, Dier Khan means flowers, and Lazani means an eagle. She said that the bright flowers and winged eagles would guard our home together, our motherland. "And Ladir Lazani said that when he was eight years old, his father took him and his sister to keep the road and walked to the half -way sister. I don't want to go, but my father said, "Sister doesn't go, but you don't go, because you will be a border guard in the future. "I heard their stories, and tears turned in my eyes. I thought," Yes! Their families are guarding the same dream, and they are always guarding the motherland. "This moved me very much, determined to contribute to the motherland!


Hu Min also spoke some moving things.What impressed me most was that Zhang Jiamei created the first women's high school, allowing many children to get out of the small ravine.


I am proud that the history of the splendid civilization, as contemporary teenagers.We should be grateful to the motherland, repay the motherland, and promote this Chinese culture to the world.


The ideal is fire, igniting the revolutionary blood; ideal is the road, starting a happy life; the ideal is light, illuminating the road of revival!


Please rest assured, strong country, me!



God Beast returns. Under the organization of the school, we watched the first lesson of school.


Inside, many ordinary positions have done extraordinary things. In the new crown demon, the new crown demon devoured Ezhou ruthlessly.What can you do in 17 seconds, 17 seconds? Teacher He Mei saved the life of every child in the kindergarten in 17 seconds. The earthquake was ruthless and affectionate. He did extraordinary things in the ordinary post of teacher.Yang Guangfu has worked in poverty alleviation for several years, and poor households in a certain area are increasing.He spent his energy on this, and finally improved the tourism industry and agricultural industry in this area, and the profits of farmers increased by 1,300 yuan.


Ordinary positions have so many extraordinary people, and they will become stronger!



Today is a special day, yes you should all know this special day-school start.


Here, children in the country must write the first composition, "The First Lesson for the Starting School".So today I came to my brother's house and came to watch "The First Lesson of the Starting School" here. Here I saw the representatives of the new China before the founding of New China, such as Grandpa Mao Zedong and Grandpa Li Dazhao, youth artist, 00 -year Jian'er and three astronauts uncle.And some children of the same age.


The most interesting thing is that the uncle of the three astronauts drink tea in space. They use a instrument to inject water and tea, then take it to heat it, squeeze it out, and finally use chopsticks to eat the tea.We must study hard, because the future of the motherland has given us, which also reminds me of Mr. Liang Qiqi's words: young wisdom is national wisdom, and young people are rich.Young strong is strong, and young independence is independent.If you are freedom, you are free, and the progress of juvenile progress is progressive.When a teenager is better than Europe, the country is better than Europe.When the young man is on the earth, the country is the world.


The new semester is a loud corner, which has opened our new learning path.



I read the first lesson today, the theme is to create the future.


The first speech was Kung Fu star Jackie Chan. He said that he was just a dead corpse. He would be injured every day when he played a show. He said that he had been injured from head to toe.What you mean is the happiness of not struggling.


The second speech was Xie Hailong. The photos he took at that time made big eyes, Su Mingjuan, big nose, small bald head.Now they have grown up.


After that, there was Wang Tongjing to tell us about Zhuxinbu. Zhu Xin was considered to be an intangible cultural heritage last year, because it was left by the old ancestor.


Then Yu Minhong and Xue Qikun gave wonderful speeches, and many performances also left a deep impression on me.Their success and experience tell us that there is no success in the world. Only by paying efforts and hardships, and countless falls and failures can be successful.The success of successful people is their accumulation little by little, little by little, and slowly changed from quantitative change to qualitative changes, and they achieved their current achievements.


Their experience made me understand that I had to start from a young age, not afraid of failure, not afraid of difficulties, and slowly accumulating.



The cicada outside the window gradually lowered, the lotus root of the lotus pond quietly matured, the time always passed inadvertently, and the summer vacation had passed, and the opening season in September.On September 1st each year, we distributed in different parts of the motherland to open a beautiful new semester in the same way. This is the first lesson.


2021 The theme of "The First Lesson" is "ideal to illuminate the future".The seventh medal winner, the model of poverty alleviation, hero astronauts, representatives of the air echelon, the post -00 Olympic athletes, young and middle -aged art workers and youth representatives go to the podium together, and give students students across the country in the way of cloud classrooms.class.


Watching "The First Lesson Starting Lesson" seems to see a pair of time scrolls, from the opening of the party to the establishment of the party to the founding of the New China, and the overwhelming of reform and opening up.Achievement.


