Whenever I remember that day, there is always a feeling that I can't say, and the guilt floods into my heart like the water ...
At the end of the adjacent period, I have been looking forward to a set of LEGOs that can have Bugatti.It is placed in the window display, so huge, so exquisite, shiny under the direct light of the lighting effect.Whenever the window is displayed, I always stop to stare at it for a few seconds.
My mother seems to see my thoughts, and the service commitment me: "If your final exam can pass smoothly, I will take you to buy it immediately!" I was also very excited.
No, in a blink of an eye, it happened to me.
It seemed to release glory, and Dao Tao made it light to shine, and the bag was strictly opened to open it.I slowly acted across the tape with a paper knife and kept the box with my heart. A bag of Ledo Gao Tablet area was well ordered. A book use instructions are thicker than my books.Seeing the photos, I was in a hurry and a little reluctant, because it was the product I couldn't stop.
In recent days, it has been placed on my table and is lofty.Finally, I can't bear curiosity.I touched my head and gradually assembled.
One hour, two hours, three, four ... day after day, when I see that I am going to do it, I have an indescribable to be proud!With hard work, I couldn't help but have some trouble, so I slowed down and went to bed in front of the table ...
With a bang! "I was startled, and I saw only my brother and a bunch of scattered LEGO building blocks on the ground.I was shocked, and suddenly the fire was furious, and my brother pulled away.Show, "How do you do that!" The younger brother accidentally pulled away, ran into the table along the bed, scratched his legs, and cried and made trouble again.
My mother came over, and I described the things in anger.Mom did not say a word, took the younger brother and left the house.
I suddenly closed the door, and there was a loud noise.There were a lot of piles in the misty room.I was silent, staring at Lego bricks, and kicking myself.
There was a burst of crying at the door, and I suddenly had indescribable guilt in my heart, and I regretted it.
I was motionless in bed, I do n’t know where to float a light source because I do n’t want to control it.As everyone knows, the younger brother and mother who went in.My brother went to help me apologize, and my mother did not blame me, but just accused my brother.
I don't have any taste in my heart.Therefore, because I apologize for my behavior.Recalling that because I didn't know because of my brother's apology or the tolerance of my mother, I found that on that day, my childhood life came to an end.
1、儿时:儿时读音为ér shí,是指儿童时代。 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前儿时 ér shí词语解释:儿童时代。[childhood] 童年谈及儿时故乡的景物,如在眼前分词解释:儿童:较幼小的未成年人(年纪比‘少年’小):儿童读物。时代:①社会发展的不同阶段或时期:原始时代|社会主义时代。②个人生命的某个时期:儿童时代|青年时代。③美国新闻周刊。1923年创刊。以报道国际、国内新闻为主,并大量使用图片。有国内版和国外版。国内版在纽约出版。国外版分大西洋、亚洲、拉丁美洲、南太平洋等版。各版内容基本相同。● 时(時) shí ㄕˊ◎ 一切事物不断发展变化所经历的过程:时间。时不我与。◎ 较长的时间:时代。古时。◎ 泛指一段时间:时光。时令。时分。◎ 现在的,当前的:当时。时下。时务。时宜。◎ 常常:时常。学而时习之。◎ 一年中的一季:时序。四时如春。◎ 旧时的记时单位,一昼夜十二分之一为一“时辰”,深夜十一点至次日凌晨一点为“子时”,中午十一点至一点为“午时”。◎ 现在的记时单位,一昼夜的二十四分之一:时钟。时差(chā)。◎ 某一时刻:按时上班。◎ 不定时,有时候:时而。时阴时晴。◎ 机会:时机。待时而动。◎ 姓。● 儿(兒) ér ㄦˊ◎ 小孩子:儿戏。◎ 年轻的人(多指青年男子):男儿。儿女情。◎ 男孩子:儿子。生儿育女。◎ 雄性的马:儿马。● 儿(兒) er ㄦ◎ 作助词(同前一字连成一个卷舌音):小孩儿。...儿时怎么造句,用儿时造句»
2、积木:积木读音为jī mù,是指儿童玩具,是一套大小和形状不相同的木块,大多是彩色的,可以用来摆成多种形式的建筑物的模型。 通常是立方的木头或塑料固体玩具,一般在每一表面装饰着字母或图画,容许进行不同的排列或进行建筑活动积木 jī mù词语解释:儿童玩具,是一套大小和形状不相同的木块,大多是彩色的,可以用来摆成多种形式的建筑物的模型。[block;children's builing blocks;toy bricks] 通常是立方的木头或塑料固体玩具,一般在每一表面装饰着字母或图画,容许进行不同的排列或进行建筑活动分词解释:大小:1.大与小;大或小。 2.指尊卑或长幼。 3.谓大小的程度。 4.偏指大或小。 5.犹多少。引申指情况。木块:1.如劈柴。 2.短圆木劈成二分之一、四分之一或者多块的木片,或纵长地锯成的段木。形状:①物体通过面或线条组合而呈现的外表:葫芦峪因两山中间像葫芦而得名。②行为;样子:寄言纨裤与膏粱:莫效此儿形状!建筑物:通称“建筑”。指供人们生产、生活、游憩、观赏及其他活动的房屋或场所。如厂房、住宅、厅堂馆所、亭台楼阁和纪念性建筑等。...积木怎么造句,用积木造句»
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