
时间:2022-09-28 13:23:24 | 来源:语文通



感恩母亲作文500字 篇1关于感恩母亲作文600字 篇2感恩母亲作文500字 篇3感恩母爱作文600字 篇4感恩母亲作文 篇5感恩母亲作文500字 篇6感恩母爱作文500字 篇7感恩母亲作文600字 篇8感恩母亲 篇9

感恩母亲作文500字 篇1


The most selfless, greatest, and lofty love in the world is mother love.In my study life, my mother gave me meticulous care. In my mother's care, I grew up healthy and happy.


Whenever I encounter difficulties, my mother always accompanies me.I remember one time, because I was sick, I was sick, I had a fever all night, and I was diarrhea.My mother was very anxious. She helped me measure the temperature and took the medicine for a while.The next morning, I opened my eyes and saw that her eyes were full of blood and tired look.I understand that she hasn't closed it all night.But she still said to me with a smile, "Is it better?" Listening to my mother's words, my heart was sour.


Mom is also my "hardcore" supporter.Whenever I get a good result, my mother always gives up a thumbs up in the distance and bless me; whenever I fail, my mother always encourages me to continue working hard.What makes me most memories is that when participating in the Guzheng competition in the province, the three good friends we went together, their grades were better than me.When I learned the results of the game, my heart was very uncomfortable, and tears couldn't help flowing.My mother gently wiped my tears, pulled me aside, and whispered to me, "The result of the game is not important. What is important is that this time we have the courage to participate, and we see the advantages of other students.After discovering the shortcomings of ourselves, we need to continue to work hard after returning home, compare with them next time, okay? "


There are countless love for mothers, and the mother's love is everywhere.The love of my mother is like a flower of flowers. I seem to be a small bee in it, flying freely in the ocean of this flower, collecting all kinds of pollen.I also want to give my mother countless sweetness like a little bee, and to my mother countless smiles.

关于感恩母亲作文600字 篇2


What is the mother?She is our loved one, and she is the person who gives us life.She was silently cared for, love, and protection behind us. Her love was silent and invisible.She did not hang love often, but what she did for us, even a small move, lifted you when you fell.After a sentence, when you make a mistake, her choice is to point out your mistakes immediately, instead of watching you wrong.


Mother, a halo for me, is shrouded in me all the time, protecting me.When I was in a bad grade, she blamed my voice now. I still remember now.In fact, no matter how big we are and mature in their eyes, we are still the same as children and need her care.My mother is also the most dependent on me until now. As long as I see her, I will have a sense of security.Perhaps this is motherly love, it is everywhere, it is also great.Maybe she once hit you, but what is it for us?It is reminding us that we cannot go like this and we cannot make the same mistake again.Or a warning that warn us what we should not do.I still remember that when my mother hit me, every time she hit me, she would hold me crying, saying that I was sorry for me, I was sorry in my heart.Pain in the heart of the mother.This sentence is also right, because we are a piece of meat from our mother.


Every mother will use two children to compare, and then they will say, "You see the children of others, everything is good, and if you can become like others." In factNo blame, no disgusting.This is the mother in another way to remind you to work.Which mother does not want her child to be happy every day and healthy?Everything that mother does is for your good.


So, go and love her mother, she will always love you the most!

感恩母亲作文500字 篇3


Mother's love is selfless and great.Mother's love can not be expressed in a few words.


Like the children of the same age, I am proud of being the best mother in the world.The warm hands on the mother's hand, like a charming spring, the mother's hand is the spring breeze of March, stroking us.The mother did not have a very beautiful appearance or gorgeous clothes, but she was always the most beautiful and greatest in my heart.


The mother is selfless, just like Meng Jiao's: "Whoever speaks the heart, reports San Chunhui." The mother's thoughts about us will never be finished.In those days, due to the tension in learning and the pressure in my heart, I did not call home for a few days, but my mother called her sister for her to talk to me. After that, it was the words you care about.Maybe it's really my fault, so you can't restrain this concern.


Mother!The wrinkles on your face are increasing, and a trace of wrinkles are a trace of effort you spent for me. Your love for us has not changed, but what you change is your face. The deeper love, the more changes.The traces of the mother are everywhere, and the world is more perfect because of her motherly love.Mother's love, your gentle spring breeze, blowing through the earth, awakening everything.


When parting, the tears of your mother's flashes in tears have never flowed out. You are implying me: Children, you want to be strong, you have grown up.The tears that flashes in your eyes express your reluctance. Too much vows cannot represent anything, but you must rest assured that I will not let you down.


Day after day, year after year, ten years like one day, spring, summer, autumn and winter constant conversion.Essence

感恩母爱作文600字 篇4


Mom and dad I want to talk to you, tell you all the stories buried in your heart.I am a delicate flower, you are water and fertile land.It is you who let me thrive, so sweet water makes me happy, and the moist soil makes my young body has enough nutrition.I am a flying bird.You give me the best environment, I have the protection of my father and the care of my mother.