When I saw the seventh medal winner and the heroic deeds of the era model, I was admired.When I saw the post -00 Olympic athletes and young artists, I couldn't help but think of what Liang Qichao said -juvenile wisdom is national wisdom, young rich is rich, young is strong, young independence is independent, teenagers are free, freeIf the country is freedom, the progress of the juvenile progress is the country's progress.Premier Zhou once said "reading for the rise of China".So how do we look for the meaning of reading today? I think the meaning of reading is to make the people happier and the motherland stronger.


Looking at "The First Lesson of the Starting School", I have gained a lot. It made me recognize the party’s century, and the model that made me see, and made me think about the meaning of reading.My new study life.



Today is the first day of our school. At 8 o'clock in the evening, my parents and I sat next to the TV and watched "The First Lesson for Studies" with an extremely excited mood.


"Lesson First Class" is finally launched, because this show is really too deep for our education. The theme of "The First Class of the Starting School" this year is ideal to illuminate the future. I understand the history of China from it.When I saw the scene where the hero warrior sacrificed, I burst into tears, because the soldiers sacrificed the endless sacrifice of the country, they used life to exchange our happy life today. The red scarf on our chest is the symbol of the spirit of the revolutionary martyrs.


The first lesson of "Starting School" appeared on the Olympic Games. The bright red flag on the podium rose high. The scene was really shocking. This is the pride of our Chinese people. This is the pride of our Chinese.


I am a young pioneer and the flowers of the motherland. From now on, I must study hard and grow up to the motherland to make the biggest contribution to the motherland.



Difficulties are just the stepping stone of successful people. That is the way to success. Instead of complaining about it, it is better to lit a candle, find new hope, and give us to us.Life brings wonderful.


August 30th is the beginning and starting point of our new journey. Xi Jinping once said: "The journey is long, only the struggle." The new starting point must have a positive attitude to face it.


This year's establishment of the party century. On July 1, the pilot showed the magnificent scene of "July 1" in the sky. Teacher Sa invited Sister He who started at the beginning of the "1".It's hard to do, both tail and head.Some people can do it, and we can do it, don't deny ourselves.I have seen such a sentence on the Internet: "You and me seemed to have seen each other. Although I saw you apart, I saw you, and never imitated it at night. Even if there is no torch fire, you are the only light.The ideal of the ideal is shining. Today, we are thinking about the spirit and confidence of the Chinese, and we will pursue your footprint with youth, and set foot on another century -old journey. "Essence


Peng Shilu invented the first submarine in my country.When he was three years old, his mother died. At the age of fourteen, his father sacrificed fiercely. Since then, the people think that Grandpa Peng is a great man's child and adopts him.Jia's surname.The people's actions infected him. At the age of 14, he was sent to Yan'an School by the party. If he couldn't keep up, he desperately overcome difficulties and finally developed the first submarine.As long as you dare to overcome difficulties in any difficulties, it is not far from success.Just like we encounter different setbacks in our studies, we will not lose if you find a breakthrough point to solve the problem.


Difficulties in life are essential, just like detours in life are complete.Difficulties will cause us to lose our direction. Difficulties will make us fall into a swollen face, but please don't forget that it is also a rare experience in our lives, and it is our successful stepping stone.



At the beginning of each new school year, there will be a new first lesson to be broadcast, which is no exception this year.In the evening of September 1, less than eight o'clock, I opened CCTV1 channel.


The theme of this "first lesson" is "Ideally illuminating the future."In a touching story, a letter of 72 years apart made me cry.


Seventy -two years ago, the Red Army Lami Yu used his last strength in prison to write a letter to his five -year -old son Lan Genghuang.Today, Lan Genghuang has become a 77 -year -old old man.In the show, he talked with his father who became the revolutionary martyrs and wrote a reply.The ideal is fire, igniting the revolutionary blood.


Razil Bitca, the border of Hongqirafu, died on January 4, 2012, sacrificing the heroic sacrifice of children who fell into the ice cave.When people lifted him out of the cold lake, his hand still kept a supporting posture.This is his last free setting in the world. Now, he sleeps on the Pamir Plateau and guards the border defense line where his soul is around.At the first lesson of school, his daughter and son came to the scene. The twelve -year -old Ladir promised: "Dad, please rest assured, I will study hard, be admitted to college, grow up to be soldiers, and be a soldier.A border guard. "For the country's sidelines, it was the ideal of the three generations of the Razini family to guard for 72 years.


