
时间:2022-08-02 13:24:28 | 来源:语文通



In this unforgettable military camping dinner, I know the rules.


After a few hours of combat training, our stomach is ready to sing.I thought I could go directly to the cafeteria for dinner now, but what made me never expect was that we had to stand in front of the cafeteria for more than ten minutes! It was our stomach sang a song.


Finally walked into the cafeteria, all of us sat on the designated seat.Just as everyone wants to pinch vegetables.The teacher taught us to get up and said that we can't sit down to eat now. Only the instructor said "sitting" we can sit down.Soon the instructor said "sitting".We sat on the stool with their butt and were ready to eat.But the instructor said that it is not when you are eating now, and only when you say "eat" can you eat.At this moment I saw Shen Shuo, who was hungry, sneaked into the rice bowl and grabbed some rice into my mouth.Unexpectedly, the teacher was discovered.


Finally, the instructor said "eating", at that time the rice in our eyes was so fragrant, the vegetables were so delicious.Chicken legs, cabbage, and soup are mountains and sea flavors.Don't take it for the plate.Xia Kaiyu, who was hungry, forgot to forget that he was not the head of the table. He took the rice bowl to add meals. Fortunately, the teacher reminded.


In this unforgettable barracks dinner, I understand the rules.



1、军营:军营读音为jūn yíng,是指兵营。 兵营,即军队留驻的住所军营 jūn yíng词语解释:兵营。[military camp;barracks] 兵营,即军队留驻的住所分词解释:兵营:军队居住的营房。● 军(軍) jūn ㄐㄩㄣˉ◎ 武装部队:军威。军服。行(xíng )军。军功。军犬。军备。军纪。军衔。军阀。军令状。异军突起。溃不成军。◎ 军队的编制单位,是“师”的上一级。◎ 泛指有组织的集体:劳动大军。● 营(營) yíng ㄧㄥˊ◎ 军队驻扎的地方,借指按编制集体生活的地方:营地。营房。营垒。军营。野营。阵营。步步为营(军队前进一步就设一道营垒,喻行动谨慎,防备极严)。◎ 军队的编制单位,连的上一级。◎ 筹划,管理,建设:营业。营作。营田。营造。经营。国营。私营。◎ 谋求:营求。营生。营救。营养。钻营。◎ 姓。...军营怎么造句,用军营造句»

2、晚餐:晚餐读音为wǎn cān,是指一天结束时吃的一顿饭。 一天结束时吃的一顿饭晚餐 wǎn cān词语意思:一天结束时吃的一顿饭。[supper;dinner] 一天结束时吃的一顿饭分词解释:一天:1.一昼夜。 2.指一个白天。 3.犹一时,泛指不太长的时间。 4.整天;成天。 5.某一天。 6.一块天空。 7.指满天。 8.一重天。 9.如天之大。形容很大,很多。● 晚 wǎn ㄨㄢˇ◎ 太阳落了的时候:晚景。晚霞。晚会。晚报。◎ 一个时期的后段,在一定时间以后:来晚了。晚年。晚期。晚节。晚婚。◎ 后来的:晚生(旧时文人对前辈的自谦)。晚辈。◎ 姓。● 餐 cān ㄘㄢˉ◎ 吃:餐具。餐厅。聚餐。风餐露宿。◎ 饭食:早餐。西餐。◎ 量词,指一顿饭:一日三餐。...晚餐怎么造句,用晚餐造句»

3、难忘:难忘读音为nán wàng,是指1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。难忘 nán wàng词语意思:1.无法忘记。 2.永远留在脑海里。 3.值得记忆的。(1) [unforgettable]∶无法忘记难忘的时刻(2) [ever lasting]∶永远留在脑海里一个具有政治胆识的难忘行动(3) [memorable]∶值得记忆的难忘的岁月分词解释:海里:计量海洋上距离的长度单位,一海里等于1,852米。旧也作浬。记忆:①记住或想起:小时候的事情有些还能记忆起来。②保持在脑子里的过去事物的印象:记忆犹新。忘记:1.不记得。 2.该做的事没有想到去做。 3.没有感觉到。永远:1.长远;永久。 2.一直;从来。 3.晋代隐居于庐山的两个高僧惠永与惠远的并称。...难忘怎么造句,用难忘造句»