
时间:2022-11-12 12:52:05 | 来源:语文通



我的自画像三年级作文300字 篇1我的自画像200字三年级作文 篇2三年级我的自画像作文300字左右 篇3我的自画像 作文300字 篇4我的自画像四年级作文300字 篇5我的自画像 篇6我的自画像作文 篇7我的自画像作文300字 篇8我的自画像作文 篇9

我的自画像三年级作文300字 篇1


My name is Pang Jialu. I am eight years old this year. I am not tall. My small and thin body always invites adults to ask: "Where do I go to kindergarten?" I'm so angry that I blush. I've made up my mind to eat more and see what they say about those who are tall!


My long black hair is often combed into two low hanging sheep's horns. On the small and exquisite melon seed face, clear and bright eyes are embedded under two curved eyebrows, sometimes thick eyebrows are compact, sometimes bright eyes flash, as if they are absorbing endless knowledge and wisdom. There is a small, eloquent cherry mouth under her playful nose.


I am a lively and lovely girl with a wide range of interests. I like singing, dancing and playing the piano. But my favorite thing is painting, especially painting little girls. I will paint them with different hairstyles, beautiful clothes and beautiful high-heeled shoes, just like a real Barbie doll. I often dream that I am singing and dancing with Barbies in the paintings.


This is me, a lively and active person with a wide range of hobbies.

我的自画像200字三年级作文 篇2


My self portrait has been drawn. Look at me, everyone. I'm chubby. Isn't it cute?


My weight is 41 kg, and my height is 1.38 meters. My mother and father asked me to lose weight, but I said, "Although I am XX fat, I can work quickly!" Although I am fat, I love sports very much. I like running best. Before, I ran slowly, not as fast as my father. I insisted on running every day. Now, I run much faster than my father!


I am nine years old. My eyes are not big, but I am very intelligent. I am in the third grade this year, and I have been rated as a "three good" student every year.


I love singing. Everyone can always hear my voice all day long. They call me "Little Singer". I also love painting. More than 30 of my paintings have been recognized by my painter grandfather, who said that I am already a small painter. I am very lively, not impatient, is a obedient little boy, my mother loves me, I also like my mother.


I want to be a teacher when I grow up. It depends on my hard work!

三年级我的自画像作文300字左右 篇3


Hello everyone, my name is Huang Jinyi. I'm in the third grade this year. Do you want to know me? Take a look at the following content!


I have big watery eyes, a high nose under my eyes, and a small cherry mouth under my nose. I have black hair, but it is not long.


I like to wear white, black and blue clothes. My weight is 32kg and my height is 1.4m. I am a lively and cheerful girl. Here is a good example: a self introduction should be made in the first grade. Other students were very shy when they introduced themselves, but I jumped to the platform to introduce myself, and I was not shy at all. I was happy to finish the introduction. Other students said that I was lively and cheerful.


I like equestrian and tennis. Among them, I like equestrian best, because I can have a close contact with horses, and I can also learn some of their life habits from coaches.


I am such a lively and cheerful girl. Would you like to make friends with me?

我的自画像 作文300字 篇4


I am 9 years old and studying in Class 3, Grade 3 of Zhuge Primary School. At school, I am a good student in the eyes of teachers. At home, I am a good child of my parents.


I am a lovely boy. I'm tall, neither fat nor thin. I have dark shiny hair, a pair of big watery eyes, and I seem to be able to talk. When adults speak, I always look up and listen with big eyes.


I am a lively boy. I like to laugh, no matter where you are, you can hear my laughter. As long as I hear or see strange things, I always giggle.


I am a boy who likes reading. My mother bought me many extracurricular books, including Andersen's Fairy Tales, The Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Journey to the West, Green's Fairy Tales, etc. Every day when I come home from school, I will pick up my extracurricular books and read them all the time. When I forget to eat when reading extracurricular books, my mother always forces me to eat by taking books from my hands. Through reading, I have increased my knowledge and broadened my horizons.


This is me, a happy little boy --- Wang Jiahui.

我的自画像四年级作文300字 篇5


When I stood in front of the mirror, a lovely girl immediately appeared in the mirror.


I carefully looked at me in the mirror: I was 1.3 meters tall, neither fat nor thin, and my brain was light. Haha, people who saw me would say, 'You must be very smart!' A pair of big eyes as bright as black gemstones are embedded under the pale eyebrows. A pretty little nose looks good on an oval face; Two big irregular front teeth will be seen when I laugh!