There is also Grandpa Peng Shilu, who is not well -known to be a cow baby, and has become an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering by studying hard.From an orphan, to a large scientist who built nuclear submarines and nuclear power plants.When he was young, he was arrested everywhere, and the poor people took care of him in danger. Later, due to the betrayal of the traitor, Grandpa Peng Shilu was arrested.The older generation of scientists can achieve career in that kind of hardship environment. Why can't we have better conditions?


Zhang Guimei established a female high, in order to break the shackles that added women in the mountains in the mountains, use knowledge to change their destiny, and send them out of the mountains with knowledge and fulfill their university dreams with knowledge.


What is a well -off? The first lesson of the start of the school responded to the question that confused me.During the Western Zhou Dynasty, Xiaokang had already appeared, and the "Da Ya · Democratic Labor" in the Book of Songs "also worked hard, but well -off."Refers to a relatively stable life.Today, well -off includes not only the people's lives, but also material wealth and spiritual wealth.Culture, wealth, education and so on.


Every time I started the first lesson, I gave me a new feeling. The new semester has begun. I want to inspire myself with the hard work and spirit of the older generations of scientists and the spirit of the older generations of scientists.



Today, I watched the first lesson at home. The theme this time was to feel the beauty around me.

首先是中国第一代女宇航员刘洋讲话,她的讲话,让我感觉仿佛在太空中遨游,让我们对太空充满遐想,渴望。接着是姚明讲话,姚明是动物保护形象大使,他通过与动物亲密接触,感受到了动物们美丽的心灵,动物和人类是最亲密的朋友,大家不要伤害野生动物,让他们有一个安定的家园。然后是2012年奥运游泳冠军。焦刘洋,叶诗文,他们在平时的训练每次都要游上万米,游了几乎有15年,每次训练都非常刻苦。这让我懂的了一个道理,我们要为自己的梦想而奋斗,只要不放弃谁都会成功的。在下来的是一位再普通不过的大巴司机,他在接送24位游客 ,突然,一片汽车残骸击中了他的腹部,他并没有喊叫,而是镇定的把车停在路边,并开启尾灯,并告诉乘客,不要慌张,给我打110,1……话还没说完,就永远地闭上了眼睛。接下来是男子体操队队员,他们团结一致,取得了胜利。这证实了一句话;没有一个人的完美,只有一个完美的团队!

The first is that the first generation of female astronauts in China spoke. Her speech made me feel like traveling in space, making us full of imagination about space and longing for. Then Yao Ming spoke. Yao Ming was an ambassador for animal protection. He felt the beautiful heart of the animals through contact with the animals. Animals and humans are the closest friends. Do not hurt wild animals and let them have a stable home. Then there was the 2012 Olympic swimming champion. Jiao Liuyang, Ye Shiwen, they have to swim tens of thousands of meters each time in their usual training, almost 15 years, and each training is very hard. This makes me understand. We must fight for our dreams, as long as you don't give up, you will succeed. In the past is a common bus driver. He was picking up 24 tourists. Suddenly, a car wreckage hit his belly. Tail lights, and told passengers, don't panic, call me 110,1 ... Before talking, I closed my eyes forever. Next is the men's gymnastics team member. They united and won. This confirms a sentence; there is no one person's perfection, only one perfect team!


The days are spent in flatness, as long as you observe with your heart, beauty is by our side.Let us be a caring person and share our happiness with everyone around us!


9月1日是我们开学的日子 ,晚上8点钟,我和爸爸妈妈一起收看了《 开学第一课 》 ,这也是持续了5年,每年新学期开学的“同一堂课 ”。和往年不同的是 ,今年首次在北京 、武汉同时设置了电视课堂 。这次晚会以“少年强 ,中国强 ”为主题 ,传递着人民至上 ,生命至上的价值理念 。

September 1 is the day of our school. At 8 o'clock in the evening, I watched the first lesson in school with my parents. This lasted for 5 years."The same lesson" of the start of the new semester.Different from previous years, for the first time this year, television classrooms were set up in Beijing and Wuhan.The theme of this party is based on the theme of "Juvenile Strong, China Strong", which conveys the value concept of people's supremacy and life first.

