Listening to my mother said that Grandpa liked to smoke a long time ago, and couldn't help smoking. Grandma always said, "Smash less, smoke less!"Dad said, "Your father smokes, let's buy a TV for dad, black and white, okay?"
Since then, my dad has to go to an ice tank of ten kilometers every day to help others sell popsicles. At that time, it was a hot summer. He walked into the ice bank and wore cotton jackets.30 yuan, at least 10 yuan, Dad is so tired every day.Mom was a master at a textile company and taught three apprentices, which made the boss happy.When I was happy, I gave my mother 30 more, and my mother was happy now.As soon as you go home, put the money in the storage tank and buy a TV for Grandpa.
When Grandma buys vegetables, bargains have been bargained. After a long time, there will be more change.As long as there is a free time, grandma go to play mahjong, sometimes win a little money, and sometimes lose a little. Sometimes, if you are lucky, you will win thirty or forty yuan.TV.
In a blink of an eye, three months have passed. Grandma thought of a grandfather who smoked three months ago, and immediately asked the mother to count the money, wow!325 yuan, finally, you can buy a TV!Grandpa is finally not tired!That day, the family picked up the grandfather to choose a black and white TV. With it, Grandpa returned every day and could watch the news.very happy,
Thank you, Mr. TV, you brought happiness to my grandpa.
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