It is you that you have a egg that has always been strong, and your care allowed me to fly into the sky.Mom, you are so busy on weekdays, like a hard -working bee, always shouting back pain at night. Every time I see here, my heart is like collapse.You give me a day of three meals. You give me a meticulous care; you have no worries about your food and clothing, and your great motherly love, which makes me understand the joy of life.


On the bus, I always put my feet behind the door, and when the door opened my feet, I was caught by the door. Your anxious mood made me know the greatness of mother love.When I have a fever, you and your dad are so irritable.If you sleep all night, you have to wait for me to burn and retreat before you fall asleep.You love me so selflessly.You let me learn to plus one, one is equal to two, and you work hard, just to have a good future and more knowledge.


Once I saw that I was dirty, I started sweeping the ground with a broom.When my mother saw it, she came angrily and said angrily: "Your task is to learn, and the housework such as sweeping the floor is a matter of our adults. You just do your things well." I listened to my mother's wordsAlthough I was sad, I knew that although my mother said it was very sad, I knew that my mother was also good for me. She was distressed to me.


I did n’t take the test at one time. I told my mother and told my mother. I thought my mother would hit me. I did n’t expect that my mother did not criticize and did not hit me. I also said to me with a gentle voice: "It doesn't matter, work hard next time!"My mother did not let my soul hurt, but hid the anger.


If you do n’t have me, your parents do n’t have me. My parents thank you, thank you very much for that time again, thank you for letting me thrive

感恩母亲作文 篇5


Mother is always synonymous with love and hard work.Then mother's love is a ocean, and I grow up happily in the ocean of this love.


I remember a cold wind in winter. The whistling wind made me frightened. I cope with the composition arranged by the teacher early and wanted to go to bed to sleep.Then I took the written composition to find my mother for signing and signing. Who knew that my mother suddenly got up and found a bunch of errors to change me.


When I checked my mother again with a modified composition, she torn my composition into a bunch of waste paper.I watched myself as a result after my "hard work", and I couldn't help but fire, but my mother opened the mouth first: "At your level, it is like this? Can you change it? I don’t believe it!! "I returned to the room and couldn't write it anymore: Why can't I let me rest early?It's so cold outside, it's comfortable to lie in the bed!


I was complaining about my mother, but she pushed the door gently and said to me, "I know you can't write it, yes, I also know, such a cold day, everyone wants to go to sleep.How comfortable it is! But have you ever thought about it, if I let you sleep today and deal with homework, do you dare to guarantee that this will not be like this? How about the day after tomorrow? If you have developed a lazy habit, then it is too much to develop too much, then it would be too much to develop, then it would be too much to develop, then it wouldNot worth it. "


My mother's words are always so reasonable. After I understand my mother's good intentions, I finally wrote that article, and finally passed the mother's "fire eyes" smoothly.I put my homework into the schoolbag, lying on the bed, and remembered what my mother said to me again.


I firmly believe that my mother must have a double -eyed eye -eyes, discover my problem in time in the most subtle place, and give the most patient guidance, so that I will not go astray.Although she has no shocking power, her love is enough to let me shake the world.


Mother love is a ocean, and I grow up happily in the ocean of this love.

感恩母亲作文500字 篇6


"Only mothers in the world are good, and children with mothers are like treasures ..." Whenever I hear this song, I think of my mother.My mother's love is like the winter sun, which brings me warmth; my mother's love is like summer ice cream, which brings me cool.My mother loves me very much: When I am sick, she takes care of me meticulous; when I encounter difficulties, she will encourage me to move forward bravely; when I encounter difficulties in my studies, she will encourage meI can do it.One thing made me unforgettable.


When I was young, I was short, half a head shorter than my peers.Because my mother and my grandmother are not tall, my mother is afraid that I am not as tall as them, so I am very anxious.Especially in elementary school, my mother found that many of my classmates who were younger than me were much higher than me, especially when I saw my two younger sisters two years younger than me nearly five centimeters higher than me. My mother was more worried about me.


My mother started to pay special attention to my figure and said, "The little girl grew up before the age of thirteen, and I didn't grow up much after the age of thirteen." Every day my mother will tell me in the classroom.Check on the Internet how to make nutrients, then print it out, stick it in the kitchen, make me with different samples, and let me eat the most nutritious food.And my mother also said that it is more helpful to exercise frequently.So my mother took me to climb the mountain and let me run on the weekend.In addition to eating and exercise, my mother also told me to go to bed early, saying that only sleeping can grow.My mother said that I grew up at night from 10 o'clock to two o'clock in the middle of the night, so let me nine o'clock


You must go to bed before, and you must not delay.My mother's efforts are not in vain. Now I am as tall as my peers, and I am quite high in the class.My mother said that I would continue to work hard to strive to grow to one meter six and five.


Mom always cares about me in my growth. I really want to say to my mother, "Thank you, mother! I must use excellent results to repay everything you pay for me with excellent results."