今年的《 开学第一课 》邀请了“共和国勋章 ”获得者 钟南山 ,“人民英雄 ”国家荣誉称号获得者张伯礼 、张定宇 、陈薇 等抗疫英雄,以及北斗三号卫星首席总设计师谢军上台“授课 ”,带领我们 温暖了很多感人的 抗疫故事,感悟了北平卫星的科学力量 ,无比温暖而有力的陪伴我们一起迎接新学期的到来 !

This year's "Lesson First Class" invited Zhong Nanshan, the winner of the Republic, Zhang Boli, Zhang Dingyu, Chen Wei and other anti -epidemic heroes such as the "People's Heroes" national honorary title, and Xie Jun, chief designer of Beidou 3, came to power."Teaching" led us to warm a lot of touching resistance stories, and perceive the scientific power of Peiping Satellite. It is extremely warm and powerful to accompany us to welcome the arrival of the new semester!

今年的 《 开学第一课 》分为三个篇章 “担当”“团结 ”“科学 ”,其中主讲人张定宇爷爷尤其让我感动 ,身处疫情的 “先锋部队 ”,年事已高 ,身患“渐冻症 ”却仍然 奋战在抗议一线 ,如战神一般 ,振奋着无数医护人员的心 。

This year's "First Class" is divided into three chapters "responsibilities", "unity", "science". Among them, Grandpa Zhang Dingyu particularly moved me."Gradual disease" is still fighting against the front line, such as God of War, inspiring the hearts of countless medical staff.

“人民英雄 ”陈微也说 :“除了胜利 别无选择 !”那么 ,是什么让我们取得“胜利 ”呢?自然是当下一步一个脚印的学习,扎实的吸收知识 ,努力让它们生根发芽,未来才能成为参天巨树,撑起中华的一片天 。

"People's Heroes" Chen Wei also said: "There is no choice except victory!" So what allows us to achieve "victory"? Naturally, it is a step -by -step learning.In order to be a towering tree, supporting the sky of China.

看完这次的 《 开学第一课 》,我学到了很多知识 ,心思也从暑假回归了课堂。接下来 ,我一定会刻苦学习 ,奋发向上 ,同时不忘锻炼身体 , 助人为乐 ,团结同学 ,真做一个无愧于 “强少年 ”称号的小学生 。

After reading the first lesson of the school, I learned a lot of knowledge and returned to the classroom from the summer vacation.Next, I will definitely study hard, work hard, and at the same time do not forget to exercise, help others, unite my classmates, and really be a primary school student worthy of the title of "strong teenager".



2020 is another year of school. With the sound of music, I waited early in front of the TV, and started on time at 8:30 in the first lesson of school!


This year's opening class is divided into three sections, which are responsible, unity and science.Each class moved me very much.


Responsibility: When we are still enjoying the comfortable holiday, they give up their reunion with our loved ones and resolutely return to work. They choose to retrograde without looking around, and help Wuhan to fight against the disease.They have a common name -angel in white.Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, who was in his 80s, also rushed to the front line of Wuhan's epidemic prevention. The photos of his tiring of sleeping on the high -speed rail were considered the most touching picture since 2020.


Solidarity: It is difficult to take care of the big things, and when the crisis is in crisis, he is suffering from gradients, but his back is straight and stands up with the hope of Wanjia's lighting.He is Zhang Dingyu, the dean of Wuhan Jinyin Tan Hospital.He dragged his staggering footsteps and fought on the front line day and night, so people called him "Trinity Dean".In the first lesson of school, Dean Zhang also shared many touching stories that happened during the epidemic.When it comes to the meaning of life, he said in a strong and optimistic attitude, "Life is to cherish every moment, every minute, and every second."This lesson moved me deeply.


Science: In this epidemic, I really felt the power of knowledge. Knowledge can help others, and even save people in water and fire.As a successor in the new era, I should work hard to learn knowledge, and use knowledge to benefit human beings, reward the country, and help others like Grandpa Zhong.


After the first lesson of school, I just want to say to Grandpa Zhong and all the medical staff: "It's nice to have you! You are working hard!"/Commernts>


A nation that has gone through hardships must have endless power; a country that has repeatedly frustrated and does not fall, there must be a solid backbone.We will help the epidemic.



