
时间:2022-11-09 13:25:48 | 来源:语文通



国庆的作文 篇1国庆节作文 篇2国庆作文400字 篇3国庆节的作文 篇4国庆的作文 篇5国庆作文 篇6国庆作文 篇7

国庆的作文 篇1


Today's October 1st is the 73rd birthday of the great motherland. Our family also happily came to the Botanical Garden.


Once in the garden, the words "National Day", which are arranged by various flowers, are very conspicuous. Look! The "little tiger" on the right is very cute. Maybe you think it's a botanical garden. How can there be a "little tiger"? Hee hee, actually, the tiger is also made of plants. I really admire the craftsman who placed the tiger. He can put the "tiger" vividly, and the craftsmanship is amazing.


Walking inside, we saw a peaceful lake. The lake is rippling with blue waves. The willows on the lakeside hang branches. When the wind blows, the willows caress the lake water tenderly, adding a charm to the already lush botanical garden. Walking along the lake bank, we walked to the chrysanthemum garden. There are various chrysanthemums. The colors are also different. They are as red as fire; Pink like rosy clouds; The yellow gold medal attracted many tourists to watch it.


It was the afternoon. Although I was still enjoying it, my father said it was time to go. I just reluctantly went home.

国庆节作文 篇2


Motherland, you have gone through an extraordinary 72 years, like a baby growing into a prime of life, today you are full of vitality, emitting a vibrant vitality, you have suffered, but also laughed. After ups and downs, tomorrow will be even better. Over the past 72 years, you have undergone earth shaking changes and your people have become increasingly prosperous. Your national strength is becoming stronger and stronger. You have united the hearts of all Chinese people! You have won the respect of the world. Now you are going into the new century with high spirits. Today, in this festive festival, I want to say to you from the bottom of my heart, hello, motherland!


On October 1, 72 years ago, the day of celebrating for hundreds of millions of Chinese descendants in the past 72 years, the 5000 year old ancient China opened its young eyes, woke up on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and breathed its long lost youth. A new China was born in the waves of the world


Throughout the ancient and modern times, overlooking thousands of miles, we can see the magnificence of China's great rivers and mountains, and the splendor of 5000 cultures. In terms of majesty, I have the mountains of the Western Mountains stacked high; Speaking of beauty, I have the Yunsong Stone Peak of Huangshan Mountain; Say Su Wei, you can't see the eaves of the colonnade in the Forbidden City; Say chic, you can't see mountains and water in Suzhou gardens. The Yellow River is rich in color, and the West Lake is light in color. There are black soil forests in the north, green mountains and green waters in the south, vast oceans in the east, and desert smoke in the west. Talk with me about outstanding people in China: Li Taibai in literature and Sun Wuzi in martial arts. Since the Xia Dynasty, how many outstanding people have shown their talents in the land of China: talk with me about the spirits of the land: Jiayu Mountain and Sea, inside and outside the Great Wall, and in the future. It also connects the roof of Qinghai Tibet with the sky dew, and Pingchuan in the southeast picks up treasures from the sea. There are so many mountains and rivers in China, and China is so outstanding. How can I not love her? There is no reason why we should not work hard for her? China, a great country standing proudly in the world, has tens of millions of reasons, and even tens of millions of forces are prosperous and prosperous.


The Yellow River and the Yangtze River run thousands of miles. What a splendid nation you have nurtured! The glorious history of five thousand years and the Chinese civilization, which is famous all over the world, are impressive. The trickling rivers are your elegant long hair, and the long mountains are your strong backbone. You have mountains and fields of treasure, you have beautiful landscapes, you have the magnificent Forbidden City, you have the Great Wall stretched by winding flies, and you have eight wastelands.

国庆作文400字 篇3


The National Day is coming as scheduled. While students are celebrating the National Day, we are also looking forward to the school sports meeting held every three years.


Because it was a sports meeting, the teacher said that many people would come to see it, so the students did not dare to sign up. I was no exception, and did not sign up. During the physical education class, the teacher called on the students to actively sign up for the sports meeting. With the encouragement of the teacher, many boys in the class jumped to sign up, but I still dared not sign up. Under the guidance of the teacher, many students practiced running, and I wanted to try it, but I didn't expect to run first. So most of the boys in the class suggested that I take part in the sports meeting, but I still didn't want to take part. Several boys in the class even said dirty words to me, which made me and some friends turn around and leave.


The next day, as soon as I arrived at the classroom, the sports committee member in the class said the project and name of the boys' newspaper. I felt that there were only a few people in the story. I thought they could all participate. Why couldn't I participate? So I got up the courage to sign up.


At the time of the competition, I was a little nervous. I fell down when I was nervous. But for the honor of the class, I endured the pain of the competition. As a result, I won the second place in the school. The teacher said, "Your perseverance is worthy of praise from the students.".