感恩母爱作文500字 篇7


In the first grade of elementary school, the teacher often asked us, "Children, who should you thank in this world?" I always raised the first handle: "I want to thank my mother because my mother puts me on meBring to this world. "


And now I am no longer the first -grade elementary school student in my face, but a handsome and smart big brother. I know more about it.But I still thank my mother for taking me to this world. I also thanked my mother for my careful teaching of me, tolding and instructions to me, every time I spent on me, and every pen and ink I used to me.


Let's start with my mother's careful teaching.Whenever the teacher arranges the work of copying words, my mother always says, "Zai Tsai, mother listen to you, okay?" At this time, I would not hesitate to hand the Chinese books to my mother.Whenever a unit is finished, my mother always says, "Wen Zhe, do the compliance of this unit, okay?" Sometimes I will protest, but learning is my own business. Why do my mother call me to review?Did I review it?I was calm and down, and then went to meet the standards.


Besides, my mother told me and instructed me.Whenever she is about to take the exam, my mother always leaned down and pointed out my wrong questions. What should be noticed when I take the exam and the words I are not familiar with.


Then I said that my mother spent every time I spent.Whenever I have a question that I can't do, my mother always puts down all the work in my hand to help me open my mind.Whenever I am writing homework, my mother will not play with my mobile phone, but patiently watching me to do the question.


Why do I want to thank my mother every pen and ink for me?Because I am a careless child, I often do wrong questions, and my mother will copy all my wrong questions with a book, record it on a book, and let me do it when I have time.


My mother has paid so much for me. Shouldn't I study hard to repay my mother?

感恩母亲作文600字 篇8


I woke up when I dreamed of my mother at night.When I woke up and tried to catch this dream, I didn't know where it flew.——The inscription


Late at night, looking at the familiar face of my roommate, listening to the sound of my roommate, I couldn't sleep anyway, I couldn't help but want to work for me for a whole day.Mom, there is an indescribable taste, which is very strong in my heart.


When I was ignorant when I was young, I always laughed at my mother.My mother said nothing.After a long time, I heard my mother sigh gently.I was ignorant when I was young, and I never felt sad for this.


Once I did not listen carefully because of the class, I took 71 points for the test Chinese.I was at a loss, dragging heavy footsteps and walking towards the house.I don't know why, the road today is so short.When I met an acquaintance on the road, I lowered my head embarrassed.As soon as I looked up, I saw their ridiculous eyes.Unconsciously, I stood in front of my house, and my mother was ready to wait for me.When I, I couldn't help it.I rushed to my mother's arms and cried.I know my mother's tears are difficult to produce!


Mom, when I was a child, my daughter did too much to make you sad.Now that my daughter has grown up, I know the "abominable" approach when I was a child.My daughter is sorry for you!But I have never had the courage to admit my mistake to you.I can only tell you in this article that I am sorry for 100 times, and I am sorry for 10,000 times.Hope you can forgive your daughter."Mom, I want to tell you, but I said something wrong.


Swallow again "


Mother, I saw the wrinkles in the corner of your eyes, and I also saw your pale hair.This is the trace of the ruthless years!No matter how beautiful people are, they can't hide the destruction of the years. I hate the old man. He has taken away your beautiful youth. I know a truth that is: there is no mother who does not love his children, but he is not good at talking.Darum, dear mother!


Dear mother, in a few days, it is the 60th birthday of the motherland's mother. I am proud of my two mothers. In this sacred day, I have the same noble respect and the same sincere admiration of these two mothers.I wish you and the mother of the motherland, Shou Bi Shan is higher, Fulu East China, everything is auspicious!

感恩母亲 篇9


Maternal love is the most selfless love. It is like Gan Lin in spring, sprinkled in our hearts. Although it is silent, it nourish the seedlings of life.


When I and other children were crazy, the clothes were always cut, but when they returned home, my mother would help me make up without complaints.My mother will become very nagging in the days I am about to leave (my home is far away from school, and I live in school for many years), but in each word contains my mother's strong love for me.I realized my mother's love for me from this line.


I remember that when I was young, I was sick and sick. Every time I got sick, my mother always took me to the hospital for the first time.When my face gradually recovered, my mother was already exhausted, but at my request, I carried me home.In this step, I felt motherly love.


I am very naughty, and I often make mistakes and can't afford it, so that my mother is good for us.I remember that one year I took the sickle from the house, and I wanted to try it. I cut it out of the "weeds" of other people's homes.Not weed, but soybean seedlings.My mother lost their money while losing their money.After they left, I warned me not to do that in the future.My mother told me a lot. In the teachings of this sentence, I felt my motherly love.


When I washed my mother's feet, I was holding a pot of warm water. My mother slowly stretched my feet in, and I slowly helped him wash.When I was washed into my feet, I was shocked, the feet had been cracked, and the heels had long cocoons. I knew it was for our family.My feet, my heart was crying, and I didn't care about my mother for so many years.I feel my motherly love from this foot.


Mother love is the greatest love in the world. Mother is the greatest person in the world. Their selfless dedication does not ask for returns, so I will repay the mother's strong love and love with filial piety and filial piety.