At 8 pm on September 1st, "Lesson First Class" will always meet us as scheduled, this year is no exception. 2020 is a special year. We encountered it. We encountered it.A epidemic.Therefore, we have spent an unforgettable summer vacation. In this epidemic, the first lesson of school is also different. This year's theme is the young man, then China is strong as the theme.Pass the value concept of people's supremacy and life first.There are many anti -Japanese heroes on the show, including Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, Zhang Boli, Chen Wei and so on.But my favorite hero is Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. He is the most brave and kind person I have ever seen. His parents are a doctor. Therefore, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan also became a doctor.In the face of this epidemic, he was still the same brave, rushing to the front line of the epidemic, saving the wounded.When the epidemic was the worst this year, countless medical personnel went against the current, and the most serious place to distribute the epidemic situation, building the most solid city wall for the world.It was their virtue that he made his self -reliance on the momentum in a short time.


This lesson has benefited me a lot, and the touching stories of resistance made me understand that people are always small in the face of disaster.As long as you have the responsibility, you can solve the problem in a scientific way, then we can win.If you don't feel any difficulties, it must be someone who takes your weight for you.


In this show, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan said something particularly deep. I wish my classmates growing up in a healthy and happy growth in the new semester.No matter when and in the face of any difficulties, you must work hard to do your own thing.Thank you Grandpa Zhong Nanshan, I will remember your instructions.Be a qualified and patriotic new era, because only such a young man is strong can China be stronger!



The holiday is about to end, and "Lesson First Class" arrives as scheduled.The theme of "The First Lesson of School" is -ideal to the future.


The show begins with a book.It is this book deeply implanted the ideals of communism. In the hearts of generations of communists! This is a full translation of the Chinese Declaration of Communist Declaration in 1920. According to 2021, it has been in 2021History.It was originally created by Germans, Marx and Engels.Because our country at the time needed this spiritual food very much.Therefore, in the spring of 1920, Mr. Chen Duxiu found Chen Wangdao and asked him to translate the book into a Chinese version.In order to complete this difficult and great task, Mr. Chen Wangdao secretly returned to his hometown in Zhejiang.When he translated, there was a fun.


One day, when Mr. Chen Wangdao was translating, his mother brought him a plate of rice dumplings to let it dip in brown sugar.But he was habitually dipped in the ink and said, "Sweet enough, sweet enough!" I could feel that Mr. Chen Wangdao made a lot of effort and sweat for this significant book.


Then I watched a brief introduction from Li Dazhao, a proletarian revolutionary.It is the first person to promote Marxism.During the revolution, he was caught by the enemy and sent it to the climbing head.Before dying, he had no fear and trembling, and his eyes were full of firmness, as if telling the enemy: you have hanged me today and did not hang Marxism.The most worthy stars.


I also learned the aerospace spirit here; listened to the touching deeds of Mr. Zhang Guimei.Through these, I understand that people must have ideals and pursuit.


In the past, China was not strong enough, and countless predecessors contributed their lives for the rejuvenation of the motherland.So we began to explore the deep sea to the construction of China Space Station; from building a well -off society in an all -round way to fighting the Olympic Games.Our country is getting stronger.Come on! The new school year, work harder!



Tonight to 9:30 tonight, my parents and my mother watched the first lesson at home.


This is a different "first lesson", not only because of the use of cloud classroom technology this time, connecting Guangzhou, Wuhan and other regions, but also because I feel deeper than any "Lesson first lesson".


In "The First Lesson First Class", I impressed three things the most.The first thing is to be related to Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan loved sports when he was a child. In 1959, Grandpa Zhong Nanshan broke the record of the 400 -meter column in the country. However, he chose to study medicine under the influence of his parents.Become an excellent academician and made great contributions in the epidemic such as "SARS" and "New Crown Pneumonia".Now Grandpa Zhong Nanshan is eighty years old, but he still insists on exercise. When Wuhan has a new crown pneumonia, he rushed to Wuhan for the first time. It was really a husband and a man.


The second thing is related to Zhang Dingyu. There is a hospital in Wuhan. The dean is Zhang Dingyu. The hospital where Zhang Dingyu is located has treated many patients with new crown pneumonia. Zhang Dingyu used his magical hands to cure many patients one by one.But who would have thought that the kind dean was suffering from gradients. Perhaps he could not walk anymore in the future. Maybe he couldn't speak in the future, but his back was still straight, and he was still straight and topped all the patients in the hospital.There is a world!


The last thing is related to a big sister. She is called Fu Qiao and is a senior sister of high school.It is a square cabin hospital. The desk is a half -sheet workbone. Her spirit is worth our learning.


This time I have gained the responsibility and courage, I believe I will create a better self tomorrow!



Today is the first day of school. I want to watch "The First Lesson of the Starting School" at night. My mood is looking forward to and sad.