I like the National Day. I hope to go to the next National Day soon!

国庆节的作文 篇4


Autumn October is another harvest season. The great mother of the motherland finally welcomed her 71st birthday after experiencing countless hardships.


As the descendants of China, although they could not be present at the scene, the hearts of the people all over the country were closely linked to the motherland, and they watched the grand parade through television networks.


At 10 a.m., accompanied by the magnificent sound of 71 gun salutes, the colorful five-star red flag rose slowly under the eyes of the public, and the parade officially began: the first to appear was the high spirited and heroic honor guard of the three armed forces; Then there are new weapons with powerful and advanced facilities; At last, there is a highly skilled and amazing aircraft display array


Seeing that my motherland is becoming stronger and stronger, I am very proud. I must study hard and cheer for my motherland when I grow up!

国庆的作文 篇5


On October 1st, the annual National Day came. It was the birthday of our mother. The streets are full of colorful flags flying, and the five-star red flag is shining with five-star light in the air. Large red lanterns were hung in the streets and lanes, and all the districts were decorated to celebrate this beautiful day.


The weather is very sunny today. My mother and I went to the Children's Park together. The trees in the park are luxuriant. Grandma Qiu turns the leaves in the park red, like raising red flags for National Day. The flowers in the flower bed smile more brightly. They swing their petals and dance in the wind, like a beautiful dance for the National Day.


The park is very lively and full of visitors. Their faces are full of happy smiles. Everyone is enjoying themselves.


I played slide, swing and the most exciting trampoline in the park. Finally, I made a beautiful clay doll, which was very interesting. When I was leaving the park, I suddenly saw a bright five-star red flag on the stall. I couldn't wait to buy it. Look, how impressive it is to hold it in your hand. It seems that you are wishing your mother a happy birthday!

国庆作文 篇6


This year is the 60th anniversary of the founding of New China, and every Chinese should be proud! To celebrate the 60th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the most fundamental thing is to carry out publicity and education through activities so that the spirit of patriotism can continue to be carried forward. We should be highly responsible and pragmatic.


We are the flowers of our motherland and the future of our motherland! The good learning environment is what our motherland has given us. Therefore, we should cherish it, study hard and return to our motherland in the future.


The founding of New China and the establishment of the basic socialist system have put an end to the fragmentation of the old China, the humiliation of the nation and the suffering of the people, and achieved the broadest and most profound social change in Chinese history. Since then, the Chinese people have stood up, and China has embarked on the road of independence, democracy and reunification. The development of the Chinese nation has opened a new historical era.


Since the founding of New China, especially since the reform and opening up, the face of the Chinese people, the face of socialist China, the face of the CPC has undergone historic changes. The 60 years since the founding of New China have marked the 60th anniversary of the national spirit and the spirit of the times. The people of all ethnic groups have never been united and live in harmony before. The Chinese nation has made great strides to catch up with the advancing tide of the times and ushered in a bright future of great rejuvenation.


We are growing. In the process of growth, we can contribute to the new China, such as saving food; Do not use disposable products, and turn off the tap; Don't spend money carelessly, don't buy some useless things, etc.

国庆作文 篇7


Time flies like an arrow. The annual National Day is coming.


On National Day, my family and my mother's colleagues went to Heilong Beach to play.


During the journey, I saw many buildings with five-star red flags waving in the wind. After two hours of driving, I came to the dam of Heilongtan. The dam is 271 meters long and 53 meters high, narrowing from the bottom to the top. This magnificent dam is made of stone blocks. It is the crystallization of the wisdom and hard work of the people. Next to the dam stands a granite monument with Guo Moruo's autograph "Heilongtan Reservoir", which is glittering and powerful. A lifelike dragon is carved beside the tablet.


Then we went to take a cruise ship, and the ship set sail. The gentle breeze blew from time to time, which was very cool. On the boat, you can see a large group of fish swimming with the boat. It seems to be racing with the boat. Under the sunlight, the water on the lake is sparkling. After a while, the ship stopped at the wharf of Panlong Island. We happily walked onto Panlong Island. The rugged mountain road was paved with stone slabs. There were thick forests on both sides of the road. I thought I would see groups of monkeys, but I was surprised to see only two monkeys. From a distance, two monkeys seem to be playing.


Later, we went to take a speedboat. The speed of the speedboat was four or five times that of the cruise ship. The speedboat bumped from side to side. It seemed that people were close to the water. The strong wind was blowing against us, which was very exciting. The white spray was aroused behind the speedboat, and the water on both sides of the speedboat sprayed outward. Twenty minutes later, after taking the speedboat, we returned to the shore.


This National Day, I am so happy! I will always remember this National Day.