My clothes are generous and decent, with a T-shirt and trousers, and a pair of fat shoes on my feet, which is both spiritual and conducive to my sports.


I am cheerful and lively, like to help others, and I love working. I often clean the table and sweep the floor at home. My dulcimer is very good!


Of course, "no one is perfect", I also have shortcomings. My parents often say that I am half hearted and lack perseverance. I also want to correct this problem very much, but it seems that I always do it again in two days, and I can't completely correct it. Alas! How difficult it is to correct mistakes!

我的自画像 篇6


hello everyone! My name is Fu Yanhan. I'm nine years old and I'm a lively and lovely boy. I was in the third grade of Jiangdong Central Primary School in Yinzhou District.


I am not tall or short, sitting in the third row of the class. I have a chubby face, and I laugh very cute. My eyebrows are thin and long, my eyes are like two round grapes, and my ears are catching wind. How about I'm cute!


I like reading. As soon as I got an interesting book, I wanted to read it all at once. Once, I had entered the world of books, and my mother came to call me to eat. After five or six times of shouting, I was still immersed in the world of books, and I didn't hear it at all. Finally, my stomach protested and had to go to dinner.


I also like sports. If my mother asked me to exercise, I would finish it in time every time. Once, when I was playing basketball downstairs, my mother asked me to go upstairs to have a rest. I shook my head and continued to play basketball. Finally, I was really tired, so I had to go home. After I had a good rest, I would continue to exercise.


I am what I am!

我的自画像作文 篇7


I'm Zhang Yuan. Do you want to know me? Please take a look at my small file!


I am a lively and cheerful little boy, with a pair of big and bright eyes. Under the bright eyes, there is a skillful mouth that can speak and sing. I also have a pair of slender hands and dark hair.


My extracurricular hobbies are: playing basketball, playing football, painting, playing billiards and so on.


My advantage is being helpful. Once, when I was crossing the street, I saw an old woman waddling across the street. I ran to her and said with a smile, "Grandma, can I help you cross the street?" The old lady smiled and nodded. After crossing the road, the old lady still smiled and said, "Thank you, good boy!" After hearing this sentence, my heart is sweeter than honey!


My advantages are like stars all over the sky, but no one is perfect. Every time I take an exam, I always make careless mistakes, mistaking "+" for "+"“ ×”, As a result, I could not get 100 points in the exam. Alas! I must overcome this carelessness.


How do you know me? This is me. If you want to know more about me, then be my good friend!

我的自画像作文300字 篇8


A small face, a pair of big bright eyes, two crescent moon like eyebrows, and black grape like eyes sparkle with wisdom. When you are impatient, the small mouth turns up and an oil bottle can be hung on it. Who the hell is this guy? Hehe, this is me.


I am a good child who is considerate of my parents. Whenever my parents give me pocket money, I always wave my hand, but whenever my parents have difficulties, I always take the initiative to share. I remember that it was a winter. My mother had a high fever. When she was going to buy antipyretic medicine, it was raining heavily outside. Looking at my mother at a loss, I rushed into the rain regardless of everything. Along the way, the rain hit me, and the cold wind "whirred". I was so cold that I kept talking. It's a terrible weather. I don't want to get up any more. But at the thought of my mother who has a fever, I had to grit my teeth and rush to the pharmacy... When I got home, my mother lay on the sofa, and then I gave her medicine, and her fever subsided. Looking at my mother's illness, I was very happy.


This is my sensible and clever child. Do you like me?

我的自画像作文 篇9


My name is Shi Ruixin. This name was given to me by my father. I think it means: smart like the sunshine in spring.


I am thin, my father always said, "It's too thin, bad, because it's easy to get sick." I said, "It's not good to gain weight, because the three highs will be abnormal." The eyes are big, dark and watery; The hair is long and black, and the roots are like willow branches; The dark eyebrows are like curved boats, and the lips are thin.


I like drawing. Once in an art class, the art teacher asked us to draw ancient houses. When I finished drawing, I showed the teacher: some roofs were like the roofs of the Forbidden City; Some roofs are like spires; Some roofs are like tile roofed houses. The teacher said, "The painting is real, and the color matching is good."


I like helping others. Once my deskmate's famous math teacher forgot to bring some advice, and the teacher had to explain, so I took him to watch. Another time, my deskmate was squeezed by someone else. Fortunately, I told the teacher in time that he was far away from the disaster of cough and fever caused by a sick cold.


This is me who likes painting and helping others.