I was out of school, and when I got home, I immediately finished eating, went down to play immediately, and enjoyed the happiness before this "death".But it was still here, and my mother called me home.I can only turn on the TV and watch "The First Lesson of the Starting School". I was originally unwilling to watch it, but I do n’t know why, I think the first lesson in the start of the school is more beautiful, and I also feel very sad, because "Starting School starts school.The first lesson is about the situation in the epidemic.


"The First Lesson of the Starting School" has been read, but I will never forget this issue of "First Class". His content moves me. Several doctors who work on the front line are one of the famous Grandpa Zhong Nanshan. Grandpa Zhong Nanshan came to the scene and told us about his situation at the time of the epidemic. : Grandpa Zhong Nanshan rushed to Wuhan overnight. For example, a word he said in SARS: Send all patients with severe illnesses to me. But what moved me the most was the spirit of his work. The patient never stopped. There is also a doctor who works in Wuhan's square -cabin hospital during the epidemic. When he left Wuhan and returned to his hometown, he was reluctant to Wuhan. Still so reluctant? "He replied:" Because I have called countless people there, because I have worked there, I am reluctant. "


This issue of "The First Class of School" really moved me too much, and I would never forget.



Happy summer vacation time is always fast. In a blink of an eye, we have ushered in a new semester. Whenever it starts in September, my heart is always full of expectations because of the beginning of school because of the start of the school in September, because my heart is always full of expectations because of the beginning of school because ofOn the day before the start of school, you can watch a particularly meaningful program "First Class of the First School". The theme of the first class of the start of the school today is: ideal to illuminate the future.


As the host said, we learned about the difficult years of the motherland, seeing the party's development process, seeing many revolutionary ancestors' heroic and fearless feats in that period of years.These great feats make me bloody. This kind of fearless spirit has deeply moved me and the most impressive story is Li Dazhao's story.This is the content of Li Dazhao published on September 1, 105 years ago in "Youth" in "New Youth".In the show, Li Dazhao's grandson Li Hongta and Li Yazhong shared the revolutionary deeds of the grandfather: Li Dazhao had more than 200 oceans per month before his lifetime, but he put most of the funds into the revolutionary cause. After Li Dazhao sacrificed, he only left a big ocean to his family.His spiritual wealth is worth learning.I am proud of myself as a Chinese. The history of our motherland is very long, and even if there is difficulties on the way, I can't stand.


While watching the show, I deeply realize that in the development of the motherland, there are so many spirit worthy of our learning.I have taken the mission that history has given us, stands up the road of my waist, and moves towards the path of success.We must have a firm patriotism, always maintain the honor of our country, and return to our motherland's mother with our own actions.


After watching the first lesson of school, let me understand that our good life is hard to come now, and we must make full use of time.As students, we must learn the spirit of the ancestors in the first lesson of school, face our learning with a full and positive attitude, and continue to work hard to enrich our knowledge.Essence



September 1, 2020 is the broadcast day of "First Class". At 8 o'clock in the evening, I watched this show on time as usual.The first lesson of this year's starting lesson is different from the past. The theme this time is "Young Teenagers, China Strong!" And this theme also made me understand what "love and beauty".


Most of the beauty in the world is superficial, but love is a bit different.This may be because people have a different understanding of love and beauty.Some people think that it is beautiful to look good alone. In fact, this is wrong.A person's beauty should be spiritual and moral beauty. Only this beauty exists on us can the world become more beautiful.


When the epidemic was the worst this year, countless medical personnel went against the current and went to the front line to build the most solid shield wall for us. Is it not beautiful for us? It is because of their virtues that they are self -denial.Within two months, the spread of the epidemic was stopped.


For parents, children are the most important babies in this world. Even they can give up for their children, and parents take care of us in daily life. Why not love and beauty?


For myself, study hard, achieve good results, be admitted to good schools, and add glory to the motherland of my family. It is also my most beautiful place.


The so -called love and beauty are a kind of love and beauty from psychological and spiritual, rather than those who have hypocritical appearances. It is precisely because of the existence of this secret language that can make everyone very happy.



1、学生:学生读音为xué shēng,是指①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。学生 xué shēng分词解释:①在学校肄业或在其他教育、研究机构学习的人。②向老师或前辈学习的人。也用于弟子对老师或前辈的自称。(1) [student;pupil]∶在学校学习的人(2) [disciple;follower]∶接受他人的教导并帮助传播和实行的人分词解释:弟子:①古代泛指弟和子:弟子入则孝,出则弟(悌)。②学生:先达德隆望尊,门人弟子填其室。自称:1.自己称呼自己。 2.自己叫作﹐自己认为。 3.自我称扬。肄业:1.修业;学习(课程)。2.(学生)没有达到毕业年限或程度而离校停学:肄业生/高中肄业。在学:就学;在校学习。如:在学十年有成。...学生的近义词,学生的同义词是什么»

2、小学:小学读音为xiǎo xué,是指实施初等教育的学校。中国小学入学年龄为六周岁,学习年限为六年。小学 xiǎo xué分词解释:实施初等教育的学校。中国小学入学年龄为六周岁,学习年限为六年。分词解释:学校:有计划、有组织地进行系统教育的机构。起源于奴隶社会。中国古代的学校称为庠、序、学、校。在开始产生时不都是专门的教育机构,而兼为习射、养老的场所。以后的学校一般称为学。1902年《钦定学堂章程》中称为学堂,1912年的学制中改称为学校。实施:用实际行动去落实施行:从今年起实施新的教改方案。初等教育:也称“基础教育”。对受教育者实施最初阶段的教育。在中国,对儿童实施初等教育的学校为小学,对青年、成人实施初等教育的学校为工农速成初等学校、业余初等学校和识字学校,施以相当于小学程度的教育。中国:①古时“中国”含义不一。或指京师为“中国”。《诗.大雅.民劳》:“惠此中国,以绥四方。”毛传:“中国,京师也”。《史记.五帝本纪》:“夫而后中国,践天子位焉。” 裴驷集解:“刘熙曰:‘帝王所都为中,故曰中国。”或指华夏族,汉族地区为中国(以其在四夷之中)。《诗.小雅.六月序》:“《小雅》尽废,则四夷交侵,中国微矣。”又《礼记.中庸》:“是以声名洋溢乎中国,施及蛮貊。”而华夏族,汉族多建都于黄河南,北,因称其地为“中国”,与“中土”,“中原”,“中州”,“中夏”,“中华”含义相同。初时本指河南省极其附近地区,后来华夏族,汉族活动范围扩大,黄河中下游一带,也被称为“中国”。《晋书.宣帝纪》:“孟达于是连吴固蜀,潜图中国。”(“中国”指立国于黄河中下游的魏国),甚至把所统辖的地区,包括不属于黄河流域的地方, 也全部称为“中国”。《史书.天官书》:“其后秦遂以兵灭六国,并中国。”19世纪中叶以来,“中国”始专指我国家全部领土,不作他用。 ②“中华人民共和国”的简称。 ③中国(Madhya-desa)。古地名。即恒河中下游一带的中印度,佛教徒译称“中国”。见《法显传》。...小学怎么造句,用小学造句»

3、开学:开学读音为kāi xué,是指学期开始:开学典礼。 学期开始开学典礼开学 kāi xué词语解释:学期开始:开学典礼。[term begins] 学期开始开学典礼分词解释:● 学(學) xué ㄒㄩㄝˊ◎ 效法,钻研知识,获得知识,读书:学生。学徒。学习。学业。学友。学者。学阀。学制。学历。学步邯郸(讥讽人只知模仿,不善于学而无成就,亦作“邯郸学步”)。◎ 传授知识的地方:学校(简称“学”或“校”)。学院。学府。中学。大学。上学。◎ 掌握的知识:学问(简称“学”)。学术(一切学问的总称)。学位。学士(a.学位名,大学毕业生;b.古代官名)。才学。治学。学识。博学多才。◎ 分门别类的有系统的知识:学说。哲学。数学。小学(a.古代指文学、音韵、训诂学;b.现指初等学校)。● 开(開) kāi ㄎㄞˉ◎ 启,张,把关闭的东西打开:开启。开化。开诚布公。◎ 分割:对开。三十二开本。◎ 通,使通:开导。开窍。◎ 使显露出来:开采(挖掘矿物)。开发。◎ 扩大、发展:开扩。开拓。◎ 发动或操纵:开动。开车。◎ 起始:开始。开宗明义。◎ 设置、建立:开创。开国。开设。◎ 列举,写出:开单子。开发票。◎ 支付:开销。开支。◎ 沸腾,滚:开水。◎ 举行:开运动会。◎ 放在动词后面,表示效果:躲开。...开学怎么造句,用开学造句»